The numbers: RWE, Germany’s largest power generator, reported a ?2.8 billion ($3.9 billion) net loss in 2013, the company’s first loss in its history, which stretches back more than 60 years to the founding of the Federal Republic of Germany in 1949. ・・・・its operating profit in 2013 fell by 8% versus the previous year. But what ended RWE’s remarkably long run of net profits was a ?4.8 billion write-down of the value of its fossil fuel-fired power plants in Germany and the Netherlands. 化石燃料火力の設備のwrite-downを?4.8 billion計上して大幅赤字
What’s interesting: RWE’s mothballed plants were “forced out of the market by subsidized solar power,” according to CEO Peter Terium, who believes utilities like his are facing “the worst structural crisis in the history of energy supply.”
Europe’s dogged pursuit of a solar- and wind-powered future has jacked up energy prices for households and industry alike. For families, it has meant higher monthly power bills?a tax felt most keenly by the poor. For businesses, it has even farther-reaching implications. As the EUobserver reports, more than a hundred leaders of European industry are warning that these rising costs are threatening the EU’s economic recovery:
EU leaders must address rising energy prices and climate policies which are crippling the bloc’s manufacturing sector, according to a manifesto signed by more than 100 industry bosses. One hundred and thirty seven chief executives, including the heads of Tata Steel, Arcelor Mittal, and Rio Tinto, signed up to a paper published by the International Federation of Industrial Energy Consumers (IFIEC) Europe on Thursday (27 February).
“EU economic recovery and reversing trends in employment will not happen without industry,” the paper states.(ry
Europe is beginning to feel the pains of its policy of placing the environment before the economy. This is a shame, because the two aren’t necessarily mutually exclusive.
Putin's territorial ambitions shouldn't have surprised anyone who was paying attention. "The collapse of the Soviet Union was the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century," he said in a 2005 speech. "For the Russian people, it became a genuine tragedy. Tens of millions of our fellow citizens and countrymen found themselves beyond the fringes of Russian territory" ? in neighboring republics like Ukraine, he meant.
So how should the U.S. navigate this second, more local version of the Cold War? For advice, I turned to George F. Kennan, the master diplomat who designed the "containment" strategy that guided nine U.S. presidents the first time around. (Kennan died in 2005, but he left a large body of writing ? plus Gaddis, his biographer.)
"Kennan would not have been surprised by Putin," Gaddis told me. "Putin is exactly what he would have expected. What would have surprised him would have been if some kind of Scandinavian democrat had come to power in Moscow."
Kennan's advice to American presidents dealing with Russia was consistent for decades: He argued that a patient strategy of opposing Soviet expansion through diplomatic and military pressure, leaving a "way open for a compliance not too detrimental to Russian prestige," would eventually lead to the collapse of communism.
“They have a hard pill to swallow,” said a senior French official. “They deny they have invaded Crimea and they don’t recognise the [interim] Ukrainian government.” Several hours of talks with Mr Lavrov broke up without any clear breakthrough. However, US secretary of state John Kerry and Mr Lavrov said they agreed to continue intensive talks over the next few days. They will meet again in Rome on Thursday, Mr Kerry said. He said he felt ? without specifying details ? that “something concrete” had come out of the Paris talks and he was encouraged that Russia wanted a dialogue. “That’s the beginning of a negotiation,” he said. フランス政府高官は「ロシアは容認しがたい強硬な態度を崩さない」という。「ロシア はクリミアへの侵略を認めず、ウクライナ暫定政権も認めない」ロシア外相との数時間 の会議は見るべき結果をもたらさず、今後の協議に持ち越した。ケリー国務長官は木曜 日にローマで会議するという。彼はパリの協議で「確固たるもの」が得られたといい ロシアとの対話を続けると述べた。 Meanwhile, a US-led push for allied agreement to impose sanctions on Russia also faltered with the strong resistance of Germany, which was prepared only to cut off visa liberalisation and trade agreement talks with Russia. Alex Stubb, Finland’s Europe minister, warned that the EU ultimately had very little power to respond to Russia. “There isn’t that much that we could do at the end of the day. And I think the Russians know that.” アメリカの主導するロシアへの制裁措置についてドイツが強く反対している。ドイツ はVISAと通商会談の制約のみに賛成。フィンランドのAlex StubbはEUがロシアに対向 する上でたいへん弱い力しか持たないと警告した。「結局のところ我々位できる事は 多くはない。そして私はロシアがそれを知っていると思う」
Iron ore smuggling by the Knights Templar drug cartel in Mexico added up to nearly 272,000 tonnes last year ? 44 per cent of the ore produced in the entire country. Alfredo Castillo, the government official in charge of co-ordinating security efforts in the western state of Michoacan where the Knights Templar have held sway, told a news conference that organised criminals netted around $15 per tonne of ore exported every month. メキシコ政府は麻薬カルテルのKnights Templarが国内生産の44%にあたる272,000トンの 鉄鉱石を昨年、中国に密輸出していたと公表した(後略)
ttp:// The southern peninsula of Crimea, which the Soviet Union transferred to Ukraine in 1954 and which now hosts the Russian military's Black Sea Fleet, is the only region in the country where ethnic Russians are a majority (60 percent of a population of 2 million). And a good number of them favor closer relations with, if not outright annexation by, Moscow; according to one recent poll, 42 percent of Crimean residents want Ukraine to unite with Russia.
・・・Earlier in the week, the commander of the Russian Black Sea fleet, Adm. Alexander Vitko, visited Ukraine’s South Base, according to the deputy base commander, Capt. Viktor Shmiganovsky. “He asked me to invite all the officers and suggested that we collectively take up the Russian military allegiance oath and become part of the Black Sea fleet … promising good pay and a bright future,” Shmiganovsky said in an interview. “He insisted we do that to help protect Ukraine from extremist gangs.” The officer said his boss, the base commander, retorted: “Comrade admiral, we didn't see any extremist gangs here until you came with your men.” He said the admiral left “in a rage.”・・・,0,5215300.story#axzz2vA5sMd4T
・・・The United States invoked the Monroe Doctrine, along with the imperatives of the Cold War, to justify some of its own interventions there: in Cuba, Panama, Nicaragua, Chile, Grenada, the Dominican Republic, Venezuela - it’s a long list. But as the Obama administration has tried to point out to Vladimir Putin, this is the 21st century, and the age when nations had spheres of interest is over. Yet for the United States, the Monroe Doctrine isn’t exactly a musty relic. In fact, the U.S. government did not pronounce the doctrine dead until last November, when Secretaryof State John Kerry, in a speech to the Organization of American States, proclaimed, “The era of the Monroe Doctrine is over.” From proclamation to renunciation, that era lasted 190 years.・・・
Washington ? The White House is imposing visa restrictions on Russians and Crimeans who it says are “threatening the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine.” In addition, President Barack Obama has signed an executive order authorizing sanctions against “individuals and entities responsible for activities undermining democratic processes or institutions in Ukraine.” The new action on visas comes in addition to a U.S. policy denying visas to those involved in human rights abuses related to political oppression in Ukraine. The White House announcement comes as Western nations have been wrestling with a response to Russia’s military incursion into Ukraine’s Crimean peninsula.
The Senate rejected President Obama’s nominee to lead the Justice Department’s civil rights division on Wednesday in a stunning 47-52 vote in which seven Democrats abandoned their leadership. (民主党が過半を持つ上院で)七人の民主党議員が反対に回り承認を否決
The vote was all the more remarkable for the five Democrats in tough reelection races this year who voted in vain to move Debo Adegbile’s nomination forward. Their votes now become ammunition for Senate Republicans, who argued Adegbile was unfit to serve because of his legal work in support of Mumia Abu-Jamal, who was convicted of killing Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner in 1981. 共和党の反対理由は指名された候補者がフィラデルフィア警官殺人事件の弁護に活動した 為で、民主党議員は中間選挙への悪影響を恐れて反対に回った
The vote was a stinging defeat for the White House that showed President Obama is politically out of step with some centrist Democrats heading into the midterm elections. 一部の中道派の民主党議員はホワイトハウスが中間選挙に向けて、政治的にアウトオブ ステップと批判しており、ホワイトハウスにとって打撃となった 15:17: Russian President Vladimir Putin is not among those targeted by US sanctions in connection with the Ukraine crisis, Reuters quotes a senior US official as saying. "It is an unusual and extraordinary circumstance to sanction a head of state, and we would not begin our designations by doing so," the official said.
The albeit rather threadbare premise behind the west’s approach has hitherto been that Moscow wants to be included, if with some exceptions, in a rules-based order. That, however much he rails against cruel history, Mr Putin wants to remain a member of the club. Hence Russia’s participation in the G8, its “strategic partnership” with the EU, the Nato-Russia Council in Brussels, membership of the World Trade Organisation and so on.
Some wonder whether western governments should boycott the next meeting of the G8 in Sochi. The more apposite question is why on earth they should continue with the pretext that Russia is part of the club. The same can be said of other agreements ? on trade, investment and energy ? under discussion with Moscow. Why sign accords that one side feels no obligation to respect? Of course, there will always be business to be done with Mr Putin. Russia is an important power. But the west should shed its illusions in favour of a transactional approach. Interests will sometimes coincide and sometimes collide. There may be bargains to be struck and trade-offs to be made when it suits both sides. But Europe should not imagine the Kremlin leadership is playing on the same board. Oddly enough, hard-nosed realpolitik could over time promote a better relationship.
● Economic and financial sanctions These are the most severe economic penalties available but as well as punishing Russia they would be costly for the west. The US is considering Iran-style sanctions on a selection of Russian banks should Russia deploy troops in eastern Ukraine. European governments are more wary. They have deeper economic ties with Russia and more to lose. In any case, both the EU and US see this as a last resort. The EU has said it will impose penalties among a “broad range of economic measures” should Russia take “further steps to destabilise Ukraine”.Angela Merkel, German chancellor, suggested these would be triggered in the event of an incursion into eastern Ukraine.
Last updated: March 6, 2014 7:59 pm US and allies punish Russia over Ukraine By Geoff Dyer in Washington, Peter Spiegel in Brussels and Guy Chazan in Simferopol
ttp:// US reinforces air strength in Europe DEBKAfile March 5, 2014, 10:22 PM (IST) The Pentagon announced Wednesday that it was sending another six F-15 fighter-bombers to its Baltic air policing operation. This is the first military step the US has taken in relation to the Ukraine crisis. Earlier this week, Moscow placed its surface missiles in Kaliningrad on a state of alert.
ttp:// Russia scuttles an old vessel to block sea outlet DEBKAfile March 6, 2014, 7:46 PM (IST) DEBKAfile reports that the Russian Navy Thursday scuttled the ageing Ochalov sub-hunter in the channel leading out of Lake Donuzlav to the Black Sea, thereby snapping shut the jaws of a trap for the Ukraine Fleet to escape from its base to the open sea.
クリスチャン・サイエンス・モニター ttp:// Obama's bind: He may have to accept a Russian Crimea US acts to begin a regimen of sanctions against Russia, but holds off actually imposing them in favor of pursuing a diplomatic solution. Still, preventing Russia's annexation of Ukraine's Crimea region seems increasingly difficult. By Howard LaFranchi, Staff writer / March 6, 2014
Obama may be right that the invasion of one country by another is not condoned under international law. But the complicating factor in the Ukraine case, many international relations experts note, is that the invading power is Russia: a veto-wielding member of the United Nations Security Council, a nuclear power, and a former empire that until 1954 did include Crimea as part of its territory. Moreover, Russia does appear to have the people of Crimea on its side. These complications help explain why the Obama administration and in particular Secretary of State John Kerry continue to press for a diplomatic solution. ・・・ But foreign policy analysts who suspect Putin’s goal all along has been to reclaim Crimea for Russia say he may prefer to wait for the people of Crimea to vote overwhelmingly to join Russia. That would seem to guarantee that the US would move beyond visa bans to designate individuals under the sanctions it put in place Thursday, but it may be a price Putin is willing to pay.
BEIJING, March 7 (Xinhua) -- For a brief moment, Western leaders might have stopped to congratulate themselves for their "accomplishments" in Ukraine. With their backing, Ukrainian opposition protesters successfully toppled the pro-Russian government, forcing out the president they loathe and dealing a humiliating blow to the Kremlin. The West might have scored a major victory in this latest round of goepolitical fight. But things turned out otherwise. 西欧はウクライナ野党の反政府抗議行動を支援して親ロシア政権の転覆に成功したので この最新の地政学的な試合に勝ったかのように見えたのだが Shortly afterwards, Russia struck back. Now, with Russian military personnel deployed in eastern Ukraine to protect Russia's legitimate interests and pro- Russian regions clamoring for a secession from Kiev, Ukraine is teetering on the brink of total chaos and disintegration. ロシアは直ぐに反撃に転じ東ウクライナにロシア軍人を配してロシアの権益とロシア系 住民の安全確保に動き、親ロシアのクリミア地域のキエフ暫定政府からの分離を促した ので、ウクライナは混乱と分裂の危機に陥った The West's strategy for installing a so-called democratic and pro-Western Ukrainian government did not get anywhere at all. On the contrary, they have created a mess they do not have the capacity or wisdom to clean. 西欧の親西欧的な「民主政権」の樹立という戦略は上手く機能せず、逆に彼ら西欧はそ の手によって収拾することの出来ない混迷を創りだしてしまった Their ill-fated plan was fundamentally flawed from the very beginning. First of all, they were destined to shoot their own feet when they, under the cliche pretense of supporting democracy, interfered in Ukrainian domestic affairs by engaging in biased mediation.
西欧の拙い計画というのは民主的政権という名目でウクライナの内政に干渉するという 怪しげなものであって Second, they underestimated Russia's will to protect its core interests in Ukraine. Russia may no longer be interested in competing for global preeminence with the West, but when it comes to cleaning a mess the West created in the country's backyard, Russian leaders once again proved their credibility and shrewdness in planning and executing effective counter moves. 西欧はまたロシアがウクライナ国内の核心的国益を守ろうとする強い意思を読み違えて いた。国益を守るという目標においてロシアの指導者は迅速かつ効果的な計画の遂行能 力を証明し信頼性を高めた Last but not least, Western leaders were delusional when they believed they, with dented moral authority and shrinking financial coffers, could still take up such a grand task of nation-building. 西欧指導者は予算的な余裕を失いつつある中で、またモラル・オーソリティが怪しく なりつつある中で、それでもなお他国に干渉して民主政権を作ろうという幻影にとら われているのだ Unfortunately, Ukraine and its people have become a big victim in this grueling process. 残念ながらウクライナ国民は、そういう実験に付き合わされた被害者で The Ukrainian people do not get the democracy or prosperity the West promises. Instead, all they can see in their beloved country now is political confusion and economic depression. ウクライナ国民が西欧の約束した民主制を手にすることはなく、そこに見るものは政 治的混乱と経済的困窮である The West itself also becomes a loser as the fiasco in Ukraine will surely erode its credibility. さらに西欧自身もウクライナに関与して自らの信頼性を落としているので大失敗の被 害者だが For the rest of the world, once again, people see another great country torn apart because of a clumsy and selfish West that boasts too many lofty ideals but always comes up short of practical solutions.
他の国から見ればウクライナという国への西欧の利己的な、非実用的で勝手な理想の 押し付けが、その国を分裂させているようにみえるだろう Major powers should set their animosity aside and start working for a compromise. The Ukrainians should abandon their political infighting and work to restore law and order in their country as soon as possible. 主要国は妥協を探るべきであり政治的闘争を終結させウクライナという国の法と秩序 の回復に着手すべきだ After all, an independent, complete and stable Ukraine best serves the interests of all, including China. 独立して安定的な、分裂のないウクライナが最も望ましく中国にとってもそうである
・・・For the unemployed and pensioners in Crimea's capital , the democratic political system that replaced the totalitarian one has brought nothing but misery and poverty -- the disintegration of their values and communities. The Soviet Union may not have allowed much freedom, the thinking goes, but at least there was food on the table, jobs, security, social benefits. In that sense, the fight in Crimea is not so much about a Russian future, but about a longing for the securities provided during a Soviet past. ・・・
ttp:// THE BATTLE FOR UKRAINE Published on March 6, 2014 WALTER RUSSELL MEAD Russia Blows Past Obama’s “Off Ramp” Yet another western plan for Ukraine ended in failure today. Will this hurt Obama’s standing in the Middle East? ロシアはオバマの「出口ランプ」を駄目にした 今日、またひとつの西欧側のウクライナ計画が破綻したが、この事件はオバマの 中東政策を傷つけることになるか? WALTER RUSSELL MEAD
In any case, global political instability, in which there is a bull market these days, tends to drive up the price of Russia’s gas and oil exports, and this is the bottom line the Russian president probably watches most closely. Trouble in Europe and trouble in the Middle East brings more money into Russia’s coffers, not less. 最近のグローバルな政治的不安定性はロシアのガスと石油の価格を高める。それらの輸出 価格こそロシアの大統領の最も注目するものである。欧州や中東のトラブルはロシアを利 するものであって、その逆ではない
He’s blocked his worst case outcome?a united Ukraine moving to the West with the eastern political leadership backing the move. The West is largely stuck with the financial support for Ukraine (meaning that US and EU taxpayers will be paying Ukraine’s back bills to Gazprom and other Russian entities), and now that he has Crimea in hand, the divisions between east and west can be exploited by Russia down the road. プーチンは彼にとって最悪のシナリオであるウクライナの西側への吸収を阻止した。今や 彼はクリミアを手にしてウクライナの東西分裂は彼の手の中にある
Looking at the bigger picture, Putin probably also thinks the United States needs him more than he needs us at the moment. The Obama administration, he likely believes, is desperate to avoid further trouble in the Middle East. In Syria, in the Israeli-Palestinian negotiations, and in the Iranian negotiations, it is out on a limb, engaged in very high stakes diplomacy where the odds don’t favor it. Russia can’t do a lot about the Israeli-Palestinian negotiations, but it can probably spoil the Iran negotiations and make Syria an even more horrible diplomatic and political problem for the Obama administration than it already is. Indeed, Samantha Power is now stating that Syria is dragging its feet in negotiations over the destruction of chemical weapons facilities. The U.S. should not expect any help from Russia as it searches for progress in Syria. より大きな構図で見ればプーチンが恐らく思っているであろうことは、アメリカが彼を 必要とする程度が、彼がアメリカを必要とする程度を上回るということであろう。オバ マ政権はこれ以上の中東でのトラブルを避けるために、シリアであれイスラエル・パレ スチナであれイランとの交渉であれロシアの協力を要する。ロシアは恐らくイランとの 核開発抑制交渉への協力をスポイルするであろうし、シリアの問題をオバマ政権の更な る悩みのタネにするだろう。シリアの化学兵器廃棄プロセスで、ロシアの協力は期待し がたい。 From a Russian point of view, there already was a cold war between Moscow and Washington, and the West’s effort to snatch Ukraine last fall was a unilateral escalation of that conflict and an existential threat to the foundations of both the Putin government and the Russian national project. Putin believes he is fighting back and it looks as if his interest in punishing Obama over Ukraine is greater than his (limited and conditional) desire to keep working with Obama on issues like arms control. ロシアから見ればモスクワとワシントンの間は既に冷戦関係があって西欧側が一方的に ウクライナを盗み取ろうとしたことは紛争のエスカレーションであって、ロシア政府と ロシア国家プロジェクトの存続を脅かすものである。プーチンは逆襲しているわけであ ってオバマとの軍縮交渉に貢献するよりもオバマを懲罰したいであろう
Russian diplomats expect to be getting urgent calls for help from desperate American diplomats trying to get Iran to an acceptable agreement and perhaps also to keep the Syrians within some kind of bounds. They are probably also expecting some interesting calls from Saudis, and from Egyptian generals with Saudi money in their bank accounts, looking to punish the Obama administration by creating the appearance of a new Russian role in Egyptian military affairs. It’s quite possible that the value of some Saudi backed arms deals with Egyptians and maybe Pakistanis could more than offset the cost of western sanctions to the Russian economy. In any case, Russia thinks it has some running room in foreign policy now, and we should expect it to take advantage where it can. ロシアの外交官は落胆したアメリカの外交官がシリアやイランの問題で協力要請を してくると期待している。彼らはまたサウジアラビアからの協力要請を期待してい て、サウジの金銭的支援を得たエジプトの将軍からの商談も期待しているだろう。 サウジアラビアの金銭的支援によるエジプト、パキスタンとの商談は西欧の経済制 裁を補填してロシア経済を助けるだろう。いすれにせよロシアは今や外交の機会を 得ている
We shall see, but the most important question now probably isn’t what happens next in Ukraine. The question is how does the breakdown of the Obama administration’s Russia policy affect America’s position in the Middle East. Will Iran now assume that it can have more backing from Russia and will that harden its stance in the nuclear talks? Will Assad now conclude that he has less to fear from the Americans than ever before? Will that be reflected in a continual hardening of his stance on chemical weapons? ウクライナの次に来るものがウクライナの事件以上に重要であろう。それは、オバ マ政権のロシア政策の破綻がアメリカの中東政策に与える悪影響のことで、イラン やシリアの問題である(後略)
このサイバースネークは昨年から現れ始め Viktor Yanukovich政権の転覆に至る時期に 最も激しくバラまかれた。これは情報の抜き出しのみならず多機能を持つもので、産業 機器の破壊や電力水道などの運用管理の妨害、金融機関の撹乱などに使えるという。
“Whoever made it really is a very professional outfit,” Mr Garfield added. “It has a very high level of sophistication. It is a complex architecture with 50 sub-modules designed to give it extreme flexibility and the ability to evolve. It has neat and novel technical features.”
“You never get beyond reasonable doubt levels of proof in this area but if you look at it in probabilistic terms ? who benefits and who has the resources ? then the list of suspects boils down to one,” said Nigel Inkster, until 2006 director of operations and intelligence for MI6 and now director of transnational threats at the think tank IISS. “Until recently the Russians have kept a low profile, but there’s no doubt in my mind that they can do the full scope of cyber attacks, from denial of service to the very, very sophisticated.” 誰がこれをやっているのかは不明であるが専門家はロシアの手になるものではないか という
これは今日のFT記事で、2月末にロシア軍がウクライナの中枢機関を占拠して、計画通り ウクライナの政治状況を一変させたと書いている ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ttp:// Ukraine crisis: Pretext and plotting behind Crimea’s occupation By FT Reporters March 7, 2014 7:41 pm
Under cover of darkness, they made their move. Just before 5am on February 27 ? a Thursday ? several dozen masked men with guns stormed the Soviet-era parliament building in Simferopol on Ukraine’s Crimean peninsula. Inside, the dazed Ukrainian police inside offered no resistance. “It was all very organised,” said Vladimir, a teenager standing with pro-Russian demonstrators outside. “In five minutes they occupied the entire building.”
By dawn a Russian tricolour had replaced the Ukrainian flag over Crimea’s parliament. As the gunmen looked on, an extraordinary session voted in a new local premier, Sergei Aksyonov, leader of the small pro-Moscow Russian Unity party.
Now events began to unfold as if according to a pre-planned script. Within 48 hours, more unidentified armed men ? widely believed to be Russian forces, though they never said a word, leaving the less professional but more talkative militia men to field journalists’ questions ? had fanned out to surround strategic sites across the peninsula. Early on Friday, February 28, more soldiers ? well armed and in uniform but without insignia ? appeared outside Simferopol’s airport and at Belbek military airfield, near Sevastopol.(ry
U.S. President Barack Obama, a former law professor who should know better, has charged Vladimir Putin, his Russian counterpart, with violating Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity, in breach of international law. オバマ大統領は大学で法を教えていたので解っているはずなのだが But it is Obama, following in Bush's footsteps, who has repeatedly and cynically flouted international law by launching or backing myriad armed attacks on foreign soil, in Libya, Somalia, Yemen and Pakistan to name a few, without U.N. security council authorization. でも、オバマ大統領もブッシュ大統領と同じように国連安保理の承認なしに国際法 を無視して他国への武力攻撃を行ってきたわけで、リビア、ソマリア、イエメン、 パキスタンなど枚挙にいとまがない。 It is Obama's administration which continues to undermine international law by refusing to join or recognize the International Criminal Court, the most important instrument of international justice to have been developed since 1945. 更にオバマ政権もICC(国際司法裁判所)への参加を拒否し続けている
And it is Obama's State Department, principally in the person of Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, that fatally overplayed its hand in the run-up to last month's second Ukraine revolution. Nuland's infamous "f**k the EU" comment revealed the extent to which Washington was recklessly maneuvering to undermine Ukraine's elected pro-Russian president, Viktor Yanukovych, by backing the Kiev street protesters' demands. オバマの国務省は国務次官補のVictoria Nulandが、ようつべにうpされた盗聴電話記録 のなかの"f**k the EU"という台詞で判るように、合法的に選挙で選ばれた親ロシアの Viktor Yanukovychを極度に軽視している。それはキエフの街頭の反政府抗議行動への 明確な支持のためである
The EU had wanted to take things more gradually, for fear of provoking the very Russian reaction to which the U.S. now so strongly objects. When the foreign ministers of Germany, France and Poland, acting for the EU, negotiated a compromise agreement on February 22 that envisaged early elections, the crisis appeared to have been defused. Russia did not like the deal, but seemed ready to go along. EUはロシアとのウクライナ問題の扱いを、より慎重に進めたかった。それはロシアの報復 を恐れたためで、2月22日の早期選挙への暫定合意は危機を沈静化させるものであった。ロ シアはこの合意を快く思わなかったが、それに従うことを認めた But within 24 hours, the opposition had torn up the agreement. It forced Yanukovych from power and sacked the government. To alarm in Moscow, where nightmarish World War II memories linger, Ukrainian neo-fascists were among those who seized control. They are now part of the new government in Kiev. 合意は、しかし24時間も持たず反政府側がそれを破った。反政府側はYanukovych大統領を 追い出して政府を転覆させた。これがロシア政府をしてWWIIのウクライナの悪夢を思い出 さしめた。ウクライナのネオ・ファシストがウクライナ新政府に含まれていることも懸念 事項である The U.S. almost immediately gave its blessing to what the Kremlin later described as a "coup d'etat" while the EU, knowing this was what Washington wanted, just looked on. Little wonder the Russians were furious at what they saw as a western double cross. アメリカ政府は、このロシアの言うクーデター政権を即時に祝福し、EUはアメリカの歓迎 をみて、ただそれを眺めていた。ロシアがどういう判断をしたかは想像に容易い(ry
There has been quite some time that the US has been pumping money into different groups across the Ukraine. There is no question about it, they’ve been caught red-handed with Victoria Nuland’s comments. There is over a hundred non-government organizations operating freely throughout the Ukraine, they are funded by the National Endowment of Democracy.
There is also George Soros and Pierre Omidyar. And these efforts have been going on for years. I turn the table and I say: ‘What if Russia was investing billions of dollars in protest movements in the US and, say, those protest movements became highly violent where people were throwing thousands of Molotov cocktails?’ Certainly the American government and the American police forces would be wildly opposed to that and it would cause an incredible I would say attack against the protestors and also attack against Russia.
ttp:// US up for more military expansion using Ukraine as tool to cripple Russia - expert As the tensions over Ukraine don't seem to be subsiding, Scott Rickard, a former American intelligence linguist, told in an interview to the Voice of Russia about the objectivity of international outlets, journalists he trusts, and touched upon a very serious issue of the West investing money into protests staged in other countries all over the globe.
ttp:// From Washington to Moscow, everyone is lying about what’s happening in Ukraine Putin’s statement about the crisis was full of distortions and manipulations. But in an unusual paper meant to expose them, the U.S. State Department offered its own share of inaccuracies and half-truths. By Ariel Danieli Mar. 6, 2014 | 10:50 PM | 8
The U.S. State Department on Thursday accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of lying about what is happening in Ukraine, and particularly regarding the circumstances leading to Russian military intervention in the Crimean Peninsula. The paper the Americans issued is unusual in the diplomatic sphere, and refers to Putin’s statement two days ago to correspondents at his residence. It contains 10 points, about which, the State Department says, Putin lied. But apparently in some of the paragraphs they weren’t entirely accurate on the other side of the Atlantic either. They issued a version that suits U.S. interests. Especially grating, Washington ignored extreme right-wing elements in the new government in Kiev.
The “Ukrainian problem” has been brewing for some time between the West and Russia. Since Ukraine’s Orange Revolution, the United States and Europe have tried to convince Russia that the vast territory should not be a pawn in a great-power conflict but rather an independent nation that could chart its own course. Putin has never seen it that way. For him, Kiev’s movement toward the West is an affront to Russia in a zero-sum game for the loyalty of former territories of the empire. The invasion and possible annexation of Crimea on trumped-up concerns for its Russian-speaking population is his answer to us. ・・・・ The longer-term task is to answer Putin’s statement about Europe’s post-Cold War future. He is saying that Ukraine will never be free to make its own choices ? a message meant to reverberate in Eastern Europe and the Baltic states ? and that Russia has special interests it will pursue at all costs. For Putin, the Cold War ended “tragically.” He will turn the clock back as far as intimidation through military power, economic leverage and Western inaction will allow. ・・・・
Most important, the United States must restore its standing in the international community, which has been eroded by too many extended hands of friendship to our adversaries, sometimes at the expense of our friends. Continued inaction in Syria, which has strengthened Moscow’s hand in the Middle East, and signs that we are desperate for a nuclear agreement with Iran cannot be separated from Putin’s recent actions. Radically declining U.S. defense budgets signal that we no longer have the will or intention to sustain global order, as does talk of withdrawal from Afghanistan whether the security situation warrants it or not.
We must not fail, as we did in Iraq, to leave behind a residual presence. Anything less than the military’s requirement for 10,000 troops will say that we are not serious about helping to stabilize that country.
The events in Ukraine should be a wake-up call to those on both sides of the aisle who believe that the United States should eschew the responsibilities of leadership. If it is not heeded, dictators and extremists across the globe will be emboldened. And we will pay a price as our interests and our values are trampled in their wake.
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●盗まれたパスポートのID#は国際的な犯罪データベースに登録されており、マレーシア 航空のチェックインでデーターベースを照合していれば発見できた可能性がある The use of the stolen passports by passengers on the Malaysia Airlines flight should have been checked against that database by airline officials, he said. ●この偽物パスポートの所有者のテロとの関係を調査中、これまでどの国で使われたとか・・ ●今のところ、テロとの関係を示すものは発見されていない
ttp:// Fuad Sharuji, Malaysia Airlines' vice president of operations control told CNN that the plane was flying at an altitude of 35,000 feet when it disappeared and that the pilots had reported no problem with the aircraft. マレーシア航空の該当のB777は、高度35,000フィートで突如レーダーから消失、 機長からは何の異常報告もなかったという
Malaysia Airlines has now released a press statement urging people around the world to pray for flight MH370. "It has been more than 24 hours since we last heard from MH370 at 1.30 am," it read. "The search and rescue team is yet to determine the whereabouts of the Boeing 777-200 aircraft. "At this stage, [search and rescue] have failed to find evidence of any wreckage. The sea mission will continue overnight while the air mission will recommence at daylight."
An in-flight breakup due to an explosion of any origin could have been the culprit, but Powell said the Triple Seven, as it's universally known by its crews, is a solid airplane, unlikely to experience disastrous mechanical events. "The people I know at Boeing think the 777 is the best airplane they ever built, better than even the 747, " he said in a phone interview. "And you can talk about anything at this point -- clear air turbulence, terrorism, a malfunction. But everything on the 777 was the best I've ever dealt with."
Given the relatively shallow depth of the Gulf of Thailand, the possible crash area, both devices should be located fairly quickly -- a key difference between Malaysia 370 and the similarly baffling Air France 447, which went down in 2009 in the middle of the Atlantic. It took two years to find the recorders on the ocean floor 4,000 meters (13,000 feet) down. The investigation found pilots had reacted improperly to a stall, causing the Airbus 330 to irrecoverably lose control.
That being the case, Putin can sit and wait. He has the upper hand in this game?and the more the West plays on his terms, the stronger his hand will seem. Sanctions won’t change his behavior, except to stiffen it?and once that becomes clear, Putin will seem stronger, the West will seem weaker, and a solution to the Ukraine crisis will recede in the distance.
…1941年初頭、ルース(Henry Robinson Luce April 3, 1898 – February 28, 1967)は『ライフ』誌にエッセイを寄せ、 20世紀が「アメリカの世紀」であると見通していた。「アメリカの世紀」という彼の有名な予見は、アメリカがその比類のない国力により その影響を十分に全世界に及ぼし、国際政治の全体的方向性をコントロールするために伝統的な孤立主義を投げ捨て、 介入的な国際主義へと対外政策を全面的に転換しようとしたものである。
日本には、これまで、少なくとも4つのアンネ・フランクに関する漫画と、3つのアニメ映画があるという。 ユダヤ系フランス人ジャーナリストのAlain Lewkowicz氏は、日本での人気の広がりについて調査し、 『漫画の国のアンネ・フランク Anne Frank au Pays du Manga』というビジュアルブックを、iPadアプリとして発表した。 同氏の主張を、ハアレツが紹介している。
色の革命について、欧米の利益を確保するために革命を支援したり、または革命自体を企図しているなどとして、 ジョージ・ソロスの起こしたオープン・ソサエティ・インスティテュート(Open Society Institute :OSI。いわゆるソロス財団)や アメリカ合衆国が非難の対象となることがある。特筆されるものとして、オレンジ革命の後に中央アジアのいくつかの国が OSI にさまざまな形で圧力を加えている。ウズベキスタンでは OSI の支部に対して強制閉鎖が実施されたり、 またタジキスタンでは国営メディアにより OSI タジキスタンが汚職や癒着に関与しているとして非難されている。
・・・・・・ 全米民主主義基金(National Endowment for Democracy, NED 「民主主義のための全国基金」)は、 レーガン政権時代の1983年に「他国の民主化を支援する」名目で、公式には「民間非営利」として設立された基金。 実際の出資者はアメリカ議会であり、これは基金の年次報告書に掲載される会計報告で確認出来る。
(Reuters) - Officials investigating the disappearance of a Malaysian airliner with 239 people on board are narrowing the focus of their inquiries on the possibility that it disintegrated in mid-flight, a senior source said on Sunday. 航行中の空中分解の可能性を検討していると関係者が語った
Malaysia Airlines flight 370 vanished after climbing to a cruising altitude of 35,000 feet between Kuala Lumpur and Beijing in the early hours of Saturday, but search teams have still not been able to make any confirmed discovery of wreckage in seas beneath the plane's flight path almost 48 hours after it took off. 航空機の残骸など捜索は、未だにその痕跡を発見できない
"The fact that we are unable to find any debris so far appears to indicate that the aircraft is likely to have disintegrated at around 35,000 feet," said the source, who is involved in the investigations in Malaysia. 関係者は、未だに残骸が発見できないことについて、航空機が高度35,000フィートの 上空で空中分解した可能性があるという
If the plane had plunged intact from such a height, breaking up only on impact with the water, search teams would have expected to find a fairly concentrated pattern of debris, said the source, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak publicly on the investigation. 通常は、こうした高度からの墜落の場合、海面との衝突で、残骸はある程度まとまった パターンで発見できるという
IF, AS the Obama administration is convinced, the United States will no longer conduct “long and large stability operations” in foreign countries, then the defense budget it has proposed for next year makes some logical choices. Troop strength, particularly in the Army, is being cut ? to the lowest level since before World War II ? so that money can be spent on new technology, cyber operations and special operations forces, which will be expanded.
As it is, even if the requested budget for next year is fully funded the administration’s ability to pursue its biggest strategic priority ? a “pivot” to Asia ? will be weakened. The Navy will continue to shrink, with a net loss of five ships, and 11 cruisers will be placed in “reduced operating status” while they are being refurbished. The full 11-group aircraft carrier fleet will be kept but maintenance on one, the George Washington, is being deferred; if the $6 billion cost cannot be found in the next year the ship could be retired. In sum, the new defense budget is a patch constructed on the hope that funding needed to sustain even this administration’s constrained strategic objectives can be found in future years. And what if Mr. Obama is wrong, and the United States is forced into a large land operation ? in Syria, Iran, Korea or maybe Eastern Europe? The chances might be small; but if the worst occurs, the United States will not be ready.
ttp:// Vietnam may have found door from missing Malaysia Airlines jet EILEEN NG AND CHRIS BRUMMITT KUALA LUMPUR ? The Associated Press Published Sunday, Mar. 09 2014, 12:56 PM EDT Last updated Sunday, Mar. 09 2014, 1:01 PM EDT Vietnamese authorities searching waters for the missing Boeing 777 jetliner spotted an object Sunday that they suspected was one of the plane’s doors, as international intelligence agencies joined the investigation into two passengers who boarded the aircraft with stolen passports.
In assessing the motives and actions of Vladimir Putin, Hillary Clinton compared them to Adolf Hitler's. Almost always a mistake. After 12 years in power, Hitler was dead, having slaughtered millions and conquered Europe from the Atlantic to the Urals. プーチンの最近の動向を評してヒラリー・クリントンはアドルフ・ヒットラーみたいだと 言うのだけれど、ヒットラーというのは12年の統治で数百万人を殺し欧州大陸の大西洋岸 からウラルまでを占領したひとだ。 And Putin? After 13 years in power, and facing a crisis in Ukraine, he directed his soldiers in the Crimea to take control of the small peninsula where Russia has berthed its Black Sea fleet since Napoleon. これに比べてプーチンは13年の統治でウクライナの危機に際して、ロシアがナポレオンの 時代から黒海艦隊の基地にしてきたクリミア二に兵を送って小さな半島を支配しようとし ているわけで、この比較はあたらない。 But as of now, this is a less bloody affair than Andrew Jackson's acquisition of our Florida peninsula. In 1818, Gen. Jackson was shooting Indians, putting the Spanish on boats to Cuba and hanging Brits. And we Americans loved it. Still, there are parallels between what motivates Putin, a Russian nationalist, and what motivated the Austrian corporal. Hitler's war began in blazing resentment at what was done to Germany after Nov. 11, 1918. ヒラリーのみならず米国メデイアはこの独裁者の侵略に大騒ぎしているのだが、それでも この事件はアンドリュー・ジャクソンがフロリダ半島を併合したのに比べて無血であり、 ジャクソンはインディアンを射殺しスペイン人をキューバに流し、英国人を処刑した。我々 アメリカ人はそれを祝福した。とはいえ、プーチンとヒットラーには共通点もあって、それ は失われた帝国の領土と名誉の回復である (中略)
What did we do? Moved NATO right onto Russia's front porch. We brought all the liberated nations of Eastern Europe into our military alliance, along with three former Soviet republics. The War Party tried to bring Georgia and Ukraine into NATO, which was established to contain and, if necessary, fight Russia. Had they succeeded, we could have been at war with Russia in 2008 over Georgia and South Ossetia, and today over Crimea. Now we hear new calls for Ukraine and Georgia to be brought into NATO. Are these people sane?
Five U.S. presidents who faced far more violent actions by a far more dangerous Soviet Union -- Truman, Ike, JFK, Johnson, Reagan -- refused even to threaten force against Russia for anything east of the Elbe river. These presidents ruled out force during the Berlin Blockade of 1948, the Hungarian Revolution of 1956, the building of the Berlin Wall in 1961, the Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968, and the smashing of Solidarity in Poland in 1981.
Yet, today, we are committed to go to war for Lithuania and Estonia, Obama is sending F-16s to Latvia where half a million Russians live, and the War Party wants Sixth Fleet warships moved into the Black Sea. If there is a Cold War II, or a U.S.-Russia war, historians of tomorrow will as surely point to the Bushes and Clintons who shoved NATO into Moscow's face, as historians today point to the men of Paris who imposed the Versailles treaty upon a defeated Germany in 1919.
>Five U.S. presidents who faced far more violent actions by a far more dangerous >Soviet Union -- Truman, Ike, JFK, Johnson, Reagan -- refused even to threaten >force against Russia for anything east of the Elbe river.
ttp:// Washington Republicans and military experts on Sunday suggested a range of plan to stop Russia’s effort to annex Ukraine’s Crimea region, while former Defense Secretary Robert Gates predicting such efforts might already be a lost cause. "You think Crimea's gone?" “Fox News Sunday” host Chris Wallace asked. "I do," Gates replied. "I do not believe that Crimea will slip out of Russia's hand." (日曜日のTV番組で)前国防長官のロバート・ゲーツはクリミア半島は既にロシアの手に 渡ったとの認識を示した 「クリミははもうロシアのものですか?」との番組ホストのChris Wallaceの問に 「そうです」と答えた「私は、クリミアがロシアの手から離れることはないと思う」
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Mich., told ABC’s “This Week” that Obama should not underestimate Putin’s ego. “He wants to be a world influence, and if he has to do it through brute force, he’s going to do it,” he said. “We shouldn’t underestimate the kinds of things that he will do that he thinks is in Russia’s best interest.” 別の番組で上院諜報委員会の議長である共和党のMike Rogers上院議員はオバマ大統 領がプーチンのエゴを軽く見るべきでは無いと述べた。彼がその決意を固めれば軍事 力の行使もいとわないだろうとした「彼の考えるロシアの国益というものを甘く見る べきでは無い」
Economic sanctions exert a perennial appeal during geopolitical crises because they spill no blood and cost little money, at least compared to the toll of war. These virtues are enough to make everyone forget that they rarely accomplish anything beyond allowing our leaders to posture. Experts on the subject are divided into two groups: those who think sanctions usually fail and those who think they almost always fail. Gary Hufbauer, an economist at the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington, says sanctions have been effective in about 30 percent of the cases they've been used. But he doubts the steps taken by Obama -- what he calls "light" sanctions -- will make any difference in Ukraine.
A revealing example is the U.S. economic embargo of Cuba, which was imposed in 1960 with the goal of driving Fidel Castro's communist government from power. The boycott is still in place, more than a half-century later, and so is the regime. Pessimists are even gloomier. University of Chicago political scientist Robert Pape calculates that sanctions have worked less than 5 percent of the time. The intractable obstacle, he has written, is that modern governments are "willing to endure considerable punishment rather than abandon what are seen as the interests of the nation." Advocates may claim success in the case of Iran, which recently agreed to temporary curbs on its nuclear program after years of economic warfare. But it's too early to know whether this step will yield a permanent solution. There is a very slim possibility that Western economic sanctions will undo his ambitions in Ukraine. There is a better chance that those ambitions will undo themselves.
Barclays' Adam Steinberg also attributes the slump to the Lunar New Year holiday and the higher base. But. tied to the inflated trade numbers seen last year, he thinks "the CNY's recent depreciation, starting in 18 February, could have also deterred hot money-related trade activities, further weighing down the y/y growth rate." UBS' Tao Wang also attributes part of the weakness to the fake data seen last year. "For example, exports to Hong Kong plunged by 21%y/y, but after adjusting for last year's over-invoicing issue we estimate underlying exports grew a robust 19% y/y," Tao writes. "For overall exports, we estimate that the adjusted growth rate was about 5% y/y in USD," in the Jan-Feb period.
In a 2009 visit to Moscow, the springtime of reset, President Obama professed his belief “that Americans and Russians have a common interest in the development of rule of law, the strengthening of democracy, and the protection of human rights.” He was 0 for 3. It didn’t take a student of Russian history, or of international relations or even of the model U.N., to know that this would end in ashes.
At one level, the Obama administration was guilty of the human impulse of wanting to see the world as you would like it to be rather than as it is. At another, the president is not particularly interested in international relations. It was appropriate that one of his statements on the crisis came at an elementary school while he was announcing his latest budget, which reduces the U.S. Army to pre?World War II levels. Because we all know that we will never face an unexpected, unpredictable international crisis again.
This gets to the deeper ambition. The president thought Putin would help him manage an American stand-down from global leadership. Putin was happy to do so ? on his own terms.
Consider the New START treaty. According to nuclear expert Keith Payne, it didn’t require any cuts of deployed warheads or strategic launchers by Russia, which was already under the agreement’s limits, only cuts by the United States. Still, the administration treats the treaty as a signal triumph of American diplomacy. You can imagine Russian national-security analysts arguing over whether this is more pathetic or hilarious.
In a similar vein, President Obama said last week that Ukraine’s stability and success are “in Russia’s interest.” Not if you are Vladimir Putin and stung by the humiliation of the Russian empire’s diminishment after the end of the Cold War and not if you are informed by Catherine the Great’s belief that the only way to secure Russia’s borders is to extend them.
President Obama declares that Russia is on the wrong side of history. That may be a clinching argument in a debate over gay marriage at Wesleyan University, but it won’t carry much weight with Putin. He thinks he can make history move with lies, thuggery, and iron.
●テロ攻撃の対象になった可能性は低いと西欧諸国政府は見ている Investigators in Malaysia are skeptical the Malaysian airliner that disappeared Saturday was the target of an attack, according to U.S. and European government sources close to the probe, Reuters reported.
●高高度で分解した可能性があり、この場合、航空機の残骸は広範囲に散らばる A senior source involved in preliminary investigations in Malaysia said the failure to find any debris indicated the plane may have broken up mid-flight, which could disperse wreckage over a very wide area.
●アメリカのスパイ衛星のデータで、航空機の爆発の情報が無いかをチェックしたが、 それは発見できなかった A U.S. government source said the United States has reviewed imagery taken by American spy satellites for evidence of a mid-air explosion, but saw none.
●航空機の残骸の捜査が続くが、それは困難で有りえる。ただしこの海域は比較的浅い So in terms of finding pieces of the aircraft, if indeed these pieces of aircraft are floating around in the sea, you are really relying on people's eyeballs. And also the wreckage if there is wreckage has had days to spread. And this could make it more challenging to locat
ttp:// Days before Vladimir Putin's troops invaded Ukraine, National Security Adviser Susan Rice dismissed suggestions that Russia was about to pounce. "It's in nobody's interest," she said. Days later, President Obama declared the invasion to be illegal. "In 2014," he said, "we are well beyond the days when borders can be drawn over the heads of democratic leaders." プーチンがウクライナにロシア兵を送り込む数日前のこと、NSCのアドバイザーである スーザン・ライスは、その可能性を否定して「誰もそういうことは考えていない」と述 べた。その翌日オバマ大統領は侵略が違法であると宣言して「2014年の今日、国境が民 主的指導者によって書き直されるという時代は、遥か昔のものとなった」
Two things strike me about those quotes. First, they were right. From the viewpoint of the United States and its allies, invading Crimea made no sense, legally or strategically. Second, it didn't matter: Putin plays by his own set of rules, and it's dangerously naive not to realize that. これを聞いた私は2つの点で驚かされた。(1)彼らの言っていることは正しくて、アメ リカやその同盟国の見地では、クリミアを侵略することには戦略上も国際法からも意味 がない、(2)しかしプーチンは自己のルールでプレイすることには何の障害もなく、彼 がそういう事をし得ると想定しないなら、それは危険なまでにうぶである。
Ukraine is illustrative of a flaw in Obama's worldview that consistently undermines his agenda, both foreign and domestic. He thinks being right is good enough. From fights with Congress over the federal budget and his nominations, to gun control, immigration reform, health care, and Syria, the president displays tunnel-vision conviction, an almost blinding righteousness. I'm right. They're wrong. Why isn't that enough? オバマ大統領にとって、これは国内問題でも同じで、彼の立場から見ればオバマケアで あれ予算の上限問題であれシリア問題であれ銃規制であれ何であれ、彼は正しいので、 その正しいという自信が彼を盲目化させる。私は正しい、これで充分でははないか?
A President Blinded by Righteousness The Ukraine crisis illustrates why being "right" isn't always enough. By Ron Fournier