【政治経済】平成床屋談義 町の噂その476

Wind Energy: The Wheels are Coming Off the Gravy Train  By Marita Noon  Posted on May. 14, 2012
風力エネルギー:楽にお金を稼げるはずであった業界の車輪が外れること(脱線事故)が起きている By Marita Noon

The wind energy industry has been having a hard time. The taxpayer funding that has kept it alive for the last twenty years is
coming to an end, and those promoting the industry are panicking.
Perhaps this current wave started when one of wind energy’s most noted supporters, T. Boone Pickens, “Mr. Wind,” in an April
12 interview on MSNBC said, “I’m in the wind business…I lost my ass in the business.”
に陥っている。4月に、かっては風力発電の熱心な支持者で「ミスター風力」と言われたT. Boone PickensがCNBCのインタビューに答えた

The industry’s fortunes didn’t get any better when on May 4, the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) wrote an editorial titled, “Gouged
by the wind”, in which they stated: “With natural gases not far from $2 per million BTU, the competitiveness of wind power is
highly suspect.” Citing a study on renewable energy mandates, the WSJ says: “The states with mandates paid 31.9% more for
electricity than states without them.”

Then, last week the Financial Times did a comprehensive story: “US Renewables boom could turn into a bust” in which they
predict the “enthusiasm for renewables” … “could fizzle out.” The article says: “US industry is stalling and may be about
to go into reverse. …Governments all over the world have been curbing support for renewable energy.”