【政治経済】平成床屋談義 町の噂その432


Samsung on the run By Philip Elmer-DeWitt September 4, 2011: 6:27 AM ET
The world's No. 1 maker of Android devices is feeling the heat on two fronts
寒村が逃走中  By Philip Elmer-DeWitt 9月4日

Samsung suffered a pair of setbacks last week, although whether they are substantive or superficial remains to be
seen. One called into question its impressive sales figures, the other its legal right to sell devices that bear
such a striking resemblance to Apple's (AAPL) iPhones and iPads.
iPhones と iPadsに関する特許訴訟での幸先の良くないデュセルドルフでの判決である。

Shipments vs. Sales. Samsung made headlines last year when it announced in December that it had shipped 1 million
units of its 7-inch Galaxy Tab -- a figure that Steve Jobs publicly challenged, joking that most of those 1
million Tabs were probably still sitting on the shelf. Jobs may have struck closer to home than he realized, if a
report in Friday's Guardian is to be believed. According to Andrew Barrow, an executive at Lenovo, Samsung sold
only 20,000 Galaxy Tabs in 2020 -- just 2% of the 1 million it shipped. That's an astonishing low number that 's
getting a lot of play in the tech press. But it cannot be considered definitive because it comes from one of
Samsung fiercest competitors.
寒村は昨年12月に100万個の7インチGalaxy Tabを出荷したと発表、これについてジョブズは其の100万個のタブレットは
るAndrew Barrowが寒村のタブレットの販売について2020年までに2万台程度という見通しを語り、業界を驚かせた。ジョ
ブスのジョークは正しかった? この予測については寒村の主要な競合会社の役員の言辞であるだけに判断は難しいが。
97日出づる処の名無し:2011/09/04(日) 20:29:44.91 ID:A61OxvDM
Patent wars. FOSS Patents' Florian Mueller reported Saturday that on the second day of a major electronics trade
show in Berlin Samsung was forced to remove from its booth both its new 7.7-inch Galaxy Tabs and the promotional
material that accompanied them. It even scraped off the product's name where it appeared below the samples. The
incident -- which played out in front of tech journalists from around the world -- stemmed from one of the many
patent suits Apple has filed against Samsung, accusing it of "slavishly" copying Apple's intellectual property.
Last month a regional court in Dusseldorf issued a preliminary ruling in Apple's favor, banning the sale of the
10-inch Galaxy Tab in Europe. According to Mueller, the court has issued a second injunction extending the ban to
cover the new 7.7-inch model.
であった7.7インチのGalaxy Tabsと関連資料を撤去した。先月デュッセルドルフの裁判所はアップルと寒村の特許訴訟でアッ