The Fukushima Daiichi accident has released about 10 percent as much 131-iodine and 137-cesium as the Chernobyl accident,
and the dispersion of the release is much more limited than it was in the case of Chernobyl. Finally, in contrast to the
Ukrainian disaster, Japan has succeeded in restricting consumption of contaminated milk and dairy products and in
distributing iodine tablets.
福島第一原発の事故で放出された131-iodine と 137-cesium はチェルノブイリの10%くらいで、その拡散はチェルノブイリよりも
Based on these considerations, over the next 50 years, we might expect few, if any, cases of thyroid cancer and about
200-1,500 cases of leukemia and other types of cancer. During this interval, about 18 million Japanese will die from
cancers unrelated to Fukushima. Thus, the number of cancer cases that can be attributed to Fukushima should be less than
one per 10,000 -- or well below our level of detection in epidemiological studies. Raising the price of a pack of
cigarettes by 10-20 percent would result in a much greater reduction in cancer risk.