However, it is important to state that the effects of radiation on human health weren't nearly as bad as many people all
over the world still think they were. Even a quarter of a century after Chernobyl, there has been no convincingly
documented increase in leukemia or other cancers. Although this is an adequate observation period for leukemia, it is
too short for other cancers. If we use cancer-risk data derived predominately from the survivors of the atomic bombs at
Hiroshima and Nagasaki, we would estimate 2,000-15,000 excess cancer deaths over the 50-year period following the Chernobyl
However, since we can already expect 80 million non-Chernobyl-related deaths from cancer in the EU and the former Soviet
Union in this same period of time, it is hard to detect an increase of this magnitude. Other concerns, such as genetic
abnormalities and birth defects, have fortunately not materialized. And the observation that cases of leukemia have not
been increasing is also reassuring.
Statistically Hard to Detect
Turning to Fukushima, we can use these data to make some estimates of likely health consequences. No one can say for sure
how much radioactivity will be released in the coming weeks. But we can estimate the damage based on how much has already
been leaked.