448 名前:U-名無しさん@実況はサッカーch[sage] 投稿日:2011/03/19(土) 22:40:44.98 ID:airzmq3t0 豪タスマニアで30頭のゴンドウクジラが打ち上げられた A POD of about 30 pilot whales has strandedon Tasmania's SouthBrunyIsland.
The whales are believed to be pilot whales and became stranded late this afternoon. Department of Parks and Wildlife spokeswoman Liz Wren said about 12 of the whales were still alive and Parks and Wildlife are on the beach trying to help the stranded mammals. She said more staff from the marine team of the department were on their way to help. It is understood workers from salmon farm company Tassal were also on the beach helping. The whales are strandedon Butlers Beachon the northern tip of Larbillardiere Peninsula adjacent to Partridge Island.