【政治経済】平成床屋談義 町の噂その388

MARCH 14, 2011
Japan Does Not Face Another Chernobyl
The containment structures appear to be working, and the latest reactor designs aren't vulnerable to the coolant
problem at issue here. By WILLIAM TUCKER
日本はチェルノブイリ型の大惨事に直面しているわけではない By WILLIAM TUCKER WSJ寄稿評論


If the coolant continues to evaporate, the water level can fall below the level of the fuel rods, exposing them. This will
cause a meltdown, meaning the fuel rods melt to the bottom of the steel pressure vessel.
Early speculation was that in a case like this the fuel might continue melting right through the steel and perhaps even
through the concrete containment structure?the so-called China syndrome, where the fuel would melt all the way to
China. But Three Mile Island proved this doesn't happen. The melted fuel rods simply aren't hot enough to melt steel
or concrete.

The decay heat must still be absorbed, however, and as a last-ditch effort the emergency core cooling system can be
activated to flood the entire containment structure with water. This will do considerable damage to the reactor but will
prevent any further steam releases. The Japanese have now reportedly done this using seawater in at least two of the
troubled reactors. These reactors will never be restarted.
296日出づる処の名無し:2011/03/14(月) 14:27:59.90 ID:8Agc7YfB
None of this amounts to "another Chernobyl." The Chernobyl reactor had two crucial design flaws. First, it used graphite
(carbon) instead of water to "moderate" the neutrons, which makes possible the nuclear reaction. The graphite caught
fire in April 1986 and burned for four days. Water does not catch fire.

Second, Chernobyl had no containment structure. When the graphite caught fire, it spouted a plume of radioactive
smoke that spread across the globe. A containment structure would have both smothered the fire and contained the

If a meltdown does occur in Japan, it will be a disaster for the Tokyo Electric Power Company but not for the general
public. Whatever steam releases occur will have a negligible impact. Researchers have spent 30 years trying to find
health effects from the steam releases at Three Mile Island and have come up with nothing. With all the death,
devastation and disease now threatening tens of thousands in Japan, it is trivializing and almost obscene to spend so
much time worrying about damage to a nuclear reactor.

What the Japanese earthquake has proved is that even the oldest containment structures can withstand the impact of
one of the largest earthquakes in recorded history. The problem has been with the electrical pumps required to operate
the cooling system. It would be tragic if the result of the Japanese accident were to prevent development of
Generation III reactors, which eliminate this design flaw.
297日出づる処の名無し:2011/03/14(月) 14:32:54.69 ID:I6KRgCHM
