ttp://www.debka.com/article/20617/ "Free Egypt" regimes planned alongside March of Millions
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report February 1, 2011, 1:31 PM (GMT+02:00) T
一部の野党勢力は、「エジプト解放区"Free Egypt"」とよぶ野党の統治する都市(地域)の設立を計画
opposition groups, backed by retired army and security forces officers are planning to take over a key delta city,
proclaim it liberated territory and establish there a "Free Egypt" government,
Opposition leaders, including the Muslim Brethren, decided to shun the proposed dialogue out of two considerations:
1. The street does not trust Gen. Suleiman. He is seen as part of Mubarak's ruling circle and hated as the enemy of
Egyptian democracy. Indeed the rigging of parliamentary vote which only two months ago reduced opposition
representation to nil is laid at his door.
2. Some of the factions are already in the process of separate dialogue with army chiefs outside the military and
government mechanisms still loyal to Mubarak.
1 Suleiman将軍(副大統領、政府が交渉担当に指名)はムバラク大統領の内部サークルの人材であり信用できない。
2 一部の野党勢力は、既に国軍の将官と交渉を始めている。政府機関は依然としてムバラク大統領に忠誠を誓っている
DEBKAfile's military and intelligence sources disclose that the generals are informing the president about this separate
track but have not asked him to approve its outcome. This outcome is already falling into two sections which he is
hardly likely to approve. The army and protesters agreed on a mutual non-violence pact, providing for neither to attack
the other. Since Mubarak is standing his ground, the Egyptian crisis continues to be ruled by a standoff between the
president, the army and the masses. To break out of this impasse, certain opposition leaders plan to use the
momentum of the Tuesday march to seize control of a central Egyptian city and proclaim it the capital of Free Egypt.
They will call on other factions to recognizes their administration and establish more Free Egypt regimes in other cities.
For now, Mubarak's foes are looking for suitable candidates to fill posts in the administrations they hope to establish.
ルーにすべく、中部エジプトの都市を占拠し、それをエジプト解放区の首都(capital of Free Egypt)と呼ぶ計画である。彼ら