>>545−547は、英国の代表的なシンクタンクの一つが、先週木曜日発表の中国国家統計局の発表したGDPなどの 値を検証、分析しているものだけれど、これ(↓)は米国のヘリテージ財団のサイトにあるもので、同じようにGDP他 の数字を分析して、理解の難しいものを解釈しようとしているもの。おそらく、中国のQ4GDPは公的数字を超えている であろうけれど、同時に経済のアンバランスが増加していて、銀行融資は20%(y/y)増加、GDPに占める固定資産投 資が70%という数字に・・ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ttp://www.heritage.org/Research/Reports/2011/01/China-Grows-10-Percent-Again-Is-This-Believable China Grows 10 Percent Again: Is This Believable? Published on January 20, 2011 by Derek Scissors, Ph.D.
Fixed investment is an absurd 70 percent of GDP, twice the proportion of just eight years ago. Perhaps when fixed investment exceeds 100 percent of GDP, Beijing will acknowledge that it is a useless measure. ・・・ Better Informed American Policy
The Obama Administration and Congress should listen to Li Keqiang. More reliable figures suggest that China smoothes its GDP results, and its economic challenges are far more daunting than they appear in official renditions. A properly informed American policy will have a better sense of when the time is right to push China and when more aggressiveness would be harmful. Derek Scissors, Ph.D., is Research Fellow in Asia Economic Policy in the Asian Studies Center at The Heritage Foundation.