ttp:// Published 01:46 17.12.10Latest update 01:46 17.12.10
Bloggers claim WikiLeaks struck deal with Israel over diplomatic cables leaks
The lack of information damaging to Israel in the cables released by WikiLeaks has provided fodder for conspiracy
By Danna Harman
By Danna Harman ハーレツ(新聞)、イスラエル、17日
"The answer appears to be a secret deal struck between WikiLeaks' ... Assange ... with Israeli officials, which ensured
that all such documents were 'removed' before the rest were made public," wrote Gordon Duff, an editor of the anti
-war website Veterans Today, who frequently opines about what he believes is Israeli's secret influence over world
アンチイスラエルの反戦サイト、Veterans Todayはイスラエルの諜報機関(モサド)とAssangeが取引したという陰謀論を
Meanwhile, Al Haqiqa, an Arabic language webzine, citing disgruntled WikiLeaks volunteers, adds more details to the
conspiracy, suggesting that this "secret agreement" between Assange and "the Mossad," which allegedly took place in
Geneva, involved Assange's promise not to publish any document that "may harm Israeli security or diplomatic
アラビア語のサイトAl Haqiqaはさらに、モサドとAssangeの取引はジュネーブでの会合の結果、成立したのだという。(後略)