ttp:// The wrong man for Japan (日本にとって悪い、間違った、狂っている、ふさわしくない男)
If Mr Ozawa, who recently referred to Americans as “single-celled organisms”, becomes prime
minister, he will be Japan’s most interesting prime minister since Junichiro Koizumi left office in 2006.
He would also be a disaster.
Mr Ozawa, doubtless a multi-celled organism, has some interesting ideas. He was one of the first to
suggest that Japan become a “normal nation”, throwing off its postwar legacy of leaving its defence
in US hands. In the 1990s, Washington championed him as a political and economic reformer, but has
cooled on him more recently. Mr Ozawa has also advocated friendlier ties with China, yet is openly
contemptuous of that country’s one-party system.
More than his confusing foreign policy stance, Mr Ozawa is unfit to be prime minister because of his
domestic record.
The Japanese public dislikes him. In a recent poll, 79 per cent of respondents said they did not want him
returning to an important party post. Yet so out of touch are Japan’s politicians that he may win anyway.