ttp:// GOP Sees Path to Control of Senate By NAFTALI BENDAVID
共和党は中間選挙で、上院の過半数奪回の可能性が WSJ
WASHINGTON?Democrats for the first time are acknowledging that Republicans could retake the Senate this November
if everything falls into place for the GOP, less than two years after Democrats held a daunting 60-seat majority.
Leaders of both parties have believed for months that Republicans could win the House, where every lawmaker faces
re-election. But a change of party control in the Senate, where only a third of the members are running and
Republicans must capture 10 seats, seemed out of the question.
That's no longer the case. The emergence of competitive Republican candidates in Wisconsin, Washington and
California?Democratic-leaning states where polls now show tight races?bring the number of seats that Republicans
could seize from the Democrats to 11.