【政治経済】平成床屋談義 町の噂その274

ACORN and Health Care Posted by Roger Pilon
ACORNと医療改革に共通する問題 by Roger Pilon

The two are intimately connected by a simple proposition: “Most people want more housing and health care than they
can afford.” Of course, for “housing” or “health care” one could substitute whatever one wishes: food, clothing, cars,
education, entertainment, vacations, you name it. Economists call this the problem of scarcity, and it’s the beginning
of economics.

In a free society, most individuals, families, and firms will deal with that problem through such homely measures as
creating and husbanding wealth, planning for the future, and living within their means. Some, however, will be indifferent
to such discipline and will demand more than they can afford. Enter thus ACORN and the Dems ? the party of
government. ACORN, like our president, is in the “community organizing” business ? a euphemism for putting (some)
people in a position to better demand things from government. Some of those demands are perfectly legitimate: reduce
crime; fix the potholes. But others, the demands ACORN specializes in, are not thus “common.” They can be satisfied,
in a world of scarcity, only by taking from some and giving to others.
512日出づる処の名無し:2009/10/20(火) 03:52:01 ID:VtFKq/M3
And that’s what the housing and health care debates today are largely about. And it’s why on both, the Dems are
having difficulty getting their act together, because however much they turn a blind eye toward scarcity or pretend that
they all agree, the truth is that they represent discrete constituencies, with discrete conflicting interests. That’s what
happens when we’re all thrown into the common pot. What once was decided by individuals, reflecting their own
particular interests, is now decided by government ? and it’s a Hobbesian war of all against all.

The AP report on ACORN last week illustrated that nicely. ACORN has been in the forefront of those browbeating
banks, under the Community Reinvestment Act, to provide housing loans to people who couldn’t afford them. Banks
were reluctant to make those loans, of course ? until the government stepped in to “guarantee” them. Well, we’ve
seen where that ended: we’re all paying the price, especially those who couldn’t afford the homes in the first place,
and will be for years to come. AEI’s Peter Wallison details some of that fiasco in this morning’s Wall Street Journal,
placing a finger on none other than Barney Frank, who parades now as our savior.
は何年も継続する。シンクタンクAEIのPeter WallisonがWSJの評論で詳細を述べているが、彼は(ファニーメイやフレディマ
ックの規制に反対した民主党下院議員の大物である)Barney Frankを非難している。(後略)