(イランのドラッグの状況の解説から) despite substantial interdiction efforts and considerable control measures along the border with Afghanistan, Iran remains one of the primary transshipment routes for Southwest Asian heroin to Europe; suffers one of the highest opiate addiction rates in the world, and has an increasing problem with synthetic drugs; lacks anti-money laundering laws; has reached out to neighboring countries to share counter-drug intelligence イランは隣接するアフガニスタンからのヘロイン密輸の取締りを行っているが、それにもかかわらず東南アジアから欧州 への麻薬輸送の主要な中継地点である。イランは麻薬中毒患者が多く、世界最高クラスで、合成麻薬(覚醒剤)の問題 も増加してきている。イランのマネロンの法的禁止の欠如が問題。イランは隣国と麻薬取締り情報の共有を進めている ttp://www.nationmaster.com/graph/cri_ill_dru-crime-illicit-drugs
While 41 percent of the worldwide volume of cocaine was seized, only 19 percent of all opiates fell in the hands of authorities. The worst affected were Iran and Pakistan where most of opiates (opium, morphine and heroin) were seized. On the other hand, markets for synthetic drugs such as amphetamines, methamphetamines, and Ecstasy are developing. Thus, factories and large laboratories in Southeast Asia have been producing huge quantities of methamphetamine tablets, crystal meth, and other substances such as ketamine. Some EU countries are now major suppliers of Ecstasy, while Canada has become a major transshipment point for crystal meth and Ecstasy. In the Middle East, the consumption of the amphetamine Captagon has skyrocketed. ttp://trendsupdates.com/un-drug-report-designer-drugs-on-the-rise/ 国連の報告書では、覚醒剤の大規模製造工場は「東南アジア」の国で、イランやパキスタンは密輸の中継地点のような(?)
アハマディネジャドの組閣に伴うごたごたについて、解説評論していて、彼が保守派や穏健派との政治闘争に巻き込ま れていると解説。 One result of the continuing turmoil is that the relationship between Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the supreme leader, and Mr Ahmadinejad has come under some strain. Mr Khamenei, against previous practice, overtly supported Mr Ahmadinejad in the political turmoil that followed the elections. But in doing so, he has personally come under criticism for the first time. (組閣に伴う混乱の)ひとつの結果として、最高宗教権威のハメネイ師と彼の関係が悪化している。ハメネイ師のほうも 従来は彼を支援してきたが、選挙後の混乱で始めて批判の矢面に立たされている。
As staunch conservatives they have supported Mr Ahmadinejad’s victory, but they have also sought to distance themselves from the president’s hardline principalist movement. It may not be a smooth road ahead for the president. (アハマディネジャドとの関係悪化によりハメネイ師は司法組織の最高長官に国会議長のSadeq Larijanを選んだのだが) Sadeq Larijanは従来は保守派としてアハマディネジャドを支援してきたが、その保守派勢力は大統領に距離をおいている。 大統領にとって、先行きは順調とは予想できない。