@宗教政党に対する、ナショナリスト、世俗派連合の勝利 Iraqi voters chose nationalist, secularist parties over religious parties by a wide margin. Aサドル師の勢力やISCIが大きな勢力を占めていたのでマリキ首相のDawaや世俗派の躍進は予想を超えるもの The door was open for the well-organized Iraqi Supreme Islamic Council (ISCI), the clerically dominated party that had controlled many important provincial governorships and councils in the south. Yet Iraqis voted instead for Mr. Maliki's coalition or for the secular Shiite coalition of former prime minister Iyad Allawi. Bスンニ派内部の政治的進化や妥協により、スンニ派とマリキとの連帯といった宗派を超える連合の可能性 This development offers the possibility of real cross-sectarian coalitions, as Mr. Maliki is no longer dependent on ISCI for influence in the Shiite areas, and can choose among possible Sunni partners in mixed areas. C選挙に干渉しようと資金や労力を投入(特に南部イラク)したイランのシーア派勢力の増強計画は失敗 The big loser in this election was Iran. Iranian agents spent a lot of money trying to influence the outcome of the elections in the south, and they largely failed. Iran's favored parties did poorly. The Iranians had hoped to persuade Iraqi voters to punish Mr. Maliki for signing the security agreement with the United States. Instead, these elections proved to be a powerful vote of confidence for the prime minister and his policies, including that agreement. D今回の選挙の最大の勝者は「統一イラク」のコンセプト The big winner in this election was the concept of a unitary Iraq. An attempt to hold a referendum on establishing an autonomous Basra failed before the election. ISCI, the only Arab party that had favored the creation of an autonomous Shiite region, lost ground throughout that region, including in its own stronghold of Najaf. Iraqis have sent a clear message that they want to live in a single state with a strong central government connected to strong provincial governments, rather than in some sort of artificially federated state.
The map shows the earnings of the poorest tenth of the population living in each territory. Japan is disproportionately large because Japan is the territory where the poorest have the highest average incomes.
Japan is the region with the richest poor people in the world. The average income of the poorest fifth of the population in Japan is at least 7 times more than that of the equivalent group in 8 other regions.