

■ The Korean government's views on the current economic situation and its policy direction
  (October 27th, 2008)


以下の 1) 〜 5) を目的として、対策 A と B を打ちます、ということになってます。

(1) In order to secure credibility in terms of external debt to equity ratio, the government will strive to implement a bill
to guarantee repayment of external debt in domestic banks.
(2) To reduce the burden of interest payment borne by SMEs and households, the government will work with the Central
Bank to take measures to lower interest rates and provide direct and sufficient liquidity.
(3) The government will make efforts to revitalize the real economy by expanding tax cuts and increasing fiscal spending.
Korea's fiscal conditions are one of the soundest among OECD member countries.
(4) The government will exert its effort to attract foreign direct investment and to achieve current account surplus by
promoting exports and saving energy.
(5) The government will encourage corporate investments by streamlining regulations, raising labor market flexibility,
and offering tax breaks for corporate investors.

A) Base Rate 5.00 % ⇒ 4.25 % (併せて Aggregate Credit Ceiling Loan も 3.25 % ⇒ 2.50%)
B) Broadening of eligible collateral for open market operations

361日出づる処の名無し:2008/10/28(火) 20:56:28 ID:llgbI5/N
>>360 の続き:

* 上記 1) 〜 5) と A) に関しては既に詳細報道が日本語記事でも有りましたから翻訳割愛して、B) を読んでみました。

公開市場操作(上記 A で Base Rate を操作する為に、銀行などの金融機関から国債などを中央銀行が買い上げたり、逆に売っ
たりすること)の対象の債券として、此れまで南鮮国債 (KTB) と通貨安定債 (MSB) だけがその対象でしたが、今後は以下の三

- Debentures issued by banking institutions established by the Bank Act, Korea Development Bank, Industrial Bank of Korea,
 The National Agricultural Cooperative Federation, and The National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives.
- Bonds issued by Korea Land Corporation, Korea National Housing Corporation, and Small Business Corporation.
- Mortgage Backed Securities issued by Korea Housing Finance Corporation.

市中短期資金流動性増加の為、これらの債券を差し出せる銀行から買い取るか、若しくはレポ取引で KRW を貸し出します。
* 信用度の低い債権には、利率マージン上乗せします、とも注記有り。

極め付きにヌルいのは、この発効が 11/07 から有効となっている点、そう即日発効じゃないんです。

