ブラジル南東部一帯は海底油田が多く、今回の油田は、ペトロブラスが試掘中の最大の海 底油田「ツピ」の西側に位置する鉱区で発見された。深さなどは不明。同社は昨年11月、 ツピの採掘可能な埋蔵量は50億−80億バレルに達する見込みだと発表した。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ttp://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5jjfzogTbuKqVbYSPLPvAodaTOUyAD901TM3O0 Brazil Oil Field Could Be Huge Find By ALAN CLENDENNING ? 55 minutes ago (AP)
"You're talking about a reserve the size of total U.S. reserves," said Tim Evans, an analyst with Citigroup Inc. in New York. "It's a big, big number." It is impossible to say whether or not more 33-billion-barrel oil fields exist under the sea, Evans said. "Nobody really has data on what's out there in the middle of the ocean," Evans said. #まだ評価は定まらないような…
>>959 かなり批判的な意見も The reported discovery, known as Carioca, is a deepwater sub-salt field under 7,000 feet of water and 10,000 feet of sand and rock and 6,600 feet of salt. A 25,000 foot well in deep water can only be drilled by 4-5 existing companies. Add in the 6,600 feet of salt and it narrows the list even further. Salt is unstable and tends to shift. This requires heavy duty reinforced well pipe to prevent the well from being lost by a shift that crushes the pipe and halting the flows. Actual production from this field could easily be 8-10 years in the future after many technological barriers are overcome. The wells would be extremely expensive and require massive flows to be commercially viable. ttp://www.rightsideadvisors.com/public/commentary.go/rsa/commentary/comm-energy/20080414_191722_msg.html/Petrobras---A-Belated-April-Fools-Joke.html
In the above cartoon we see the forces of China.com (the patriots surrounding the sentry tower on the right) arrayed against the defenders of the Southern Metropolis Daily and liberal democracy on the left.
ttp://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/974913.html Senate to hold debate on Syria-N.Korea nuke ties next week By Amos Harel and Shmuel Rosner, Haaretz Correspondents (イスラエル、ハーレツ)アメリカ上院諜報委員会は非公開でシリア空爆の事件を聴聞
アメリカ政府は4月22日の上院諜報委員会で、非公開の聴聞を行いシリア空爆事件の審議を 行なう予定である。 Sources in Israel on Monday reiterated their position that any release, however partial, about North Korea's ties with Syria, which would include details about the installation the IAF attacked, could complicate the already tense situation between Israel and Syria. These sources said that despite the administration's duty to report to Congress, they hoped it would be done in a most limited way so as to avoid increasing tension in the Middle East.
【ワシントン=丸谷浩史】ペリーノ米大統領報道官は14日の記者会見で、北朝鮮の核問題 を巡る6カ国協議の米朝首席代表がシンガポールで開いた米朝会談に関連し、核計画の申 告などに関する米朝間の暫定合意をブッシュ大統領が承認したのかと問われ「そう思う」 と答えた(ry ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ttp://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2008/04/20080414-3.html Q Thank you, Dana. At last meeting in Singapore between U.S. and North Korea, a tentative agreement has been made for North Korea to report complete nuclear declaration. Under what condition United States is to give North Korea some economic incentive, plus the removal of North Korea from the terrorist list? How was the President's response on that?
MS. PERINO: Well, as I have said before, there's a -- there is a package that was agreed upon in the six-party talks in regards to North Korea. What we are waiting on right now is a complete and accurate declaration. We don't have one yet, but Ambassador Chris Hill had good meetings last week. An issue regarding the state sponsor of terrorism list is a part of that package, but things happen in sequence, and so it is way premature to suggest that that's going to happen anytime soon.
Q Did he -- had made agreement with North Korean Kim Kye-gwan. The President agreed to that agreement in Singapore. MS. PERINO: I believe so, yes. #上記のQAを読めば解るように、記者と報道官の言っている事がつじつまが合っていない。 #報道官の応答にも問題がありそうで、言葉どおりなら国務省のいいっていることと齟齬 #がある。