Japanese consumers already have seen a string of health scares involving contaminated food from China. In 2002, Japan stepped up checks of Chinese vegetables after frozen spinach shipped from a Chinese producer was found to contain high levels of chlorpyrifos, another pesticide. Traces of disinfectant were found in Chinese eel and mackerel last year, further spurring consumer fears. 日本の消費者は、この事件以前にも中国食品の問題を見ている。2002年には中国製の冷凍 ほうれん草が高濃度のクロルピリホス(有機リン系農薬)を含む事が発見されて問題となっ た。昨年、中国製の鰻と鯖には殺菌剤の残滓が検出されている。
Analysts say the tainted dumplings could potentially slow Japanese imports of Chinese food, at least for a little while. "The Japanese media has jumped on this, and the scare could hurt Chinese food imports as a whole," said Hiroshi Saji, a food-industry analyst at Mizuho Securities Co. みずほ証券の食品業界アナリスト、Hiroshi Sajiは冷凍餃子のリコール事件が少なくとも 短期的には中国食品の輸入を遅らせるという。「日本のメディアが事件を報道していて、 餃子への恐怖が中国輸入食品全体に影響を及ぼしかねない」(中略)
Safety concerns could also trigger moves to strengthen Japan's already tight inspections of imported food. In 2006, Japan temporarily suspended beef imports from the U.S. after finding prohibited bone parts in a single shipment of veal. 食品安全性への関心の高まりのために、既に厳しいレベルに有る日本の輸入食品への検査 の強化をもたらしかねない。2006年に日本は禁止された骨の一部が牛肉に含まれる事件が 一件あったとして、アメリカ産の牛肉輸入を一時差し止めている。
In December, China’s Food and Drug Administration said that the Shanghai police had begun a criminal investigation and that two officials, including the head of the plant, had been detained. The drug maker, Shanghai Hualian, is the sole supplier to the United States of the abortion pill, mifepristone, known as RU-486.
去年の記事で、バーバリーの中国への生産拠点の移動計画に反対して、活動家がお店 の前でパンフレットを配った、というのがありますた。(ググルのアーカイブに) ttp://www.accessmylibrary.com/coms2/summary_0286-29635214_ITM Activists protest Burberry's China move. Source: UPI NewsTrack Publication Date: 14-FEB-07 LONDON, Feb. 14 (UPI) -- Activists handed out fliers outside U.S. and European Burberry stores Wednesday to protest a planned production shift to China, costing 300 jobs in Wales. "Stop Burberry Breaking Our Hearts," the Valentine's Day protest fliers said.