The audacious plan has been discussed in recent weeks as Vodafone has considered whether to trigger a little-known put option it holds over part of its stake in Verizon Wireless ― a move that, accompanied by an asset revaluation at the American company, could allow it to suck up to $20bn out of Verizon and distribute this to its shareholders.
The extreme alternative of bidding for Verizon would create a business capitalised at around $300bn ― bigger than AT&T, currently the world’s largest telecoms business.
According to well placed financiers, in contemplating such a move, Vodafone has looked at a range of deal structures. These include a plan to buy the whole of Verizon and then simultaneously spin-off its fixed line interests to a private equity consortium. The company has also looked at whether it could part-fund the deal with the issue of a tracker stock for US investors.
<ディベート:何時になれば、中国は民主化されるのか?> ttp:// July 2007, Volume 18, Number 3 When Will the Chinese People Be Free? Henry S. Rowen Minxin Pei Dali L. Yang ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ジャーナル・オブ・デモクラシーの7月号に掲載されている「何時、中国は民主化され るのか?」という議論で、ちょっと面白い。
まずフーバー・インステチュートのHenry S. Rowenが、中国は経済発展の進行によって 2025年には民主化されるという、楽観的な議論を展開している。
As China's economy was growing at a rate that promised to carry it to a level near or beyond that GDPpc benchmark by 2015, I reasoned that this, the world's largest country, was a good bet to move into the Partly Free category as well.
but by 2015 it should edge into the Partly Free category. Indeed, I will go further and predict that, should China's economy and the educational attainments of its population continue to grow as they have in recent years, the more than one-sixth of the world's people who live in China will by 2025 be citizens of a country correctly classed as belonging to the Free nations of the earth.
"Some foreign media, especially those based in the U.S., have wantonly reported on so-called unsafe Chinese products. They are turning white to black," Li Changjiang, minister of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine 中国の食品医薬品を管理する品質監視検査検疫局のLi Changjiangは「一部の外国メデ ィア、特にアメリカのメディアが、所謂中国の危険な食品について気まぐれな報道を行 っている。彼等は白を黒と主張している」と述べた。
"One company's problem doesn't make it a country's problem. If some food products are below standard, you can't say all the country's food is unsafe," Lie was quoted as saying. 「ひとつの会社の問題が、一国全部の問題ではない。一部の食品の品質に問題があった としても、国中全ての食品が安全でないという事にはならない」と述べた。彼は過去三 年間にアメリカに輸出された食品の99%は品質基準に合致しており、アメリカから中国 に輸出される食品の品質と同じか、それよりも良いとしている。
The top Communist Party boss in the northeastern port city of Tianjin, Li Chuanqing, was also quoted as saying that international media were "arousing unnecessary fears." これとは別に、天津市の共産党書記長であるLi Chuanqingは、国際メディアが「不必要 な不安を掻き立てている」と述べた。
WSJのマーケット・ビート サブプライムやCDOの問題がクレディット危機につながるとする論調を批判して: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ttp:// The doomsday scenario of subprime-backed bonds, bundled as CDOs, causing a meltdown in the credit markets is coming under scrutiny by some. The topic has been written about at length, most recently in Barron’s, the Financial Times and the WSJ. サブプライムの担保付証券、CDOなどがクレディット市場のメルトダウンを起こすと いう破滅的シナリオが、一部の論者によって検討され、批判されている。この話題は かなり詳しく論じられ、バロンズやFTやWSJで論じられている。
“Yet, I am not sure I completely understand how this disaster scenario plays out. Apparently, I am not alone,” says investment strategist Ed Yardeni, who’s spoken with other money managers “who seem equally perplexed.” Even if the fallout did spread from the risky subprime portion of the CDOs ― the pawns that are supposed to absorb most of the losses ― to the more protected and highest -rated bonds, or kings (”a big IF,” according to Mr. Yardeni), would it amount to “a crippling credit crunch” for the economy? “I don’t think so,” he writes. “There is already a credit crunch for subprime mortgages and it may be spreading to other junky bonds and loans. That may be a good thing as long as all the activities financed by such weak credits aren’t as significant to the economy as predicted by the Doomsayers. We are all about to find out.” 他のマネーマネジャーを代表してストラテジストのEd Yardeniが発言している。「破壊 的シナリオというのは理解しにくいところがあって、マネーマネージャ等も当惑してい る」という。CDOの問題がたとえ(かなり大胆なたとえであるが)広まることがある にせよ、損失の大部分は格付けの低い債券などに吸収されるわけで、チェスで言えばキ ングを守るポーンが損失を吸収することに等しい。それはクレディット・クランチとは 同じではない、という。「サブプライム・モーゲージにはクレディットが発生していて それは他のジャンク格付け債券やローンに広まるかもしれない。しかしそれらの格付け の低い債券の市場でクレディットクランチがあっても、経済全体から見た影響は限られ る。このことが、そのうち明確になってくると思う」
<The Cockroach Theory of Credit> 是に対する反論があって、その根拠は「コックローチ理論」といわれる考え方。つま りゴキちゃんを一匹家の中で見かけたら、もっと多く存在すると想定すべきであって いまは見えていない隠れた問題が今後顕在化する可能性がある、というもの。説得力 のありそうなところもあるけれど、憶測に留まっていて、証拠が今のところ無いよう にもみえる(?)
CDOなどの与える金融システムと実体経済への影響についてのディベート; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Question 1: Is the stock of betting slips ‘liquidity’ Question 2: Should anyone get excited about the stock of betting slips outstanding? Question 3: Has it got anything to do with monetary policy, credit conditions, inflation, and macroeconomic outcomes? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ David Miles 1. ‘probably no’; 2. ‘depends what gets you excited ― personally ‘no’; 3. ‘quite probably no’. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stephen Jen 1. Market liquidity, which includes the type that you, Serhan, mention: it divides and slices up risk but does not act like other types of ‘liquidity’. 2. Monetary liquidity. 3. Real liquidity. This is determined by the world’s saving-investment balances and affects the real interest rates.
David Miles: Having possibly led us astray with my analogy to horse racing, maybe I can try to draw two conclusions where we might agree:
1. Fundamentals will still drive asset prices; but 2. financial innovation appears in the recent past to have increased risk-taking and leverage. Thus, when real or financial shocks such as subprime defaults come, volatility and asset price swings may change abruptly. Investors take note.
<WSJのマーケットビートから、サブプライムのABX指数が低下> ttp:// Bloodbath in the ABX? ABX指標は阿鼻叫喚か? 00:00 2007/07/17, Mark Gongloff, credit, subprime, MarketBeat Blog
Worries about subprime lending drove the riskiest tranche of the closely-watched subprime ABX derivative index to a record low of 44 cents on the dollar today Eunderstandable, given everything that’s gone on in the subprime sector. サブプライムのデリバティブ指標であるABXが史上最低の44をつけた。
But higher-quality tranches of the ABX also took an ugly haircut today Ethe AAA-rated section of the index fell to 95 from about 100, while the AA-rated tranche fell to 88 from 100, according to Markit. The A-rated tranche is down to 70 from 90 a month ago, Andrew Lahde, managing partner of Lahde Capital Management, a hedge fund in Santa Monica, Calif., told Dow Jones Newswires. デリバティブ指標は、サブプライムのみならず、より格付けの高いAAAもので100程度 であった指数が95に、AAものは100程度から88に下落した。A格付けのデリバティブ指 標は90から70に低下した。
About 315 gallons of slightly radioactive water apparently spilled from a tank at one of the sprawling power complex's seven reactors and entered a pipe that flushed it into the sea, said Jun Oshima, an executive at Tokyo Electric Power Co.
Negotiators from News Corp. and Dow Jones -- including Chief Executive Richard Zannino, company advisers and two independent directors -- agreed on Monday afternoon on a price of $60 per share(ry
The bans, widely reported in the Chinese media, appeared to be Beijing's latest reminder that anxieties about product quality could also be directed at U.S. goods. この輸入禁止措置は中国国内では、国営メディアで広く報道されている。製品の安全性 への憂慮を、アメリカ製品にも向ける中国政府の方針を示している。
Still, Chinese media have continued to report on poor quality food and even encouraged its readers to call in to report suspect goods. それでも中国メディアは食品の安全性関連の報道を続け、読者の告発を求めている。
Beijing's quality authorities have found 120 meat products in the capital -- including a well-known sausage brand -- which breached standards for starch, bacteria, fat and protein and which could cause stomach upsets, the Beijing Times said. 北京時報は北京市内で120の肉製品が(有名なソーセージを含む)バクテリア汚染な どで消火器障害を起こしかねないと報じている。
The same newspaper has set up an "exposure platform" on its Web site (, outlining the latest stories, and a thread where readers can post their own experiences. 一部の新聞は「告発のプラットフォーム」Webサイトを設けて読者の告発を奨励し ている(
Throughout history, just prior to any major Middle Eastern settlement, all sides tend to appear to be on the verge of war. That is what negotiations in this part of the world look like -- which means all the noise in the region right now is probably a very good sign.
By a good bit, the biggest contributor to the blue-chip average’s 2007 gains has been Caterpillar, which has accounted for 205 points, or 13.4%, of the Dow’s gains. Alcoa is next at 131 points, or 8.6%, followed by Honeywell (129 points, 8.4%) and United Technologies (122 points, 8%). After that are Exxon Mobil, Boeing, 3M and IBM, which account for about 7% each. Since the Dow is weighted by share price instead of market cap, stocks trading at higher prices, such as Boeing and Cat, have more impact than those at lower prices, like Microsoft and Citi.
The preliminary estimates show there is effectively no value left for the investors in the Enhanced Leverage fund and very little value left for the investors in the High-Grade Fund as of June 30, 2007.
ttp:// Xu's blog has become one of the most widely read in China, seen more than 100 million times since its inception less than two years ago, according to Sina, which hosts the site. Each entry routinely receives several hundred comments, and some get more than 1,000.
生後20ヶ月の子供が、この菓子を食べてサルモネラ菌で具合が悪くなったとして両親が スナック菓子メーカーを訴訟。サルモネラ汚染のような場合、通常の賠償金は10万ドル までが相場だとか。(しかし被害者が多くなると厄介な) Marler estimated that a typical salmonella plaintiff usually receives less than $100,000 in a jury award or settlement.
菓子メーカーは、調味料をアメリカの会社から買っていて、その材料(スパイス)を輸 入していたのはAtlantic Quality Spice and Seasoningsだというのだけれど、この事件 の問題点は、既に解っている60人ほどの被害者の殆どが「よちよち歩きの幼児(toddler)」 である事のような。
The International Atomic Energy Agency said North Korea had now shut five main nuclear facilities at Yongbyon. As well as a reactor already confirmed shut on the weekend, they included an atomic fuel reprocessing plant that can extract the plutonium that Pyongyang used for its first nuclear test-blast last year. IAEAは北朝鮮が5つの核施設を封鎖するといっていて、既に停止された原子炉のほか に核燃料再処理工場を含み、この再処理工場は核爆弾に使用するプルトニウムを抽出する ことのできるものである(ロイター、18日) ttp:// North Korea nuclear talks eye goals after shutdown Wed Jul 18, 2007 10:46AM EDT ------------------------------------------------------------------- The five facilities include a 200-megawatt reactor under construction in Taechon, north of Yongbyon, as well as four plants in Yongbyon: a 50-megawatt reactor under construction, an operating 5-megawatt reactor, a plant that makes reactor fuel and a laboratory that extracts plutonium from spent fuel. The shuttering of the 5-megawatt reactor was first confirmed by the IAEA on Monday. These plants are considered key parts of North Korea's efforts to produce plutonium for bombs. (IAEAの視察と封鎖の対象である)これらの核施設とは建設中の200MW原子炉、 建設中の50MW原子炉、利用中の5MW原子炉、原子炉用の核燃料を準備する核燃料工場、 および使用済み核燃料からプルトニウムを抽出する実験室である。5MW原子炉の停止は 月曜日に確認されており、これらの施設は核爆弾製造の鍵となる部分と考えられている。 (IHT、18日) ttp:// N. Korea says it will fully disable nuclear weapons programs, if it gets aid
By SARAH ELLISON and KARA SCANNELL July 18, 2007 4:06 p.m.
WSJ:SECはダウジョーンズの取締役、 David Liにインサイダー・トレーディング の容疑で調査、訴訟を行なう意図のある書簡を送付(概略)
SECはダウジョーンズの取締役で、 Bank of East Asia Ltd.の会長兼社長である David Liに対して「Wells notice」と呼ばれる書簡を送り、インサイダー・トレーデ ィング容疑での訴訟を準備していることを明らかにした。
SECは5月に香港のビジネスマン、Kan King Wongとその妻、Charlotte Ka On Wong Leungをダウジョーンズのマードックによる買収に関するインサイダー・トレーディン グで起訴しており、彼等は買収計画のニュースの伝わる2週間前にダウジョーンズ株式 41.5万株を買い、数億円の利益を得ていた。裁判所は彼らの資産を凍結している。
David Liは香港のビジネスマンMichael Leung Kai Hungと親交があり、SECに拠れば 彼は資金を提供して娘とその夫、 Mr. Wongに株式買収を行なわしめたという。(後略)
<サブプライム問題への懸念の広がりについて、WSJのマーケットビート> ttp:// Midday Tidbits: Bear and Bernanke Posted by Worth Civils
Bear shares fell 2.1%, Lehman Brothers lost 3.5% despite denying rumors of its own subprime nightmare, and J.P. Morgan slid 4% even as it reported a better- than-expected 20% rise in profit. Secondly, Mr. Bernanke told Congress that the conditions in the subprime mortgage sector have “deteriorated significantly” and that delinquencies and foreclosures are likely to get worse before they get better.
Investors in a Credit Suisse index of hedge funds lost more than 8 per cent last week because of the near-collapse of a Bear Stearns fund in which it invested, wiping out its gains for the past three years.
The Fixed Income Arbitrage index losses, which came in a revision posted by the Swiss bank, are likely to be seized on by critics of hedge fund indices. このインデックスの数字の信憑性、代表性についての議論はあるものの、
But the investable indices provide a benchmark for the booming business of structured fund derivatives sold by investment banks, as the banks need underlying funds in which they can put money to offset the risks they take on.
イラクのアルカイダの高位指導者であるKhaled Abdel-Fattah Dawoud Mahmoud al Mashhadaniがモスルで7月4日に逮捕され、これを調査していたアメリカ軍は水曜日 の記者会見で、イラクのアルカイダに、オサマ・ビン・ラーデンのインナー・サーク ルが相当程度の影響を及ぼしていると述べた。
更に彼は、「イスラム国のイラク」の指導者とされてきた Abu Omar al-Baghdadiは フィクションで、実在しないと自白した。「イスラム国のイラク(Islamic State of Iraq)」というのは外国人によって指導されているイラクのアルカイダにイラクの 顔をかぶせたものであり、フィクションの指導者(イラク人という意味の al-Baghdadi が名前についている)もそのための偽装である。
>>137 イラクのアルカイダが、外国人支配を隠す為にフィクションのイラク人指導者と、 「イスラム国のイラク」なる組織を自称していたことについて、ビル・ロジオが 同様の評論を書いている; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ttp:// Islamic State of Iraq – an al Qaeda front Capture and interrogation of senior al Qaeda leader highlights al Qaeda control; Abu Omar al-Baghdadi a fictitious leader
The contrived nature of the Islamic State of Iraq, the foreign control, and the fictitious identity of its leader explains why numerous insurgent groups, including the Islamic Army of Iraq and Ansar al Sunnah, were against joining the group. ビルロジオの↑のコメントは全くその通りという感じが;
中国にとって重要な地理情報や、外国人の調査に協力することは国家機密漏洩にあたり 違法である、と中国政府が国民に警告した。(後略) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ この記事↑は、何を言っているのか、もうひとつピンとこないのだけれど、ストラテジー ページの解説に拠れば: ttp:// Secrets To Die For July 19, 2007: ストラレジーページ:国家機密漏洩はイクナイ
そのほか、自動車産業の部品が供給できない、という記事も大きめの扱いのような。 ttp:// Earthquake leaves Japanese auto plants idle Manufacturers wait for parts supplier to restart its production By HIROKO TABUCHI Associated Press
----------------------------------- Fourteen thousand is not magical. The important thing is to understand how we got to 14000: The economic fundamentals are okay, the economy is going to grow modestly, carpet earnings are going to grow. We're not up because of irrational exuberance. …
米国では、外国政府に情報提供を行う際、検察当局に登録した上で、活動内容を報告 することが義務付けられている。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ttp:// South Korean man accused of lying about spy activities The Associated Press Published: July 19, 2007
Park, 58, has lived as a legal resident in the United States for the past 20 years. United States law requires anyone acting as an agent of a foreign government to register with the attorney general and disclose the nature of the activity.
O'Callaghan said Park had made 50 trips to China and the Korean peninsula over the last several years and had appeared to be engaged in espionage-type activities for at least five years.
Basis Capital’s nomination is the result of a Dec. 22 2006 press release proudly trumpeting the fact that it had been awarded five stars by Standard & Poor’s for the fourth consecutive year. For, according to S&P Australia’s glowing tribute:
* Continued strengthening of staff in investment and non-investment positions; * Further resourcing of technology and systems infrastructure; and * Excellent track record without incurring unnecessary amounts of risk.
“S&P has a very high conviction that five-star-rated managers will consistently generate risk-adjusted returns in excess of relevant investment objectives and relative to peers.”
Just as the BBC lost its journalistic nerve after the Hutton inquiry, the risk now is that it will lose its confidence and direction in general programming.
“Twenty-three Korean citizens, 15 women and five men, were very carelessly travelling in a chartered bus from Kabul to Kandahar yesterday, on the way to Kandahar their bus was stopped by armed men ... and they took them away,” said Interior Minister spokesman Zemari Bashari. アフガニスタン内務省の広報官Zemari Bashariは「カブールからカンダハーに向かう チャーターしたバスに乗っていた15人の女性と5人の男性が、非常に注意を欠いた旅行 の最中に、武装した男に停車を命じられ拉致された」とのべた。
ロイター記事は、韓国政府がクリスチャン・ボランティアだ拉致されたと言っている と書いている。 A South Korean Foreign Ministry official said in Seoul about 20 South Korean Christian volunteers were feared to have been kidnapped by Taliban insurgents.
Gen. Peter Pace recently said the surge had resulted in a "sea change" in Iraq's security situation, but that's still a long way from suggesting Iraqis are able to hold the gains so painfully won by U.S. troops. And honest withdrawal--one truly linked to Iraqi success--might yet be years in the offing. ・・・ Shaky Republicans might instead consider that the best political scenario next year would be to present voters with an Iraq that is beginning to function successfully, and to take credit for having the vision and fortitude to back the U.S. military through in its mission. A mission, by the way, that most of them voted for in 2002. Then they could be wise, and brave--and principled.
中国は100%の平価切上げを必要としていて、中国元はドルあたり4元以下にすべきだ。 (注:20日現在、ドルあたり7.58元くらい)そういう改定をしない限り、現在の膨大な輸 出の伸びが経済の過熱化と高いインフレーションに至るであろう。(元切上げ以外の) 殆ど、どんな手段を使っても、そういう事態をとめることは不可能にみえる。中国は金融 の大変動に向かっている。(China is due for some violent financial upheavals.)
脳たりんの(bone-headed)保護主義に固まった民主党主導のアメリカ議会は、同じように 脳に疑問のある保護主義者のフランス大統領と一緒に、我々の世界の繁栄をなさしめている 自由貿易体制を危うくしかねない。しかし、この問題は特に中国を標的にしているのだ。 (but especially that of the primary culprit, China.)
UAEは、1996年にアフガニスタンの大半を支配下に置いた旧タリバン政権を承認し た3カ国のうちの1つ。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- オリジナル記事は Coup for Canada if UAE joins Afghan mission Jul 20, 2007 04:30 AM Bruce Campion-Smith OTTAWA BUREAU
OTTAWA–The United Arab Emirates may send troops to work alongside Canadians in southern Afghanistan, sources say.
Officials at the UAE embassy in Ottawa declined to comment. However, a source confirmed the federal government is aware that a possible deployment is in the works by the small Arab nation, located along the southern shores of the Persian Gulf.
18 July 2007 | The IAEA has been closely following the situation at Japan´s Kashiwazaki Kariwa nuclear power plant following a powerful earthquake that occurred in the area on 16 July. Preliminary data indicates that the earthquake may have exceeded the seismic design assumptions for the plant.
The Agency believes a thorough investigation of the impact of the earthquake on the plant and full transparency in such investigations is required. To this end, the IAEA expressed its readiness to assist Japan and is offering to send an international expert team to join Japan in assessing the event and its consequences. 耐震設計などの問題が無いかの調査の為に専門家を派遣することを日本政府に打診した わけで、要求しているわけではありません。(IAEA expressed its readiness to assist Japan)
Japan has decided not to seek for the time being an International Atomic Energy Agency inspection of a nuclear power plant hit by a powerful earthquake Monday in Niigata Prefecture, government sources said Saturday.
上海市政府は何年もの検討を経て、国営資産の金融持ち株会社を設立し、市の管理する 国営資産の運用を行なう計画を進めている。 新しいグループは、上海新国際グループ(Shanghai New International)で、上海市 とアメリカ資本のシティグループの合弁である投資銀行のShanghai Pudong Development Bankの基礎の上に作られる。
金融持ち株会社はPudong会長のJi Xiaohuiと、China United Bank LLC.社長のWan Jianhua が経営する。上海の金融担当副市長であるPing Guoqinが19日に上海金融フォーラムで 構想を発表している。この持ち株会社は上海の国営資産を全て一個の傘の下に置くこと を意図している。
この計画は上海市の管理するPudong と the Bank of Shanghaiを合同させ、持ち株交換 によりHui Feng および Heng Sheng banksをグループの協賛企業にする。上海市の管理 する二つの証券会社、Guo Tai Jun An および Shanghai Negotiable Securities,につい ても同様の計画がある。
上海市の経済政策を担う四つの柱があって、上海市営の資産運用会社(Shanghai State -owned Assets Operation)、上海新国際グループ( Shanghai International Group Ltd.,) 上海ドラゴン投資(Shanghai Dragon Investment Co.,)および Shanghai Dasheng Investment Co.である。 上海国際グループの形成のあと、Shanghai Dragon と Da Cheng を合同させて投資会社 Shanghai Guo Sheng Investment Groupを作る計画である。 金融持ち株会社の形成は、上海市に起きる多くの投資計画が政府の政策との良好な統合 性のあることを確保する意味がある。上海新国際グループは人民銀行上海支店との連携 を計画している。
この分析の結論は: The bottom line is that the stock market is still in a long-term bull market but with the caveat that it is not firing on all burners. Stocks making new 52-week lows as the major indexes are at 52-week highs are running from 2% to 4% of issues traded each day, and that is not a good statistic for the bulls. A lot of stocks are being left out in the cold.
The trend is up, and so far last week's breakout is still in force. Stick with it, but play it a bit safer than before.
"The market's perspective will get even more short-term from here, and the bull will be a rougher ride." That volatile bout of profit taking took the Dow down 56, or 0.4%, for the week, to 13,851.
Apple rose 64 cents to $140.64 after Piper Jaffray raised its price estimate for shares of the iPhone and iPod maker 28 per cent to $205. "A tidal wave is coming in 2009," analysts Gene Munster and Michael Olson said. "One thing we learned with the iPod is that when a device is game-changing, the demand will come." ttp://
As long as the Sao Paulo runway remains too short, the air-traffic controllers remain underpaid and poorly equipped, the market remains uncompetitive, and state officials remain in denial about the inevitability of more accidents stemming from overcapacity in an already strained system, the likelihood that last week's accident won't be (as news reports called it) "the country's worst air disaster" will only increase. And however gorgeous Brazil is, I won't be heading back anytime soon.
Coalition Forces captured a suspected terrorist with close ties to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps-Qods Force (IRGC-QF) in a raid Thursday in Kharnabat near Baqubah.
"Afghan army, police, intelligence agents and international forces surrounded a village in Qara Bagh district and are waiting for order to raid the area," Defence Ministry spokesman General Zahir Azimi said. アフガニスタンの国防省スポークスマン、Zahir Azimiは「アフガニスタン軍、警察、お よび多国籍軍はQara Bagh地区の(韓国人を拉致したタリバンのいる)村を包囲した。 彼らは襲撃の命令を待っている」と述べた。
"We know where the hostages are kept, but since the kidnappers warned they will kill them if we attack, we are waiting for the order," Azimi said. 「人質が囚われていることは承知している。タリバンは我々が攻撃すれば人質を殺すと脅 迫している。我々は命令を待っている」
As noted in that same story, this was a huge news item in Japan. A Japanese man has actually gone ahead and replicated the experiment. Here are the photographs to prove ( 是は、東南西北氏が見つけたのではなくて、中国語のBBSに紹介されたものの孫引き らしいのだけど・・ 日本 复刻 纸壳儿包子ZT
In fact, in recorded programmes, there were no competitions or prizes and all of the callers were actually members of production team and their friends.
Flying directly from Japan and practicing live-bombing runs on distant foreign soil would have been regarded as unacceptably provocative because the implicit message was clear: these fighter jets could perhaps fly to North Korea and take out some targets before returning home safely.
ストラテジーページが北朝鮮に飢餓が再来して、餓死する人が出ていると書いている (ストラテジーページは国連等の人道支援機関に情報チャネルがあるらしい) ------------------------------------------------------------ ttp:// Something Is About To Happen July 23, 2007:
Starvation deaths in North Korea have returned to 1990s levels. 北朝鮮の、飢餓による死者(餓死者)が、1990年代のレベルに戻っている。
That means over a thousand people a week dying from lack of food. Over a million people died during the 1990s food shortages. This time around, the shortages are caused by government refusal to allow in food that must have its distribution monitored (making it difficult for the government to divert the food to the army or private sale). これは毎週、千人を超える人が餓死していることを意味する。1990年代には100万人以上 の人が餓死している。今回の食料危機は、政府が(国際的な)食料支援についての食料配布 の(国際機関の)モニター人員の入国を拒否していることから来ている。是は政府が支援 食料を軍隊に回したり、市場で売ったりすることを困難にする為である。核廃棄交渉の遅 れから、韓国の食糧支援が遅れていることも影響している。(中略)
Now the economy has been loosened up, and some people are making money. But many North Koreans are starving, and the government fears collapse, or a revolution. No one in the North Korean government can decide what to do. The North Koreans are trying everything, and not settling on any one strategy. The hard liners still have a police state operating, while the reformers have South Korean firms coming in and opening factories, and there are now free markets, with uncontrolled prices, throughout the country. Corruption is way up, and discipline is falling. Something is about to happen, but no one is quite sure what. 今では北朝鮮経済は手綱が緩められ、一部の人は金儲けに精を出している。しかし北朝鮮 の国民は飢餓に瀕し、政府は崩壊や革命の危険に脅えている。北朝鮮政府の中の人は誰も 解決案を持たない。北朝鮮のハードライナーは依然として政策を担当し、警察国家状態を 維持している。自由市場や韓国の工場や製品があり、汚職がはびこり、規律は低下してい る。何かがおきても不思議は無いのだが、誰も先を読めない。
モルガンスタンレー、グローバル経済フォーラム、米国経済 -------------------------------------------------------------- ttp:// Review and Preview July 23, 2007 By Ted Wieseman and David Greenlaw | New York MSGEF:米国経済、今週の経済指標の予測、経済状況の現状評価
<6月既存住宅販売=-1.5%(予測)> * We expect June existing home sales to fall 1.5% to a 5.90 million unit annual rate. The pending home sales index continues to drift lower, pointing to a further slide in resales.(ry
<6月耐久財受注=+1.0%(予測)> * We look for a 1.0% gain in June durable goods orders. Based on company reports, bookings in the volatile aircraft category appear likely to hold in at a relatively high level this month. Elsewhere, the ISM survey points to solid underlying momentum in order activity. And some components are likely to get a boost from a seasonal quirk that seems to lead to some unusual elevation in the final month of the quarter. This should all add up to a solid 0.8% rise in the key core sector ― non-defense capital goods excluding aircraft. Finally, core shipments are expected to post a similar gain of about 0.7%.
<6月新規住宅販売=-1.6%(予測)> * The survey of homebuilders continues to show some gradual deterioration, so we look for another 1.6% dip in June new home sales to a 900,000 unit annual rate. While we suspect that sales are approaching a sustainable pace, the market still needs to work through an inventory overhang. We suspect that the backlog will ultimately be cleared via a further slowing in new construction rather than a pick-up in sales.
<2QのGDP成長=年率換算3.7%(予測)> * We forecast 2Q real GDP growth of 3.7% annualized. A significant narrowing in the trade gap, along with some rebuilding of depleted inventories and a solid gain in non-residential construction, should help to offset a sharp moderation in real consumer spending and a further decline in residential activity ― though much smaller than in recent prior quarters ― leading to a rebound in GDP growth. Specifically, we have final sales at +2.8% in 2Q, with consumption at +1.3%, business fixed investment at +8.2%, residential at -8.5%, government at +2.7%, and net exports adding about one full percentage point. In our view, the expected growth pick-up in 2Q clearly overstates the economy’s recent underlying performance, much as the very low +0.7% GDP reading for the first quarter appeared to understate the true picture. Indeed, in hindsight, it seems quite clear that a number of technical quirks in the data subtracted from estimated GDP in 1Q, but are adding back in 2Q. We expect GDP growth to settle down to about a 2.5% pace in the second half of the year. Finally, the chain weight price index for overall GDP is expected to be +2.4% in 2Q, with the core PCE price gauge rising a modest 1.4%.
48. Which of these comes closer to your own view: (Overall, the Internet plays more of a positive role in the election campaign because it provides easy and direct access to information about the candidates); OR (Overall, the Internet plays more of a negative role in the election campaign because so much information there is unchecked or unreliable). 大統領選挙に関して、インターネットの与える影響はポジティブと思うか、そうではな いか? Both Neither No Positive Negative equally (vol.) (vol.) opin. 7/21/07 48 39 3 5 5
バロンズの記事から、ハイテク・セクターに見直し機運があるというもの。 マーケットは資源株、鉄鋼株をもてはやしてきたが2000年のバブル意向久しく忘れ 去られていた、ソフトウエア、ハイテク、通信といったものに、眼が向き始めている のだと言う。IBMのソフト部門の好調、iPhone騒動、シーゲートなどのディスク・ ビジネスの活況・・・がそれを示唆するという;(但しハイテクならなんでも可とい う時代ではないので・・) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ttp:// Tech Stocks Check In GETTING TECHNICAL | By MICHAEL KAHN MONDAY, JULY 23, 2007 4:00 p.m. EDT
Right now, the Nasdaq is a leading index, second only to the Dow Jones Industrial Average this month. And no matter what we think about the age of the current bull market, the tech sector should be on our radar screens right now.
飴のブログでちょっと話題になっているらすぃ、LAタイムズのOpEdに寄稿された イラクの国家安全保障アドバイザーの書いた「イラクの情況報告」 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ttp://,0,1967280.story?coll=la-opinion-rightrail An Iraqi's progress report Baghdad's national security chief lists the advances and argues for more time. By Mowaffak Rubaie Baghdad, MOWAFFAK RUBAIE is Iraq's national security advisor. July 21, 2007
LAT(寄稿):イラクの情況報告 Byイラク国家安全保障アドバイザー、Rubaie
IN THE AMERICAN media, Iraq's steady progress toward security is frequently overshadowed by news of the latest act of mass terrorism. Yet for those of us who actually live here, progress is visible to all but the most irreconcilable skeptics. Just this week, Ashraf Jehangir Qazi, the United Nations' special representative for Iraq, announced at a news conference in Baghdad that Iraq had achieved, or at least started to achieve, 75% of the benchmarks it set for itself in the U.N.-led International Compact with Iraq.
Iraqi and coalition security forces are having major success against Al Qaeda and some of the other groups that are the principal sources of the violence that aims to overthrow our young democracy. From Al Anbar to Diyala, from Nineveh to Basra, the atrocities of the terrorists against our people are backfiring, and our citizens are coming forward to offer themselves to counter them.
一方、次官補は、「次の段階」履行の一環として、年内に北朝鮮のテロ支援国指定を 解除する可能性について、「交渉の問題だ」と述べ、完全には排除しない考えを示した。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- オリジナルの記者会見記録(全文)のトランスクリプトは↓で ttp:// Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs and Head of the U.S. Delegation to the Six-Party Talks Christopher R. Hill On Six-Party Talks Held in Beijing
<テロ指定リストの関わる部分のQ&A> QUESTION: Chris, you mentioned that you started the process of talking about removing them -- North Korea from the list of state sponsors of terrorism. Are there exact terms that you've agreed on, something they have to do, at what stage that happens? ASSISTANT SECRETARY HILL: We have and what we agreed to do with them was to begin the discussion and we began it in New York when we had our first working group meeting. And we discussed some of the reasons they're on the list in the first place. And they discussed those issues and I would look forward to having further discussions on that.
At this point, I can't tell you how far along we will be on the question that I think they have, which is, when will they get off the list. But I think we're discussing -- we're prepared to continue that discussion. QUESTION: Can I just follow up? Is that something you anticipate would happen as part of phase two by the end of the year or is that a long way down the road? ASSISTANT SECRETARY HILL: I can't say at this point. It's a matter of negotiation.
QUESTION: And in terms of their terrorism, the Japanese kidnappings and so forth, what are they engaged in that -- recently that keeps them on the list? ASSISTANT SECRETARY HILL: I think there are a number of things, but the most recent was the bombing of the Korean air flight in 1987.
QUESTION: It was 1983. ASSISTANT SECRETARY HILL: No, '83 was the bombing of the -- in Rangoon of the South Korean Cabinet. The KAL flight was '87.
QUESTION: So are you asking them to do specific things? ASSISTANT SECRETARY HILL: We're having discussions about those issues and -- Robin, I can't tell you everything here. (Laughter.) We're having discussions about those issues and what they -- what they mean. And therefore, how far one can see to getting them off the terrorism list.
QUESTION: Do you think that's important to them? I mean, really important to them? ASSISTANT SECRETARY HILL: It's -- the terrorism list? QUESTION: Yeah. ASSISTANT SECRETARY HILL: I think it's important to them and therefore, they -- I mean, they wanted us to initiate this and we have done so. So yes, it is important to them. I think the idea of being listed as a state sponsor of terrorism is an important issue for them.
QUESTION: Just to follow up on that, I'm trying to get a hold of what you were saying. If the North Koreans go ahead and finish the second phase in a timely manner, will they have gone a long way in earning the right to come off of the State Sponsor of Terrorism list? ASSISTANT SECRETARY HILL: It depends. (Laughter.) Yes.
If its vote share translates into less than two-thirds of the seats, then it will have to sue for peace with the secular opposition on issues of amending the constitution and selecting a president. And for the next five years, Turkey will likely exist in the same state of delicate tension as it did in the previous five. Those years saw the government survive a war on its border, an economic collapse and a rupture in relations with its strongest ally -- the United States.
High Mercury Levels Are Associated with Eating More Fish; Nearly Half of Asian New Yorkers Have Elevated Blood Mercury Levels; Fish Still Part of a Healthy Diet, but Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women and Children Under 6 Should Avoid Fish High In Mercury Follow-up Studies of Fish Sold in Local Markets Underway
* Among women 20-49 years old in New York City, the average blood mercury level is 2.64 µg/L (micrograms per liter), three times that of similarly-aged women nationally (0.83 µg/L).
* Approximately one quarter of New York City women in this age group have a blood mercury level at or above 5 µg/L, the New York State reportable level. (後略)
昨日のNYSEの200ポイントを越える下げについて、WSJのブログ、マーケットビート の解説: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ttp:// Countrywide was at the center of the subprime storm today, and it’s not even a subprime lender, which shows just how far the problems have spread. Its shares slid 10.5% after Countrywide, which is the largest U.S. home lender, said losses on certain loans to more creditworthy borrowers contributed to a 33% drop in second-quarter net income. The company also slashed its 2007 earnings outlook on expectations of “increasingly challenging housing and mortgage markets.
Countrywide CEO Angelo Mozilo said during an epic conference call. This is a huge battleship and it’s headed in the wrong direction. But Wall Street analysts didn’t see it coming, with seven of the 18 analysts that cover Countrywide placing the equivalent of “buy Eratings on the stock. Three of those reaffirmed their ratings as recently as July 16, and one analyst, David Ritter of Argus Research, did so just last Friday.
It may not come as much of a surprise after today’s huge selloff that Countrywide insiders have been selling fairly aggressively of late. The Associated Press reports today that, according to SEC filings, CEO Angelo Mozilo on Monday exercised options for 70,000 shares of common stock under a prearranged trading plan. He sold all 70,000 for $34.22 apiece, according to the report (the stock ended trading today at $30.50, down 10.45%). Since the beginning of the current quarter this month, insider sales have totaled $16.2 million, nearly half the $37.4 million average for the quarter, according to Thomson.(マーケットビート)
”They approved the agreement,” Indian Foreign Minister Pranab Mukherjee told reporters, after a joint meeting of the cabinet committees on security and political affairs. ”All concerns of India have been reflected and have been adequately addressed.”
>>232 WSJ社説と同じようなスタンスで、中国の国営銀行CDBがABNのM&Aのために、 バークレイズ銀行に出資したことを、比較的強く批判しているFTの社説 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ttp:// China should beware of a backlash Published: July 24 2007 19:58
China will struggle to copy state investment agencies such as those of Dubai and Singapore by taking large stakes abroad. Nobody is scared of those nations; of China they are afraid. China would be better advised to invest its money quietly in hedge funds, private equity or funds that track an index.
If there are many more deals like the $3bn investment in US private equity group Blackstone by China’s new state investment agency, they will become a political issue of the highest order. China’s trade surplus and exchange rate policy are bad enough, but if it is seen to be buying up the world economy with the proceeds, it can only end in hearings before Congress, public demands for protectionism, and ever louder demands for a higher renminbi. That is the last thing that China needs.
<WSJ一面から> Stock are poised for a rebound Wednesday after the last session's selloff, lifted by Amazon's strong results and an improved earnings outlook at Boeing. Markets declined in Europe and Asia. 8:21 a.m.
コメンタリー・マガジン:日本へのF−22輸出を許可すべきである 書いているのは「The Coming Collapse of China」で有名なGordon G. Chang; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ttp:// Raptors to Japan Gordon G. Chang - 7.25.2007 - 9:41AM 内容的にはさして新しさは無いもの。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- この評論に二つのコメントがついていて、一方が反対、もう一方が賛成。反対 の理由は「日本はイージスの機密さえきちんと管理できていない」
The top U.S. military official in the Pacific region is opposed to the notion of selling the Pentagon’s prized F-22A Raptor to Japan, America’s closest ally in the area.
Adm. Timothy Keating, commander, U.S. Pacific Command, said he has passed his recommendation that the Raptor not be sold to Japan to that study team. His comments came during a July 24 briefing at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington.
Answer: U.S. law prohibits the U.S. from selling the F-22. The United States is committed to working with Japan as Japan chooses its future fighter aircraft, to find the appropriate capabilities for a strong and credible alliance.
オーストラリア、シドニーを本拠とするヘッジファンドのAbsolute Capitalがサブプラ イム・モーゲージ関連のCDOへの投資の不調から資金引き出しを停止した。このヘッ ジファンドの運営するAbsolute Capital Yield Strategies Fund および Absolute Capital Strategies Fund NZDは合計A$200m ($177m) の資金を運営しているが、投資家からの資 金の引き出し要求を停止すると発表した。同社は豪州のABNアムロ銀行が50%を所有 している。ファンドは7月に4-6%の損失を出す見込みと言う。
The funds were likely to post losses of 4 to 6 per cent in July, it said.
More important, Iran and the United States now appear to have made enough progress to begin implementing agreements from the May meeting. After the second round of talks, Crocker said the U.S., Iraqi and Iranian governments plan to create a security committee to discuss containing violence in Iraq, addressing everything from "support for violent militias" to al Qaeda to border security. この会談で重要なことはイランとアメリカが5月の会議で合意した事項を進展させている ということである。2回目の会談の後、 Crockerはアメリカとイラン、イラクは安全保障 委員会を作ってイラクの暴力の問題を討議すると述べた。この会議では「暴力的な武装派 について全般的な検討」を行ない、アルカイダから国境警備までを討議するという。
Translation: The two countries will create a purge committee; the United States will kill any Iraqi Sunnis who do not cooperate, while the Iranians do the same to rebellious Iraqi Shia. 是を翻訳すると:アメリカとイランは「追放委員会」を作る。すなわち、アメリカは協力 しないスンニ派は誰でも殺戮し、イランは同じことを反抗的なイランのシーア派に対して 行なう、ということになる。(中略)
Gimme Credit analyst Shelly Lombard thinks today marks a “turning point” for the market, saying that hedge funds and other investors ― possibly strapped with losses from subprime-backed assets ― may be trying to take what gains they can get as quickly as possible by liquidating stocks of certain companies instead of bonds (Goodyear, for example, which is down 12% despite its profit rising sharply). GimmeのクレディットアナリストのShelly Lombardはターニングポイントに来ていると いう。ヘッジファンドやその他の投資家が、サブプライム担保証券のロスを抱えていれ ば、債券ではなく幾つかの会社の株引きを売って利益を確保しようとするのかもしれな いという。良い決算を出したのに12%株価の落ちているグッドイヤーなどの例がある。
"It's clearly a case of the tail wagging the dog in the FX markets today," said Robert Sinche, global head of currency strategy at Bank of America in New York. "We're seeing a big rise in risk aversion and unwinding of positions in other markets, and that is hurting the carry trade." バンクオブアメリカのNYC、グローバル通貨ストラテジーの長であるRobert Sincheは 「今のFXマーケットは尾っぽが犬を振り回すようなものだ」という「リスクを回避し て(海外の)マーケットのポジションを巻きもどす動きの多いことが観察される。そ のためにキャリートレードが影響を受けている」
A U.S. official said Japan has to apologize for sex slavery during World War II. Why only Japan? アメリカは日本が第二次大戦中の性奴隷たちに謝るべきだと言った。 なぜ日本だけが?
How about the U.S. for killing thousands of innocent Vietnamese women and children by dropping chemical weapons, bringing African people by force as slaves, displacing and killing American natives? Are those things OK? 何故日本だけが(過去の行為を)問われるのだろう?アメリカもベトナム戦争で 化学兵器を投下して罪のないベトナム人女性や子供を何千人と殺しているし、 暴力によりアフリカ人を奴隷としてアメリカに連行した。そしてアメリカ原住民は 土地を奪われ殺略された。こうした(アメリカの所行は)問題ないのだろうか?
The American official further said that the United States wants to put its friend on the right track. How about your friend Australia? Did Australia apologize for kidnapping Aboriginal children from their parents in the 60s? Did they apologize for killing so many Aboriginals? アメリカの高官は、日本を正しい道に導きたいとまで述べた。だがアメリカの盟友 である豪州はどうだろう?豪州は60年代にアボリジン原住民の子供を両親から 誘拐したことに関して謝罪したことがあるだろうか?
Does the U.S. really want to put Tokyo on the right track, or create trouble between Japan, China and Korea? The U.S. wants to fulfil its own goals by destabilizing the region! アメリカは本当に日本を正しい道に導きたいのか、それとも日本と中国、韓国の 離間をおこす問題をおこしたいのか?アメリカは地域の不安定化をもたらすこと により、自分の目的を達成したいようだ。
Here is the most important thing Americans need to understand: We are finally getting somewhere in Iraq, at least in military terms. As two analysts who have harshly criticized the Bush administration’s miserable handling of Iraq, we were surprised by the gains we saw and the potential to produce not necessarily “victory” but a sustainable stability that both we and the Iraqis could live with. これがアメリカ人が理解しなければならない一番大事なことなのだが、我々はついにイラクで良い方へ向かいつつある。 少なくとも軍隊用語でいえばそうだ。ブッシュ政権のぶざまなイラク政策を厳しく批判してきた二人の分析者として、我々は その目覚ましい向上ぶりに驚いた。必ずしも「勝利」とは言えないまでも、イラク人も我々も容認できるような状況維持の 可能性が見られたからである。
After the furnace-like heat, the first thing you notice when you land in Baghdad is the morale of our troops. In previous trips to Iraq we often found American troops angry and frustrated ? many sensed they had the wrong strategy, were using the wrong tactics and were risking their lives in pursuit of an approach that could not work. バグダッドに着いて天火のような暑さを感じた後、最初に気が付くのは我が軍の士気の高さである。以前の訪問では よくアメリカ兵たちの怒りや欲求不満を目にしたものだ。多くの兵士たちが作戦は間違っている、間違った戦略によって 成功する可能性のない目的のために命が危険にさらされていると感じていた。
Today, morale is high. The soldiers and marines told us they feel that they now have a superb commander in Gen. David Petraeus; they are confident in his strategy, they see real results, and they feel now they have the numbers needed to make a real difference. しかし今日(こんにち)士気は高い。兵士や海兵隊員たちやは、今回、有能なデイビッド・ペトラエウス将軍を司令官として 迎えたことで将軍の戦略で確固たる結果を得ることができると自信をもっていること、やっと必要な兵数が整い状況を好転 させることができることなどを我々に語った。
Surprising many who saw only his bullying style and right wing policies, DPJ leader Ozawa Ichiro moved quickly to set the DPJ on a course deeply antagonistic to US hopes for Japan as a global military partner.
After Ozawa’s announcement that the DPJ was considering opposing another extension of the MSDF mission, Schieffer met with Ozawa, proclaiming the question of Afghanistan an issue which “should be above partisan politics”. Schieffer then insisted that Ozawa was wrong to maintain that Afghanistan was an American war without UN sanction, in particular arguing that the operation is covered by UN Security Council Resolution 1746 (2007) passed on 23 March this year.[5]
But for the first time he has positioned the parliamentary opposition to hold the government to account, and forced the US to move from behind the scenes pressure to direct public intervention, and put paid to any US hopes of a Japanese military contribution to the war in Afghanistan.
why do monkeys rape innocent human beings???????? monkeys should only rape other monkeys!!!!!!! why do monkeys rape innocent human beings???????? monkeys should only rape other monkeys!!!!!!! why do monkeys rape innocent human beings???????? monkeys should only rape other monkeys!!!!!!! why do monkeys rape innocent human beings???????? monkeys should only rape other monkeys!!!!!!! why do monkeys rape innocent human beings???????? monkeys should only rape other monkeys!!!!!!! why do monkeys rape innocent human beings???????? monkeys should only rape other monkeys!!!!!!! why do monkeys rape innocent human beings???????? monkeys should only rape other monkeys!!!!!!!
why do monkeys rape innocent human beings???????? monkeys should only rape other monkeys!!!!!!! why do monkeys rape innocent human beings???????? monkeys should only rape other monkeys!!!!!!! why do monkeys rape innocent human beings???????? monkeys should only rape other monkeys!!!!!!! why do monkeys rape innocent human beings???????? monkeys should only rape other monkeys!!!!!!! why do monkeys rape innocent human beings???????? monkeys should only rape other monkeys!!!!!!! why do monkeys rape innocent human beings???????? monkeys should only rape other monkeys!!!!!!! why do monkeys rape innocent human beings???????? monkeys should only rape other monkeys!!!!!!!