我々はBDA口座資金問題が解決されることを希望しており、北朝鮮が2・13合意 事項の実施に移ることを期待している。この件では北朝鮮が前に進めるように我々 は起源について、ある種の柔軟性を示してきたわけであり、北朝鮮は前向きの姿勢 を示しているわけで、ポジティブだと思う。 (We have all talked about how we are showing some flexibility with regard to the deadlines of that agreement, and this is an indication that the North Korean Government is taking steps in order to try to move that process forward. And that's positive.)
Japanese military officials are quietly but firmly making it known they want the U.S. to release the F-22 to compete for its air force's F-X fighter program, and that they are adamant in wanting to field the most advanced air combat technology available. 日本の防衛省の官僚は静かに、しかし着実に、日本がF-22を望んでおり、アメリカが次期 戦闘機のために(輸出)解禁するようにと望んでいる。日本は最先端の航空戦闘技術をもつ 戦闘機を望んでいる。
Tokyo wants a stealthy fighter equipped with an active electronically scanned radar for cruise missile detection and wideband data links to push additional information into Japan's increasingly sophisticated air defense system - a package offered, for the moment, only by the F-22. 日本は航空防衛能力の拡大のため、巡航ミサイルを検知できるアクティブ電子スキャン レーダーを搭載し、ワイドバンドのデータリンクの可能なステルス戦闘機を希望してい て、今のところそれはF-22にのみ可能である。
"I'm aware the Japanese are interested in the F-22," Gen. Peter Pace, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said last week in response to an Aviation Week question. "I'm also aware of our concerns about what we export and don't export of our high technologies. The Japanese are very close friends. We're committed to protecting Japan, so we'll work our way through it. We all need to be concerned about both ballistic and cruise missile defense. It's something that we...need to work on." 統合参謀本部の議長Peter Paceは先週、アビエーション・ウイークに語って「日本がF-22 に興味を持っていることはわかっている」と述べた。「私はアメリカ側の関心についても 理解している。アメリカは最先端技術を輸出しない。日本は親密な同盟国で、アメリカは 日本の防衛にコミットしている。そういうわけで問題解決にむけて努力する。両国は弾道 ミサイルや巡航ミサイルからの防衛を考える必要があって、両国が共に働くべき分野だ」
Release of the F-22 is becoming a point of pride with the Japanese, who provide the U.S. forward bases in the region as well as dispersal and rapid deployment options in case of a military confrontation or natural disaster in the region, U.S. officials say. アメリカの高官によれば日本へのF-22の輸出解禁は日本のプライドの問題になりつつある。 日本は、極東地域のアメリカ軍の前線基地を提供し、有事の軍事力の急速展開に役立って いる。
WSJアジア版の論説ページ編集長である、MARY KISSELによる安倍首相へのインタビ ュー記事。インタビューに先立って外務省などが気を使って、慰安婦問題で神経質に なっていて、予め筆者を鮨屋で質問づめにしたとか書いている。 (Various members of the foreign ministry took me out for sushi and a quiet chat.)
筆者の最大の関心は、安倍首相が小泉首相の(改革遺志を受け継ぐ)首相であるのか、 単なる一時中継ぎの首相(another puffed-up prime minister)なのか、というもの。
日本の政治家とコンセンサス、リーダーシップについて、ちょっと面白いやり取りがあ って: "Do you think the Japanese people want a consensus style of leadership or an aggressive style of leadership?" I ask. "I think the Japanese people . . . now realize that with that sort of consensual leadership we will not be able to catch up in this age of a globalized economy. So we need to really exert aggressive leadership." That shows you just how much Mr. Koizumi changed the rules of the game in Japan.
小泉改革の進展について: So what will Mr. Abe commit to reform? In what resembled one long breath (and after the only time he glanced at his notes), Mr. Abe said he'd like to deregulate the Japanese economy, double foreign investment within five years, slash the bureaucracy, reform the tax base, and open up the labor market. "Isn't that a lot to chew?" I wonder. "What are the one or two things that you want to achieve?" I ask. "There is no single area that will be sufficient to work on, because to achieve what I've just said, that we need to work on tax reform, deregulation, administrative reform, et cetera," he replies, limply.
インタービュアーの印象: It's still too early to tell if Mr. Abe will fade into obscurity or if he'll carry on where Mr. Koizumi left off. But the time is fast approaching for a referendum on his leadership. In July, Japan holds Upper House elections, and if the LDP loses badly, Mr. Abe's leadership could be up for grabs. Lucky for him, the opposition is weak, the LDP coalition's grip on power is strong and the party doesn't have a clear successor. So Mr. Abe may, indeed, have a second chance to show he's Mr. Koizumi's real heir. But his softly-softly approach says to the Japanese public, trust me, I'll do more after you re-elect me. And given his record at home so far, that's a lot to ask.
So, I ask, "Is there anything that the prime minister would like to discuss that I didn't ask?"
"My administration will continue with our efforts to work on reforms energetically," he says. "And in my upcoming meeting with President Bush, I'd like to really cement our mutual trust and make the U.S.-Japan alliance unshakable." Laudable, but dull--just like his policies at home so far.
WSJ(米国版、社説):銃とポリティクスと法 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ヴァージニアテック事件で、またぞろ持ち上がってきている銃規制について、最高裁 が憲法修正条項との関連で、判断を示す可能性があり、それはアメリカの銃規制につ いての判断の、大きなものになるかも知れない、と書いている。 Supreme Court may finally get a case in which to weigh in on the Constitutional question of the right to bear arms.
先月ワシントンDCの上告審(Circuit Court of Appeals)がワシントンの厳しい銃規 制法について、憲法修正条項の認めた権利を侵している(違反している)のではないかと いう裁判でLaurence Silberman判事が原告側有の判断を示し、ワシントンDCの規正法 に不利な判断となった。この裁判が最高裁に持ち込まれる可能性があって、最高裁の判 断が今後の銃規制議論に大きな影響を与え得るという。
Last month, Judge Laurence Silberman on the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in favor of plaintiffs who claimed that their Second Amendment rights were violated by Washington's strict gun-control laws. The Supreme Court has not heard a Second Amendment case in decades, but federal appeals courts have generally taken a very restricted view of citizens' rights under the Second Amendment. The D.C. Circuit's 2-1 decision sets up a direct conflict with other circuits, and could wind up at the Supreme Court.
This could be a defining moment for gun control, as Judge Silberman's ruling unequivocally declares that "the right to keep and bear arms" under the Second Amendment belongs to individuals and not, as some have argued, only to National Guardsmen or members of government-organized "militias." "The phrase 'the right of the people,'" Judge Silberman wrote, ". . . leads us to conclude that the right in question is individual." He added: "The wording . . . also indicates that the right to keep and bear arms was not created by government, but rather preserved by it." In all, the decision is as clear a statement of the right to keep and bear arms as one could want. The mayor of D.C. has requested a rehearing of the case by the full D.C. Circuit. If that is denied, or if the full court sides with Judge Silberman, the next stop would be the Supremes. (後略) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- アメリカの銃規制というのは日本や欧州とは法の体系や文化的伝統や社会情勢が全く異 なるので、日本の状況を基にした判断は意味が無くて、わかりにくい問題なので慎重に 観測する必要があると思う。少なくとも一部の飴のリベラルメディアの尻馬に乗って、 中途半端な理解で、国内でのミスリードを誘うような記事は書くべきではないと思う。
397 名前:無党派さん sage New! 投稿日:2007/04/21(土) 15:51:04 ID:qgRFqCWv I have to express sympathy from the bottom of my heart to those people who were taken as wartime comfort women
But that's not what you said originally in the Diet. You said that there was no evidence.
I wasn't the first to make the remarks that I made. 強制連行を認めているわけではないですね。
We feel responsible for having forced these women to go through that hardship and pain as comfort women under the circumstances at the time. (ワシントンポスト) 慰安婦が存在したことを謝罪しているわけで。従来と同じ。
ttp://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/ap/world/4734393.html American commanders cite al-Qaida's severe brand of Islam, which is so extreme that in Baqouba, al-Qaida has warned street vendors not to place tomatoes beside cucumbers because the vegetables are different genders, Col. David Sutherland said.
April 20, 2007, 2:29PM Iraqi insurgents now fighting each other AP通信 By TODD PITMAN Associated Press Writer The Associated Press まあ、この記事は、スンニ派がアルカイダに対抗して、政府側について戦闘している という記事なのだけれど。
In Anbar province, more than 200 Sunni sheiks have decided to form a political party to oppose the terror group, participants said Friday. アンバール県の200のシーア派の部族のシークが政党を結成し政治参加して、テロリス トグループに対抗すると金曜日に発表した。
Then, in a Web video aired Thursday, the Islamic State in Iraq named a 10-member shadow government "Cabinet" in an apparent bid to present the coalition as an alternative to the U.S.-backed, Shiite-led administration of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. 木曜日にはアルカイダの「Islamic State in Iraq」は10人の閣僚を発表し、マリキ政権 とは別の政治主体を宣言した。 ------------------------------------ アルカイダのやっている気違い沙汰が、その昔のオームにダブって見えてくる・・
ttp://pajamasmedia.com/2007/04/paris_blues_predicting_the_fre.php by Nidra Poller, PJM Paris Editor 20 April 2007 I can admit that I think the results of the first round of this presidential campaign will usher in a period of profound change in France and in Europe. That’s why I think it is important to state my predictions and explain my reasoning. 私は今度の大統領選挙の一次選挙が、フランスとヨーロッパの変化の案内役を勤める ように思う。それゆえに、今回の選挙の成り行きは重要であり、予測を行なう必要も あると思う。
The candidates will effectively weigh in, as repeatedly predicted, in this order: Nicolas Sarkozy (UMP), Segolene Royal (Socialist), Francois Bayrou (UDF), Jean -Marie Le Pen (Front National). The “small candidates” ?Philippe de Villiers and Frederic Nihous on the Right, Olivier Besancenot, Jose Bove, Marie-George Buffet, Arlette Laguiller, Gerard Schivardi Dominique Voynet on the Far Left will all be confined to the bull pen with low scores, 1 ? 2 %, except for Besancenot who will probably reap 5%. 大きく得票しそうなのはサルコジ、ロワイヤル、Bayrou、Le Penで後は泡沫候補であり Besancenotが5%くらいゆきそうだが、その他は1-2%であろう。
There will be no big surprises for Le Pen or Bayrou. Sarkozy’s lead over Royal should be in the upper rather than lower range …perhaps 5 points. サルコジはロワイヤルを5%くらい上回り、Le Pen や Bayrouが驚くほどの得票を得る事 は無いと思う。
100ページの報告書はWebには無くて、注文制、10ポンドだとか。 'A Nation of Immigrants? A brief demographic history of Britain' by David Conway is published by Civitas, 77 Great Peter Street, London SW1P 2EZ tel 020 7799 6677, www.civitas.org.uk, price £10.00 inc. pp.
モルガンスタンレー・グローバル経済フォラム、4月20日、中国、ステファン・ローチ ttp://www.morganstanley.com/views/gef/index.html#anchor4770 No Choice for China April 20, 2007 MFGEF:中国にとって、他の選択肢は無い ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 今週発表された、中国のQ1のGDP成長率=11.3%という高い値(経済過熱)を受け ての評論。中国政府の経済成長の過熱化防止の努力にもかかわらず、成長率は加速して おり、これ以上の行き過ぎは到底容赦できないので、断固たる引き締めに向かわざるを 得ないと書いている。
From where I sit, the Chinese government has no choice other than to up the ante on tightening and macro control. It’s been about three years since the current tightening campaign began. Yet China’s GDP growth has accelerated steadily over that period, from 9.5% in 2004 to 9.9% in 2005, 10.7% in 2006, and now to 11.1% in 1Q07. ・・・・ He is speaking, in my view, of a China that wants to move now ? before it’s too late to avoid the dreaded boom-bust. 温首相のメッセージは、私の考えでは、今や中国は引き締めに向かわざるを得ず、それも 遅すぎないようにしなければ、とても恐ろしいブーム&恐慌が待っている。
my best guess of their goal is to take a 16% comparison in lending growth in March down to the 10-12% range over the course of the next year. Third, and consistent with the first two points, I also believe China will successfully rein in excessive growth rates in both exports and fixed investment ? the former making an increasingly easy target for “China bashers” around the world and the latter ultimately posing a threat of excess capacity, which could well trigger a corrosive bout of deflation. My best guess here is that Beijing is aiming to take both investment and export growth below 20% by year-end 2007. Such an outcome, if it came to pass, would have important implications for commodity markets and for commodity-sensitive equities.
It is clear to me that Premier Wen Jiabao has put his personal reputation on the line in favor of tightening further to slow the runaway Chinese economy. I think he will pull it off, but given the limited traction between the money supply and the real economy, it will definitely require more administrative tightening to get the job done. At this point in its growth cycle, China can’t afford the alternatives. The costs of failure would be huge ? excess capacity, deflation, and protectionism. I am confident that China will not fail in its mission to regain control over its blistering economy. By moving sooner rather than later, China will avoid the dreaded hard landing of the classic boom-bust cycle. As I said, it has no other choice. 温首相はその評判にかけて暴走している中国経済の抑制に当たると思う。しかしマネーサ プライと実際の経済の関連の限界から、政府はより強力な引き締めを必要とする。中国 にとって他の選択肢はあり得ない。それに失敗した場合は、過剰設備、デフレーション、 保護主義などが待っている。中国が経済の制御に成功することと確信しているが、遅きに 失しないようにしなければハードランディングのブームと恐慌のサイクルが待っている。
2-3月に起こった、世界的な株安からの回復の早かったことについて モルガンスタンレーのStephen Jen
Many commentators and investors have grossly under-estimated the ability of risky assets to recover. The world’s equity market capitalization fully recovered in five weeks, after the February/March sell-off, compared to six months last year.
During this recent sell-off, I repeatedly warned that the recovery in risky assets would happen “much, much quicker” than it did last time, for various reasons I shall not repeat here. But the key big-picture view I have on risky assets contains three main parts. First, the world is still generating excess liquidity through a fundamental mismatch between savings and investment. Second, the world is not generating enough financial assets for investors to buy. Third, with the US soft landing and the recovery in the world, the risk to the global economy is now lower than it was before. Combined, these three key factors should keep risky assets buoyant, in my view. ttp://www.morganstanley.com/views/gef/index.html#anchor4770
現在イスラエルは、アメリカから精密爆弾(smart bomb)3000個を購入すべく、議会の 承認を取り付けるために活動中である。イスラエルは、この交渉に続いて、アメリカか ら最先端のステルス戦闘爆撃機であるF-22 Raptor の購入を計画しているが、アメリカ 国内法葉その輸出を禁止している。(後略) --------------------------------------------------------- ttp://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1176152845438&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull Apr. 21, 2007 5:48 | Updated Apr. 22, 2007 6:14 US seeking to sell Israel smart bombs By JPOST.COM STAFF
In a related development, The Jerusalem Post also learned that Israel plans to ask the US for its fifth-generation stealth F-22 fighter jets, which are currently banned for export. イエルサレム・ポストが知りえた情報で、イスラエル政府はアメリカに対して、現在は 輸出が禁止されている第五世代ステルス戦闘機であるF-22の輸出許可を要請する計画で ある。
Brzezinski stated the obvious in describing terrorism as a tactic, not an enemy ["Terrorized by 'War on Terror,' Outlook, March 25]. But this misses the point. We are at war with a global movement and ideology whose members seek to advance totalitarian aims through terrorism. Brzezinski is deeply mistaken to mock the notion that we are at war and to suggest that we should adopt "more muted reactions" to acts of terrorism.
To be sure, as Brzezinski observes, the geographic reach of this network does not put them in the same group as the Nazis or Stalinists when they achieved first-class military power. But without relentless vigilance and effort from the civilized world, Islamist extremists could gain control of a state or establish a network of radical "statelets" in the Middle East, Africa and Asia.
Moreover, this war cannot be won by arms alone; "soft" power matters. In these ways, our current struggle resembles the Cold War. As with the Cold War, we must respond globally. As with the Cold War, ideas matter as much as armaments. And as with the Cold War, this war requires our patience and resolve.
Perhaps the rhetoric of war makes Brzezinski and others uncomfortable. But history teaches that the false comfort of complacency is a dangerous indulgence in the face of a determined enemy.
My administration has been saying all along that we continue to stand by the Kono Statement. We feel responsible for having forced these women to go through that hardship and pain as comfort women under the circumstances at the time.
この場合、「having forced these women to」の状況にさせたのは 「We」や「the Imperial Army」じゃなくて 「その時代、そういう状況に置かれざるをえなかった」で良いんじゃないかと思うんだけど・・
Q: Your comments on "comfort women" caused an outcry in the United States. Do you really believe that the Imperial Army had no program to force Korean, Chinese and other women to provide sexual services to the Japanese Imperial Army?
A:I have to express sympathy from the bottom of my heart to those people who were taken as wartime comfort women. As a human being, I would like to express my sympathies, and also as prime minister of Japan I need to apologize to them.
The 20th century was a century in which human rights were infringed upon in numerous parts of the world, and Japan also bears responsibility in that regard. I believe that we have to look at our own history with humility and think about our responsibility.
Q:But that's not what you said originally in the Diet. You said that there was no evidence.
A:I wasn't the first to make the remarks that I made.
Q:You were not the first to say that there wasn't evidence of links to the Imperial Army?
A:What I was saying is that I wasn't the first to comment on the facts.
Q:But the main point is, do you now believe that the Imperial Army forced these women into this situation, and as prime minister of Japan do you apologize to them, and do you believe the Kono Statement [a partial 1993 acknowledgment by a Japanese official named Kono of Japan's responsibility for the brothels]?
A:My administration has been saying all along that we continue to stand by the Kono Statement. We feel responsible for having forced these women to go through that hardship and pain as comfort women under the circumstances at the time.
Petri Vogel of the South African Veterinary Association said 30 dogs had died across the country in the last two weeks after eating the contaminated food. She said the animals had died of renal failure. ''We are not expecting further deaths. The problem is under control,'' she said. 南アフリカの獣医師協会のペトリ・ヴォーゲルに拠れば、過去2週間で同国内で30匹の 犬が汚染されたペットフードにより、腎臓障害で死亡したという。汚染された原料(コー ン・グルテン)は第三者を介して中国から輸入されていた。
Chinese authorities have told the FDA that the wheat gluten was an industrial product not meant for pet food, Stephen Sundlof, the FDA's chief veterinarian, said Thursday. アメリカのFDAは中国当局に汚染された原材料の問い合わせを行なっているが、問題 とされた小麦粉グルテンは飼料用のものではなく、産業用のものであると中国側が答え たとFDAの獣医Stephen Sundlofが木曜日に話している。
Tokyo - Overshadowed by the recent murder of the Nagasaki mayor, local elections were underway in Japan on Sunday. In Fukushima, the DPJ candidate beat his opponent of the governing Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Okinawa was set for a neck-and-neck electoral race.
Political scientist Francis Fukuyama believes the common denominator between the terrorist suicide bomber and the suicidal mass murderer is their sexual frustration and gender. “It really is young men between 15 and 30 who are responsible the vast majority of crimes, although it is politically incorrect to say this too loudly,” he says. フランシス・フクヤマは15-30歳の、犯罪発生率の多い青年男子層について、自殺攻撃 の多量殺戮は性的フラストレーションに関連があるという。
Fukuyama believes that Cho’s case is “fairly unique” but “the maleness is important”. In his essay Identity and Migration, published by Prospect last February, he writes that radical Islamism should be understood in the context of identity politics. フクヤマはチョのケースは大変個別的であるとするものの、男性性が重要であるという。 彼はイスラム過激派の問題をアイデンティティ・ポリティクスの観点からみるべきという。 --------------------------------------------------------- フクヤマ以外にも、この問題をフェミニズム傾向と関連させて発言している人がいる のだけれど、個人的には同意できない。最近のフクヤマ氏はちょっと・・;精神障害 者の個別の被害妄想を、社会的問題として捉えるべき理由は無いように思える。イス ラミストとアイデンティティ・ポリティクスというのも些か怪しげに聞こえる。そう いうこじつけは昔の世界共産主義運動と青年層について、スキンヘッドのネオナチに ついて、でも可能であろうけれど、意味があるように思えない。
Ever since her son was convicted and executed in January 2005, Meng has been searching for an explanation. She never saw his body. His corpse, tagged No. 207, was put in a hospital van and taken to a crematorium. By then, Meng believes, the body had been stripped of its organs. ``It would be unbelievably cruel to take his organs. It's the final insult,'' Meng says later, riding a public bus to yet another government office, lines of fatigue etched around her eyes.
In fact, some mass shootings have been stopped by armed citizens. Though press accounts downplayed it, the 2002 shooting at Appalachian Law School was stopped when a student retrieved a gun from his car and confronted the shooter. Likewise, Pearl, Miss., school shooter Luke Woodham was stopped when the school's vice principal took a .45 from his truck and ran to the scene. In February's Utah mall shooting, it was an off-duty police officer who happened to be on the scene and carrying a gun.
<フランスの大統領選挙と、極右候補の後退> ttp://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/6582007.stm Last Updated: Sunday, 22 April 2007, 20:11 GMT 21:11 UK France opts for left-right battle ------------------------------------------------------------------- 今回の結果が、前回と大きく異なる点は、前回にはNo2の位置を占めた極右の Le Penが全く振るわず、No4までさがって11%しか獲得していないこと。
Analysts had said a double loss by the ruling coalition would have been a blow to Abe's government. #リンダ・シーグらしい言い方で、残念そうな; --------------------------------------------------- (AFP、記者不明) ttp://rawstory.com/news/afp/Japan_split_in_by_elections_04222007.html Japan split in by-elections
But his approval rating has dipped below 40 percent as he has failed to address major economic issues such as the troubled pension system, while some of his government ministers have also been involved in scandals and gaffes. #いつもの(脳天気な)AFP調
AA−からAAに、一段階引き上げた。 ``Policy makers have been triply challenged to consolidate fiscal accounts and to restructure the private sector without restoking deflationary pressure,'' Takahira Ogawa, director of sovereign ratings at S&P in Singapore, said in a report. ``Our assessment is that they are meeting the test.''
S&P raised its outlook on Japan's sovereign debt rating to positive from stable in May 2006, citing reorganizations by companies, a recovery in the financial sector after banks reduced bad loans, and an easing of deflation.
Morgan Stanley appointed Chief Economist Stephen Roach, who's followed the China economy for more than a decade, as Asia chairman as it seeks more mandates to handle takeovers and stock sales for Chinese companies. モルガンスタンレーは主任エコノミストのステファン・ローチをアジア地区代表議長に 指名した。ローチ氏は中国経済の専門家。(後略)
【パリ=安藤淳】フランスの世論調査機関が22日夜に実施した複数の世論調査で、 5月6日の決選投票で国民運動連合のサルコジ党首が社会党のロワイヤル議員を破る との結果が出た。決選で誰に投票するか聞くと、回答者の52―54%がサルコジ氏を 選び、ロワイヤル氏を4―8ポイント上回った。(13: 01) ---------------------------------------------------- ttp://www.eux.tv/article.aspx?articleId=6861 Sunday, April 22, 2007 at 22:41 2ND ROUNDUP: Sarkozy, Royal to face off for French presidency (DPA)
Sarkozy is the favourite to win the May 6 runoff. A poll made public late Sunday by the Ipsos institute shows him beating Royal by 54 to 46 per cent.
Iraq Triable Chiefs form Anti-Insurgent Party イラクの人達が立ち上がり始めている。アルカイダなど海外から来る武力勢力に将来はないと悟ったようだ。
After remaining neutral or in favor of the insurgency that followed the U.S.-led invasion in 2003, many Al Anbar sheiks eventually grew disenchanted due to the brutality of foreign-led militants. Sattar said he began organizing sheiks in September after his father and three brothers were killed by insurgents. 海外からくるアルカイダなどの武力勢力に今まで加担してきたAl Anbar地方の長老達200人が、新しい政党を 作り、アメリカとイラク政府勢力をサポートする政党を作ることになった。
A group of Sunni tribal leaders in beleaguered Al Anbar province said Thursday that it intended to form a national party to oppose insurgents such as Al Qaeda in Iraq and reengage with Iraq's political process.
The announcement came after 200 sheiks said to represent 50 tribes met here and agreed to form a provincial sheiks council and hold the first convention in May of their new party, called Iraq Awakening. Sheiks from three other provinces will attend, organizers said.
The driving force behind the new party, Sheik Abdul-Sattar abu Risha, said in an interview that the tribal leaders would be pushing a slate of candidates in Al Anbar provincial elections later this year, as well as in the next round of national parliamentary balloting, scheduled for 2009.
One purpose of the party, Sattar said, is to promote a better image of American-led forces "to the Iraqis here." He added that the tribes also would participate in a U.S.-backed effort to reestablish a court system in Ramadi, the provincial capital. この発表も、最近成功を収めているアメリカ軍・イラク軍の戦術の結果のようだ。
U.S. military leaders here said they were cheered by the announcement because cooperation from sheiks in Al Anbar in recent months had contributed to a rise in Iraqi police and army recruitment and a sharp reduction in insurgent attacks on U.S. troops and their Iraqi allies. イラクの状態は、まだ流動性に富んでいる。アメリカ民主党のリード上院議員が”アメリカは負けた”などと 言っている以上、イラク人はアメリカへの信頼を強めることにはリスクがある。リベラル政治では、人が死んでも ”革命”の犠牲だから。
Some gongos are benign, others irrelevant. But many, including those I mentioned, are dangerous. Some act as the thuggish arm of repressive governments. Others use the practices of democracy to subtly undermine democracy at home. Abroad, the gongos of repressive regimes lobby the United Nations and other international institutions, often posing as representatives of citizen groups with lofty aims when, in fact, they are nothing but agents of the governments that fund them. Some governments embed their gongos deep in the societies of other countries and use them to advance their interests abroad.
That is the case, for example, of Chongryon, a vast group of pro-North Korean "civil society" organizations active in Japan. It is the de facto representative of the North Korean regime. Japanese authorities have accused several of its member organizations of smuggling weapons technology, trafficking in pharmaceutical products, and funneling hundreds of millions of dollars, as well as orchestrating a massive propaganda operation on Pyongyang's behalf.
"People are increasingly recognizing that it is an effective middle ground between diplomacy and military action," said Michael Jacobson, who until last month was a senior adviser at Treasury and is now at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. ワシントンインスティチュートのマイケル・ヤコブソンは外交と軍事の中間にある財務省 の機能について認識を改めているという。
"It is certainly a very new and effective tool," said Robert Einhorn, former assistant secretary for non-proliferation at the State Department and now at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. "Years ago, people at State would go to Treasury and say, 'We've got a lot of financial muscle, we should use it to pursue political goals.' But Treasury would always say it didn't want to mess around with the international financial system." 前国務省次官補のロバート・アインホーンは「数年前には国務省の人間が財務省に行って 政治的目的の為に、金融制裁をやろうぜ、といっても財務省は何時も乗り気ではなくて金 融システムを混乱させたくないといっていた」
"Our sanctions are now being targeted at specific actors on the basis of certain conduct -- not conduct that the U.S. doesn't like politically but conduct that's contrary to international law or international standards and norms," said Adam Szubin, director of OFAC. "And to the extent we can focus our actions against those who are engaged in bad conduct -- whether it's money laundering and counterfeiting like we saw in North Korea or proliferation or sponsorship of terrorism like we see in Iran -- there is a very serious response internationally." 財務省のAdam Szubin部長OFACは「我々の行なっている制裁は、政治的な意図で誰かを好 まないとか、そういう類ではなくて、国際法規や国際的基準、標準にあっているかどうか を基にした判断である。北朝鮮のマネロンとか偽札行使とか、イランのテロリスト支援と か、そうした悪行を対称にしていて、国際的にその制裁への反応には真剣なものがある」 と述べている。
Over the past several months, senior Treasury officials met with more than 40 financial institutions throughout Europe, Asia and the Middle East to press them to cut ties with Iranian banks, presenting evidence of deceptive use of the international financial system. Some foreign governments have privately complained about being circumvented, but there is little they can do. イランに対する制裁について言えば、財務省は過去数か月に、欧州やアジア、中東の40以 上の金融機関と会談しイランの銀行との取引を止めるように、イランの不法行為の証拠を 示して話してきた。中には財務省の行動にプライベートに文句を言ってくる国もあるのだ が、彼らの出来ることは殆どない。
Treasury sanctions also allow the U.S. to accomplish goals that would be much more difficult to achieve multilaterally. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice tried for six months last year to get the UN Security Council to adopt tough sanctions on Iran. The result, in December, was a resolution that was watered down by Russia. But after Treasury imposed sanctions on the two Iranian banks, Sepah and Saderat, some of the largest banks in Europe and Asia quickly cut ties to the banks. That affected the UN process, because the governments involved knew their own banks had already taken action. In March, a new UN resolution was enacted imposing sanctions on more Iranian entities, including Bank Sepah. 財務省の金融制裁は、国務省が国連安保理で決める制裁決議を実効有らしめる役割を 果たす。イランへの安保理制裁が決まったあと、ロシアなどの非協力的な態度で効果 が上がっていなかったが財務省がイランの二つの大きな銀行、Sepah と Saderatを制 裁することにした後では欧州とアジアの大銀行が素早く取引を停止した。
"In all cases, money talks," said Matt Levitt, who was deputy assistant secretary for intelligence and analysis at Treasury until earlier this year. "If you take [diplomatic] action against Iran or North Korea, the impact is felt but is not personal. But if you target [North Korean President] Kim Jong Il's personal caviar fund, that hurts." 財務省の諜報分析担当副補佐官であるMatt Levittは「お金は、いつもものを言う」と いう。「北朝鮮やイランに外交行動を行なえば、インパクトはあるのだが指導者個人に 伝わりにくい。しかし北朝鮮の指導者の口座に金融制裁を行なうと、金正日が直接的に 痛みを感じるのだ」
Throw Food On The Fire April 23, 2007: A new head of the North Korean military was appointed, and several other senior military officials were replaced. Someone up north isn't happy with the way things are being run. Meanwhile, South Korea is establishing closer ties with the Chinese military, and upgrading its technology. ttp://www.strategypage.com/qnd/korea/articles/20070423.aspx
TOKYO ? Matsushita Electric Works Ltd. said on Monday it had bought a controlling stake in Indian building-materials-and-lighting maker Anchor Electricals for $420 million, the biggest deal ever by a Japanese company in India. インドの建設電気資材、照明器具メーカーのアンカー・エレクトリカルスの株式の80%を $420Mで取得する。
Published: April 17 2007 11:19 | Last updated: April 17 2007 23:02 The bounty hunters have landed in Japan. Activist investors including Brandes Investment Partners of the US want bigger dividends. The coming round of annual meetings is expected to witness a record number of shareholder proposals.
保守派のNROのブログが取り上げて、民主党とナンシー・ペロシを非難している。 90年前の、昔の事件はさておき、ナンシー等の民主党左派の外交政策がアメリカの対 トルコ政策を破壊してしまう、と警告するもの。 ttp://hillaryspot.nationalreview.com/ Tomorrow is "Nancy Pelosi Screws Up U.S.-Turkish Relations For The Next Decade Day"
Just FYI, tomorrow is "Nancy Pelosi Screws Up U.S.-Turkish Relations For The Next Decade Day."
In your paper, you're probably going to see it as a news brief, something like, "Nancy Pelosi forces the passage of a resolution marking the Armenian genocide," and maybe if you're lucky, you'll see a paragraph noting that the resolution's passage comes in the face of dire warnings from the Bush administration, Bill Clinton, defense hawks, and anyone who wants Turkey to continue its role as a valued ally to the United States. There are diehard Democrats who work professionally with Turkey who are... not pleased with Pelosi. (後略)
レバノン・ディリースター:日本は大きく変化中だが、誰も気がついていないようだ By Richard N. Haass -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 外交評議会(CFR、Council on Foreign Relations)議長のRichard N. Haassの書い ているもので、アメリカの外交をめぐる議論の中で、注目度が低すぎるが、日本が戦後 60年を経て、憲法改正や集団安全保証の見直しなど、大きく変化し始めている。この影 響はアジアにおいて大変大きいので要注意である、と呼びかけているもの。
Intellectuals, journalists, and politicians are now saying and writing things about Japan's role in the world that were unthinkable a decade ago.
It is a question of when, not if, the Japanese amend Article IX of their Constitution, which limits the role of Japan's armed forces to self-defense.
Not everyone will welcome these changes. Japan's neighbors, who continue to harbor concerns stemming from World War II and Japan's failure to deal adequately with its history, will worry about Japanese nationalism. ---------------------------------------------------- この評論の中で、Richard N. Haassは安倍首相の慰安婦問題発言や、日本の「ナショナ リズム」に対してとてもネガティブな評価をしていて、この分野での情報戦争に日本が 失敗しているのではないかと言う思いが。パブリック・ディプロマシー、対外メディア 戦略について、慎重かつ徹底的に検討してみる必要がある鴨;
ttp://www.state.gov/secretary/rm/2007/apr/83408.htm Statement by Secretary Condoleezza Rice Death of Former Russian President Boris Yeltsin Washington, DC April 23, 2007 国務省リリース:エリツィン元大統領の逝去を悼んで(ライス国務長官のメッセージ)
The survey was the latest sign the former first lady, who now represents New York in the Senate, will have a tough fight ahead to win the Democratic nomination. Obama,
“What they do is really insulting. You simply can't tell people what to wear. They don't understand that use of force only brings hatred toward them, not love,” said Elham Mohammadi, a 23-year-old student. 23歳の女学生、 Elham Mohammadiは「政府のやっていることは全く無礼だと思う。政府 が何を着るべきとか、人々に命令するなんて。政府は、そういう強制をすれば、国民の 怒りを買うだけだという事がわかっていない」と述べた。
イランの女性の一般的服装の現状は: Now it is common to see women in loose headscarves ? some as narrow as a ribbon ? that show much of their hair. Many women also wear short, colorful, formfitting jackets that stop at the knee ? or even higher ? showing jeans underneath. Even under Ahmadinejad in the past two years, women can be seen wearing pants that leave the bottom of their calves bare.
その他月曜日には3548人の女性が、ドレスコードで警告を受けた。 “All are responsible toward the problem of inadequate dress,” Ayatollah Nasser Makarem Shirazi, one senior Qom cleric, told newspapers. 宗教都市クオムのアヤトラ、Nasser Makarem Shiraziは「不適切な服装に対して社会の 全ての人に責任がある」と述べている。
“People are unhappy with the social and moral status of the society. They expect that the fight against social insecurity be properly implemented,” Pourmohammadi was quoted in the conservative daily Resalat as saying. 保守派の新聞、Resalatは「国民は社会の現状やモラルの現状に不満であり、彼等は社会 的な不安定性に対しての戦いが行なわれることを期待している」と書いている。
ラマディ、バクダッド、ファルージャの現状が楽観でも悲観でもないタッチで書かれて いる。ラマディはアルカイダ(Islamic State of Iraq.)がその「首都」を宣言してい た根拠地であるが、3月には完全にアルカイダ勢力を駆逐して安全になったと書いている。 バクダッドも市内からはアルカイダなどの過激は勢力が駆逐されたが、バクダッド郊外 からの自動車爆弾攻撃は続いている。
Japan remains the only six-party participant that understands the importance of the stick in carrot-and-stick negotiations. Tokyo is standing firm until it sees solid progress on the nuclear issue and on North Korea's return of Japanese citizens it abducted years ago. If only Tokyo's partners would show similar resolve. 今や日本だけが6者会合参加国の中で、飴と鞭の交渉における鞭の重要性を理解している。 日本政府は核問題の進歩が見られなければ、そして昔、北朝鮮に拉致された日本人が開放 されない限り、強固に対応する。日本政府のパートナーが、同じように不屈の意思があれ ば(良いものを)。
もう一方のスキャンダルというのは元ドイツ国会議員(社会民主党)でEU評議会の 第一副代表(first vice president of the European Commission)である Gunter Verheugenと、その評議会の指名した(女性)エコノミストであるPetra Erlerが愛人 関係にあって、ヌーディスト・ビーチで一緒に休暇をすごしているところを写真に撮 られて騒ぎになったというもの。女性のほうは評議会のスタッフになって大幅な昇給 を得ていた。
問題は、後者のスキャンダルがメディアで報道された後にドイツ外相Frank-Walter Steinmeierとか、EU評議会代表のJose Manuel Barrosoなどの大物政治家が、この 事件をプライベートな時間の行動なので問題としないとして庇っていることで、欧州 の言論がそういうEUの高官のスキャンダルは放置して、ウルフォウィッツ(はるかに スキャンダルとしてのインパクト性が少ないのだけれど)を糾弾しているダブルスタ ンダード。
This isn't to say that Mr. Wolfowitz's tenure at the World Bank has been without disappointments: Mr. Easterly faults him for indulging utopian ambitions for what the Bank can do to alleviate poverty and promote democracy.
But that can't possibly justify the furies that have now descended on Mr. Wolfowitz. Like Mr. Verheugen, he sought to use his office to change an organization he thought--mistakenly, as it turns out--that he ran. Unlike Mr. Verheugen, he never really did anything improper. That he is now on the firing line while Mr. Verheugen is not is a point worth noting. That both men, despite the great differences between them, have been thwarted by their bureaucracies should be a reminder to everyone that the government of mandarins is more than just a danger to interloping neocons.
In Asia, the emergence of an economically vibrant, more politically active China offers new opportunities for prosperity and cooperation, but also poses new challenges for the United States and our partners in the region. It is time for the United States to take a more active role here - to build on our strong bilateral relations and informal arrangements like the Six Party talks. As President, I intend to forge a more effective regional framework in Asia that will promote stability, prosperity and help us confront common transnational threats such as tracking down terrorists and responding to global health problems like avian flu.
Only a few months ago, the vast majority of black elected officials in New York were expected to support the presidential candidacy of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton. But no longer. 数ヶ月前までNY州の黒人系議員はヒラリー支持で固まっていたのだが、今やそうでは なくなっている(後略) ------------------------------ オバマの草の根の領域の人気の上昇で、黒人やヒスパニックのような民主党の強力な 支持層にヒラリー支持か、オバマ支持かを迷う動きが出てきている、とする記事。
これはスレチガイだけれど、織原城二のルーシー・ブラックマン事件の判決で 英国系メディアが思いっきりセンセーショナルな報道を・・父親が韓国人であ ることや、パチンコ、ヤクザなどのつながりも詳しく書いている。 ------------------------------------------------ ttp://news.sky.com/skynews/article/0,,30100-1262263,00.html Zorro Masks And Chloroform Updated: 08:38, Tuesday April 24, 2007 スカイニュース:ゾロのマスクにクロロフォルム
Obara was born Kim Sung Jong in 1952. His parents were Korean immigrants, considered second-class citizens in Japan, but they worked hard and his father became wealthy though property and a series of taxi businesses. ------------------------------------------------ ttp://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/6242747.stm The 'beast with a human face' By Chris Summers BBC News BBC:人間の顔をした獣
Obara was born in Osaka in 1952 to Korean immigrant parents. His father was an entrepreneur who built his fortune on taxis, property and pachinko, the addictive arcade games beloved of so many Japanese. ------------------------------------------------ ttp://www.theage.com.au/news/world/a-tale-of-rape-murder-and-a-japanese-playboy/2007/04/20/1176697090797.html A tale of rape, murder and a Japanese playboy Justin Norrie, Tokyo April 21, 2007 ジ・エージ:強姦、殺人そして日本のプレーボーイの物語(7ページの詳しい記事)
Born Kim Sung Jong in 1952 to poor Korean parents in Osaka, he had inherited with his two brothers the enormous fortune his family eventually made in pachinko parlours ? Japan's garish, noisy equivalent of Australia's poker machine rooms ? at the age of 17, when his father died in Hong Kong.
また終了後、どの候補の演説が良かったかを利用者に投票してもらい、討論会の「勝者」 を発表するという。開催は9月以降になる見通し。 [時事通信社] -------------------------------------------------------------------- ttp://www.abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory?id=3068852 The Huffington Post political blog has signed on Web media company Yahoo Inc. and online news site Slate to help host two debates among presidential hopefuls ahead of the 2008 election.
On Monday, the Huffington Post said Yahoo and the Washington Post Co.'s Slate would help it host two online-only debates, one for Democratic candidates and a second for Republican contenders, to take place after the Labor Day holiday in early September.(ロイター)
シュピーゲル:元プーチン大統領経済アドバイザー、現在カトー研究所のAndrei Illarionovへのインタビュー;ロシアにおける野党勢力の弾圧 (部分抜粋) SPIEGEL: Who is conducting it? 誰が弾圧を指揮しているのか?
Illarionov: Employees of the intelligence agencies. These people now occupy more than 70 percent of all top positions in the state machinery. The destruction of Mikhail Khodorkovsky's Yukos oil company, the murder of journalist Anna Politkovskaya, the polonium poisoning of former agent Alexander Litvinenko -- the goal in each of these cases is to keep society in a state of constant fear. 諜報機関の人間だ。彼等(KGB)はいまや国家機関のトップの役職の70%を占めている。 ユコス石油の破壊やアンナ・ポリトフスカヤ記者の暗殺、リトビネンコ元KGB職員の暗 殺などに見られるように、目的は社会と継続的に恐怖の下に置くことである。
SPIEGEL: Now you're exaggerating. 貴方の主張は、誇張が過ぎるのではありませんか?
Illarionov: No. All our democratic institutions are also being dismantled. We suffer from the Zimbabwean disease. This is why Russia is becoming more isolated diplomatically, and why economic growth is slowing. In a comparison with the 15 former Soviet republics, Russia is now third to last when it comes to economic growth. 否、そうでは無い。民主的な諸機関が閉鎖された。我々は「ジンバブエ症候群」に悩まさ れているのだ。そのためにロシアは外交的に孤立し経済成長が低下する。前ソヴィエト連 邦の15の国の中で、ロシアは経済成長において、びりから3番目に位置する。
SPIEGEL: Western companies value the stability Putin has brought to the country. Should they stop investing in Russia? 西欧企業はプーチンの実施した安定化を評価しています。ロシアには投資すべきではない と考えているのですか?
Illarionov: That's their decision. They'll have to evaluate the political risk themselves. それは企業の意思決定でしょう。彼等は政治リスクを自分で評価しなければならない。 (後略) ------------------------------------------------------------------- EUの中でもドイツは政治的にロシア支持の傾向が強くて、ロシア企業への投資に前向き のドイツ企業は多いので、このシュピーゲルの対談に見られるドイツ・メディアのロシア 擁護のスタンスは理解できるところが。歯に衣着せぬIllarionovの主張は面白い。
バージニア工科大の猟奇的乱射事件のあとに、「オーニシの記事はまだか」と待ち望ん でいた人は多い。 だが、オーニシを待ち伏せするためにNew York Times 検索:「Norimitsu Onishi」というリンクをつくっておいても、 オーニシはいっこうに網にかからない。 なぜなのか。オーニシは乱射の件で4月18日に記事を書いている。Choe Sang-Hunと 共同執筆という形で。 ニューヨークタイムズがデータベース検索から「オーニシ」を どうしてはずしたのか、だ。 (後略) ----------------------------------- NYTの検索では出てこない。ぐぐるにゅーす検索なら一発だけど。 ttp://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/18/world/asia/18cnd-korea.html?hp South Koreans React to Shooting in Virginia By CHOE SANG-HUN and NORIMITSU ONISHI
AEI:イラクの兵力強化・治安向上作戦の2ヶ月の評価 -------------------------------------------------------------------- イラクの現状評価。さすがにAEIの研究者だけあって、うまいまとめ方でリスク や問題点の整理にも目が行き届いている。Frederick W. Kaganの評価では昨年12月 がイラクの状況が最悪であって、2月以降の治安回復作戦は幾つかの面で見るべき成 果を上げているが問題点が無いわけではない。しかし、この作戦は有効であるので 今、これを諦める手はない。
Today, victory is up for grabs, and the stakes for America are rising as the conflict between us and al Qaeda shifts to the fore. It is no hyperbole to recognize that a precipitous American withdrawal would undermine the current positive trends and increase the likelihood of mass killing and state collapse. Painful and uncertain as it is, the wisest course now is to support our commander and our soldiers and civilians, as they struggle to foster security in Iraq and to defeat the enemies who have sworn to destroy us. 今日では勝利は手の届く獲得可能なものであり、アルカイダとの対立が前面にシフトして アメリカにとって、掛っているものがより大きくなっている。今急にアメリカ軍を引き上 げるようなことをすれば現在のポジティブな状況は悪化し大量殺戮や国家崩壊の可能性を 高めるといっても誇張ではあるまい。 不確定で困難ではあるのだが、最も賢明な選択は我等の指揮官と兵士ら、そして民間人ら を支持し、我等を滅ぼすと宣言している敵に対抗する彼らの戦いを支持することである。
385 名前: マンセー名無しさん Mail: sage 投稿日: 2007/04/24(火) 23:46:21 ID: JYzrt88Q Japan's fund for former sex slaves never achieved purpose By Norimitsu Onishi Published: April 24, 2007
Now we are at a moment of truth. There is McCain's way, a way of difficulty and honor. There is Reid's way, a way of political expediency and dishonor. McCain may lose the political battle at home, and the U.S. may ultimately lose in Iraq. But some of us will always be proud, at this moment of choice, to have stood with McCain, and our soldiers, and our country.
In addition to being priced out of the market, the country’s urban poor and working class are usually the first to be displaced by large development projects in which dilapidated buildings are torn down for flash new tower blocks. 不動産価格が高騰して手が出ないことに加えて、国内の都市の貧困層や労働者層は大規模 不動産開発事業で最初に追い出される人たちである。荒廃した家屋などが取り壊されて新 しい高層建築が作られる。
Coupled with a desire to temper the country’s overheated economy, which grew more than 11 per cent in the first quarter, government fears of popular unrest have inspired a series of national and local measures to control the market. Q1に11%を超えるような成長の、過熱化した経済の抑制に加えて、政府は住民の暴動を 恐れ、一連の国の、あるいは地方の不動産市場の規制を生み出している。
These have included higher transaction taxes, more stringent limits on mortgage lending, mandatory land auctions and restrictions on the construction of luxury flats and villas. Purchases by overseas buyers, easy scapegoats for a clampdown on speculative buying, have also been restricted, a development for which “there is no basis in law,” according to Ren Zhiqiang, president of Beijing Hua Yuan Group, another developer. それらの規制は、より高い取引税、住宅ローンへのより厳しい制約、土地のオークション の義務化、豪華な住宅や別荘の建築制限などである。投機的売買の抜け道になるような海 外資金による不動産投資についても規制を強める。これに対して、開発業者である北京 Hua Yuanグループの社長、Ren Zhiqiangは「法律の根拠がない」といっている。 (後略)
ttp://memri.org/bin/latestnews.cgi?ID=IA34607 MEMRI:Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 346 April 24, 2007 No.346 Cartoons Condemning the Terrorist Attacks in Algeria and Morocco By: O. Winter (中東のメディア・リサーチ機関、MEMRIの記事) 中東(のアラブ)メディア・政治漫画は、アルジェリアとモロッコのテロを非難
en.Wikipedia.org で「Shinzo Abe」を見ていたら、「View on history」の慰 安婦関連の所で以下の記述を見つけました。
These were not commercial brothels. Force, explicit and implicit, was used in recruiting these women. In fact, Shinzo Abe's own mother was a sex slave. What went on in them was serial rape, not prostitution.
襲撃事件を起こした、「オガデン国家解放戦線」ONLF The attack by more than 200 rebel fighters lasted about an hour, and followed a warning the rebel Ogaden National Liberation Front made last year against any investment in eastern Ethiopia's Ogaden area. In recent years, the front has only made occasional hit and run attacks against government troops, making Tuesday's attack its most significant one. Formed from Ethiopia's minority Somalis, the Muslim group has combatants fighting alongside insurgents in Somalia and has fought for the secession of the Ogaden region, an area the size of Britain with 4 million people, since the early 1990s. ONLFはオガデン地区東部の石油開発事業に反対する武力勢力で、昨年結成された。 最近、政府軍に対して小規模な攻撃を加える事件はあったが水曜日の事件の規模のもの は始めてである。ソマリ州のマイノリティで構成されたイスラム武装集団でオガデン地 域殻の分離独立運動を展開している。
Bereket said the Ogaden National Liberation Front was also linked to the Eritrean government, which Ethiopia has repeatedly accused of waging terror attacks. Eritrea denies the claims. Both countries fought a bloody border war that ended in 2000 and are accused of backing rival sides in the conflict in Somalia, where Ethiopian troops helped the government topple a militant Islamic group late last year and continue to battle remnants of the Islamic group and Somali warlords. エチオピア政府の高官、BereketによればONLFはエリトリア政府に関連があり、エチ オピア政府はエリトリアに対して、テロ攻撃を仕掛けていると非難してきた経過がある。 エチオピアとエリトリアは境界紛争を2000年まで続けている。ソマリ州においてエチオピ ア軍は昨年イスラム武装勢力を駆逐し、ソマリ地方軍閥やイスラム武装派残留勢力との 争いを続けている。
ttp://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story/0,20867,21618362-2703,00.html David Shinn, a former US Ambassador to Ethiopia, said that the scale of the attack was unprecedented and could be linked to Addis Ababa’s role in Somalia. “It might indicate growing unrest in the region generally and particularly in Somalia itself, and that might be giving additional support to the ONLF in the Ogaden.” Last year a United Nations arms-monitoring report revealed that ONLF leaders were frequent visitors to the Somali home of Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, who later rose to power as hardline leader of the Union of Islamic Courts. ONLF members visited his home in central Somalia to collect arms sent from Eritrea, which has a history of supporting Ethiopia’s opponents. Sheikh Aweys is wanted by the US in connection with Islamic terrorism.
Progress in Iraq? Impossible! How do we know? Because Harry Reid says so, in effect calling General Petraeus a liar: Reid has been an unexpected bonanza for the Republicans.
These were not commercial brothels. Force, explicit and implicit, was used in recruiting these women. In fact, Shinzo Abe's own mother was a sex slave. What went on in them was serial rape, not prostitution.
ttp://www.ft.com/cms/s/91a85998-f2a9-11db-a454-000b5df10621.html Dialogue among the Pacific powers Published: April 24 2007 22:24 | Last updated: April 24 2007 22:24 FT:太平洋の大国間の対話 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 週末の安倍首相訪米について、日米関係と中国の関係のあり方についての評論になっ ているけれど、いつものFTの、中国へのバイアスが混じるような。
日米関係の現状評価は; The timing of Mr Abe’s summit with Mr Bush at Camp David on Friday does not therefore suggest any tension between the world’s two largest economies. Instead, it shows that both the US and Japan recognise China as a rising power that needs to be accommodated. This does not mean Mr Bush is kowtowing to China. On the contrary, the US is supporting the emergence of a more assertive foreign policy for Japan, including a revision of the pacifist postwar constitution that the US itself dictated to the Japanese. 日米関係には、現在特段の問題点が存在せず、むしろ今の問題(共通話題)は日米の対中 国政策(あるいは対アジア政策)とみるべきで、アメリカは憲法改正をはじめとする日本 の(従来の平和主義よりは強硬な)普通の国への路線を支持している、と捉える。
Asia-Pacific is a part of the world where the US is still, by and large, respected as a responsible superpower. Perhaps one reason is that the US is helping to foster something long advocated by sensible policy analysts: a mutually beneficial relationship between the three great powers of the Pacific.
Free trade advocates here are worried it will agree to the riders and embolden Democrats and other trade foes in future battles. What the Bush administration agrees to in the coming weeks will have implications for the 2008 campaign and beyond.
After soldiers marched in formation, 48 missiles of four different sizes were driven through Kim Il Sung Square in central Pyongyang. It was not immediately known if the arsenal included the North's latest model, known abroad as the Taepodong-2, which experts believe could reach parts of the United States.
APTN footage showed goose-stepping troops and some missiles, apparently shorter -range models, being carried on military trucks and other vehicles.
Prosecutor Saeed Mortazavi told an Iranian newspaper that if the current punishments are not effective in preventing women from showing some skin, those who repeatedly violate the law could be expelled from Tehran for five years. イランの規制強化された、ドレス・コードについてSaeed Mortazavi検事は新聞記者に対 して、現行規定の罰則が女性のドレス・コード遵守を達成させることが出来ないのであ れば、違反者をテヘランから5年間、田舎に追放すると述べた。
Orders for durable goods increased by 3.4% last month to a seasonally adjusted $214.85 billion, the Commerce Department said Wednesday. A key barometer of business equipment spending -- orders for nondefense capital goods excluding aircraft -- climbed by 4.7%, after decreasing 2.3% in February.
ARLINGTON, VA - U.S. Senator John McCain will officially announce his candidacy for the President of the United States today in Portsmouth, New Hampshire with remarks at a 12:00 p.m. EDT rally in Prescott Park. Below are Senator McCain's remarks, as prepared for delivery:(以下に大統領選出馬スピーチ、省略)
No, Francois Bayrou does not like Segolene Royal more than he hates Nicolas Sarkozy. Only one person can be president of Bayrou’s France?he, himself, and Bayrou.(後略)
He leaves his voters in limbo. Those who follow him to the ends of the earth will stay home on election day. The others will have to decide for themselves.
An Associated Press review of historical documents and records shows American authorities permitted the official brothel system to operate despite internal reports that women were being coerced into prostitution. The Americans also had full knowledge by then of Japan's atrocious treatment of women in countries across Asia that it conquered during the war. APの調査した歴史文件に拠ればアメリカ占領軍は公的慰安施設を許可しており、 それは内部文書の示すように女性たちが売春を強制された(being coerced into) にもかかわらず許可されている。アメリカ軍は当時、日本が戦時中に占領したアジ ア諸国の女性に対する残忍な(atrocious)扱いを熟知していた。
Ultimately, the problem isn't ideology but laziness. Conservatives who accuse reporters of doing liberals' work for them have it backward; the real problem is that reporters are too often willing to let liberals like Brock do their work for them. 究極的には、問題はイデオロギーではなくて(保守派が)怠けていることにある。 新聞記者がリベラルに傾いた記事を書くと非難している保守派は、考え方が逆である。 真の問題は新聞記者が余りに多くの機会に(Media Matters for Americaの)David Brock のようなリベラルの情報操作役に、その仕事をさせていることなのである。
[Victor Cha, President George W. Bush's top adviser on North Korea, has personally delivered a pointed message to North Korean officials in New York, urging them to act on a nuclear disarmament pledge and telling them that American patience is limited, a United States official was quoted as saying on Tuesday by The Associated Press.] ttp://theseoultimes.com/ST/?url=/ST/db/read.php?idx=5214
聯合通信記事では: Victor Cha, director for Asian affairs at the National Security Council, canceled a closed-door luncheon briefing at a Washington think tank at the last minute and headed for talks in New York in the where North Korea has a mission to the United Nations, a well-informed source said.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- ここで論じているのは、以前から話題になっている(このスレでも紹介した)James Mann の書いた、"The China Fantasy: How Our Leaders Explain Away Chinese Repression," の主張についての考察。
James Mannの言っていることは、一言で言えば「ニクソン以降、今まで西欧の指導者 の言ってきた、エンゲージメントや通商の拡大で中国の民主化が進められるというの は嘘ではないのか?」というエンゲージメント懐疑論とでも言うべきもの。
Will the minority prospering economically under a Leninist regime think majority rule is in their interest? レーニン主義の政権の下、マイノリティが経済的に繁栄したとして、(依然として貧し い)マジョリティの統治が、彼らの興味であると考えるのだろうか?
Mann is rightly disdainful of many meretricious and economically motivated arguments that American elites offer for the Soothing Scenario. In his polemical mood, however, he probably underestimates the autonomous and transformative power of today's commercial culture. マンはアメリカのエリートの持ち出すエンゲージメント論に批判的である。しかし彼の 論争のムードの中で、おそらく彼は今日の商業文化の自律的で変化を促す力を過小評価 している。
Still, read his book as a guide for monitoring media coverage of the 2008 Beijing Olympics, the most portentous Games since those in 1936, in Berlin. それでも、彼の本は2008年北京オリンピックのメディア報道をモニターするガイドブック として良いものである。そのオリンピックと言うのは1936年のベルリン大会以来、最大 の尊大な(portentous、偉そうな、重要な、前兆の)オリンピックなのだ。
A senior White House spokesman said the U.S. was "very positively disposed" towards selling the fighter to Japan saying that it was obvious that Japan's defense officials felt it needed the F-22 to combat Chinese air force expansion and North Korean missile technology. ホワイトハウスのシニアな広報官はアメリカが日本にF-22の輸出解禁をすることについて 「たいへんポジティブに配慮する」と語った。日本の防衛省が北朝鮮のミサイルや中国空 軍の拡張に対抗するためにF-22を必要とすると感じることは明らかだとした。
"The Japanese obviously feel some threat in relation to North Korea and its development of missile and nuclear capabilities," he said at a briefing a day before Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe comes to Washington. 安倍首相の訪米を前に広報官は「日本人は明らかに、北朝鮮の核とミサイルの開発に脅威 を感じている」と述べた。
"It's something for the experts to look at, to figure out which of the many superb aircraft we have suit Japan's needs most," he said. 「これは専門家の検討すべき事項で、幾つかの優れた戦闘機の中のどれが日本に最適なの か、検討すべきことである」
Prime Minister Abe is expected to bring up the ban on the F-22 aircraft which is currently so secret it is bound by a Congress ban on any export of the state-of -the art technology. 安倍首相はF-22の輸出解禁を訪米テーマのひとつにすると見られる。
WASHINGTON, April 25 (Yonhap) -- A White House official leaned positively Wednesday toward selling U.S. fighter jets to Japan, an issue Tokyo is highly interested in to counter North Korea and China but which, in the case of F-22s, is restricted by U.S. domestic laws.
Dennis Wilder, senior Asia director at the National Security Council, said the U.S. is "very positively disposed" to talk to the Japanese about the future -generation fighter aircraft.(後略)
OPJ:ヴァージニアテックのような事件は、対策不可能では無いのだ ------------------------------------------------------------------- この評論で解説してるのは、高校や大学などで起こった銃撃事件を分析した報告書 の内容で、其の報告書はコロンバイン事件の後に実施された調査をまとめたもの。 「2002 the Final Report and Findings of the Safe School Initiative」という もので調査を行なったのはシークレット・サービス。1974年から2000年に起こった 37件の銃撃事件を調査したもので、其の観点は再発防止体制の確立。
この報告書で特徴的なことは37件の事件で、殆どの場合、何か問題が起こりそうだと 事前に、犯人の異常性に気がついていた人がいるという事実だと言う。この理由によ り、学校や警察側が、適切な事前の防止措置や警備措置をとっていれば殆どが対応で きたはずであるという。 Prior to the studied assaults, some 93% of the attackers behaved in ways that caused concern to school officials, teachers, parents, the cops or other students. "In one case, the student's English teacher became concerned about several poems and essays that . . ." well, you know the rest.
筆者の主張は、事なかれ主義で事前に起こっているシグナルを無視していなければ事件 が防止できたり、被害が減らせるケースが殆どなのあるから、学校側は問題児に対する 前向きで積極的な活動(精神障害治療、カウンセリング、隔離・・)を行うべきという もの。 What this means is that some college presidents, and their lawyers, rather than rolling over before those confidentiality laws, should tell some aggrieved student who is refusing to take the medication prescribed for his psychosis: So sue! Let a judge decide whether 32 deaths warrant a reconsideration of these restrictions.
Despite continued violence, America and its Iraqi allies are winning this third war, too. Their enemies are like the man in a casino who wins a heap of tokens at the roulette table, but is told at the cashier that those cannot be exchanged for real money.
Interestingly enough, one of the big sticks shaken by the human rights groups is a potential boycott of the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. China fought long and hard for the Olympics and views the games as a global "coming out party" to show off economic progress in China. The human rights groups are encouraging a boycott if China does not fully support a UN peacekeeping force in Darfur. (Austin Bay)
3)アルカイダの幹部、Abu Abd al-Satterが20日に殺戮された。アルカイダのKarmah およびAmeriyah地区の責任者で、東アンバール県の治安担当責任者であった。
4)Diyala県でのアルカイダとの戦闘が継続中。戦闘の激化、戦力追加が予想される。 The fighting in Diyala will only intensify as the U.S. and Iraqi forces build up the capacity to conduct the Diyala Campaign later this spring.
According to industry sources, overall daily circulation for the six months ending March 2007 is expected to sink approximately 2.5% while Sunday will drop around 3.0%. これらの減少は地方の有力紙の発行部数の減少による。 Papers that are showing daily drops of 5% or more, according to circulation sources, include: The Dallas Morning News, The Miami Herald, The San Diego Union-Tribune, The Star Ledger in Newark, N.J., The Orange County (Calif.) Register, The Austin American-Statesman, the San Jose Mercury News, and the South Florida Sun-Sentinel.
全国紙ではWSJが0.6%の増加、USAトディも増加、NYTはフラットか減少の見込み At the big three national papers, The Wall Street Journal reported that daily circulation rose 0.6% to 2,062,000. USA Today is expected to show gains, according to sources. The New York Times, however, will most likely be flat to down according to comments made by executives during a Q1 earnings call last week.
新聞社のネットへのアクセス、Web閲覧は5.3%増加 Furthermore, the Newspapers Association of America released record-breaking online newspaper readership figures on Monday. During Q1, newspaper Web site traffic rose 5.3%, hitting an all-time high.
A pushcart war in the streets of Milan's Chinatown By Elisabeth Rosenthal and Elisabetta Povoledo Published: April 26, 2007 *********************************************************
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates will hold a meeting of the U.S.-Japan Security Consultative Committee (informally known as the 2+2 Ministerial) on Tuesday May 1, 2007 at the Department of State with their Japanese counterparts, Foreign Minister Taro Aso and Defense Minister Fumio Kyuma.
In their letter to the White House chef, Sens. Max Baucus and John Tester, both from Montana, said they believed serving beef to the prime minister would help make the case for loosening the beef restrictions. モンタナ州上院議員のMax BaucusとJohn Testerはホワイトハウスのシェフに書簡を送り、 安倍首相とブッシュ大統領の食事にアメリカ牛肉を供することが日本の規制緩和に寄与 すると述べた。
The dinner menu at the White House on Thursday will feature Chesapeake crab and roasted duck along with many Japanese-influenced dishes such as pan-seared shiitake mushrooms and braised mizuna lettuce. ホワイトハウスの晩餐会のメニューはチェサピーク湾の蟹や家鴨のロースト、更に幾つ かの日本風の品になっていて、しいたけとみずなの焼き物などが含まれる。
But the menu for Friday's Camp David lunch is all-American: cheeseburgers, onion rings and apple pie with ice cream for dessert. しかし金曜日のキャンプデービッドの昼食は、純アメリカ風で、チーズバーガー、オニ オン・リング、アップルパイ、アイスクリームである。
Comparable worth, a truly bad idea, has been endorsed by Barack Obama. Mickey Kaus has some useful commentary. In case you don't know what comparable worth is, it's an idea concocted by feminists in the 1970s or early 1980s. They said that jobs typically held by women pay less than jobs typically held by men. To eliminate this inequity, somebody?the courts, maybe, or some administrative agency, presumably with appeals to the courts?should decide what those jobs were really worth, based on some sort of convoluted criteria. So that it could be possible to prove that secretaries were of comparable worth to truck drivers and should be paid the same wages.
Earth to Obama: There's something out there called the labor market. Employers are setting wages to get the kind of workers they need. Employees volunteer to work at those wages?or seek better-paying work elsewhere. Listening to Fox News on satellite radio, I hear commercials run by truck companies seeking drivers and bragging about how much they pay. That's the labor market at work. The companies have jobs to fill, and they're offering more money to attract workers, presumably many of them working for other truck companies. I suppose many truck drivers have satellite radio (which proves they're paid well above the minimum wage) and that the companies think running ads on satellite radio homes in on the kind of workers they're seeking. オバマのスピーチについてSlateのミッキー・カウスの言っていることを引いて詳 しく解説しているもの。世間一般には、バラク・オバマの「フレッシュなイメージ」で 人気が盛り上がっているのだけれど、カウスやバロンのようなプロのオバマへの評価が 最近低下しているような。「あいつ、思ったより駄目じゃね?」といったところ。 ミッキー・カウスの、この件でのメディア時評の記事は: ttp://www.slate.com/id/2164819/obamacompworth
イラク多国籍軍司令官・Petraeusの記者会見ビデオ(63分34秒) Pentagon Briefing 26 April 2007 GEN David Petraeus Multi-National Force-Iraq Commander GEN David Petraeus speaks with reporters at the Pentagon, providing an update on ongoing security operations in Iraq.
BEIJING -- China's government abruptly replaced its foreign minister Friday, appointing former ambassador to the United States Yang Jiechi to the post in an early reshuffling of senior positions ahead of key political meetings. 中国は金曜日に急に外相を交替させ、前米国大使のYang Jiechi(楊潔チ)を外相に 指名した。 Mr. Yang, 57, once served as an interpreter for former President Bush in the mid-1970s when he ran the U.S. liaison office in Beijing, and Mr. Bush reportedly gave Mr. Yang the nickname "Tiger." 外相となった楊は、1970年代にパパ・ブッシュが北京に勤務した時代の通訳を努めた 経験があり、パパ・ブッシュは彼のあだ名を「虎」としたという。(後略) ------------------------------------------------------------------ ttp://news.www.infoseek.co.jp/world/story/27yomiuri20070427id02/ 中国の新外相に米国通・楊次官 (読売新聞、27日14時8分)
Dumping Glass-Steagall is an easy way for the Abe government to demonstrate that it's serious about making Japan's financial markets more competitive. After that, it can turn to a harder task: privatization of the post office. But as any runner will tell you, one step at a time.
>>269 其の記事は聯合通信以外に伝えているものが無く、聯合通信の英文記事と日本語記事に は差があるようで、なんとも理解不可能な内容に見えます。 2007/04/27 21:34 KST ttp://english.yonhapnews.co.kr/Engnews/20070427/630000000020070427213514E2.html BEIJING, April 27 (Yonhap) -- South Korea's state debt-restructuring agency may take over Banco Delta Asia (BDA), which is now virtually facing bankruptcy over accusations of engaging in money laundering for North Korea, diplomatic sources here said Friday. ・・・ "It is difficult for the U.S. to lift the sanctions on the BDA....so an option to let South Korea's state-run agency take over the lender is now being reviewed," a diplomatic source said.
日本語記事では「中国を訪問中の米外交関係者が27日に北京で明らかにした」 英語記事では「diplomatic sources here said Friday」(北京発、複数形になっている)
He put on quite a show. The speech was surrounded with a level of pomp and circumstance not seen since before the collapse of the Soviet Union. The Russian national anthem -- based on the 1944 Soviet anthem -- played as parliamentarians, generals, religious leaders, Cabinet ministers and close Putin confidants took their places. The camera slowly panned to the two candidates thought most likely to succeed Putin, First Deputy Prime Ministers Sergei Ivanov and Dmitry Medvedev, sitting side-by-side. ・・・ Anyone who has been watching Russia in the past few years will not be surprised by this. The various signs have been apparent: the aggressive takeover of Russia's energy sector; the maneuvering among the members of Putin's inner circle; and the crackdowns on dissidents, media, political parties and foreign influence. Russia has begun to lay the groundwork for a massive revitalization that will include its energy sector, its military, its former territories and its autonomy from Western rules and demands.
In effect, Putin has now announced the state's return to its old ways.
ノドンやテポドンといったミサイルは、実戦用というより国威発揮の見せ掛けの為の 玩具のようなマーケットに売られてきたが、其の市場は大きくない。むしろ、実際的 に利用価値のあるのは対艦ミサイルや、短距離ミサイルなので、商売になりそうなミ サイルを展示しているものと思われる。 ・・・the market for intermediate- and long-range missiles is not all that large. Prospective buyers are looking for more tactical battlefield systems, and the KN-02 and AG-1 fit the bill nicely.
ノドンやテポドンのパキスタンや中東への販売はアメリカやその他の国の圧力で困難 になっている。北朝鮮の狙えそうなのはアフリカ、中東などの武器市場で、そこには 中国やロシアは国際社会の圧力の為にロケットなどを販売しにくい。北朝鮮のKN-02 や AG-1は、この市場にピッタリである。 Places like Ethiopia and Yemen are prime targets for North Korean exports, as is Iran, where arms purchases from Russia or China are becoming somewhat more difficult as Beijing and Moscow deal with Washington.
STRATFORは北朝鮮が短距離ミサイルなどの輸出に、ヤル気満々なのだと言う。 North Korea continues to look for new sources of cash, as its finances are constrained by U.N., U.S. and Japanese actions, and arms sales are always a useful option
>277 CNNではアラビア語放送を伝聞で報道していて Al-Arabiya said some of those detained were working for airline and oil companies and that the majority of non-Saudi detainees were Yemenis and some Nigerians. Al-Arabiya and Al-Jazeera reported that the militants wanted to use airplanes to attack refineries. ttp://www.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/meast/04/27/saudi.arrests/
In Debate, Democrats Show More Unity Than Strife NYTは全員をヨイショする記事 --------------------------------------------- しかし、Slateのミッキー・カウスは 'Obama Soars, Hillary Bores' (オバマは高く舞い上がり、ヒラリーは退屈でうんざりさせる) ttp://www.slate.com/id/2164819/picklerprophet
まあ、これは何処まで信用できる情報なのか疑問だ多いのだけれど、STRATFOR 派、安倍首相訪米の記事の中で、MDなどの軍事技術開発・導入で日米の連帯が強まっ ているとして、「日本はアメリカがの輸出を考えている唯一の国で、オーストラリアか らの非公式の要請派拒否したのだが・・・」と書いている。 (Japan is the only country to which Washington is currently thinking of selling the F-22 Raptor after gently rebuffing an unofficial Australian inquiry for the same aircraft) ttp://www.stratfor.com/products/premium/read_article.php?id=287828 Japan: The Strategy Behind Abe's Travels April 27, 2007 15 21 GMT イスラエルが怒りそうな気もするけど
Apr 26th 2007 | MURRAY MOUTH, SOUTH AUSTRALIA From The Economist print edition Australia is struggling to cope with the consequences of a devastating drought. As the world warms up, other countries should pay heed ********************************************************************************* 深刻・・・水不足というより、渇水状態に移行しつつあるんだろうか?あまり日本で報道しないね。
1)Pentagon's Defense Security Cooperation AgencyのトップであるAir Force Lt. Gen. Jeffrey Kohlerが、日本への輸出の可能性を否定。その理由は、 F-22 の 輸出向け改造が、とてつもなく費用がかかる(開発に$1B、製造する為にも大 変高価になる)ので、非現実的。 Designing an export version ・・ could cost more than $1 billion and be "prohibitively expensive" for any would-be foreign buyer
2)更に、輸出用の改造には、数年を要するので非現実的 Any redesign, Kohler said, would require degrading the aircraft's capabilities and making them tamper-proof to keep the technology exclusive -- a process he said would take years.
Yesterday's announcement "raises worrying questions about how long he has been detained by the CIA, where he was held, what kind of treatment he endured, and whether other prisoners still remain in CIA detention," the New York-based organization Human Rights Watch said in a statement, referring to al-Iraqi. The group called the secret detention "a blatant violation of international law." ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 正規の軍隊ではないアルカイダのテロリストの拘束が人権侵害で国際法違反と言うのは些 か疑問のコメント。国家は国民を守るために、テロリストのやっている無差別大規模テロ を阻止、防止すべき責務を負うであろうから、拘束や取調べを非難するのは如何なものか と思ふ。現実には欧州各国はじめ、殆ど全ての国がテロリストに対しては特別体制であた っているわけで・・
>>284 この事件についてロンドン・タイムズはソースを示さずに: ttp://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/iraq/article1717571.ece Abd al-Hadi al-Iraqi, a former major in Saddam Hussein’s army, was apprehended as he tried to enter Iraq from Iran and was transferred this week to the “high-value detainee programme” at Guantanamo Bay.
Unfortunately, by then questioning whether Japan's Imperial Army forced Asian women into sexual slavery, Abe offended his neighbors, gave new ammunition to those in Asia who seek to isolate Japan and raised questions in Washington about his diplomatic and political acumen. For their part, the Japanese have been seized anew by their perennial worry that the United States may be starting to tilt toward Beijing. And they are troubled by Washington's softening on the North Korean nuclear issue. ここで言っていることは、安倍内閣が「従軍慰安婦問題」を問題にしたことで、アジアの 反日勢力に燃料を与え、アメリカ側に安倍内閣の、この種の問題の対応能力についての疑 問を抱かせた、といったこと。一方日本では北朝鮮へのアメリカ(国務省)の融和的な姿 勢に対する憂慮が起こっていると書いている。
基本的な日米関係とアジア政策のビジョンとして、筆者は「自由と繁栄の弧」政策を支持 している。 The Abe government has sketched the outlines of such a vision: an "arc of freedom and prosperity" extending throughout Asia. More concretely, it is trying to create a regular dialogue among the major Asian democracies modeled on the U.S. -Japanese-Indian-Australian response to the deadly 2004 tsunami. Instead of shunning Abe's proposals for fear of offending China, the United States should embrace them, joining forces with Tokyo to build a new, loose grouping of Asian democracies.
筆者の言っているポイントは、日本の民族主義だとか軍国主義とか戦前の帝国主義への 回帰と言った(中国の宣伝する)反日的イメージを効果的に回避する為に、オープンな アジアの民主主義国同盟のプロモーターとしての日本を位置づけ、押し出すべき、とい ったもので「ナショナリズム」といったレベル貼りに、オープンで民主的な"arc of freedom and prosperity"のキャンペーンでゆくべき、といったもの。
If Beijing is really worried about resurgent Japanese militarism, rather than intent on keeping Japan isolated and off-balance, it should welcome such a development.
Then Barack Obama suddenly showed why he is the surprise of the political season. With a strong voice and a confident, focused look, he returned to a question about a hypothetical terror attack on two U.S. cities to deliver a minilecture about the need for a President to be willing to use our military might. オバマは政治家としての冴えを見せて、強い口調で自信に満ちて、集中した態度で、 アメリカの二つの都市にテロ攻撃のあった場合は?という質問に答えた。アメリカ大統領 は、その持てる軍事力を使う意思が必要である、と。
(ヒラリーについて) Because she focused more on what she is against instead of what she is for, I learned nothing new about her ideas on anything of substance. Worse, she was classically evasive on Iraq, and not very clever about it. 彼女は、彼女の反対するもの(=ブッシュの政策)について集中していて、彼女が何を ヤリたいのかには集中していない。そこには、何も新しいものが無いように思えた。さ らに悪いことには、彼女はイラクについての責任逃れ(=議会での戦争賛成投票)を述 べていて、そのやり方も賢くは無かった。
Clinton's best hope is that both men stay in the race, and continue to divide her opponents. Judging by her performance last night, that might be the only way she can win the nomination. ヒラリーにとって、最も望ましいことは、オバマとエドワーズが選挙戦で争い続け、ヒ ラリーの反対者勢力を分離させることであろう。彼女のパフォーマンスからみて、それ が唯一の、大統領候補指名獲得への道であろう。
After next weekend’s second ballot for the French Presidency, I think a victorious Nicolas Sarkozy would quickly find that France had voted for the man, but not the plan. 来週末の大統領選挙、決戦投票でサルコジが勝利したとしても、国民はサルコジを選 んだわけではあっても、改革政策に賛成したわけではないであろう。
何故ならば、サッチャーのやったような改革をやろうとすれば、 Such a charge would be magnifique but it would not be la guerre, or indeed la politique. Within a year, cars would be burning, farmers would be protesting, students would be rioting, unions would be striking, business would deserting the free-market cause, the electorate would be reconsidering, and an embattled presidency would be running up the white flag. Like Lot’s wife, France would be turning again, for another look. And, far from advancing the cause of economic reform, Mr Sarkozy would have set it back. It might take another political generation in France before anyone in mainstream French politics dared to go down that road again.(後略) そんなことをすれば、車が焼かれ、農民が抗議し、学生が暴動を起こし、組合はストラ イキに走り、・・・
1)サウジアラビアの発表は、政府の宣伝が含まれている("a lot of padding")という 評価をする匿名外交官のコメントがロイター記事にある。これは、ある程度事実である のだが、それはサウジアラビア政府がアルカイダに対抗するために良くやっていると国 際的に印象付けたいという背景による。
しかしそれでも、石油施設を攻撃の目標にすると公言している最近のアルカイダ首脳ら の発言から見て、そうしたテロが実際に準備されていたことを裏書する意味で重要であ る。ビンラーデンの2004年の発言に: "Focus your operations on it [oil production], especially in Iraq and the Gulf area, since this [lack of oil] will cause them to die off [on their own]." と、石油施設を攻撃するよう示唆するものがある。
What the polls show is that Rudy Giuliani leads Clinton in the key swing states of Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Florida, while John McCain leads in the first two and is tied with Clinton in Florida. Since the Democrats need to win at least two of these three to win the presidency – and perhaps all three – this is terrible news for Clinton. It’s especially depressing when one considers that Ohio was considered to be leaning to the Democrats
これはアラブ・ニュス通信。サウジアラビアが新都市建設計画をもっていて、その ひとつの都市に「日本人居住地」を作ろうという話が起こっているという。 ------------------------------------------------------------------- ttp://www.menafn.com/qn_news_story_s.asp?StoryId=1093151362 Saudi Arabia to Build Two More Economic Cities This Year Arab News - 29/04/2007 (MENAFN - Arab News) RIYADH, 29 April 2007 � Saudi Arabia will build two more economic cities this year, making the total economic cities in the Kingdom to six, a senior government official said here yesterday. サウジアラビアの新(産業)都市建設計画では、今年は二つの都市を計画している
Al-Dabbagh said SAGIA was studying the possibility of launching a Japanese village in the King Abdullah Economic City that will host the needs of the Japanese corporations within an environment that suite the needs of businessmen. 日本企業の、日本人ビジネスマンがサウジアラビアに滞在しやすくする為に日本人 居住区建設の話もおこっている。
He mentioned that besides investment opportunities in the petrochemical sector, these economic cities would accommodate industries in steel, plastic, glass and ceramic. "There is a $300 billion worth of investment opportunities for Japan in this sector," he said. 石油化学産業以外にも、新都市の産業として、製鉄、プラスチック、ガラス製造、セラミ ックなどの分野が計画されている「こレらのセクターでは$300B相当の投資機会が日本 企業にある」と政府高官が述べている。
Another area of potential investment in the Kingdom was in the transportation sector (air, sea, railway, and land) where investment opportunities were estimated at $100 billion, said Al-Dabbagh それ以外にもサウジへの日本の投資として、陸上、海上、航空の交通施設の整備があり、 それらは$100Bの規模であるとAl-Dabbaghが述べている。サウジアラビアは石油輸出以 外の産業開発を通じて経済発展を目指しており、外国の投資を積極的に受け入れる政策 を示している。
Deputy Secretary of State Randall L. Tobias submitted his resignation Friday, one day after confirming to ABC News that he had been a customer of a Washington, D.C. escort service whose owner has been charged by federal prosecutors with running a prostitution 国務省次官のRandall L. Tobiasはワシントンの売春組織が起訴され、その顧客である ことが確認されたことを受けて辞表を提出した。(後略) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- この売春組織というのはワシントンのお偉方を顧客にしていたという噂があって、この 「Madam Jeane Palfry」のエスコート・サービスの顧客についての憶測がブログに飛び 交っているような。
Another GOP hypocrite bites the dust. Joining a dishonor roll that includes anti-child predator predator Mark Foley and anti-homosexual homosexual Ted Haggard is Deputy Secretary of State Randall Tobias, a pro-abstinence zealot who couldn’t abstain from enjoying the services of D.C. Madam Jeane Palfry’s escort service. ttp://blogs.dailymail.com/donsurber/2007/04/28/woo-hoo-a-sex-scandal/
She not only intends to identify more of her high-profile clients, but has also threatened to call them as witnesses at trial to back up her claim that the services provided never crossed the line to prostitution.
“I am a ferocious fighter when need be,” she wrote in an e-mail message this year to a Justice Department official involved in the case. “I can state with unequivocal certainty this situation will be a very long and unpleasant one.” なんだかしらんけど、タブロイド新聞が大喜びしそうな悪寒;
Gazprom's problem is simple. Its investment into bringing new fields on line is absolutely abysmal. As of 2000, only three major fields in Western Siberia -- Urengoy, Yamburg and Medvezhye, with reserves of 16 trillion cubic meters of natural gas among them -- accounted for about 70 percent of Gazprom's total natural gas production. All are past maturity, and efforts to replace them are middling and lagging(ry
Established Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Abdullah Bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud Aiz in his palace in Riyadh this evening, a dinner banquet in honor of Prime Minister of Japan Shenzhou Abe and the delegation accompanying him.
The banquet was attended by His Royal Highness Prince Sultan bin Abdul Aziz, Crown Prince, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense and Aviation and Inspector General, and His Royal Highness Prince Abdel Rahman bin Abdul Aziz, Deputy Minister of Defense and Aviation and Inspector General, and His Highness Prince Bandar bin Mohammed bin Abdel Rahman and His Royal Highness Prince Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz bin Mohammed Al Saud and HRH Prince Nayef bin Abdul Aziz, Minister of Interior and His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Abdul Aziz, Emir of Riyadh region, and His Royal Highness Prince Saud Al-Faisal, Minister of Foreign Affairs and HRH Prince Horned bin Abdul Aziz, chief of general intelligence, and owners of Royal Highness Princes and the Foreign Ministers and senior officials, both civilian and military(ry
Kingdom.Japan joint statement 28/4/2007 Riyadh, April 11, 1428 A joint statement issued today on a state visit, the Prime Minister of Japan to the Kingdom reads as follows :
1.The two sides expressed their desire to enhance high-level political dialogues between them including the dialogue between the Foreign Ministers of the two countries.
2.The two sides agreed to the further development of economic relations is an impetus for strengthening strategic relations between Saudi Arabia and Japan(ry
3.The two sides welcomed the ongoing negotiations between the Cooperation Council for the Arab Gulf States and Japan to conclude a free trade area(ry (中略) 5.Two sides stressed the importance of stability in the oil market to the global economy and the Japanese side expressed its understanding of and appreciation for the political balanced oil of Saudi Arabia as a safe and reliable supply of oil to international markets in general and the Japanese market in particular. In this regard, the two sides noted the meeting's second round table of ministers of oil and energy and transport for Asian countries to be held in Riyadh from 14-April 16, 1428 AH-1 May 3, 2007.(ry
(中略) 9.Two sides stressed the importance of Saudi-Japanese joint efforts to achieve peace and stability throughout the Middle East on Emaciation follows :
10.With regard to the peace process in the Middle East, the two sides Takidehma that a just and comprehensive solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict based on international legitimacy resolutions relevant will be the bedrock of stability in the Middle East and eliminate a major source of tension and the threat to international peace and security.(ry
11.The two countries have reaffirmed their commitment to helping the Iraqi people to realize their aspirations for a better future, the two sides decided to coordinate with each other more and more closely for security, stability and territorial integrity of Iraq and promote national unity and equality among all segments of the Iraqi people, and agreed that the national reconciliation, in addition to solving militias, will constitute an important basis for the stability of Iraq, and stressed the need to respect the unity, sovereignty and independence of Iraq.(ry
12.With regard to Lebanon, the two sides emphasized the importance of solidarity with Lebanon and to provide political and economic support to the Lebanese government(ry
13.The two sides stressed the importance of urging all nations in the Middle East to accede to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of nuclear weapons and making the Middle East a zone free of all weapons of mass destruction(ry (以下省略)
'My purpose of a visit to the Middle East, however, is to form a multi-layered relationship' covering not only energy security but also political, business and cultural links. 'I want to open a new era of relations between Japan and the Middle East. I would like to activate our wide-ranged, strategic dialogue,' Abe said. 'For that goal, it is indispensable to achieve further evolution of relations with the leader of the Middle East, Saudi Arabia.'
Japan and Saudi Arabia are expected to agree on a joint programme to create new businesses in the country which is still heavily reliant on oil-related industries, Japanese sources said. The two countries are also expected to discuss investment rules, an aviation accord and an oil reserve plan, while Abe is expected to invite King Abdullah to Japan, they said. 日本とサウジアラビアはサウジアラビア国内の産業開発について協定を結び、投資ルール や石油備蓄計画等を協議する。安倍首相はアブドラ国王を日本に招待する予定である。 安倍首相はサウジアラビアに続いて、エジプト、クエート、カタール、UAEを訪問する 予定である。
ttp://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/6605561.stm Last Updated: Sunday, 29 April 2007, 13:49 GMT 14:49 UK Chinese workers freed in Ethiopia BBC:エチオピアで武装反政府グループOLNFに拘束されてた7人の中国人が 開放され、国際赤十字に引き渡された
One Iraqi diplomat described this as a critical time for Iran, a possible turning point in its deteriorating relations with the outside world. アルイラクの外交官は、この会議をイランにとって「クリティカルな時」と述べた。 イランが国際社会からの孤立化を方向転換することの出来るもの、という。
Anbar Province, long the lawless heartland of the tenacious Sunni Arab resistance, is undergoing a surprising transformation. Violence is ebbing in many areas, shops and schools are reopening, police forces are growing and the insurgency appears to be in retreat.
Many animal feed operators here advertise on the Internet, seeking to purchase melamine scrap. The Xuzhou Anying Biologic Technology Development Company, one of the companies that American regulators named as having shipped melamine-tainted wheat gluten to the United States, had posted such a notice on the Internet last March(ry
WaPo:ヒラリー・クリントンの選挙参謀、Mark J. Pennについて ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ヒラリーの主任ストラテジスト、選挙情報の分析や戦略立案の専門家、政治アドバイザー で、簡単に言えばヒラリーの選挙参謀であるMark J. Pennを紹介してる記事。このしと は2000年に、ゴア大統領候補の陣営にいて、ゴアとそりが合わず解雇されたという。
ビル・クリントンには有名なアドバイザー、Dick Morrisがいたのだけれど、このしとは 最近のワシントンの「エスコート・スキャンダル」のワシントン・マダムの顧客として 名指しされて以来、どこかに隠れているようで、影響力喪失なのかも。その意味では Mark J. Pennは、このスキャンダルの間接的メリットを受ける人になうのかも。
ttp://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,269112,00.html Asked about America's best friends in the world, Obama waxed on about NATO and our European allies before looking east to Japan. I'm not a foreign policy expert, but I've been around debates for decades and it was clear that Obama didn't get that this was the Israel question. 世界の国の中で、アメリカのベストの友人は何処か?と聞かれて、オバマはNATOと EUをあげ、ついで日本に言及した。オバマは、この質問の裏の意味がイスラエルをど う思うか、という点にあることを理解していないようだ。
He didn't get that people like me, voters and donors, were waiting to hear the word "Israel" in a way that Japanese Americans were not. Japan doesn't live under constant threats; Israel does. Japanese Americans don't worry about Japan's survival in the way Jewish Americans worry about Israel. Obama's answer, in my book, was the biggest mistake of the debate. 日本と違って、イスラエルは周辺の国から継続的に存立を脅かされているので、ユダヤ系 の国民はイスラエルへのアメリカの支持を聞きたいと熱心に思っていて、そういう事情は 日系の国民と全く異なる。日本人は、その生存の為にアメリカが不可欠と思っていないの だから。オバマの、この答えはユダヤ系国民にとっては大失敗と言うべきものだった。 (後略) Obama's Inexperience Apparent at Debate Monday, April 30, 2007 By Susan Estrich
タイのスラユット暫定首相は30日の記者会見で、米国の宣伝会社と契約してタイ政府 の政策などを海外に伝え、タイのイメージ改善戦略に乗り出す考えを明らかにした。 昨年9月のクーデターで政権の座を追われたタイのタクシン前首相が米国のロビー会社 を使って政府攻撃を強めていることに対抗する措置だ。[ 2007年4月30日21時37分 ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ttp://www.radioaustralia.net.au/news/stories/s1910558.htm Thai government hires public relations firm Last Updated 30/04/2007, 22:12:01
The Prime Minister says the country will spend $US 600,000 on a three-month public relations campaign to improve the post-coup government's sagging image. "The money isn't much, but we have to do what we have to do. It is better than not doing anything at all," he told reporters.(ラジオ・オーストラリア)
・・・International Herald Tribune, which is fully owned by the New York Times Company and distributed in Israel(ry
“I was home sitting on the couch, reading the paper and I said ‘what is this?” it was so absurd I was sure it was some kind of joke,” she said of her first look at the ad below in an interview with Pajamas Media. ttp://pajamasmedia.com/2007/04/i_got_my_nuclear_reactor_throu.php
new licensing rule for online magazines is on the agenda of China’s administration of press and publication, which will require online magazines to obtain license from the government before publishing, China Business News reported.
new licensing rule for online magazines is on the agenda of China’s administration of press and publication, which will require online magazines to obtain license from the government before publishing, China Business News reported.
new licensing rule for online magazines is on the agenda of China’s administration of press and publication, which will require online magazines to obtain license from the government before publishing, China Business News reported.
One more thing you should know. In two of the markets we are covering, Iowa Electronic Markets and Intrade, participants bet real money. At Newsfutures and Casualobserver, they wager with play money. アイオワ電子市場とイントレードは実際のお金を賭けるものだが、他の二つはそうでは ない。
"A very big battle is coming. It's unavoidable," a western diplomat said. "There's a widening gulf between the two sides. There are profound divisions about which way Iran should go. It's going to get very rough." ある西欧の外交官は「大きな政治闘争がやってくる。それは避けがたいだろう」という。 「保守強行派と民主穏健派との乖は葉大きくなるばかりで、イランのゆくべき道について 基本的意見が一致しない。そのために事態が悪化する」
QUESTION: On North Korea, can you shed any light on the reports that the North Koreans might transfer their funds to Russian and Italian banks in order to resolve the BDA issue? 北朝鮮のBDA口座資金をロシアとかイタリアの銀行に送金する鴨、という話がある ようだが、これについて?
MR. MCCORMACK: I cannot, I cannot. We haven't heard any official word from the North Koreans that they have successfully transferred their accounts. I have seen the same press reports that you're referring to, but I can't confirm them for you. その件にコメントできない。我々は北朝鮮から口座資金の移動に成功したといった話は 聞いていない。貴方の参照した報道は私も見たが、その事実を確認できない。
We think the stock market index is an indication of investor behavior, and calm remains a prerequisite for both investors and the media. It’s not reasonable to expect government intervention to guide the market. Currently thousands of new stock owners, most of whom are inexperienced investors with modest incomes, are entering the market. Thus, we can’t exclude the possibility of bubble burst that spreads rapidly. There should be a voice to remind investors about the high risks of the stock market. By Hu Shuli, editor of Caijing (後略)
>383 これは興味深い記事ですねえ。空自の(6th Air Wing squadron in Ishikawa Prefecture) の(F-15Cs and F-4s)がラプターを含むチームと空中戦闘訓練をやったようですが、一方 的にヤラれる勝負になったように書いています。見えない戦闘機の戦ったパイロットの体 験談を聞いてみたいものです。
Miss Blackman's family had earlier said it would push prosecutors to appeal, denouncing them for failing to present crucial evidence at the trial, and saying the former flight attendant had been "robbed of her justice". Speaking last week on hearing that an appeal was due to be lodged, her mother, Jane Steare, said: "I am so relieved that the prosecutor has taken this decision which, as Lucie's mother, I fully support. I believe that there are grounds to be optimistic that an appeal will succeed. All I have ever wanted is justice for my darling daughter Lucie."
While Indians are well accustomed to slow-moving political processes, the sticking points holding up this important deal are threatening to upset a geopolitical balance that the United States is attempting to develop in the Indian Ocean basin. ・・・ With exasperation rising on all sides, negotiators in Washington and New Delhi are hoping to work out their differences ahead of a meeting between Bush and Singh in June on the sidelines of the G-8 summit in Germany. We are not prepared to declare the deal dead just yet, but the pressure is on. これは随分前からやっている協議だけれど、インドの核武装の独自開発の主張とアメリカ のNPTへの考慮から、厳しい協議が続いていて、依然として良く結果が読めない。 (exasperation:憤慨、憤激、激怒、病気の悪化)
On one hand, the military is finally making meaningful adjustments to the complex fight. On the other, the politicians are finally asserting themselves. The tragedy is that the two groups are going in opposite directions.
ハリー・リード上院議員のイラク戦争は既に敗退、との発言は承認しがたい、という。 It’s hard for a soldier like me to reconcile a political jab like Senator Harry Reid’s “this war is lost, and this surge is not accomplishing anything” when it’s made in front of a banner that reads “Support Our Troops.” ・・・ And that is the one goal on which all Americans, those who support the war and those who “support the troops,” should be able to agree. (Owen West, a Wall Street trader and major in the Marine Reserves, has served two tours in Iraq.)
“Initial tests indicate the presence of large quantities of light and high quality oil and huge quantities of associated gas,” 埋蔵量の推定値はまだ発表されていない。埋蔵地はイラクに近い場所だと言う。 (south of the Rawdatin oilfield close to the Iraqi border.)
ttp://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=aFJ.5w_svo60&refer=home Al-Qaeda in Iraq Group's Leader, Al-Masri, Killed Near Baghdad By Robin Stringer May 1 (Bloomberg) -- The leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq, Abu Ayyub al-Masri, has been killed in Taji, north of Baghdad, Iraqi Brigadier Abu al-Kareem Khalaf told state television. Khalaf didn't give details on how al-Masri died or who killed him.
al-Masri probably not killed in internecine battle, Pajamas Media Washington editor Richard Miniter tells Fox News morning show on the phone from Iraq, where he is on assignment. The al-Qaeda leader was killed by Iraqis, but they likely weren’t “fellow” militants of anti-occupation factions but Iraqi groups specialized in ‘hunting’ al-Qaeda members, particularly al-Masri. ttp://pajamasmedia.com/2007/05/alqaeda_chief_in_iraq_killed.php
ttp://www.aei.org/publications/filter.all,pubID.26085/pub_detail.asp Japan Again By Dan Blumenthal Posted: Tuesday, May 1, 2007 BOOK REVIEWS National Review Publication Date: May 14, 2007 Dan Blumenthal reviews Japan Rising: The Resurgence of Japanese Power And Purpose by Kenneth B. Pyle.
AEI(書評):Kenneth B. Pyle著:The Resurgence of Japanese Power And Purpose 評者はAEIのDan Blumenthal ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ttp://www.amazon.co.jp/Japan-Rising-Resurgence-Japanese-Purpose/dp/1586484176 Japan Rising: The Resurgence of Japanese Power And Purpose (ハードカバー) Kenneth B. Pyle (著) 外貨参考価格:$29.95 価格:¥ 3,420 (税込) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dan Blumenthalの批判的な書評で、この書評自体がミニ日本論的な書き物になっていて なかなか面白い。日本の近代史を見る見方に、Kenneth B. Pyleのような見方と、それに は批判的な見方があることを知ることは興味深い。
Conclusion North Korea's objectives go beyond the BDA funds or even the economic benefits promised in the Beijing Agreement. A recent article in Chosun Shinbo(ry
Instead, Pyongyang will demand that Washington prove it has loosened its hostile policy by "eliminating all the legal and institutional devices hostile to North Korea [and] the elimination of all nuclear threats on the peninsula as well as in the region." North Korea is thus unlikely to accept the current U.S. interpretation that discussion of establishing relations and removing Pyongyang from the terrorist list is sufficient for gaining initial denuclearization.
■出版物について、この会議で槍玉に挙げられた8つの作品 1, Shanghai Literature and Art Publishing House: Cang Sang.(ry 2, Hainan Publishing House: I Object(ry 3, Hunan Literature and Art Publishing House: Past Stories of Peking Opera Stars, by Zhang Yihe (以下省略) ■プロパガンダ活動を進める上での20項目の注意事項 1, Create a correct atmosphere for the 17th Party congress(ry 2, Military subjects must be cautiously dealt with. 3, Media reports on important historic events and persons must strictly follow the spirit of the No. 29 document. (以下省略)
ttp://www.state.gov/secretary/rm/2007/may/84114.htm U.S.-Japan 2+2 Joint Press Availability with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Defense Secretary Robert Gates, His Excellency Taro Aso, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan, and His Excellency Fumio Kyuma Minister of Defense of Japan Washington, DC May 1, 2007 国務省ファイル:日米(2+2)閣僚会議の共同記者会見記録 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 日本のメディアから優先的に質問を受けているのだけれど、質問のレベルが・・orz
【ジュネーブ=市村孝二巳】米国政府は1日、ジュネーブの世界貿易機関(WTO) 本部で各国の漁業補助金を原則として全面禁止するよう提案した。乱獲による水産 資源が枯渇する危機を防ごうとする試みは幅広い支持を集めており、漁業補助金交 渉のたたき台となりそうだ。手厚い補助金で漁業を保護する日本、韓国、台湾など への包囲網が広がってきた。 (後略) ------------------------------------------------------- ttp://www.ft.com/cms/s/54210072-f801-11db-baa1-000b5df10621.html US proposes global ban on fishing aid By Frances Williams in Geneva Published: May 1 2007 23:22
Subsidies for boat-building and modernisation have helped lift the capacity of the world’s fishing fleet to more than twice the level needed for sustainable fishing, the study says, listing the biggest subsidisers as Japan ($5.3bn), the EU ($3.3bn) and China ($3.1bn).
The last time the two rivals locked horns in a face-to-face debate was 14 years ago in a TV studio and the sparks were flying even then as Ms Royal blew up at her browbeating, pugnacious adversary. "Don't speak to me like that!" she thundered at Mr Sarkozy, succeeding in silencing him. "All the television viewers can see that what you are saying is completely off-base!" she said, comparing him with "a steamroller". 両候補が最後にTVで討論したのは14年前のことで、そのときには二人の論争でスタジオ に火花が散った。ロワイヤルが好戦的な敵対者に対して、威嚇的な言葉でもって対峙し、 「私に対して、そういう言い方は止めなさい!」と刃を振り上げ「全てのTVを見ている 人には、貴方の言っていることが、完全に基地外沙汰だとわかっています」とやった。 ロワイヤルはサルコジをスチーム・ローラー(強圧的で、強引に押し通す意)と呼んだ。
RUPERT MURDOCH thinks that the Wall Street Journal has a winning strategy. I wonder what inspired him to take this step? Er, probably just his native business acumen, actually. ルパート・マードックはWSJを手に入れることが勝利への戦略だと考えているよう なのだが、一体何故、そういうTOBに走るという手段に出でたのか知らん? 私が思うに、彼の生まれつきのビジネスの洞察力(acumen、洞察力、眼識)では? ------------------------------------------------------ マードックは次のビジネスのネタを嗅ぎ分ける才能が業界一であるという評判の人。
4)“The value of financial journalism, of high-quality journalism, is that you can charge for it,” Mr Murdoch said in an interview on Fox News Channel, owned by News Corp. “The WSJ and the FT I think are the only two newspapers in the whole world that charge for their online editions.” FOXテレビで、マードックは「ハイクオリティのジャーナリズム、金融ジャーナリ ズムの価値は、それを有償で提供できるという事を意味する」と言っている。「WS JとFTは、私の考えるところ、世界でも、電子版を有償で提供できる只二つだけの 新聞である」 ----------------------------------- しかしダウジョーンズの大株主(Bancroft家)が買収拒否の態度を示している。 ttp://www.ft.com/cms/s/2db34070-f7f8-11db-baa1-000b5df10621.html Murdoch move for Dow Jones rejected
The internet statement by the Islamic State in Iraq "assures the Islamic nation about the safety of Sheikh Abu Hamza al-Muhajir, may God save him, and that he is still fighting the enemies". アルカイダのイラク組織である「イラク・イスラム国家」のインターネット・サイトは 「Abu Hamza al-Muhajirは神の庇護により安全であり、彼は依然として敵と戦っている」 とのメッセージを掲載して、Abu Ayyub al-Masriの死亡を否定した。
"The clashes started between the Dulaimi tribe, which is part of the Salvation Council, and Al-Qaeda at 9am (05:00 GMT) and continued until 11," Sheikh Hamid al-Hayis, head of the Anbar Salvation Council, said. "They killed him along with two Saudi leaders and three Iraqis." 評議会のトップ、Sheikh Hamid al-Hayisは「アルカイダとDulaimi部族の自警団の衝突は 午前9時に起こり、11時まで続いた」と述べた。「彼ら自警団はal-Masriと二人のサウジ アラビア人指導者、3人のイラク人を殺戮した」 ----------------------------------------------- まだ情報の混乱が続いていて、確たる事実が確認できないような・・
We Americans must be willing to listen to the views and respect the collective will of our democratic allies. Like all other nations, we reserve the sovereign right to defend our vital national security when and how we deem necessary.
To be a good leader, America must be a good ally.
They must have the will and the ability to act in the common defense of freedom, democracy, and economic prosperity. They must spend the money necessary to build effective militaries that can train and fight alongside ours. They must help us deliver aid to those in need and encourage good governance in fragile states. They must face the threats of our world squarely and not evade their global responsibilities. And they must put an end to the mindless anti-Americanism that today mars international discourse. No alliance can work unless all its members share a basic faith in one another and accept an equal share of the responsibility to build a peace based on freedom.(後略)
SEOUL, South Korea: The South Korean government announced Wednesday its first-ever plan to seize assets gained by alleged Korean collaborators during Japanese colonial rule as part of efforts to reconcile with its past more than 60 years after the end of the peninsula's occupation. 韓国政府は60年以上前の日本への併合時代の親日派韓国人の財産を始めて没収すると 水曜日に発表した。 (中略) Committee head Kim Chang-kuk said in a statement that the seizures, the first of more to come, are "historically meaningful as the first visible success" of government efforts to punish alleged collaborators. この問題を扱う大統領委員会のトップであるKim Chang-kukは、文書を発表して親日派 財産の没収は今後引き続き実施すると述べ、親日派を罰する政府の政策の最初の成功は 「歴史的な意味がある」とした。
Such efforts will enable South Korea "to recover our people's dignity that was violated by Japanese imperialism and those involved in pro-Japanese and anti -nationalistic acts," Kim said. それらの努力は韓国にとって「反民族的で親日的な日本帝国主義への協力者によって汚 された民族の尊厳を回復することを可能にする」 (中略) In 2004, South Korea passed a law enabling investigations into alleged "anti -national" activities of people who served above the rank of second lieutenant in the military or who worked as police or military police during the Japanese colonial era. 2004年に韓国政府は併合時代の警察官、憲兵、少尉以上の軍の階級にあったものなどを 対象とした「反民族的行為」の調査と追求を行なう法を成立させている。 (後略)
Soh Ok-cha, president of the Washington Coalition for Comfort Women Issues, said 103 congressmen have submitted their names as co-sponsors as of Wednesday afternoon. The goal is 120 signatures, likely to be reached soon given the current momentum, she said. ・・・ North Korea also joined in the effort, sending a letter of support to the coalition through its mission to the United Nations. ・・・ Honda had issued a statement following Abe's visit here, saying he was "heartened" by the prime minister's apology but more was needed. ・・・ "The logical extension of Mr. Abe's remarks is now for the government of Japan to endorse the prime minister's personal sentiments in a formal, official and unambiguous fashion, recognizing that these women were coerced into sexual slavery by the Japanese Imperial Army before and during World War II," he said.
March 8, The Washington Post reported that a "senior U.S. intelligence official" had confirmed that Ali Reza Asghari, a former Iranian deputy defense minister and commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) who had gone missing in Turkey, actually had defected to the United States. (Two other less-publicized defections of senior Iranian officials to the West also have occurred recently.) ttp://www.stratfor.com/products/premium/read_article.php?id=287741 イランの元国防副大臣、革命防衛隊指揮官のAli Reza Asghariのトルコ系アメリカへの 亡命事件(3月8日)など。
その一方で、もうひとつの北朝鮮関連の期限がきている。1月19日に国連事務総長の Ban Ki MoonはUNDPの北朝鮮への外貨の不正使用事件について「外部監査」を求め ている。これはWFPやユニセフ、国連人口計画などを含むものである。Ban Ki Moon は90日の期限を設定したのだが国連の官僚主義のお陰で、それはうやむやになっている。
しかしながら、どういうわけか(お人好しの?)アメリカ人の中には北朝鮮との ネゴシェーションやディールが完全に実現可能と信じているとしか思えない外交 専門家とかが結構いるので、まいってしまう。 ttp://www.csmonitor.com/2007/0503/p09s02-coop.html?page=2 A new and improved Bush policy toward North Korea By Pat M. Holt (クリスチャン・サイエンス・モニター、OpEd寄稿記事)
The decision boosts the chances of a rival bid for all of ABN Amro, but will likely spark a legal war between rival factions each seeking to clinch the Amsterdam-based bank. WSJ:この裁判所の判断でライバルのローヤル・バンクオブ・スコットランド(RBS) のABNアムロ買取のチャンスが生まれたが、おそらくはこの件はライバル間の訴訟合戦 を引き起こすと見られる。 ----------------------------------------------------- 国境をまたぐTOBの厄介さが改めて浮き彫りに・・
1)ペットフードのリコールはその範囲が拡大して来ている。 2)FDAには消費者の苦情が8500件寄せられたが、公式に確認されたペット死亡は16件 3)回収されたペットフードが家畜の飼料に流用され、豚6000匹、鶏310万羽が汚染された と推定される。一部が食品に回されたが、人間への健康被害の心配は殆ど無いという。 4)FDAは原因になった中国製の小麦グルテンやコメ蛋白質の人間の食品への利用が無 かったかを調査中だが、食品への使用の証拠は無いという。 5)FDAは中国製の植物性蛋白質の輸入を差し止めている。 6)問題となった資料原料を製造した中国の会社は、Binzhou Futian Biology Technology Co. Ltd. および Xuzhou Anying Biologic Technology Development Co. Ltd.である。 7)FDAの専門家はメラミンについて、メラミン単独での毒性がペットの死亡につながっ たとは考えにくく、メラミンに付属する不純物が悪影響を与えていると考えている。 The FDA has said it thinks a combination of melamine and melamine-related compounds form crystals in some pets' kidneys that can cause problems. "We don't believe that the melamine alone is the cause of this," Acheson said.
<マケイン候補> "We must win in Iraq. If we withdraw, there will be chaos, there will be genocide, and they will follow us home,"(イラク戦争で勝利すべきで、今兵力撤退すれば虐殺 や混乱が起こり、その混乱はアメリカにも波及する)
<ジュリアーニ候補> We should never retreat in the face of terrorism. Terrible mistake." (テロリズムに対して退却は許されず、そうするのであれば大きな誤りになる)
<ロムニー候補> "I want to get our troops home as soon as I possibly can. But, at the same time, I recognize we don't want to bring them out in such a precipitous way that we cause a circumstance that would require us to come back," (米兵の早期撤退が出来れば望ましい事であるが、周囲の状況の撤退を許さない中で 大慌てで撤退するようなことは出来ない)
<マケイン候補> "We must win in Iraq. If we withdraw, there will be chaos, there will be genocide, and they will follow us home,"(イラク戦争で勝利すべきで、今兵力撤退すれば虐殺 や混乱が起こり、その混乱はアメリカにも波及する)
<ジュリアーニ候補> We should never retreat in the face of terrorism. Terrible mistake." (テロリズムに対して退却は許されず、そうするのであれば大きな誤りになる)
<ロムニー候補> "I want to get our troops home as soon as I possibly can. But, at the same time, I recognize we don't want to bring them out in such a precipitous way that we cause a circumstance that would require us to come back," (米兵の早期撤退が出来れば望ましい事であるが、周囲の状況の撤退を許さない中で 大慌てで撤退するようなことは出来ない)
When I was ambassador to Iraq two years ago, the country had no permanent government, no Council of Representatives, no constitution, no IMF Stand-By Arrangement, no hydrocarbon laws in draft or otherwise, no willingness to cut subsidies, no International Compact with Iraq, and no forum for constructive dialogue with its neighbors and international community leaders. Now all that exists. It is what the Iraqis and we are fighting for, and what the terrorists and extremists are fighting against. 私がイラク大使であった2年前には、イラクには国民を代表する政党や政治家、永続的 な政府や、イラクの憲法や、IMFの緊急時支援の協定や、石油管理法や、その他の 法規制、政府補助金の節約への合意、国際的なイラク支援の協定、隣国とイラクと国際 社会の建設的な対話の機会、・・・などが全く無かった。今やこれらのすべてが存在し ている。それはイラク国民とアメリカ政府の戦って得たものであり、過激派のテロリス トが戦いによって破壊しようとしているものである。
If we view the proceedings in vulgar and reductive Who Won, Who Lost terms, and let's, Mitt Romney won, Rudy Giuliani lost, and John McCain is still in.
Sam Brownback seems a very nice and sleepy fellow who means it on the social issues . Jim Gilmore, Duncan Hunter and Tommy Thompson all got sort of jumbled together, and seemed to merge into one, "The Guy You Don't Know and Don't Think You Have To."
Top U.S. Commander in Iraq Gen. David Petraeus put it a bit more vaguely, but the message was the same. "There is some possibility that Syria may have taken some actions to make it tougher for these foreign fighters to move through," he said.
Syria is now in a better position to balance its relations more evenly in the area. And with that balance comes some level of cooperation in improving Iraq's security -- just as long as Lebanon remains Syria's prize.
"I think that choosing Nicolas Sarkozy would be a dangerous choice. I do not want France to shift towards a system of brutality," Royal told RTL radio. 「サルコジを選ぶというのは危険な選択で、フランスが暴力のシステムにシフトする 事を私は希望しない」とロワイヤルが警告した。
Sarkozy laughed off her comments. "She's not in a good mood this morning. It must be the opinion polls," he told Europe 1 radio. サルコジはこれを聞いて笑って「彼女は今朝、御機嫌が悪いようで、世論調査の為な のかもしれない」(後略)
・・・ After a 12 percent increase nationwide last year, overheated Korean home prices -- among the most expensive in the world -- stabilized in March.
The bubble may be deflating. The danger now is of unintentional overkill. Leaning Against Bubble ・・・ This unsolicited advice is for the next bubble. For now, investors in Korea should hope for benign inflation, at least until the housing market has had a chance to deflate.
・Concerns for future growth, despite strong growth in the past ・Some uncertainty around consumer spending in summer ・Production over the summer could show increasing signs of a temporary correction ・Prices ― another economic indicator ― are in negative territory ・Policy and market implications
As we have outlined, we think there is a risk of a slight slowdown in summer. Nonetheless, in its outlook report issued on April 27, the BoJ generally maintained its bullish growth scenario and forward-leaning stance on monetary policy.(ry
In any case, although it is easy to come up with reasons for being pessimistic, pessimism could change to optimism, depending on how things play out. The scenario we are backing is that growth slows slightly in summer, but that the economy resumes steady growth thereafter amid ultra-low inflation.
May 4, 2007: North Korea wants to discuss a wide range of military disarmament issues with South Korea.(ry -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ストラテジーページはソースを示さずに、北朝鮮が韓国側に対して軍縮交渉を申し入れて いると書いている。その理由をストラテジーページは北朝鮮の軍隊の状況悪化のせいとし ているけれど、根拠は不明。(むしろ南北統一ムード醸成のためかもしれない?)
WSJブレーキングニュース:マイクロソフトとヤフーが合併や提携を検討中、 グーグルに対抗するため。しかし、話し合いは初期段階; ttp://online.wsj.com/home/us MICROSOFT AND YAHOO ARE taking a fresh look at a merger of the two companies or some kind of match-up that would pair their companies' respective strengths, say people familiar with the situation.
The new approach follows an offer Microsoft made to acquire Yahoo! a few months ago, sources said. But Yahoo! spurned the advances of the Redmond, Wash.-based software giant. Wall Street sources put a roughly $50 billion price tag on Yahoo!. 数ヶ月前にマイクロソフトはヤフーに買収提案を行なった。専門家は価格を$50B(6兆 円)と推定。(ry
ニューヨークポストがマイクロソフトがヤフーの買収を計画と報じた為に、 ヤフーの株価はNYSE開始前のプリマーケットで20%うp!(FOXニュース) Yahoo! shares were up more than 20 percent in pre-open trading. Microsoft shares were little changed.
May 4, 2007: North Korea wants to discuss a wide range of military disarmament issues with South Korea.(ry -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ストラテジーページはソースを示さずに、北朝鮮が韓国側に対して軍縮交渉を申し入れて いると書いている。その理由をストラテジーページは北朝鮮の軍隊の状況悪化のせいとし ているけれど、根拠は不明。(むしろ南北統一ムード醸成のためかもしれない?)
``Secretary Rice stayed for dinner,'' said State Department spokesman Sean McCormack today. He told reporters he understood Mottaki left the meal because the evening's entertainment included a violin player in a low-cut red dress. 国務省広報官の解説によれば、イラン外相が会場から抜け出したのはエンターテイメント のヴァイオリン奏者が紅の襟ぐりの深い(low-cut)ドレスを纏っていたからで、ライス 長官を怖れたわけではない・・
ジェームズタウン財団:日中関係の北京から見た考慮点 By Xide Jin ---------------------------------------------------------------- 中国社会科学アカデミー、日本研究部長の書いている日中関係評論で、>>513が米国の、 >>515が日本の立場からの観測(ということ)になっているのに対して北京からの観測 を書く、と言うもの。多分に公式的な意識の発言がちりばめられているような気もする。
Within certain circles of the EU, there is a growing acknowledgement that it needs to develop a security perspective on China. There are no clear ideas, however, on what this should contain, partly because of the EU's general uncertainty about its security role in East Asia and especially how close it should coordinate its policy with that of the United States and Japan.
中国警察はペットフードのメラミン混入事件で波紋を呼んだ、中国製の小麦グルテン の製造会社、Xuzhou Anying Biologic Technology Developmentの社長、Mao Lijunを 逮捕した。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ttp://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-petfood4may04,0,4416256.story?coll=la-home-headlines Reported pet deaths at 8,500, FDA says By Abigail Goldman and Don Lee, Times Staff Writers May 4, 2007 LAタイムズ:FDAには消費者から8500件のペット死亡のクレームが
Consumers have reported the deaths of as many as 8,500 dogs and cats as a result of tainted pet food, federal officials said Thursday. FDAに消費者から寄せられた汚染ペットフード事件の犬や猫の死亡は8500件に達する
Summary With some of the largest political shifts in decades beginning in Europe, military security is one of the hottest topics on the Continent today. In this atmosphere, two Nordic countries that have long resisted NATO -- Finland and Sweden -- are eyeing membership in the regional security organization. Joining NATO, however, would raise the ire of Russia, perhaps the only military threat they have to fear.
Though this does not equate to actual NATO membership, it is a move away from neutrality toward military alignment(ry
大変多くのことを考えさせられるけれど、軍事的な意味合い(両国共に、既に準加盟国 のように実質的に行動している)よりも、政治的な意味合いのほうが大きいように思え る。STRATFORのいう「some of the largest political shifts in decades beginning in Europe」という事態の今後の動きは大いに興味が;
A UN diplomat on Wednesday said that Francis Nhema, Zimbabwe’s environment minister, looked almost certain to get the CSD position after being nominated as Africa’s candidate in April(ry
“We have been working actively with various partners to see what can be done to resolve this matter and to have these North Korean funds available,” Hill said, but he noted that Pyongyang’s problems stem from its pursuit of nuclear weapons and said North Korea should have proceeded with implementation of the February 13 agreement.
“I think that if you are engaged in making weapons of mass destruction, you shouldn’t be surprised that your bank accounts get a little added scrutiny,” not just from the United States, but the international community, Hill said. (後略) #うむ、なんというか、ヒル国務次官補は中国様あたりがもっと積極的に北朝鮮を指導 #することを期待していたように見えるけど、BDA問題では中国様の首脳部も迷走気 #味にも見えるような(?)
The challenge, in one form or another, comes from the internet. Demand for media content – words, music, video and data – is large and growing, but the way consumers access it is changing. Established distribution channels, such as newspapers, including the Financial Times, must therefore invest to build up their online presence. At the same time, profits from their traditional business and stock market valuations are generally in decline, which makes companies such as Dow Jones vulnerable to bids as never before.(ry --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FTのこの社説は、メディアの変貌を避けがたい必然と見ているようなのだけれど、独立 メディアの高い質を守ることが、株主利益や経営合理性の尊重と共に重要、という原則論 を述べるに留まっていて、もうひとつ物足りない。(そういう物足りなさが既存メディア のダメなところで、一気に突っ走るマードックのほうが強そうに見えるのだけど・・)
A:否。そういう事が実現するという如何なる根拠もしらず、事実の確認も出来ない。 ( I don't have any confirmation to offer you that that is something that is to be expected or that I could confirm for you will happen this weekend.)
WASHINGTON – Deputy National Security Adviser J.D. Crouch, who helped spearhead the recent policy review that led President Bush to send more U.S. troops to Iraq, announced Friday that he will step down early next month, becoming the latest key aide to leave.(ry ---------------------------------------------------- ttp://www.asahi.com/international/update/0505/TKY200705050001.html クラウチ米次席補佐官が辞任へ 対日関係で中心的役割 05日06時17分 朝日新聞
(中略、シリアの外務大臣とコンディの協議があったが、むしろ今回はシリアはつけ 足しのようなもので、イランとのエンゲージメントがどうなるのかが注目されていた と書いている) But the Moallem meeting was just an hors d'oeuvre to Ms. Rice's main course: A "social" encounter with Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki. しかし、シリアのMoallem外相との会談はオードブルであって、ライス国務長官のメイ ン・コースはイランの外相、Manouchehr Mottakiとの「社交的な」会談であった。
ttp://www.economist.com/world/africa/displaystory.cfm?story_id=9135517 A cagey game:America and Iran circled each other warily at a conference about Iraq May 5th 2007 | NEW YORK From Economist.com エコノミスト:イラクを巡って、アメリカとイランの話し合いは進まず ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 今週のエジプトのリゾートで行なわれたイラク安定化会議に関連して、アメリカの シリアとイランに対する政策について評論している。 はっきり言うと、(エコノミストにしては)個人的に思うには、これは酷く質が低 くて、タブロイドチックな解説記事になっているようで、驚いてしまった。
A deux jours du scrutin, le décryptage des dernières enquêtes proposé par Pierre Giacometti à l'occasion du XVIIIème forum d'Ipsos est sans équivoque. Que l'on regarde les intentions de vote, la sociologie de l'électorat, les motivations du choix, que l'on s'attarde sur la crédibilité ou la perception des programmes, le bilan du débat, et même les personnalités de chaque candidat, Nicolas Sarkozy est le grand favori du scrutin de dimanche. ----------------------------------------------------- At two days of the poll, the decoding of the last investigations proposed by Pierre Giacometti at the time of the XVIIIème forum of Ipsos is unambiguous. That one looks at the intentions of vote, the sociology of the electorate, the motivations of the choice, that one is delayed on the credibility or the perception of the programs, the assessment of the debate, and even the personalities of each candidate, Nicolas Sarkozy is the hot favorite of the poll of Sunday.
Despite his critics' cries that he is a US-style neo-conservative, a racist authoritarian, and a volatile power-freak with a complex about his height, who poses on a horse to look like Napoleon charging into battle, Mr Sarkozy is coasting on the highest support of any politician in France for decades.
ギャロップの世論調査から:指導者の情報信頼度 4月23-27日の調査 ttp://www.pollingreport.com/images/GALreliable.GIF How reliable a source of accurate information about current conditions in Iraq do you consider each of the following people to be: very reliable, somewhat reliable, not too reliable, or not reliable at all?
Commander of U.S. forces in Iraq, General David Petraeus=80% Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Peter Pace=67% Secretary of Defense Robert Gates=67% Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice=66% Senator John McCain=65%
これに比べて Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton=58% Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi=53% Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid=48%
Let's not kid ourselves. The situation today is in some ways much worse than the one faced by President Nixon in Vietnam 35 years ago. -------------------------------------------------------- フランシス・フクヤマのイラク現状評価と、アメリカがいかに被害最小で撤退可能 カを論じるものだけれど、酷い事実認識の誤りと、曲芸のようなロジック(これは フクヤマの何時もの十八番だけど)で作られていて、読むに耐えない。