映画みて感動した。そして思ったね。わが日本国を心から愛し、青春を投げ出してまで真実を追い求める武士道精神をもったこの板の住人こそがラストサムライだってな。 おまいらはキーボード、マウスという大小(刀)をもったラストサムライだよ、ホント。 戦場はここ、2ちゃんねるやAhoo掲示板だ。洗練された武士道精神をもった鋭い書き込みで売国奴や三国人を斬る!斬るっっ! YOU ARE LAST SAMURAIs!!その武士道精神を誇りにこれからも今までどおりの鋭い書き込みを続けてくれ! このままいけばおまいらは日本をかえるね、間違いない!
Let's never forget that as a result of the Modernization that the West taught Japan, Japan became a brutal Fascist country that terrorized all of East Asia and other areas as well. Never forget the MILLIONS of innocent children, elders, men, and women they savagely butchered in Asia. Never forget the day of infamy Sunday, December 7th, 1941 when the Japanese furtively bombed America while she was still asleep. jasper7769 ttp://www.imdb.com/user/ur2910594/boards/profile/?uc=0#ucomments
<Get the fact straight!> by - Doc-Holiday (Fri Dec 5 20:03:56) ttp://www.imdb.com/title/tt0325710/board/nest/4615657 The reason I didn't like this movie and didn't want to see this movie is this glorification of samurais, who really don't deserve any respect from the common people. A lot people, including the writers for this movie, seem to think Samurais were loyal people with integrity and were on people's side. Actually, Samurai were like killers for their masters, they would do anything to help their owners to remain in power. They were never for the people as this movie implied. They were no better than those who replaced them. You can think of them as the policemen for Sadam Hussen.
映画みて感動した。そして思ったね。わが朝鮮を心から愛し、青春を投げ出してまで真実を捏造するウリナラマンセーをもったこの板の住人こそがラストサウルアビだってな。 おまいらはキーボード、マウスという大小(刀)をもったラストサウルアビだよ、ホント。 戦場はここ、2ちゃんねるやNAVER掲示板だ。洗練されたウリナラマンセーをもったわかり易い「釣り」で売国奴やチョッパリに斬られる!斬られるっっ! YOU ARE LAST SAURUABIs!!そのウリナラマンセーを誇りにこれからも今までどおりの鋭い自爆を続けてくれ! このままいけばおまいらは朝鮮をつぶすね、間違いない!