Man the board in Red Sox homepage got swarmed with japanese, did you mean?As long as i know, fans from japan are really quiet on any message board where one is supposed to write in english. Actually you rarely find fans from japan there (if any doubt, take a look at a fan forum for mariners, dodgers, giants or whatever).
I do not understand why some people here are angry with new rangers fans from korea. I hope that rangers' old fans will welcome chp fans and suppose what is hapening on this board now is just a kind of party which will finish off soon. Chp fans are really glad that he has got a good place to play in, a good team to play with, and they are now willing to support the team right from now on. I hope chp will have a great year with the rangers next season and i am sure he will.
258 :バレバレですな・・。 :01/12/25 02:15 ID:0lkQb2/f Hideo Nomo is perfect ace of Dodgers. Subscribe From: YAMAGUCHI 12:01 am To: ALL (1 of 4) 2339.1 I'm a Japanese.Hideo Nomo is your savior. I know most americans believe in God but it's not effective to get forgiveness against their crime. Now, you have chance to beg forgiveness . Just believe in Hideo Nomo. He forgives yo all crimes and gives foods, money, even life . Why don't you transfer to Hideo Nomo church? He is the clear Ace of Dodgers.Merry X-mas. 野茂は神ニダ! From: Keirin 6:25 am To: YAMAGUCHI unread (3 of 4) 2339.3 in reply to 2339.1
Hell no. Your user name looks very familiar. In fact, I think you are the one who is most bashed now on Ranger's forum. What is your purpose of writing such stupid things here, and disguising yourself as a Japanese? Who gives a rat's a.s.s about where you come from? そのような愚かなものをここで書き、日本人として変装するあなたの目的は何ですか。 264 :名無し :01/12/25 11:05 ID:bf7M4yoA 成りすましがばれた偽日本人が説教されてます。 btw, it's so obvious that you are korean. don't even try to act like japanese. soooo awkward and poor. seems like you don't even wanna be a korean, do ya? shame on you. being a hater like you is so cheap. u hate japanese, koreans, ところで、それは非常に明白なので、koreanです。さらに試みない、 japaneseのように行動してください。不便で貧弱であるsoooo。 あなたのように見える、wannaさえkoreanではありませんか、行う、yaする? あなたの恥。あなたのように憎悪者であることは非常に安い。
578 : :01/12/29 17:54 ID:l72FS6PW >>577 間髪入れずに見破られているぞ(藁 というか恥ずかしいと思うなら止めればいいのに、何故日本人を騙ってまで あの板に固執するのやら。 >I guess you are one of those Koreans who pretend to be a Japanese and try >to give them bad name.Please stop this silly behavior. Actually, it'll >rather tarnish your Koreans' reputation. Please stop it. >私は、そうであるためにあなたが装う朝鮮人のうちの一人であると推測します、 >1つの、日本、またそれらに悪い名前を与えようとします。この愚かな振る舞いを >止めてください。現実に、それはあなたの朝鮮人の評判をむしろ曇らせるでしょう。 >それを止めてください。