【最萌】Welcome to Anime-suki members

Free construction and charge prohibitions

・Animated cartoon Kiza tournament 2006 official site
・Informal table site
・Site in which it assists in animated cartoon Kiza tournament 2006 without permission.
・Animated cartoon Kiza tournament 2006 seen in inside person

Past Saimoe tournament of animated cartoon system
・Animated cartoon board Kiza tournament
http://animesaimoe.at. infoseek.co.jp (2002 founder)/
・Animated cartoon new program Saimoe tournament
http://newanime.at.infoseek.co.jp of & spring at Autumn term (2003)/
・Animated cartoon Saimoe tournament 2004
・Animated cartoon Saimoe tournament 2005

・The animated cartoon board dice are food man tournament
・The 2nd animated cartoon man dice are food tournament

- Special Eita that talks about Kiza support &

Front Sre
Sre Part1469 http://anime.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/asaloon/1159626209/l50
that talks about Saimoe tournament of animated cartoon system
2メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:08:29 ID:???0
             -─-、    , -‐-、
         /´   ,ィ '´ ̄ ̄` 1  ヽ
        /     //       |   ゙、      
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    {_____,.ィ | l ィ7「|` ! }l´ ̄{     /       
           ! l { !,リ_レ' ノj ,ニニ\   /        
         ヽ ト、N{.fッ::!   fッ:::l`!\_八ヽ                 うおおおおおおおおおおお!
          ` } l| ゞソ     ゞソ/,イ/ } l }       
           〃⊂⊃ ´、   ⊂⊃ ! / ノj  
              モミ     ノノ  _ '´⌒ヽ ,-、       |    |       志摩子っっーーーーーー!
          / /  nノ´   ´     l´)_,ヽ    .|    |
           | l  l´ )     :r;:  Y  ノ  /    |    |
.   ズッ        `/   ゙      | /  //   |    |
.       ズッ  //     / ̄`ヽ   /     ヽ    |
      __ / / '   /     ヽノ ///   /   /
   /´     ̄ ̄'    ´  l⌒l    ヽ    /    /
  /      // lλ '     ヽ \   ヽー''"  _)  /
      ノー----/::::,'、_   _,ノ `ー`ヽ  ヽ―''"´  /
    /',  `''‐- |::ノ(| ゚。 ̄///    (   \ ヾ /
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      /     u`" //  "'' ヽ/     / ノ ノ
        `'' - 、,, J   r‐、   ',     /

                      / /  / /  ,イ       / /||  ', ヽヽ     !
                      ! i l  i /  //    /, ' l '、 ',  ヽ',    |
                      ! | ! l| ! //  ,ィ´∠∠',,,,,,,_', ヽ ヽ   ',!   |
                        ! l !''7|!',´i`!/'//'´_,,......._ ヾ`ヽヽ  l!|   !
                        | ', !ノ''ラ∀、、  '´  ,r'''ラ""''ヽヽ、 ヾ、 リ / |
                       ', ヽ{i {rk:  i       !_┌va::::!ヽヽ }__//
                        ', !ヾ、 !__┤}         |::f__:} ノ、 !',  ヽ   !
                        ', | | !(___)-'        ゝ(____)、  ノ l ノ ノ /
                          ',', ',',                // ,ィ´ /
               ドシュ!      ',', ',丶、   r--、        /'  ̄/  {
                     ," ,, ',ヽ',  `丶、 ` ┫  _,.. ィ´'´ i   !   ヽ
                    '*:+,.';":;' ! ノ ヽ   | }`T;ーr '´ //  /!  ',   ',
                 '*:+,"+,;'",.:*,'"i   |',  // /'/! , -‐! ! ノ ',   ',   ノ
           ',   ! ! /'  // //'´,..ノノ´=ヽ    +;,.',;,*       .":*;,,,;+,*:.';,'*;
          ヽ | ノ !  / !|/',イ //':::::::::::::!  ', :,.*+;,.',;,*:";+.*;,*:.":*;,,,;+,*:.';,'*;
         |!{ ヽ ! イノヽ:{ !{::i::::::::::::::::|   !/ { ヽ'*;,.":*;,:+.;';,   ';,
          'ヾ  ! |{ |::| }:! ',::|:::::::::::::::|  / i、    ';,.":*,    ,   ;,
           ヽ ノ∧|::| /'":::l!|:::::::::::::::|, /', }        *,
            }ノ |:::'":ヽニノ:!::::::::::::::|i、{_ ! ノ
3メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:09:15 ID:???0
4メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:10:04 ID:???0
.       !l  i:  l   /´        __ノ   ,.    ,'
       |l| /|   ! /__       `ニ-.=ニ,ノ    /
       l' ∨::l   i、{,.==ミ''''"^  '",.==<__ノノ,/′
           ヽ:ヽ、:lヽ!、_仞_.`       、仞_.ノ孑イ′ 
            \ `ド'=-  ´   |:.       ,'/
              |`‐!        {::.     /     
            /!.::|゙:、        ノ'     ,.'      It'sShowTime!アナタ方も多重の準備は良いですか?
          ' l:/l\ヽ、 ‘ー--=-‐' /       投票は一回すればそれで終わりの嬉しいコレクションじゃない。
          _l/ l;';.\ヽ、   '''''"  ,仆、       強力な勝利への道具、最萌で最強最後の殲滅兵器なんだ。
     _,,.. -─'´|   l;';';.,.\ヽ、     //;l l       どんどん作ってバンバンのり最高って書いてさっさと終わらせてください、こんな糞トーナメントは。
 '''"´        !   .:l;';';';:,. `ヽ`ニニ´‐;';'l:. !-、      
           .:/  ..:::::::l;';';';';';.,.,./  l;';';';'l::::...l `ヽ、
5メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:10:16 ID:???0
Free construction and charge prohibitions

・Animated cartoon Saimoe tournament 2006 official site
・Informal table site
・Site in which it assists in animated cartoon Saimoe tournament 2006 without permission.
・Animated cartoon Saimoe tournament 2006 seen in inside person

Past Saimoe tournament of animated cartoon system
・Animated cartoon board Saimoe tournament
http://animesaimoe.at. infoseek.co.jp (2002 founder)/
・Animated cartoon new program Saimoe tournament
http://newanime.at.infoseek.co.jp of & spring at Autumn term (2003)/
・Animated cartoon Saimoe tournament 2004
・Animated cartoon Saimoe tournament 2005

・The animated cartoon board dice are food man tournament
・The 2nd animated cartoon man dice are food tournament

- Special Eita that talks about Saimoe support &

Front Sre
Sre Part1469 http://anime.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/asaloon/1159626209/l50
that talks about Saimoe tournament of animated cartoon system
6メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:10:32 ID:???0
7メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:11:14 ID:???0
The next thread is here?
8メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:12:16 ID:???0
I come from melon.
9メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:12:21 ID:???0
真紅 is dog
10メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:13:01 ID:???0
11メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:13:38 ID:???0
       !l  i:  l   /´        __ノ   ,.    ,'
       |l| /|   ! /__       `ニ-.=ニ,ノ    /
       l' ∨::l   i、{,.==ミ''''"^  '",.==<__ノノ,/′
           ヽ:ヽ、:lヽ!、_仞_.`       、仞_.ノ孑イ′ 
            \ `ド'=-  ´   |:.       ,'/
              |`‐!        {::.     /     
            /!.::|゙:、        ノ'     ,.'      あなた方も多重の準備は良いですか?
          ' l:/l\ヽ、 ‘ー--=-‐' /       コードは一回取ったら嬉しいコレクションじゃない。
          _l/ l;';.\ヽ、   '''''"  ,仆、       強力な兵器なんだ。どんどん取ってバンバン多重して
     _,,.. -─'´|   l;';';.,.\ヽ、     //;l l       さっさと終わらせてください、こんな糞トーナメントは。 
 '''"´        !   .:l;';';';:,. `ヽ`ニニ´‐;';'l:. !-、
           .:/  ..:::::::l;';';';';';.,.,./  l;';';';'l::::...l `ヽ、     
      ....::::/..:::::::::::::::::l;';';';';';〈:  /:,ニニニニニニニニヽ、




 Microsoft Internet Explorer(IE、マイクロソフト・インターネットエクスプローラ)を使ってる人なら、
12メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:14:30 ID:lD5XjvQL0

very far is shinku!!! I love dolls!
13メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:14:33 ID:???0
Hello of the Japanese ..you...
Thank you for preparing the place of a new discussion for us.
The saimoe tournament is very the enjoyment more and more in the last stage.
14メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:14:39 ID:???0
15メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:14:45 ID:???0
万個 伊豆 慢湖
16メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:15:51 ID:???0
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \                                  \
  <   糞  ス  レ  へ  よ  う  こ  そ  !    >
  /                                   \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ ...::::::::::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/   ...:::::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ     .....::::::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +   + ....:::::::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ *:::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  .::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::
  :::::::....     + ┼    *+     +~~'''ヽ ..:...::::::::::::::::::::
   :::::::::::::::::.....    +   * .   ┼  :....:::::::::::::::::
    ::::::::::::::::::::....: + *     +   .....:::::::::::::::::
17メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:16:08 ID:???0
I am Mexican. ARIA is loved.
It buds in Arisia Florence.
18メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:16:58 ID:???0
Why don't you take part in Gilgamesh's rush ?
It is done from 23:01 every day .
  ・You mustn't be late for vote ( it is done at 23:01. ) .
  ・Please don't tease other voters and supporters. Enjoy this tornament .

―― Using comment for United States, Europe, and so on ――
I've come here in time to vote !
If my bride was defeated as it was,
she would go down in history shamefully !

―― 日本語 ――

―― 在中国・台湾的狂慕者,請用下的文章 ――
19メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:17:18 ID:???0
It is very divine・・・
20メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:17:36 ID:???0
Welcome hello.
You unexpectedly know sage.
21メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:17:55 ID:???0
The believer of Nanoha must die quickly.

22メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:19:36 ID:???0
Please teach the way of a multiple vote.
23メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:20:30 ID:???0
24メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:21:05 ID:???0
shut up yellow monkey
25メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:21:46 ID:???0
VIP is one of the shameful part in Japan.
26メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:22:03 ID:???0

27メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:27:18 ID:???0
28メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:27:22 ID:???0
29メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:28:15 ID:???0
Hi! I'm from USA.
Do you have any questions?
30メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:29:19 ID:???0
I think that chikaru-sama is sure to win the championship.
Though it might be said that it is a believer of the stopani.
31メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:29:20 ID:???0
32メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:30:39 ID:???0

why can you use zen-kaku letter
33メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:31:54 ID:???0
投票数:525レス 03:26:41現在

1位 259票 沢近愛理@スクールランブルシリーズ
2位 242票 キョンの妹@涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱

1位 260票 高町なのは@魔法少女リリカルなのはA's
2位 225票 藍華・S・グランチェスタ@ARIAシリーズ
34メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:32:17 ID:???0
35メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:32:45 ID:???0
You are masturbation ? with which Anime charactor.
36メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:33:10 ID:t67WCrgs0
Why is not Sailor Moon participating?
37メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:33:16 ID:???0
by a miracle.
38メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:34:07 ID:???0
                  }  ,リ
                __  ヽ ,リ
 , -ーー―-- 、  / ...::::::::::::..``>、リ
  `¨ー=-_   `ゝ、::::::::::::::::::::::/ヽ=ヘ
      ̄ ≧_{×} 「`` 二二 _二ヘ、
        / .:.:¨/ /ヽ.:.:.:.:.N-ヾ::|L!トr-z_
         |」ニY ,ィイ::|'"¨゙VV`_ V! }}ニ≦`
         ヘ.>ヽ>NN z==  _  ̄` リ_ノ
        /::´〉} }ト、    -‐   ノ|    Jyucy. 
      Z:/:./弋-`-'>t- r イ/
       '" '"   \/二三ミlヲ´
             く /    :}} {}{} l
              |      :||   |
                | ..   :: ::|| ,-、|
            | ::  ::: ::|| {.Y}|
39メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:34:54 ID:???0
It seems that all the persons in this thread are Japanese.
40メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:35:42 ID:lzbPibiL0
Is it nonchalantly a visit to Japan in Hiroshima and Nagasaki to
atomic bomb drop?
Mama's milk breathes in and is a furnace.
41メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:36:17 ID:???0
at that time・・・
             jニ-―ty′            \\
            /ィ''ア´ /   // /ハ     、 ̄ヽ、 |
           / / y′,イ::ィ  7!7,イ/ ! l |  \  
           |/  / /,.〈 l トイfヒ7`  ハイ/!  ト、',、 
           |、  !ク  ⌒| |    , 代},イ/! / |ト、
           ヽ\{、_  vト、  {ノ  ,イ| | レ′,ト、  It's pleasant nano!
            \二Z ヾ/> 'ト-‐ ァ' ァリ/ "''ー- 、,,
              モミ     ノノ  _ '´⌒ヽ ,-、       |    | 
          / /  nノ´   ´     l´)_,ヽ    .|    | 
           | l  l´ )     :r;:  Y  ノ  /    |    |   
.   ズッ        `/   ゙      | /  //   |    |
.       ズッ  //     / ̄`ヽ   /     ヽ    |
      __ / / '   /     ヽノ ///   /   /
   /´     ̄ ̄'    ´  l⌒l    ヽ    /    /
  /      // lλ '     ヽ \   ヽー''"  _)  /
      ノー----/::::,'、_   _,ノ `ー`ヽ  ヽ―''"´  /
    /',  `''‐- |::ノ(| ゚。 ̄///    (   \ ヾ /
  /  /`)   '、:::: ''‐- 、,,     / `ヽ、つ_) l |
      /     u`" //  "'' ヽ/     / ノ ノ
        `'' - 、,, J   r‐、   ',     /
42メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:37:09 ID:???0
Thanks to his previous work against pedophiles,
the Florida congressman who sent possibly inappropriate emails to a teenager
had little choice but to resign. Now the GOP has yet another vulnerable seat to defend
43メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:40:11 ID:???0
44メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:40:29 ID:???0
Here is Malbolge in the wired world.
If there are non-Japanese persons, you should go out.
45メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:40:48 ID:???0

               / │         -――――――‐- 、  ̄  ̄O |
              /   .|:    /               `ヽ、  °|
               /     |: . . /                   \  |
                 /    /: : /                          \/
            ,′   /:./ /                 /            ヽ
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            l        |:   / / /   //'::.  /  /:!:.  .:::.     ヘ
              l           |: . ::/:/_ /-‐'// /::..__/|: / !::::::/:::     ヘ
               l       :|: ̄{/ /∠.//  /::../`7メ、 /::: /:::    ..:::::::::l
              l         !::::厶f≦テ千ト<  //xz≠< /::::/::::  ..::/.::::/
      , ‐<⌒ヽ   l:.   :|    l::W {:ヘ__,ィ/      ´7ヘ _,ハ/:/:::::. _/:::/
    /   \ \  i::.  ::l   :::ハ 弋_:少'       r'托/ ' ァー‐<{ /::/
   く      ヽ  ヽ___}!:. ハ   .::::::/>ヘ、.:.::::::       `ー'  /::::::::...:::| '´ Wow! Are you virgins?
    >  >―‐- 〉  .ヾ∧::..::::ヽ.::::/  ___ヽ      ' .:.:::::::: /:::_::::::::::::l-、
/'⌒く/: : : : : : : {     }∧:: :::: f'´  ´ ̄ _}  r―-,     //  ̄`l:::::Vヘ
   /: : : : : : : : : ゝ   l_∧:::::::|     '´   ヽ_` ー'´   __イ⌒ヽ   |::::::Vヘ
  /: : : : : : : : : : : : : : :ヽ  lヽ∧ :::|       / l_   r<⌒l \  ヽ  |:::::::∨
. /: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :|  l | ヽ:l          ノ/ / {  { .l   `    ハ::::::::l
/: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :|  l |   |      r'_//  ∧  !        / \:::|\
46メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:43:02 ID:???0
not at all.
47メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:43:02 ID:???0
                    _                    ┃::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::         ||
      ___      ,'==、 ヽ  _ _ _       ┌──┐    ┃:::::::::,'~~~え.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::      , ´:||⌒ヽ,
     く/',二二ヽ>   〈(((ヽリi卯´ _ _ ヽ    i二ニニ二i    ┃:::::::{/´ ̄ヽヽ_:::::::::::::::┌- 、,. -┐:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::     l  ||  イ
     |l |ノノイハ))    |n゚ー ゚,l〈l|/   `ヽ  i´ノノノヽ)))     ┃:::::((从_从)i@《,:::::::::::く|_,.ヘ_|〉:::::::::::::::@  ̄ @、::::    ゝ、||__ノソ
      |l |リ゚ ー゚ノl|      ヽ卯i つゝ '''"ー"``  Wリ ゚ -゚∩    ┃:::::||从'д`||/||:::::::::::::,(从|从ト ヽ、:::::::::::::/liiハilハiil ヽ::   ミi⌒`ミ、
     ノl_|} 7つつ       /lx ヽ l          } つト ノ.      ┃:::::||(({'ミ介ミ'})||::::::::::::|iミl、'д`iミ|ミ|:::::::::::ノ从 - $ ,从:::::::  ノ本_リ)ゝ
    ≦ノ`ヽノヘ≧     |†ししl†l          〈___r、_〉     ┃::::≦ノ,ノハヽ、≧.:::::::::`''´}夲 ヽ'''´:::::::::ノ从lξ,,, ゝ从:::::::: `しし′
.   ミく二二二〉ミ     レ   レ           〈_ノ ヽ_〉      ┃::::て` -tッァ- ' て::::::::::::::::(ム!,,jム,):::::::::ノリ从しし'、_,}つリ::::::::::::::
  Jade Stone   Mercury Lamp   Lapis Lazuli Stone    ┃True Crimson Young Strawberry  Rose Crystal    Canary
                                   Wall of unpopularity
48メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:43:42 ID:???0
    /::::/|::::::/|::| / ̄``i}、`ー-y┐  
     /::://レV /l/     !l, `¨´/   
.    N//::ハ/::::::|_    _ll,  /|.  I`m fine.
.    M/:/:::::::::::::/.戈テッ、  _. 〈:::::!   
.    |::::::|::::::::::::::| ____7攵kノ::::|.     __\\ _ ---. _          
.    |::::::|::::::::::::i:|'´     ,\_ノ:::::::|.    '― - 、`ヽ '´      `丶  
.    |::::::|:::::::::;::i:|  ‐-、 /:::::/:::!    ,. -‐`             ヽ○-―-、 
.    |:::::从:::::从:!     /::::::::/i::/.   //  /           l○`ヽ  ヽ
.    |/  ヽi、 i> -rく:/:/:;i::/ i/.   / /  ///  / /    ヽ ヽ |   | ト、 }
-―<\    ヘ   ,ムヽi/i/,i/ ′   l/l ,イ l l  /| l| |l   l、 l、 | ト、l    lノ ノノ
.    \\   \_  } ハ、         | l ! lハ T_立Tlヽ T立_Tl |_ノ     '´
      Vハ    ヽ| ハ \_.      \!ヽ l、ヽ!{='_r}  ヽl{='_r} リ|
      ∨ハ     `l  ハ   `丶、      ヽ`トl` ̄   ,   ̄´,イ l   me too nano
       Vハ   |  ハ   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/.>.‐-fl-‐<´ノ/  
        ∨ハ   |  |ハ /    VAIO    /.   `.,.||´   '´〉  
         V ハ  |  |lハ/             /.`ヽ--イ_||_ト-- '´ヽ
49メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:44:13 ID:???0
What a fuckin' place here is!
50メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:44:12 ID:???0
It's wrong spelling.
The correct spelling is "Juicy".

And, I hardly wait to vote Kyon's sister!!
Generating my code is too slow.
51メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:45:47 ID:???0
hey guys,you shouldnt come this thread.A lot of trash is in the thread.
52メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:46:49 ID:???0
                      /   )
           , ─‐ 、  _     j  ァ'´
  /⌒{ヽ     / ,.-、―シ´  \  / /
  ゞ _  ヘ     ,'/   ィv、、   ∨ /
.    ヽ \.  〃  l /{ {""}_}ヽ}  lド/
     \ \ハ   lレ >` <リl /!l/
       \ 杁  ハ. r― ┐ノイ 八
          A. ∧{ヽ l、ヽ ノ,.ィ /ヽ>  Saimoe is over!!
        / V /  リ`マア7 ル'/
.       /  \ V" ∨{}V ヽ′
      /    /`¨{  ∨/  }
53メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:46:51 ID:???0
     /_ノ ' ヽ_\
   /(≡)   (≡)\
  /::::::⌒(__人__)⌒::::: \   shu,shu…Ah! Liz …Good! shu,,,shu
  |     |r┬-|     |
  \      `ー'´     /        shu,,shu…I reache now!! ……Uu,,,

.   | __| | __ | |^)_ |    ,-、
   _ |  | |   | .|ノ  |.    i  ヽ
  i'i. ヽ. -‐、 !   !-! ‐- ヽ.  〉、 l
 / _ ノ.ヽ. `' (ノo(ヽο/ ヽノ (ノ |
 ヽ. ,`ヽ,ソ    )ノ   ノ/o   |
   \ '  / / l     ()ヽ l
    ヽ.   '    |  (⌒ヽ  |
     ヽ.     |   しノ  /

      / ̄ ̄ ̄\ 
    / ─    ─ \ 
   /  (●)  (●)  \. It is silly. What I was doing.
   |    (__人__)    | 
   \    ` ⌒´    /
   /              \

     The next day

     /_ノ ' ヽ_\
   /(≡)   (≡)\
  /::::::⌒(__人__)⌒::::: \   shu,shu…Ah! Liz …Good! shu,,,shu
  |     |r┬-|     |
  \      `ー'´     /        shu,,shu…I reache now!! ……Uu,,,
54メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:47:45 ID:???0

     /    /     ヽ    \       \
   /   .  /     \ \.    \   ヽ.  ヘ ̄` 、
   /   /  ,       ヽ  ヽ    ヽ  ヽ  ヘ:.:. : : :\
  //  ./  .i   i      ハ  .iゝ'   i.  ヘ  ハ:.:.:.:. : : :ヽ
  .〃   ,   丶  、     ,,lX´l ヽ   l   i  i:.:.:.:.:. : : :.i
 //   l   ー-ヽ--ヽ、  ー'' ,lrニニi―、/.i   l  l:.:.:.:.:.:. : :.l
./:.i    ! ヽ、   Xニ、ヾヽ  '/f lイ:::`ト/Y.l   /  ト:.:.:.:.:.: : :l
f:.:.l   l   `i/rニi::ヽヾ、ヽ. / ト-'::-:'::}  /  /   ハ:.:.:.:. : :l
i :.ハ.   l   /l ト-':::::i,   l/ '' ¨ ̄ ̄`/ ./  /  i:.:.:.: :/
l: :.:.ヽ  .lヽ、 `、 弋>''  ノ       ∠ ィ´  /l.  /:. : /  
ヘ: :.:.:.\ V l`ー -` ´     __ , - ' ¨ヽ /_ .. イ´  i /:.:/,  Yhaaaaaa-------
 ヽ:.:.:.:.:i >' l  l l    r‐''__ ,, ‐'' ¨´ ー/  l   y:./  ヘ
   \:.:ヽ. > 、ヘヽ、   `''´       / ト 、. i  ーヘ    ヽ
    /ヽヽ'  `ソ i `> - .... __ . ''   lソ ヘ ',   ヘ
   /  / `  /  l  {  〈|       〃  \_   ヘ
 /  /    /  l  ノ  ヾ、、    //    / ` ー- ...\
55メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:48:03 ID:???0
     /    /     ヽ    \       \
   /   .  /     \ \.    \   ヽ.  ヘ ̄` 、
   /   /  ,       ヽ  ヽ    ヽ  ヽ  ヘ:.:. : : :\
  //  ./  .i   i      ハ  .iゝ'   i.  ヘ  ハ:.:.:.:. : : :ヽ
  .〃   ,   丶  、     ,,lX´l ヽ   l   i  i:.:.:.:.:. : : :.i
 //   l   ー-ヽ--ヽ、  ー'' ,lrニニi―、/.i   l  l:.:.:.:.:.:. : :.l
./:.i    ! ヽ、   Xニ、ヾヽ  '/f lイ:::`ト/Y.l   /  ト:.:.:.:.:.: : :l
f:.:.l   l   `i/rニi::ヽヾ、ヽ. / ト-'::-:'::}  /  /   ハ:.:.:.:. : :l
i :.ハ.   l   /l ト-':::::i,   l/ '' ¨ ̄ ̄`/ ./  /  i:.:.:.: :/
l: :.:.ヽ  .lヽ、 `、 弋>''  ノ       ∠ ィ´  /l.  /:. : /
ヘ: :.:.:.\ V l`ー -` ´     __ , - ' ¨ヽ /_ .. イ´  i /:.:/,  AuAuAuwwwwwwwwwww
 ヽ:.:.:.:.:i >' l  l l    r‐''__ ,, ‐'' ¨´ ー/  l   y:./  ヘ
   \:.:ヽ. > 、ヘヽ、   `''´       / ト 、. i  ーヘ    ヽ Today, I assist in Alice desu. ueueue wwwwwwww
    /ヽヽ'  `ソ i `> - .... __ . ''   lソ ヘ ',   ヘ
   /  / `  /  l  {  〈|       〃  \_   ヘ
 /  /    /  l  ノ  ヾ、、    //    / ` ー- ...\
56メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:49:42 ID:???0
I'm a beliver of Yes Matayoshi.
57メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:50:33 ID:???0
             /    ー┐       `ヽ、
             /    //   ̄└z       \
           /  /  //       ヽ        _ヽ
         / / /  〃  /イ     l ト─- 、  // ',
          / / /  /'  / /  /  l |    `弋´   ハ Hello!!!!
            ; !|   i|. / / /  / /  j !       {    | |
        l l !|   i|/〃/ /}/| //      ヽ_/| l     My name is Ringo-Kinosita
        | / !|  i|:{/く/  ノイ 〃          〉´.リ
         /  j |   :l| _,,x-\             尸 |       main heroin of "OtogiJuice Akazukin"
.        /  /^|l   :lfイ;:^て_ハヽ__,        _   !  i|
       /  /{ |l   !|ヾ_r、/      '‐ァ七<、  {  i|
.      /  |! ヽl    !|  `        {f;:^ーク }! ,.イ  /!
     ,′  !i   l    !| ///      ゞ‐-'  ∧;j / |
     ll  |l!  l   i|         '  ///  /.ィハ ヘ l
     |l  |l!   !   ト、___   )-         ,.イ! ! { リ
     |l  ||!   l   i| ̄ ̄}    rー‐< l.! ノ {イ }
     ヽヘァゝー--!   i|   /`=='f´|   / 〃  ,{Yリ
     /   \ ヘ.   i|\./_::::::::::::::L|  ./∠,_// トイ
.    /      \\ j|`ヽ>二:::::.:|┴、 乃{`ー-、` { !}
   /        ハ ヽl     |:::::| ̄ ̄´{| |  ヽ { !}
   l            !l |      |:::::|    .l| |   l {iリ
58メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:50:43 ID:???0

     /    /     ヽ    \       \
   /   .  /     \ \.    \   ヽ.  ヘ ̄` 、
   /   /  ,       ヽ  ヽ    ヽ  ヽ  ヘ:.:. : : :\
  //  ./  .i   i      ハ  .iゝ'   i.  ヘ  ハ:.:.:.:. : : :ヽ
  .〃   ,   丶  、     ,,lX´l ヽ   l   i  i:.:.:.:.:. : : :.i
 //   l   ー-ヽ--ヽ、  ー'' ,lrニニi―、/.i   l  l:.:.:.:.:.:. : :.l
./:.i    ! ヽ、   Xニ、ヾヽ  '/f lイ:::`ト/Y.l   /  ト:.:.:.:.:.: : :l
f:.:.l   l   `i/rニi::ヽヾ、ヽ. / ト-'::-:'::}  /  /   ハ:.:.:.:. : :l
i :.ハ.   l   /l ト-':::::i,   l/ '' ¨ ̄ ̄`/ ./  /  i:.:.:.: :/
l: :.:.ヽ  .lヽ、 `、 弋>''  ノ       ∠ ィ´  /l.  /:. : /  
ヘ: :.:.:.\ V l`ー -` ´     __ , - ' ¨ヽ /_ .. イ´  i /:.:/,  Kyon`s sister!Kyon`s sister!Kyon`s sister!
 ヽ:.:.:.:.:i >' l  l l    r‐''__ ,, ‐'' ¨´ ー/  l   y:./  ヘ Yhaaaaaaaaaaaaa----------wwwwwwwww
   \:.:ヽ. > 、ヘヽ、   `''´       / ト 、. i  ーヘ    ヽ
    /ヽヽ'  `ソ i `> - .... __ . ''   lソ ヘ ',   ヘ
   /  / `  /  l  {  〈|       〃  \_   ヘ
 /  /    /  l  ノ  ヾ、、    //    / ` ー- ...\
59メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:51:00 ID:???0
60メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:51:52 ID:???0
You'd better desist using any big AAs.
Many foreigners cannot watch them in order.
61メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:52:08 ID:???0
  {!     -_、ノニ/- ―- ..  /   '、_,,ノ ,,..ニシ--、,,_        _,-i ヽ }!      /       / i  |  }jjkレ'     '.
  {l,. - ニア    /      `\    /   / ((彡, ミ=r=≧;;-   /≦=ヤト、 )ツ /  ′'   _ /  ノ}  ノ  /゙゙""|     '.
,. '  /  /   /           \ /    >、ミ= 、ヽゝヾ;;シ``   l"k;;シチ ))´ノ/ :j / /    7´>、//厶ィ   | i    .
>イ:./ ./:l   .:!:..l:.     l     \   (   ̄`ヾ.) ^^^`    i ´^^`/'´/: : :/j レ!   /レ' rァ≠ミト '      | l  i  ハ
´ l l:.:|  :|:.:|:.._.:.l-:r‐:、  .:. .:|:. .   ',\ ヾミ=‐イ          '、  (__/  v:/ '   v j  ,′ { トrソヾト   _ ,レL l     }
 l:l:.:l:..:.:l:..'l´::.:.|.ヽ`ヽ:...:./:./l、|.:.    |   \{`=彡r,.       /  (´/   / /  r{ミ─ ョ    ̄`     ィrテミトj / / //
ヽ、..ヽ:.ヽヽヽ,ィテッ下 j///イヽ!.:.:/     \ { {{{i、_ノ  ー-`ニ-  /    / /    }ミ─彡}          ゝrソ fレ′ //
__ \∠Ll_ヽ 、ー_'       「ッ!l/:.:/       \ ̄ヽ、 `''ー'  /     / {    テ=彡'}          冫 ・ /  厶イ/
..l l _:ヽ‐- 、l          , ヽ' lニ三‐-、       \` 、   ,.イ/      /  v,r‐   ヾ、彡'}    . -=ァ     ∧ ,′
..l l/ l:.:.:l=z_-|     ` ー   lュ_┘__|         ∧∧∧∧      / `ヽ {i      ト イ}}     ニ    .イ リハ
ヽ  \!:.:T⊥         ノつ-‐ フ       <Presentiment>   /       {i       {ト、         イ ル  ノ
`>、    Y.:ノ      , ィー--‐ 彳        <  of    >/          {レ'´ ̄ ̄ `  ヘ. ト、__ < j{{ { 
 ―――――――――――――――――――< length  >――――――――――――――――――――
 /  ̄` ー -- 、 `/ ヽ |/ \∧         <  rolling  > '/ ::;.' .::/  .:;イ::/!::|: |l:. !';:::. ゙、::. ',. ヽ ヽ:: l:::::::l‐--:::::::::::::::::::_`'ァ
/ ´ ̄ ̄`>`Y   厶,/ハ  ヾヽ          <  roll!!!  .>/...::/.::::::/ ::::://:/ l :ll: | !::l ';::::::.',、:..',. ゙、.゙、.|::::::!:::::::::::::::''''''ー-- {
     /   |   /     |  ハ: :\        / ∨∨∨∨//:::::;' :::::::i :::::/.,'::;' l :!l::.! ';::', ';::::::.',';::.';::::: ゙,..',ヽ::l::::;;;;;___::::::::::::::::: l'
 /   /    l  /     |  / i|: : : ヽ    //    \ ,'i /::::::i .:::::::l ;;、/、l:;i_ l :| l::l ';:',. ';::::::.i ';:.';:::::. '; ';::ヽソ;;;;;;;;; ̄二ニ=ン
/   l     ート、L__   |/ __}: : : :/   /l     ‐1T\.;':!:::::| :::::、li゙:;、l_ュl、l,  !:l. ';:l  ';:',.゙i゙゙''''i‐、;:i;:::: i: i / ̄ ̄~~""''ー- 、
|    |       ヽ/    ´  ̄ .,': : :/  /廾   __」_!L._ \::::l :::、;l_l,ツ'r- 、ヽ l l ';:!  >r=!、、l、,l:゙ト:::::. !:.l〈--、、、::::::'''''ー- /
|     | ,ィ示テミト、   ,ィテト、ト; :./ /_ル┘`´ ̄   , -‐ 、 ` t1\ ::‐l''l! l;{ j;;',   ',l. 'l  ,'"r''ヾヾl::!l_:::: ll::l ',:::::::::::::::::::::::::: j
|\  ! ヽ 代ノ}     {ヘノ!. ハ∨/ ` rl./⌒ヽ   ′  _`_ |f' \:::!  |;l|lol;;i        i;;;{,_,ノ::',゙'lil,l;;:::.,'l://""''''''¬ー-、,,,ノ
|  \ |   ゞー′      ゞソ ,' |/ ヽ {┴、  __,  -、(__) リl´ ノ´ \  l;{||リ:リ         l:l|||o|l::j .ツl-::/:'r'l~~~~~""'''ー- 、
l    ヘ U       ヽ    /\   、`T´ l´      !    _,フ´    \ー‐‐'‐,.     _l;ヾ:;ツ。/  !::/"ヾl゙‐‐-`~""''''ー j
|    {        __   / \_ ヽ  } ヽ  |      l   / {    /´,r '_\           `"'‐-'r /7イ~ レ、'''¬ー- 、:;;_,ノ
!    ',\     ( ノ /   _, .. ,_ヽll !  `ヽヽ.__.ノ, r '´  '、 」/ ̄_,二\   i'''' 、       //ノ:::: .r' ,,゙ヾ--‐ヾ,
|、    ∨!≧ュ 、   /   ..f´__´ シ      `>r'二-へ,._   `く_∠三=≠-、 \  'ー'       ,//ー‐''''"  .l、、;;_::::ー‐ j
62メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:52:42 ID:???0
Here is the worst place in the アニメサロン.

Many many d*mn messages and many many traps are there.

If you can ignore all the f*ckin' things, let's enjoy comunicating with each other!
63メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:53:10 ID:???0
64メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:54:18 ID:???0
Welcome to the excrement thread.
65メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:54:50 ID:???0
Have a nice trip!!
66メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:55:10 ID:???0
It's true that souseiseki was defeated?
On earth what happened...
I do not want to believe it... Say that it is a lie...
67メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:57:12 ID:???0

     /    /     ヽ    \       \
   /   .  /     \ \.    \   ヽ.  ヘ ̄` 、
   /   /  ,       ヽ  ヽ    ヽ  ヽ  ヘ:.:. : : :\
  //  ./  .i   i      ハ  .iゝ'   i.  ヘ  ハ:.:.:.:. : : :ヽ
  .〃   ,   丶  、     ,,lX´l ヽ   l   i  i:.:.:.:.:. : : :.i
 //   l   ー-ヽ--ヽ、  ー'' ,lrニニi―、/.i   l  l:.:.:.:.:.:. : :.l
./:.i    ! ヽ、   Xニ、ヾヽ  '/f lイ:::`ト/Y.l   /  ト:.:.:.:.:.: : :l
f:.:.l   l   `i/rニi::ヽヾ、ヽ. / ト-'::-:'::}  /  /   ハ:.:.:.:. : :l
i :.ハ.   l   /l ト-':::::i,   l/ '' ¨ ̄ ̄`/ ./  /  i:.:.:.: :/
l: :.:.ヽ  .lヽ、 `、 弋>''  ノ       ∠ ィ´  /l.  /:. : /  
ヘ: :.:.:.\ V l`ー -` ´     __ , - ' ¨ヽ /_ .. イ´  i /:.:/,  I`m fine too.
 ヽ:.:.:.:.:i >' l  l l    r‐''__ ,, ‐'' ¨´ ー/  l   y:./  ヘ Auauauauau wwwwww
   \:.:ヽ. > 、ヘヽ、   `''´       / ト 、. i  ーヘ    ヽ
    /ヽヽ'  `ソ i `> - .... __ . ''   lソ ヘ ',   ヘ
   /  / `  /  l  {  〈|       〃  \_   ヘ
 /  /    /  l  ノ  ヾ、、    //    / ` ー- ...\
68メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:57:31 ID:???0
Hikurashi is the dark load of Animes.
69メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:59:02 ID:???0
I think that lie too wwwwwwwwwwwwww
70メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 03:59:43 ID:???0
"When They Cry" is one of the most exciting stories.
Rena and Shion is the most moe characters in the world.
71メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:01:40 ID:???0
          ,,,xニ二 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄「「匸,,,ュ,,、
         ,/ヽ-,,,,,,,,,,,,r″ ` ̄~゛ ._,,,,,_.,,,y,,二,,、
        ,,‐`.、,__,,,,-ー'".'''','"゙,,,,,∠、, ̄“'''m、`''i、
       .,Z,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_,,,,,--ニニ' ̄`,、,,,-ヘ,ヘ,,"''ー、,, ゙‐ヽ
      .,/  _,/‘|―‐''"゛ .,- .,,ィ'゙Z―''''゚゙゙'''''ト,゙'-,,"''-|
     ./二〃 , │   _,-'_/ン'′      ゙リヽ″|
    ,/゙゛_,,,,,,,,,メ‐゙ン-‐''" .,,i´.,″          `'、゙'┤
   ,l゙ ″./ .,ノ     ._,/.| ,i´          _ ゙l,l|
   レ-‐゙,/ .L,,,-‐''"`,| У    ̄ ̄′      __゙ゞ
   .|-‐'"`.i、.,/     .,|゙l |      ___  ゙i、< ●| ヽ
  │   |-'|___,,,,,/.|│,|    rニ"● リ   ヽ  ̄   |
  │,-‐''゙゙l゙ l゙    .,,/ | |       ̄`     ヽ   l
  ,"  丿  l ¬'''二 ,"| ゙ .|         、 --、,ノ ヽ l  
 .|  .,/`  ,イ   ,/.l゙ | ヽ .|        /´       |      俺達VIPPERは
  `'〔  丿| 丿.,l゙ .]゙''"'"          _,,,--^^ (’ /
   ヽ/ │ ./,,,ぐl、.|           /-ニ,,,,,,,,,―'′ l        敵意に対する返事を攻撃しか知らないからw
    ゙l  ,f, /l′| .゙l/`ヽ                    |
   ,i´  ,,/,イ │ ゙l |  ‘'-,,、              ,!
   ゙l.'"゙/^'\.|、゙l. |    `'ヽ,,.,,,,、    、   、 l゙
    `゜    ゙゙゙゙゙゙″      `''riIニv,ッi||゙l|p,,,,,|,i√
72メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:02:56 ID:???0
73メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:05:09 ID:???0
    /                ! l ヽ  |       \
   /           i    ,'l |   ', |    i      ,
  /       i    l    /| !   l lヽ    l      '
 ,'        l   l |  _/  ! ,'    .⊥.L_',   l |  i
. ′      |  _,./ ァ'´/  !/    !l `iーli、l   !   |
. !   |   レ'´ 〃,' /  /      !|  l: | !|i |  . !
|  l   ´! .//// __        二..__ !| ! ! !   l |
!  l   |/〃'z=_==         ´, :¬:、ヽ !|l   l,! All Japanese-OTAKU like very young girl!!
 !   !     |' //´..:.:.ヽ           i:.:tッ:.:.i ヽ !:!   |
  !  l    l/  {:.:.ゞ':.: }          t ー-;ノ   i{リ   |
.  l  ,'|   ,l  ヽこ..ク          `¨     |   |
.  !. { l     |            ,          l    !
.   ! `|     |                       ,    l
   i. l     |                    /    !
    ! l  : l\        r−‐,      /    !
   |! l  : . l: !: 丶、     `       イ : | :  ,′
.    |j .l  : . l: !:、: : : `:i ー- .__  -‐1´: l:| : l :   ,{     __
.    ,' : :! : :. l:ヽヽ ___: }        ヽ: :!: : ! : ;′ハ   〃⌒ヽヽ
   / : :l :! :!: .i-ァ'´, '´!         `ー / :./ ,′.ヽ  l!     } }
   / . :,{: :ヘ .ト、:ヽ,.イ  .'          / :〃 /、: . ヽ\    ノノ
74メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:06:33 ID:???0
Make to the environment that can use Japanese with the personal computer and
make it to MSP Gothic and fontsize 12.
75メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:07:02 ID:???0

     ト 、 ̄ ̄  ― ミヽ // _  -― {、   ハ         l   l
    |  \ ̄ ->‐‐ ¬ { ̄             l      |   l
      ト   ` <       !! _           |      |   l
      | ヽ    }    「j || L!           |      |  l
     | | \  ′    r┘_ュ          |      |    l
      ! l   リ       ̄           __l    l   l   l
     l  /       {       _. -‐  ̄`ヽ ハ    l   l     !
       !  {      _ヽ.    /′ 0__ ィ彡'  l    l   l    l
      l  \i弋7 ̄ 0 _≫ー-   ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄     l    |   |    l
     |   | `ミ=- ´  /⌒ヽ ____     ∧    !   l  | | l
        l   |     /..:|::::::::::。::::u::::::::::`ヽ  / ul   |    ! l  ! ト
      |  ハ   /:::::::::/::::::::      U  ー′ }!       l | ! ト |
        l    \ / u    ヽ     _     u  ハ    l  | !l! |
         l     ヽ     _ .. -_二 -―ヽ、   イ  |    |  ! |lハ|  Eruluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
          l |   | l\  ヽー   /´ ̄ ̄|} / |  ||   l! |/|! |  
          l l    l l |\   V´7__ . -j/  l   ハ |   |! |! |!
76メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:08:19 ID:???0
           /:::::::: ,,.--、::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ,, ::/ !::/ /:::/  ヽヾ、, -- 、
            |::::::::/>、 |: ::::/` ー-、:::〈 !/  |/ .!:/
              |::::::/  L | !:::/      ヽ \  .l′.|:l         /:
      ,-‐-、  /:::::::.!  /7|::/   ‐==ニ=、>、::\` ‖  /      /:::
       |--、 `|‐'7::::::|  l / !:/     ヾ、ヽツ`丶、\_  /   ∧  /::::::
      |-、_ノ |/:: ::::::|│ ! |/         ` ー _ー彡/ r‐‐'', -」_/:::::::
 , --- 、│   l:: :::::::,─ 、           ̄ ̄   /ッ=<、|/:://;′
/      |`─  l/ :::/    T‐‐ 、             !ヾミヾ- ´ /://' Da Bomb!!
`ー=、   |    |'´/     /    |‐‐、    /-    !  \ /
  _\ |    ∨    /    !   !   l -.、   !    /
'´::::::::::: ! |    /  ⌒  !  、 │   l_    _/   /
::::::::::::::::| !   .'      |     |  、_ .| `丶、‐     /
:::::::::::::::: !     |       !    |    | ` ー、_` ̄ /
::::::::::::::::::ヽ                 !    |      /::::::`丶、
::::::::::::::::::::::\               /    /:::::::::::::::::::::::\
77メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:09:04 ID:???0
Kyon's innocent, lovely younger sister,,,
I want her.
78メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:11:58 ID:???0
Here is a foolish thread that outs of all knowledge.
79メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:12:15 ID:???0
           , -ー 、
          ,r'__ ,. 亠、
        /   /   i )       _,,,...........,,_
        ! 、 ゝ __ノ /    ,トt''":.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.',
        ゝ  ̄ _,.ィ´   ,.:':.|l!',__:.:.:; ィ:.:.:.:!
          `T´   ', /:.:r:|,キト、-ヲ-、/;;;;;;;;;';:,,.. -一''''''''''ー--、
    ,.:.':': ̄:':‐':,   ∨;;r''ニ;:=、≠ミ!〈;;;;;;;:.:'´:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:,:,:,:,;;;;;;;;.:.:ヽ
   /';´;`ヽ:.:.:.:.:.:':,   ∨ノ_( ・}_j ・ ト!__):.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:,:,;;::::: ---- ::::;;;ヽ
  .,';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;\:.:.:.:ヽ.   \ r 、´ミ●彡弋:.:.:.;: -''" ̄          ̄ヽ|
  レ''''''''''ー-、;;;`−、:\   ト. 三二> ,ノ'''"''''''‐-r‐-、
           `丶、__y'\  ∨Xコニフ´,.. -―--、ノ   )
                    | ‐ァ ーァ r''"´       ゝ__ノ ←He is a new character of DRAGONBALL
                    ! ム 厶|
                    ! M_」, ‐''  ̄`ヽ
                    |X゚_゚> ̄  ,.,;:==}___
                  ./     _,.. イ' ,. -'''"    ヽ
                /    ,r''"ヽ ̄|   ,.. --- 、/
              /    /     ソ ,r''": : : : : : ノ'
              /  ,ィく. --、   | / : : : : : ;.ィ'"
              ヽ_ノ     ヽ  ヽ--┬''" /
                   ̄ヽ  |    _.ノ__.ノ
80メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:13:08 ID:???0
You can Fly!!!!!!!!
81メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:13:59 ID:???0
      , -―-、__
    ,イ /  , ヽ `ヽ、
   / {  {  lヽ }  i  !_
   /{ i N\リーソヽ lハi;;;ヽ
   |;ヽル-‐  ‐‐- ソ }l;;;;;|
   {;;;;| {  _, "∠ノ |;;;/  Please feel free to ask me any questions.
   ヾハ ゝ、 _ , イルノi.イ
    ノ、_l/ノ ! />、│/ |
    / ,イ i// _イ / |
   J r / / /  / Y 八
82メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:14:50 ID:???0
Imakita Industry
83メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:14:56 ID:???0
Are you a virgin?
84メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:15:44 ID:???0
really? is he stronger than Goku?
85メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:15:57 ID:???0
It doesn't come.
However, it plays.
86メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:16:18 ID:???0
Thank you fuckin' guy.
87メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:17:13 ID:???0
japanese please
88メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:17:27 ID:???0
It is information only on here.
I hope the friend ..secretly...
89メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:17:37 ID:???0
I love "sister"

90メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:18:06 ID:???0
However, I refuse.
91メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:18:52 ID:???0
      , -―-、__
    ,イ /  , ヽ `ヽ、
   / {  {  lヽ }  i  !_
   /{ i N\リーソヽ lハi;;;ヽ
   |;ヽル-‐  ‐‐- ソ }l;;;;;|   No comment.
   {;;;;| {  _, "∠ノ |;;;/
   ヾハ ゝ、 _ , イルノi.イ  
    ノ、_l/ノ ! />、│/ |
    / ,イ i// _イ / |
   J r / / /  / Y 八
92メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:19:08 ID:???0
That is a lie.
93メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:20:04 ID:???0
i guess there are no foreigner
94メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:21:37 ID:???0
Don't tell a lie.
Akira Toriyama,the author of DRAGONBALL,died 3 years ago
95メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:21:46 ID:???0
You are genius!
96メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:22:43 ID:???0
      , -―-、__
    ,イ /  , ヽ `ヽ、
   / {  {  lヽ }  i  !_
   /{ i N\リーソヽ lハi;;;ヽ
   |;ヽル-‐  ‐‐- ソ }l;;;;;|  It has become much cooler in the morning and evening.
   {;;;;| {  _, "∠ノ |;;;/
   ヾハ ゝ、 _ , イルノi.イ  I feel a touch of autumn in the air these days.
    ノ、_l/ノ ! />、│/ |
    / ,イ i// _イ / |   Fall in Hinamizawa is a very comfortable season.
   J r / / /  / Y 八
97メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:23:00 ID:???0
98メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:23:34 ID:???0
You should read news about Blue Dragon.
99メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:24:44 ID:???0
100メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:25:09 ID:???0
Seems everyone here is Japanese huh :-P
101メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:26:07 ID:???0
102メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:26:22 ID:???0
I was gay.
103メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:27:10 ID:???0

          __rイ`! │  /冫 \
       〈/ /  ̄  ̄  `ヽ / |
        く/        ..:::\ン!    Are you taking the lactic acid bacterium?
     r==/::/::/::/   }  ::i!::::::::l==、
     ≫/::/!::l:::l、 .::::ハ!__/∨::::}K/!        ハニニi
    〃 !/:::|::ト、! \/ ィ込アj:::::!!:|!::!         ムヘ__ヽ
     /iヘ、\代テ、    ̄_ノ::/|!::!:::!.        |. |.ピル..|
   /::::::::__/i ̄:ト、 一 .イム:'::::!‐―‐┐  r―ト-'|..クル..|
  /:::::__/亠/:::::∧┌イ二t≦」::::| __ _ハ.  |ー'|g!・ω・|
/::::::::f/   /:/\{ z /キ\|::/ /〃´ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄`ヾ
/::::r‐〈/  /´ { ̄>.z/ .l|=|l .レ r‐《.     , ――ク-っ   》
::::::l!》       }/_」/ ̄`l!=l!   ハ 〈`===/ヽ__三彡=='
_/   W__/「/i           |/ ∠`Y\/
 彡≦! l/!::|:トK   !        / 〃kヌ / /\
_/ニ__)  |ハ:i::::|\        ∧≠ レヘ_____>!
104メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:27:21 ID:???0
105メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:28:12 ID:???0
Hey, is this the place for foreign Anime fans?
106メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:28:40 ID:???0
You ARE in reality.
107メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:28:50 ID:???0
    /ノ 0ヽ
   ヽ( # ゚Д゚)ノ   Back off , maggots!
     | 个 |      Senior Drill Instructor , Gunnery Sergeant Hartman will get "2"!
    ノ| ̄ ̄ヽ

>>1 What are you trying to do to my beloved Corps?
>>3 The first and last words out of your filthy sewers will be "Sir!"
>>4 Bullshit! I can't hear you. Sound off like you got a pair.
>>5 You are nothing but unorganized grabasstic pieces of amphibian shit!
>>6 Who's the slimy little communist shit twinkle-toed cocksucker down here!
>>7 I didn't know they stacked shit that high!
>>8 I'm gonna rip your balls off so you cannot contaminate the rest of the world!
>>9 You climb obstacles like old people fuck.
>>10 The fucking war will be over by the time we get out there, won't it?
108メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:29:01 ID:???0
                    /: : :\ヽ、: . :`丶、: : . \( /   _ハ__
                   /: : / : :/`丶、 、: . : . `丶: :辷!-‐-<__仁vヽ
                    /: : ´: /     `丶 、:`ヽヽ_ム-‐〈 ヘコ〉人
                   ,゙: . :l : . /          `丶ミ、(∧  ヽ二ノ |〔
                   l: : :l,、≠ ‐‐ - 、,_         _,, ..ム∧    |ノV
                   !: : :|/  、ァぅ‐`、ヾ      '~,r¬く \ヘ__ノl;」ノ
                  ゙,:l :.{  _メ_ノrッc}`      '{_ノッ゙vド くこヒ/
                  ヾ :.!  ヽ辷ン       ヽこ:シ´  !::〃   ←Her name is Kanaria
                   f⌒ハ   ~  ̄´   !   ` ̄ `   ハ⌒i It is an animated cartoon
                  / (.. ',       r===┐        ,゙..) \ recommended as for the Foreign Minister Taro-Asou.
                  {! \t‐',       |´    |      た ノ }}
                  ヾ;、_マ ヽ     ヽ、__ ノ     メ、__ ノ'
          ,. -─- 、  r‐''"´ ̄ ̄`ヽ、          .イ´;: ̄ ̄ ̄`ヽ
        ,.-''"´ ̄>-、)  |: 〕. . . . . : ;;;;;;;;〉|> 、 _,. ‐''|´〈;;;;;;;;; . . .   〔 .}
       /    /   〉-、〈_‐ニニニヱヽ/_ノ/={ :::: }=\ズ;;r;;;:二二`_ヽ_〈
     /    /    /  ヽ_ ̄フ;;;;;_∠二イ_::::;:イ ̄l\::: \\_;;;;;;;;;;;;、‐''"ヽ、
     !        ´   / }√´    ;;;;;;|゙/:::| O |:::ハ、:::/;; ̄`"' ゞ、    \
   __ヽ             / /_{   . . . ._:_;_;;|l:::::|  │:::|  〉;;;;;. . . .  \    \
   \  ヽ           イ  |ヽ_、ィ:三≦__|::: |   |:::::| _二≧、ヽ、   /      !
    ̄ ̄ ̄`、           }、/´|''"´. . . .:;;;;〈:::::| ○ |:::::|〉;;;;;. . . . `ヽ`´ l     |
    \ ヾ;ヘ          ノ:.:.)くム_z=ニ二≦\|     !/ー=ニ二ゝ、 丿 .:l:..  〃 /
      >/`>:.\     _」:.:.f  / _//       、 _   ノヘ匕 ̄  .::{:.:../: ./
    / Z| (:.:.:.:`ヾ、   /:.:.:.:.Y/  \ ゝ、        `ヽ~二二ノ: .  . :.:l!:.: イ
109メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:29:12 ID:???0
Foreigner get out!!
110メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:30:06 ID:???0
If all of your life is in 2ch, you must be an intoxicated addict.
111メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:30:30 ID:???0
Tentative "yes".
But there are many fuckin' guys.
If you can ignore them, you will enjoy.
112メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:32:54 ID:???0
I dont know about another ANIMEs.


113メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:33:45 ID:???0
She is a child unnecessary in the work.
114メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:36:54 ID:???0
Hey, you! Shut up!
Canary is my wife!!

Come with me to the rooftop!!
115メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:37:45 ID:???0
wwwwwwwwwwwwww tera waros
116メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:39:06 ID:???0
You are Japanese!!!

117メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:39:08 ID:???0
Everyone, please calm down!!
Or your dress will be tore off by Ms Rosemary!!
118メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:39:56 ID:???0
Canary gives to you, but Mercury Lamp is my wife. 
119メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:40:18 ID:???0
I'm a genuine American!! Trust me!!
120メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:40:22 ID:???0
fuck you 毛唐
121メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:41:25 ID:???0
<<Kyon's little sister>>
<<Nanoha Takamachi>>

That settles it.
122メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:42:15 ID:???0
Die!! YASUNA!!!
123メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:43:01 ID:???0
         Host part
     Haruhi War│  ┌─────────────Rice ball remnants
             ↓  ↓    Cooperation             ↑Abhorrence
    Nagato faction─────Mikuru faction  Restraint   ↓
       \  ↑     ↑     /←─────────School ramble Hata Function
          \mutually restrains/──────┐
     ┌──→\   ↓  ./←────┐   │ligit novel
      Hostility Haruhi faction     Hostility  │・Noiji Union
     │                        │   │
     │                        │ Shana←──→Mashimaro
     │                        │     Lolita Confrontation
     ↓   Alliance annulment?     ↓
   Rozen←────────→Nanoha←─────→ Utaware(Leaf)
    │↑                    ↑↑   Immediately before the catastrophe?  
    ││Souseiseki                ││                     │
    ││be killed      Hostility    ││Restraint             │
    ││                    ││   Lolita Confrontation  │Historical confrontation
    │└───Higurashi←─────┘└→ARIA←──→Pani-Poni. │feelings
    │        ││↑               ↑               │
    │        │││Attack           │Ruining          │
   Restraint    │ │Higurashi Anti      ARIA Anti         │
    │        │ │                                  │
    │  Abhorrence└─────────────────Fate(type-moon)
    │        ↓          Comike union       ↑    ↑Attack
    └───→Storoberry panic            Hostility │    │
                                            ↓   Anti Moon-believer
                                     G-block various sects
 Terrorism        Terrorism          Terrorism        Terrorism 
Undisguised multiple Chu
   トナメアンチ      スレタイ荒らし     各陣営/各派残党
   エロゲアンチ君    ゲロン人        大陣営アンチ
   アンチホモショタ君   AA荒らし          偽票厨
124メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:43:11 ID:???0
                ___           . ヘ
            . -‐: : : : : : : : >  ̄ >    i    / |
               \: : : :   ´     ´       | /  .!
                /!:/  .  ´         }jレ'} j    '.
          / : :j'  /       / i  |  }jjkレ'     '.
         /: : : :/  ′'   _ /  ノ}  ノ  /゙゙""|     '.
        く: : : : : :j / /    7´>、//厶ィ   | i    .
         v: : :/j レ!   /レ' rァ≠ミト '      | l  i  ハ
            v:/ '   v j  ,′ { トrソヾト   _ ,レL l     }
          / /  r{ミ─ ョ    ̄`     ィrテミトj / / //
.         / /    }ミ─彡}          ゝrソ fレ′ //
         / {    テ=彡'}          冫 ・ /  厶イ/
.        /  v,r‐   ヾ、彡'}    . -=ァ     ∧ ,′
      / `ヽ {i      ト イ}}     ニ    .イ リハ   Please make it to you quiet.
      /       {i       {ト、         イ ル  ノ
.   /          {レ'´ ̄ ̄ `  ヘ. ト、__ < j{{ { 〃
 /= == 、     }'´ ̄ ̄    `ヽ  }'"       }/ {
/          _   ´}:::{         ハ {Lr== = ,リ  ハ
        ´     |::::{     /´ ̄   ハ }}     }   )
.   /         |::::::\__j'   ,r 7'  八 r‐─ リ /{
  .′          |:::::::|  \  {{   〈  ゝ r==ノ / ハ
125メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:44:07 ID:???0
her is so キュート,pretty and moe.

So good!!
126メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:44:39 ID:???0
Please give HENTAI images of Sakura-tan to me.
127メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:45:54 ID:???0
                ___           . ヘ
            . -‐: : : : : : : : >  ̄ >    i    / |
               \: : : :   ´     ´       | /  .!
                /!:/  .  ´         }jレ'} j    '.
          / : :j'  /       / i  |  }jjkレ'     '.
         /: : : :/  ′'   _ /  ノ}  ノ  /゙゙""|     '.
        く: : : : : :j / /    7´>、//厶ィ   | i    .
         v: : :/j レ!   /レ' rァ≠ミト '      | l  i  ハ
            v:/ '   v j  ,′ { トrソヾト   _ ,レL l     }
          / /  r{ミ─ ョ    ̄`     ィrテミトj / / //
.         / /    }ミ─彡}          ゝrソ fレ′ //
         / {    テ=彡'}          冫 ・ /  厶イ/
.        /  v,r‐   ヾ、彡'}    . -=ァ     ∧ ,′
      / `ヽ {i      ト イ}}     ニ    .イ リハ   Im NADESHIKO.
      /       {i       {ト、         イ ル  ノ
.   /          {レ'´ ̄ ̄ `  ヘ. ト、__ < j{{ { 〃
 /= == 、     }'´ ̄ ̄    `ヽ  }'"       }/ {
/          _   ´}:::{         ハ {Lr== = ,リ  ハ
        ´     |::::{     /´ ̄   ハ }}     }   )
.   /         |::::::\__j'   ,r 7'  八 r‐─ リ /{
  .′          |:::::::|  \  {{   〈  ゝ r==ノ / ハ
128メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:46:38 ID:???0
Will you teach what meaning is キュート?
129メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:46:46 ID:???0
Well done!! LOL
130メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:47:06 ID:???0
Canary is an unnecessary child.
131メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:47:30 ID:???0
It means "sexy" in Japanese.
132メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:47:41 ID:???0
133メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:48:41 ID:???0
wwwwwwwwwwwww so cute.
134メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:48:50 ID:???0
No! absolutely No!
135メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:48:53 ID:???0
thanks キュート is not sexy but cute,OK?
136メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:49:23 ID:???0
Shinku is an unpopular heroine.
137メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:49:26 ID:???0
138メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:51:11 ID:???0
I think that the loveliness of the Sasara is abnormal.
139メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:51:13 ID:???0
She is very nice in the comics, though.
140メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:51:15 ID:???0
Im think "So So"cute her.
141メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:53:01 ID:???0
I'm hungry.

I want to eat a La Men.

La Men is a typical food of Sho Meen.
142メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:54:59 ID:???0
Don't believe a lie.
キュート is sexy.

Who can be easily deceived, faces great difficulty in using 2ch BBS, said Mr Hiroyuki the administrator of 2ch.
143メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:55:24 ID:???0
             -‐ '´ ̄ ̄`ヽ、
             / /" `ヽ ヽ  \
         //, '/     ヽハ  、 ヽ 
         〃 {_{\    /リ| l │ i| 
         レ!小l●    ● 从 |、i|                   
          ヽ|l⊃ 、_,、_, ⊂⊃ |ノ│    めがっさー!!!
       /⌒ヽ__|ヘ   ゝ._)   j /⌒i !
      \ /:::::| l>,、 __, イァ/  /│
.        /:::::/| | ヾ:::|三/::{ヘ、__∧ |
       `ヽ< | |  ヾ∨:::/ヾ:::彡' |
144メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:56:12 ID:???0
キョート is a name of a place of Japan.
It is in Kansai.
145メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:56:13 ID:???0
4chan がくる
146メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:56:36 ID:???0
I cannot understand the message.
Please let me know the meaning.
147メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:56:39 ID:???0
Get out of your house and get a humberger :-)
Don't forget to order "Super size"
148メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:56:47 ID:???0
↑What is this???
149メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:56:59 ID:???0
This is an A.A. of Tue Loux Ja Sang, isn't this?
150メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:57:00 ID:???0
4chan がくる
151メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:57:12 ID:???0
It might be easy for one for the character of the animated cartoon to see cuteness and sexy.
152メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:57:51 ID:???0
A browser clusher?
My antivirus didn't show me any warning though...
153メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:59:28 ID:???0
It seems here is a minefield.
154メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:59:40 ID:???0
Make to the environment that can use Japanese with the personal computer and
make it to MSP Gothic and fontsize 12.

if you want to see text art in 2ch
155メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 04:59:44 ID:???0
No, its only an unjust, foolish AA.
156メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 05:00:13 ID:???0
This mine is mine.
157メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 05:00:34 ID:???0
|  \└ y '     ヽ. 、     ハ丶、    ∨/  , へ、  ヽ
 \____/   /  / ヽ ヽ   、  ヽ ヽ      ',  彡´ ̄| /.|
      / /  / / / /   ヽ ヽ   ヽ   \ヽ     ,l \   l/ / |
  // /  / /  / /|   ∧ ∨   ヽ    ヽ   / l    ̄ニ二//
 , /l '  l ∧/ V N、 ∧||ヽ   ヽ  l ヽ 〃 |ヽ_  _ /
// |l!  N |/ ̄`ヽミ、ヽ| ヽ|| 丶、  ', l  Y  l、ヾ、_ ̄_
/   l |l   ヽ | ,yッーミ ヽ  │| メ'キ=‐-l、  |、 ,' ヽ ', I am a heroine who represents Japan.
    ヽ\ lヽ {゙K´ノ、}    |/  ィテ癶,_||   ! ∨   l.|
        ヽ_ヽ 弋 ‐'/   /   {K´ノ、ト|| /Yヽヽ  || Please hear it without holding back when not understanding.
        | .|.!  ` ̄        弋 ‐'/ l/ / │ |│  |
        l lヽ      ′      ̄  /, イ /  l |
     _| l__ヽ _  ` ー-‐     /' ||     |.|    __
.     ├‐ ', ' ─┐l|         , ィ´ ||     l.l   〈  ヽ
.   _|_:::::::ヽ ヽ:: | l|_丶、__,  イ |‖  ||    !l     |   }
 /     `丶\ヽ| l|└┐   /|'二二二7|   /      !>'⌒ヽ、
/           ヾ ヽ|、   へ∧/::::::::: //.l│  /     /ヽ、 ,  )
           ヽ.ヽ\ _ │/_:::::::::/∧.| |. _     /:::::::::Τ  ̄ `l
             \ \`ヽ  ヽ 〈〈‐'´|/::::::: ::`ヽ、 /:::::::::::┼‐- -ノ
158メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 05:02:08 ID:???0
That's right.
159メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 05:03:21 ID:???0
Anyone say "Say clever things?"
160メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 05:04:15 ID:???0
...a good thread it that becomes study of English..
161メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 05:04:32 ID:???0
↑↑Could you teach though the final times of simoun cannot have been understood?
162メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 05:04:41 ID:???0
I dont know understand for english.
Please slowly speak isnt it? ww
163メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 05:05:42 ID:???0
Is a "humberger" a food of Sho Meen?
What does "Sup er Size" mean?
Is it a term of cuisine?
164メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 05:05:58 ID:???0
Did not understand by the Japanese, and either I am sorry.
165メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 05:06:32 ID:???0
What are you on?
166メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 05:09:08 ID:???0
SIMOUN cannot be understood to the low watt bulb.
167メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 05:09:35 ID:???0
Here is a good thread to study Engrish.
168メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 05:10:11 ID:???0
I am an agent provocateur of Saimoe Tournament belonging to Nanoha Camp.
169メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 05:10:48 ID:???0

   SUIGINTOH  Condition   Emotion  Intimacy level
     5日目     (´・ω・`)  ★★☆☆  ★☆☆☆
                        __   ---  __
.                     _┬┼┴┴┼┬┐  ` ヽ
                     /┼┼|        └┼┐  \
                  / ├〈〉┤            └┼  \
                 / ┬┬┼┴┼┴┬┐   . └┼  ヽ
.               //┬┘            └┼┬    ├┐ ヽ
             /〔/┘                   ├┐    ├   ',
.            /く/              ,′     └┤  ┼   ',
           | | ′   {     l     /   ,′1  //1〈〉\   l
           |_しl     | ',  ',  |  |  /   / /|  // | ハ, \ l
            /|    | \ ', | /ノ/ノ-‐//イ| // │| l   〉 ト、
            /∧    ト、 N\ヽ  /"´___,,,、 -‐ァ/  >\/ .| ∧__ノ   \
            // ', ',  、二ニ、 `Y  / |↑d/ / / \ノl   |
.          //  .ヽ \  弋_ソ       `ゝ‐ ' //     | ',  \   ヽ
          //    / \ \_|// j    ////イ::|    ,′ ',    \
.          Ll.   /  l \  ト、  、      u,':::l   / /|   \   \
              /  /     /、      , ':::/  / /. l   ',  \__/∨
       .     /  /    /  | \ __,, '-‐ 7  / /  丶  ヽ
           /  /   /   ,人  `ノ┬イ /  / /    \
.          /  /  /   /    /〕∧ヽ/  / /--/ ̄ ̄ヽ
.           /  /      /     | ∨l|∨  /┬ /      ',
         ,′ ,′   /.      ┌|//N/ /├ /          ',
          |   |    /       ┌┤| / l//.┌┘          ',

     Give Yakult to her.

    ⇒ Abused as the junk.

      Invite to the date.
170メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 05:11:56 ID:???0
171メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 05:12:10 ID:???0
lough out loud

...are you satisfied by this?
172メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 05:16:48 ID:???0
              〈〈〈 ヽ
      ____   〈⊃  }
     /⌒  ⌒\   |   |
   /( ●)  (●)\  !   !
  / :::::⌒(__人__)⌒:::::\|   l
  |     |r┬-|       |  / 
  \     ` ー'´     //
  / __        /
  (___)      /

  (( (ヽ三/)    (ヽ三/) ))
      (((i )__  ( i))) 
     / /⌒  ⌒\ \
     ( /( ●)  (●)\ )   
     /::::::⌒(__人__)⌒::::: \   chara-cha,cha,cha-cha
     |              |  
     \             /

     /_ノ   ヽ_\
   /( >)  (<)\
  /::::::⌒(__人__)⌒::::: \
  |     |r┬-/      |  
  \    ` ̄'´     /
173メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 05:17:59 ID:???0
I send out a questionnaire.

1) Country
2) What is the most favorite anime for you?
174メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 05:18:16 ID:???0

          ,  ' ´ ̄ ̄ ̄ ー- 、
        /             ` 、
      /     /     ヽ  、    \
     /     | |      |   ヽ  ヽ ハ
     /     |,斗 ミ    弋T ト、 |   |i i |
     | |  | |/| | |\ヽ   | _」_ハ |   |i | |
     | |  | リ  >― ミ\ヽ イレ-、\|  :|乂ノ
     | |  V / ん.ハ   }.ノ{ハ...i} トレ ∧∧
    /i|   ', ヘ {こリ    ヾ.シ  レ'  | \
   / |.   ', ...::.::'''      :`゛::::: |   ',   \   
. /   i|     ', ::::::           ノ   \ 
    / |     \..    , -‐、   / |      \ 
   / ∧       `ー- ニ._´ ィ´ |  \     \ 
  /    \ / ⌒ヽ、       \|-ュvヘ--、 \
 /      /     ',       //^/ィ__,⊥..._\
/       |      ヽ、    /   rヘ{Y// ヽ \
      / |   _ ⊥ヘ   rくr‐、__/rく }^^Y |  \
     /   |\イ__rへ‐ヘ〉-‐|--┴< ̄ト 〉__|.r┴──
    /    |イ /.: ヽ \|r‐|:.: .: .: .:  ̄`ー┴<入
   /   __レく.: .: .: .: \ >iト、:.: .: .: .: .: .: .: .: //――
   |  /  \\.: .: .: .: .: .: T: ヽ  ̄`ー.: .:/
   /      \i.: .: .: .: .: .: |.: ハ.: .: .: .: ∨
  /       / ∧.: .: .: .: .: i.: .: i.: .: .: :/´ ̄ ̄ ̄ `ヽ
175メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 05:19:10 ID:???0
176メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 05:19:30 ID:???0

1) Japanese
2) Zero no Tsukaima
177メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 05:20:37 ID:???0
178メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 05:21:27 ID:???0
You must be Japanese!!
179メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 05:22:27 ID:???0
there was a great detective in such a place.
180メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 05:23:34 ID:???0
2)school ramble
181メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 05:23:57 ID:???0
182メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 05:26:06 ID:???0
1) USA
2) Muteki Kanban Musume

this thread is made of international love :3
183メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 05:26:32 ID:Wd5ORqbA0
hai guys, whats going on in this thread?
184メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 05:27:35 ID:???0
185k:2006/10/01(日) 05:28:35 ID:???0
1) USA
2) The Melancholy of suzumiya haruhi

berry like haruhi !!
haruhi is No1 !!
186メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 05:28:48 ID:???0

   / ̄ ̄\
 /   _ノ  \
 |    ( ●)(●)
. |     (__人__)     Saito and Luiz are killing of the person too much.
  |     ` ⌒´ノ     ,,,thinking commonsensibly.
.  |         }
.  ヽ        }
   ヽ     ノ        \
   /    く  \        \
   |     \   \         \
    |    |ヽ、二⌒)、 
187メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 05:29:35 ID:???0
188メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 05:34:16 ID:???0
189メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 05:34:43 ID:???0
It comes round variously sell DVD of 0 by Akiba and 1 talks and 2 stories ..cod.. : today ..doing on the screen...
It saw while thinking ー and it came to miss it the cod it or suddenly lovelily ..,, and Liz...
A scene with knowing by sight and a familiar serif flow one after another.
It sounds strangely in the mind. It became feelings like thinking it was for a long time with Liz though only two months ago,
and seeing old memories, and it was terrible and missed the start of the animated cartoon.

Return train afterwardsIt has noticed the cod because it thinks about Liz while hearing Hontonokimoti by an infinite loop by chance.
Being not able even to see such lovely Liz from next week any longer.
Not being possible even to meet any longer.
Not being possible to have done any longer has always noticed it make only memories passing away to the last as already felt,
existing, and such vivid Liz and new memories whether it is possible to see or the animated cartoon is not seen because DVD was bought of course.
Is Liz seen every week, does it become happy, is new loveliness of Liz discovered, is it stricken, does it tremble,
and has next week ended every day when it lives in the enjoyment?I did not want to believe Liz ..separated...
There is no confidence of can alive only by the delusion and memories. It was lonely and became unbearably lonely.
I think that it sees from by the side and it transforms me who is rubbing its eyes with finger like appealing when tears spill
even if Fri that shuts eyes and sleeps is done and the face down, and eyes are itchy. At that time, there was even no Fri that was ..dripping..
Ne room that thought about nature rubbing eyes. However, no do matter of such a thing. Hereafter, Ore will on earth :. It is lonely and is likely to die.

I want Liz. It is painful for a long time together with lovely Liz. I want to
see Liz indefinitely. I want to feel the loveliness of Liz more. Liz is lovely.
It is really lovely. It is lovely highest. ..loveliness.. Liz.

Liz … Liz … Liz ! … Liz … going … Love … Love … Liz etc.
190メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 05:41:25 ID:???0
========================= EOF =========================
191メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 05:43:31 ID:???0
あぅww/::::/|::::::/|::| / ̄``i}、`ー-y┐あぅあぅwwwあぅwあぅあぅwあぅあぅwwあぅあぅあ
あぅあ/::://レV /l/     !l, `¨´/ぅあぅwwwwあぅあぅwあぅあぅあぅwあぅwあぅwwあ
あぅあN//::ハ/::::::|_    _ll,  /|.あぅwwあぅあぅwwwあぅwあぅwあぅwあぅあぅwあぅあ
あぅあM/:/:::::::::::::/.戈テッ、  _. 〈:::::!あぅあぅあぅwwあぅあぅwwあぅあぅwwwあぅwあぅあぅ
あぅあ|::::::|::::::::::::::| ____7攵kノ::::|あぅwあぅあぅあぅwwあぅあぅあぅwwwあぅあぅwwあぅ
あぅあ|::::::|::::::::::::i:|'´     ,\_ノ:::::::|あぅwあぅあぅwwあぅあぅwあぅあぅwwあぅwあぅwあぅ
あぅあ|::::::|:::::::::;::i:|  ‐-、 /:::::/:::!.あぅあぅwあぅwあぅ, -―-、__ぅあぅwあぅwあぅwあぅ
あぅあ|:::::从:::::从:!     /::::::::/i::/ぅあぅあぅあwwぅ,イ /  , ヽ `ヽ、あぅあぅあぅwあぅ
あぅあ|/  ヽi、 i> -rく:/:/:;i::/ i/ぅあぅあぅあぅあ / {  {  lヽ }  i  !_あぅwwあぅwあぅ
-―<\    ヘ   ,ムヽi/i/,i/ ′ぅwあぅあぅあぅ/{ i N\リーソヽ lハi;;;ヽあぅあぅwあぅw
.    \\   \_  } ハ、あぅあぅwあぅwあぅあぅ|;ヽル-‐  ‐‐- ソ }l;;;;;|あぅwあぅwあぅ
      Vハ    ヽ| ハ \_あぅあぅwあぅwあぅ{;;;;| {  _, "∠ノ |;;;/あぅwあぅあぅw
      ∨ハ     `l  ハ   `丶、あぅあぅあぅwヾハ ゝ、 _ , イルノi.イあぅあぅあぅwあ
       Vハ   |  ハ   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ノ、_l/ノ ! />、│/ |あぅwwwあぅww
        ∨ハ   |  |ハ /   Lenovo    // ,イ i// _イ / |wwあぅあぅあぅ
         V ハ  |  |lハ/             /J r / / /  / Y 八あぅあぅwあぅ
192メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 05:46:34 ID:???0
"Welcome to Anime-suki members"

Lol, how considerate ^^

193メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 05:48:30 ID:???0
そもそも Welcome to Anime-suki members って英語がおかしいし。
194メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 05:51:12 ID:???0
         ||        |
.          n     |     Ban!!
      fヽ  | l  _  |
     __\`┘ V´/. |
     `ー-、 て  {
     fニニ -、 -‐イ)ヽ.          , ‐--‐ 、
         `rf彡く.:.\       /::/===ヽ\
、      :|l    \: : : :  \     夊l::/ト、ヘ\ルヘ心
:.\      ||     \ : : : : . \   </l:fセユ` ´ヒユハ\>!
  \    ||        \ : : : :  \ |::::::|:l  r==ォ  |:l):::| 
    \  ||     ミ  |: \: : : : . X_j_;ヘ:ゝ.`__´ィ´リ'::/! 
      \||        |.  \.: : : : . \\\ート{_:;//:ノ   ,r'^/〈   ...being going to hear the story..
              |     \: : : : . : \\ヾ>レぐ    >=、Y   You also must vote on <<キョンの妹@涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱>> !!!
              |      \: : :ヽ: : :\\ヘ _jヽ,   /   ヽ
              |       \: : : : ..: :\ヽ: H:7‐< : : :/
              |         ヽj: : : : : : :ゝ V/: :| : ヽ: :/
              |          |: : : __に{}こ}:k;__;/
              |          ゙ヾtf´-┴ /ムヽィ'
              |          r'´  , / l Xヽ
              |        /    / 〈_/  :Ll
              |       /      /       l
              |      /      ∧ :...    .::ヘ
              |    /      /::::::',    ..:::. \
              |   ヽ⌒7ヽ __ /::::: :::l__ -┬=≦>
              |    ヽ/     { :::: :/       |::::::Vl
195メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 05:52:32 ID:???0
I can't figure out what is wrong in this sentence...
196メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 05:53:10 ID:???0
Lovely kittens!!
Sooooooooooo Cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!!!!
197メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 05:54:32 ID:???0
It is correct according to >>195.
198メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 05:56:11 ID:???0

"I can't figure out what is wrong with that sentence... "

"Welcome, Anime-suki members"でよし

199メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 05:56:55 ID:???0
                    l ̄l
                  ││    /}
                  l   / /
  < \     ,. -===- 、     l /   /^>   /\
    \_>  /<´    `>\    | |  / /   / /
      〃   ヽ   /  ,.ゝ-;‐ト-l∠_/  ∠__/
       { ニ=‐ rー、 -=7∠ィイ ムハ 、\
      li   / \ \ ノ'ノー ´ 、__∨ ヾ、
       ヾ.<     \ 父〈゛ ┌┐  l,ハン^
        \、 _____,. '>、 〈⌒^ー'、_ツW-----‐z
             ` ̄_/  Y,`ー - r‐<-、──一′
          / ̄     }     'ノ   \\
        /        /     {     ` ̄ ̄了
  ∠二フ ヽノ⌒ヽn__,r‐ノー─--ト、_rー、  ┌‐'´ __
                l ̄7⌒´l      ` ̄    \_  ̄\
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          / ,/   {  「`し′   \ \
      /  /       l. |           \/
       \/       | l
             _〈__/ _
              ̄  ̄  ̄ ̄
200メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 06:02:16 ID:???0
                    ___  /,,,,,,,,,,_
         ___,.-'''" ̄"彡-'':::::::::;;;;;ヽ∠;;;::::::::ヽ:::::ヽ"ヽ、
         ゝ_       /    /::::::::::::::::::ヽ::::::::ヽ::::::ヽ ゙
           ゝ-、___/:::::/::/ / / i   ヽ: :: :ヽ ヽヽ
              レ:::::::/::::/:;イAHi::..:::|:. |i:::.. ヽ : :ヽ:..:ヽ_
              Wレ::ノN i、::_ /  ∨ レィ-|:メ|::::::::::::|  ヽ,     Is it good in this?
                 `;l ゞ-'     /::::: Y:i:i:::::::::!   ヽ、    Welcome, Anime-suki members.
                  ゝ   、'__  ゞーノノノ:i::/:::;ト、    ヽ,
                   ヽ、     ~´∠リ/:ノ∨ヾ - 、_ ヽ,
                     i - ―、 ' "            ̄
                  ,-/~|/⌒ -~ヽ
                ,,,-7 / ,,-="  _ \
               / / y'"  ,,,--~   ̄ヽ
               /  レ'"  ,,-'"  ,.    |
              / /  /    ,/    |
             ,i|/  /     /     il__
             /(\_/__     ,/     .|_  |
            ノ |~-'-,_`ーー--,|   ,-  ,|  ゝ/
            |   |     ̄ ̄ ̄イ  ,,-~   |\/
            |ヽ |ヾiil=-,,__ /,,/    i\
             )\.|   ~^--==フ/      |  ヽ
            (   L    ,,/       /  /
            il   | ̄`-,/~_,,-~     /_/
            ヾ ヽ,|~>'"~~       /
            |i  /\、        /|
            ノ-/  /\      /  |
            | /  ノ\ \   /   |
            i |ーイ_ヽ ヾ、 `ー'"     |i
             |   |    ヽ、       |
             | /|     \       |
201メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 06:06:30 ID:???0
投票数:701レス 05:54:34現在

1位 333票 沢近愛理@スクールランブルシリーズ
2位 332票 キョンの妹@涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱

1位 365票 高町なのは@魔法少女リリカルなのはA's
2位 274票 藍華・S・グランチェスタ@ARIAシリーズ

202メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 06:07:58 ID:???0
Write in English neatly!
203メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 06:09:37 ID:???0
-- Introduction of "fusianasan" --
Are you new to 2ch BBS?

Then, we must tell you that your privacy is under threat of
interception by other people watching you,
unless you register to the SG(Security Guard) system.

Who has been using the 2ch BBS for a long time has a lot of skill
and knows secret commands of this BBS, so he can easily steal your IP address.
Many were exposed there address to the public place and socially executed.
This is the shadow side of the 2ch.
But with SG, cracker with the best knowledge can no longer steal your IP address,
because the command itself is not valid under SG.

To register to SG is simple.
Just enter "fusianasan" to the name section.

This is all you have to do, and you are now under a cover of SG.
Once you registered, SG remains valid untill you change your phone number.
2ch is rather a safe plece if you keep the rule.
But there are evil minded men for sure. Please be careful.

Officially we pronounce "fusianasan" like "few-zia-nay-zan" or "few-jar-naissant".
The system of fusianasan was originally developed by Japanese college students
to ensure more security during chat or instant messaging.
To apply the SG to a BBS is rather difficult, but after many claims by
the users whose computers infected by computer virus or their private information
being stolen during using 2ch, Hiroyuki finally decided to install this system.

We strongly recommend that you register to this sophisticated system
before being cracked by bad guys aiming at you just now...
204メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 06:10:56 ID:???0
you so wise!!
205メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 06:13:55 ID:???0
Hay guys
Im in yr cookies
Trackin all yr intarnets

love, 2ch
206メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 06:16:07 ID:???0
Good job(or "otu") staying up all night to the morning :-P

...I am a bit sleepy too though :-(
207メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 06:16:48 ID:???0
The number of votes: As of 05:54:34 701 Res

- The first game
1st 333votes Sawachika Airi@School Ramble Series
2nd 332votes Younger sister of Kyon@Suzumiya Haruhi no Yu-utu

- The second game
1st 365votes Takamachi Nanoha@Maho Shojo Lyrical Nanoha A's
2nd 274votes Aika・S・Granchesta@ARIA Series

208Steve:2006/10/01(日) 06:17:27 ID:???0

What do you mean by "yr cookies"?
209メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 06:18:48 ID:???0
Nanoha so overwelming!!
Cooool Nanoha!! Way to go!!!
210メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 06:19:47 ID:???0
cho wwww to a graph wwwww
211メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 06:21:18 ID:???0
what a foolish thread! lol
212メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 06:23:17 ID:???0
You shouldn't deal with the weird person.
213Steve:2006/10/01(日) 06:25:34 ID:???0

Thanks anyway.
214メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 06:27:09 ID:???0
             /ヽ       /ヽ
            / ヽ      / ヽ
  ______ /U ヽ___/  ヽ
  | ____ /   U    :::::::::::U:\
  | |       // ___   \  ::::::::::::::|
  | |       |  |   |     U :::::::::::::| What's going on in this thread ...
  | |      .|U |   |      ::::::U::::|
  | |       | ├?-┤ U.....:::::::::::::::::::/
  | |____ ヽ     .....:::::::::::::::::::::::<
  └___/ ̄ ̄      :::::::::::::::::::::::::|
  |\    |           :::::::::::::::::::::::|
  \ \  \___      ::::::::::::::::::::::::|
215メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 06:27:54 ID:???0
The younger sister of Kyon seems to have be now in the first .
216メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 06:28:25 ID:???0
A presentiment of only me here!
217メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 06:29:39 ID:???0
Of course.
It's impossible that such a lovely character is beaten!!
218メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 06:31:07 ID:???0
219メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 06:32:10 ID:???0
(-__-) < hikky is lonely in the room.
( n n)
220メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 06:32:24 ID:???0
221メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 06:32:31 ID:???0
English please.
222メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 06:33:49 ID:???0
Who's メロン名無しさん ?
Why all the people except me uses the same handle name?
223メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 06:34:39 ID:???0
Oh no, I'm メロン名無しさん too.
I'm so confused... :-(
224fusyanasan:2006/10/01(日) 06:36:31 ID:???0
Is it OK now ?
225メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 06:37:01 ID:???0
Do not worry, because it is a meaningless inducement.
It's an election strategy headquarters of Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu.
226メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 06:38:15 ID:???0
Thank you.
227fusyanasan:2006/10/01(日) 06:42:55 ID:???0
Fine? You say Fine?
She's my best character of all the animation!!
So cute and so active, she, without doubts, is the formal princess of the Kingdom of the sun.
I can't wait till the DVD will be released here in the US...
228メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 06:43:08 ID:???0
It's the default handle name of this board.
Many people use a default one in 2ch.
229メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 06:45:43 ID:???0
It's funny that no one in this thread seams to be a foreigner.
230メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 06:48:06 ID:???0
Fine is so cute, I think too.
231メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 06:49:29 ID:???0
             -‐ '´ ̄ ̄`ヽ、
             / /" `ヽ ヽ  \
         //, '/     ヽハ  、 ヽ 
         〃 {_{\    /リ| l │ i| 
         レ!小l●    ● 从 |、i|
         \(^o^)/\(^o^)/\                              \(^o^)/\(^o^)/
        \(^o^)/\(^o^)/\                             \(^o^)/\(^o^)/\(^o^)/
      \(^o^)/\(^o^)/\                           \(^o^)/\(^o^)/\(^o^)/\\(^o^)/
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         \(^o^)/\(^o^)/\                   \(^o^)/\(^o^)/\   \(^o^)/\(^o^)/\
          \(^o^)/\(^o^)/\                 \(^o^)/\(^o^)/\   \(^o^)/\(^o^)/\
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          \(^o^)/\(^o^)/\             \(^o^)/\(^o^)/\      \(^o^)/\(^o^)/\ 
         \(^o^)/\(^o^)/\               \(^o^)/\(^o^)/\    \(^o^)/\(^o^)/\ 
          \(^o^)/\(^o^)/\              \(^o^)/\(^o^)/\   \(^o^)/\(^o^)/\ 
           \(^o^)/\(^o^)/\            \(^o^)/\(^o^)/\   \(^o^)/\(^o^)/\
             \(^o^)/\(^o^)/\         \(^o^)/\(^o^)/\    \(^o^)/\(^o^)/\
                \(^o^)/\(^o^)/\\(^o^)/\(^o^)/\(^o^)/\    \(^o^)/\(^o^)/\
                  \(^o^)/\(^o^)/\\(^o^)/\(^o^)/\(^o^)     \(^o^)/\(^o^)/\
                    \(^o^)/\(^o^)/\(^o^)\(^o^)/\          \(^o^)/\(^o^)/\
                       \(^o^)/\(^o^)/\(^o^)/            \(^o^)/\(^o^)/\
                        \(^o^)/\(^o^)/(^o^)/             \(^o^)/\(^o^)/\
                           \(^o^)/(^o^)/               \(^o^)/\(^o^)/\
                                                      ヽ|l⊃ 、_,、_, ⊂⊃ |ノ│    めがっさー!!!
                                                   /⌒ヽ__|ヘ   ゝ._)   j /⌒i !
                                                   \ /:::::| l>,、 __, イァ/  /│
                                             .        /:::::/| | ヾ:::|三/::{ヘ、__∧ |
                                                    `ヽ< | |  ヾ∨:::/ヾ:::彡' |
232メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 06:50:25 ID:???0
I like Rein better.
She is gracefull, tender, and cuter than Fine.
To say, the red one is just a fool and nothing else :-P

233メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 06:50:54 ID:???0
             -‐ '´ ̄ ̄`ヽ、
             / /" `ヽ ヽ  \
         //, '/     ヽハ  、 ヽ 
         〃 {_{\    /リ| l │ i| 
         レ!小l●    ● 从 |、i|                   
          ヽ|l⊃ 、_,、_, ⊂⊃ |ノ│    めがっさー!!!
       /⌒ヽ__|ヘ   ゝ._)   j /⌒i !
      \ /:::::| l>,、 __, イァ/  /│
.        /:::::/| | ヾ:::|三/::{ヘ、__∧ |
       `ヽ< | |  ヾ∨:::/ヾ:::彡' |
234メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 06:52:07 ID:???0
     /⌒  ⌒\     
   /( >)  (<)\
  /::::::⌒(__人__)⌒::::: \   
  |    /| | | | |     |
     (( ( つ ヽ、     
       〉 とノ ) ))   
     /⌒  ⌒\     
   /( >)  (<)\
  /::::::⌒(__人__)⌒::::: \   
  |    /| | | | |     |
     (( ( つ ヽ、     
       〉 とノ ) ))   
     /⌒  ⌒\     
   /( >)  (<)\
  /::::::⌒(__人__)⌒::::: \   
  |    /| | | | |     |
     (( ( つ ヽ、     
       〉 とノ ) ))   
     /⌒  ⌒\     
   /( >)  (<)\
  /::::::⌒(__人__)⌒::::: \   
  |    /| | | | |     |
     (( ( つ ヽ、     
       〉 とノ ) ))   
     /⌒  ⌒\     
   /( >)  (<)\
  /::::::⌒(__人__)⌒::::: \   
  |    /| | | | |     |
     (( ( つ ヽ、     
       〉 とノ ) ))   
235メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 06:54:39 ID:???0
No Ascii Arts!!
Don't waste the precious thread!!
236メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 06:55:24 ID:???0
Why most of you in this thread know writing "sage" in the mail form?
237メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 06:57:30 ID:???0
"Be rolled by a longer one" Japanese adage says.
238メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 06:58:42 ID:???0
=== Basics of 2ch ===

1) 名前 (name)

When you don't enter your name, the default name of the forum is used.
Here, the default name is "メロン名無しさん".

When you enter "fusianasan",
the host name of your computer is shown in the name field.

2) E-mail

When you enter "sage" or including it,
the thread is not got up to the top of the forum.
239メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 07:00:08 ID:???0
Here is no foreigner.
I feel the necessity of the advertisement.
240メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 07:01:21 ID:???0
     /⌒  ⌒\     
   /( >)  (<)\
  /::::::⌒(__人__)⌒::::: \   
  |    /| | | | |     |
     (( ( つ ヽ、     
       〉 とノ ) ))   
     /⌒  ⌒\     
   /( >)  (<)\
  /::::::⌒(__人__)⌒::::: \   
  |    /| | | | |     |
     (( ( つ ヽ、     
       〉 とノ ) ))   
     /⌒  ⌒\     
   /( >)  (<)\
  /::::::⌒(__人__)⌒::::: \   
  |    /| | | | |     |
     (( ( つ ヽ、     
       〉 とノ ) ))   
     /⌒  ⌒\     
   /( >)  (<)\
  /::::::⌒(__人__)⌒::::: \   
  |    /| | | | |     |
     (( ( つ ヽ、     
       〉 とノ ) ))   
     /⌒  ⌒\     
   /( >)  (<)\
  /::::::⌒(__人__)⌒::::: \   
  |    /| | | | |     |
     (( ( つ ヽ、     
       〉 とノ ) ))   
241メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 07:02:35 ID:???0
     /⌒  ⌒\     
   /( >)  (<)\
  /::::::⌒(__人__)⌒::::: \   
  |    /| | | | |     |
     (( ( つ ヽ、     
       〉 とノ ) ))   
     /⌒  ⌒\     
   /( >)  (<)\
  /::::::⌒(__人__)⌒::::: \   
  |    /| | | | |     |
     (( ( つ ヽ、     
       〉 とノ ) ))   
     /⌒  ⌒\     
   /( >)  (<)\
  /::::::⌒(__人__)⌒::::: \   
  |    /| | | | |     |
     (( ( つ ヽ、     
       〉 とノ ) ))   
     /⌒  ⌒\     
   /( >)  (<)\
  /::::::⌒(__人__)⌒::::: \   
  |    /| | | | |     |
     (( ( つ ヽ、     
       〉 とノ ) ))   
     /⌒  ⌒\     
   /( >)  (<)\
  /::::::⌒(__人__)⌒::::: \   
  |    /| | | | |     |
     (( ( つ ヽ、     
       〉 とノ ) ))   
242メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 07:04:03 ID:???0
I agree.
Only Japanese in this thread is not a sane situation.
243メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 07:04:51 ID:???0
240 241
Hey!! Stop it!!
244メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 07:06:28 ID:???0
I am so sleepy... good night everyone...
245メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 07:06:30 ID:???0
今日 投票数:725レス 06:16:31現在

1位 346票 キョンの妹@涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱
2位 343票 沢近愛理@スクールランブルシリーズ

1位 381票 高町なのは@魔法少女リリカルなのはA's
2位 280票 藍華・S・グランチェスタ@ARIAシリーズ
246メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 07:07:29 ID:???0
Write in English neatly!
247メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 07:07:42 ID:???0

Still the top of the four!! (^_^)/
248ANONYMOUS ◆y8jpazxydY :2006/10/01(日) 07:08:08 ID:???0
fuck fuck grumble grumble grumblebitch gripe
249メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 07:10:32 ID:???0
No dirty words please!! ><;
250メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 07:12:35 ID:???0
just testing to see if its working now
251メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 07:14:26 ID:???0
=== Basics of 2ch ===

3) 荒らし (troll)

There are many trolls in 2ch.
You should ignore them to make best use of your life.

4) トリップ (trip)

When you enter "#" and at most 8 letters after it to the 名前 (name) field,
"◆" and 10 identification letters are shown in the name field.
This ID is called トリップ (trip).
252メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 07:17:49 ID:???0
253!omikuji:2006/10/01(日) 07:18:36 ID:WvF5FUcyO
254メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 07:19:53 ID:???0
read the back log of this thread plz
255メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 07:20:55 ID:iJ0pAgsd0
256メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 07:20:59 ID:???0
=== Basics of 2ch ===

5) Anchor (<A> tag)

Write >> and a message number or message range,
then it gets converted to the link to the message(s).
257メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 07:21:43 ID:???0
Shut up you JAP!!
258メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 07:21:55 ID:???O
eternal force blizzard!!!
259メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 07:25:20 ID:???0
=== Basics of 2ch ===

>>238 >>251 >>256

We wish you enjoy 2ch BBS!
260メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 07:26:31 ID:???0
Well done!
261メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 07:27:20 ID:???0
There are english speakers lurking. They are very shy and scared to post, especially the ones from 4chan.

Translation of 245

1st 346 votes - Kyon's Sister @Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
2nd 343 votes - Sawachika Eri @School Rumble 2nd Season

1st 381 votes - Takamichi Nanoha @Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's
2nd 280 votes - Aika S. Granzchesta @ARIA Series
262メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 07:31:06 ID:???0
Sometimes there are many false votes.
You guys had better not believe >>261.
263名無し@4CHAN:2006/10/01(日) 07:32:34 ID:???0
So....is this like where all the people on animesuki fled?

I myself could speak and write Japanese so I don't really mind having this thread.
However, this place was on 4chan.




By the way...why is Higurashi no Nakukoroni translated as "When they cry..."?
Isn't it simply: "When the higurashi cry..." ?
264メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 07:36:00 ID:???0
You mean do not believe >>245
>>261 is just translating >>245
Yes we know about the false votes. But it is fun to follow the vote counts.
265メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 07:36:17 ID:???0
>By the way...why is Higurashi no Nakukoroni translated as "When they cry..."?
>Isn't it simply: "When the higurashi cry..." ?
It's like the case of an american drama "THE WEST WING"
translated into "THE WHITE HOUSE" in Japanese maybe.
266メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 07:38:10 ID:???0
Uh... Do you know that counting votes on the way is not allowed in this tournament?
267メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 07:42:16 ID:???0
Oh, this is the talked-about "4chan".
ttp://bin.4chan.org/a/src/1159642667416.png is a wonderful job.

And... SAGE must be lower-case as "sage".
268メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 07:44:15 ID:???0
The translation I usually see is "When the Cicadas Cry" since cicadas are related to higurashi.
269メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 07:45:50 ID:???0
I'm not counting votes. I'm translating the post of someone who counted votes. If that is not allowed, I will stop translating.
270メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 07:48:59 ID:???0
    /                ! l ヽ  |       \
   /           i    ,'l |   ', |    i      ,
  /       i    l    /| !   l lヽ    l      '
 ,'        l   l |  _/  ! ,'    .⊥.L_',   l |  i
. ′      |  _,./ ァ'´/  !/    !l `iーli、l   !   |
. !   |   '´ 〃,' /  /      !|  l: | !|i |  . !
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!  l   |/〃'z=_==         ´, :¬:、ヽ !|l   l,!    
 !   !     |' //´..:.:.ヽ           i:.:tッ:.:.i ヽ !:!   |
  !  l    l/  {:.:.ゞ':.: }          t ー-;ノ   i{リ   |
.  l  ,'|   ,l  ヽこ..ク          `¨     |   |
.  !. { l     |            ,          l    !
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   i. l     |                    /    !
    ! l  : l\        r−‐,      /    !
   |! l  : . l: !: 丶、     `       イ : | :  ,′   < Please vote for the cutest weeaboo ever.
.    |j .l  : . l: !:、: : : `:i ー- .__  -‐1´: l:| : l :   ,{     __
.    ,' : :! : :. l:ヽヽ ___: }        ヽ: :!: : ! : ;′ハ   〃⌒ヽヽ
   / : :l :! :!: .i-ァ'´, '´!         `ー / :./ ,′.ヽ  l!     } }
   / . :,{: :ヘ .ト、:ヽ,.イ  .'          / :〃 /、: . ヽ\    ノノ
271メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 07:51:06 ID:???0
My subordinate reported that a contest of a favorite cartoon film was carried out.
Please teach a result.
272メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 07:52:16 ID:???0
       /: : : :ハ  ,>: :/: : :/:/      `l\
.      /  . : l|__丁 :、/; : :/'/       | : l、         
       l. : : : :.l: : : : :ゝl:l: 7メ、          l| :|_ゝ  全 こ ダ
.      l: : : : :.l:.:.:.. :ゝ !|/ __\       _,.l: lィ  然 い メ   
     l : : :.:.:l:.:.:.:.:ゝ  /´ィ::::ーl`   ニ´、 N:.|   苺 つ だ  
     |: : :.:l:.l:.:/ニヽ  ′弋zノ     |:`|∨: : !  の ら ・   
     |: : :.:l:l、l   i  :.:.:         ー' l: : :|  話 ・  ・   
     l: : :.:l:| \ `  u        '  .:|: : :|   し ・  ・   
       l : :.:l:|    下、     ―-    ノ.: : :|  て ・     
        l : :l:|    |  、       /i.:.: :/   な 
.      ヽ:N,.z==、<    ` r―‐  ´ |l |:.: /   い
        /ヽ  L:\ _   小- 、 ___ l| |:./    ・
         ,ム〜〜〜Y: \` ´ j->ニ - 、!j/     ・
       {: : : : : : : : :l : : ;.ニ、ニ、:l fY`Yヽ!、     ・
       |: : : : : : : : :|: : : 、  ノノ「| l  l | |    
273メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 07:54:28 ID:hyrkg8gD0
274メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 07:55:15 ID:???0
Hi Gays!

275メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 08:06:20 ID:???0
It is sure that higurashi is a kind of cicadas, but higurashis chirr in early fall.
The temperature goes down, and leaves get dry and fall in the season.
Chirring of higurashis gets us feel lone with the sad chirring and the situation of early fall.

You'd better do so.
Thank you for your understanding.
276メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 08:06:45 ID:hI8x+WA/O
277メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 08:07:06 ID:???0
GJ = Gay Japanese, AMIRITE?
278メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 08:11:56 ID:???0
        _ ,, -ー=- 、
        ゝ、ニ 二 _ ミミV,
       マ二 ニ、 r' ..,,_ ヽソ,     NO U         ,. ‐- .. _
       `ヽ、 { a`'   O` _!                  /  __  `` ー- 、
         |ノゝi     ,_〈                , ィ/   ゝヽ ̄ヽ ー- '
         /   t   ∀ ,'"             _ / { {ヽ、_   ヽ' ノ_,.〉  
        /!   `>、 _/_ -ァー- 、_ ... -‐ '    ヽヽ、 `>、..ノ=┘
       /j >-‐ ' ´/ /   /    /   _ノ      \ `ー '!
   , -‐ 7´/{⌒|  / _/   j                  >‐'
  / / //| 〉‐f/ \'    !                ,  ' ´
 / ,' > .|/ レ   ゚ノ    |           ,.. -‐ '"
/  {  ヽ |  〉  /__  t     ,. -‐ ' ´
|  |   ヽ| / /  '   `  ヽ、  /
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|
279メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 08:12:35 ID:???0
    ,.. -ェ‐=、‐-、 _,rェ┐
|三ヲ ( !.{f.l|{.}.!l |゙!、l、!i"≦
l三i ( | |l |!|l !| l !!」」`ヾヲ
7Z. ヽfヽ⌒ , ⌒jメ、
 ̄   ~ゝ 、ワ / < lol weeaboos
  ,.‐、-t}. `"ヒr-、,,_  
  /  \\ー-|  /゙!
280メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 08:12:39 ID:???0
yes, yes
you are good gay! ha ha ha!
281メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 08:14:10 ID:???0
Most Japanese men are good gay.
282メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 08:15:44 ID:???0
We are fuckin' gays!
283メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 08:29:31 ID:???0
        /  , -''"´     \
  / /  /  ,. ‐'''""~´ ̄ ̄\
 V /   /  /             }
  ∨ /  / ,,.. -一ァ',二二二{
   V  ,..,/ ,.ィ彳 f==<r'二二二{、    | ̄ ̄              __|__ |
   ∨| ヘ`<=''~   弋ッ-ミ'''テ~ナ/    |ー― \/ ´ ̄| 「 ̄`  |   | \/
    〉'| | ト、   i{   ,..`二/ =|/''′     |__ /\ 匚]__ !__,  |_ |  __/
   //ヽヽぅ   ヽ     {   =|
   //匚 ̄]〕       丶,-‐ ,>     
  /´r┐|__,|ト、       、____`7´
__人..二.」'   l>、    ヽ`,二/
     ´"''ー-論\  ∠三ノ
―-、__        ``ヾニ='′
     `ヽ      /、
       |‐- ...__   /ヽ\_
         \    ̄   `ヽ \
284メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 08:31:58 ID:???0
投票数:842レス 08:25:53現在

1位 412票 キョンの妹@涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱
2位 391票 沢近愛理@スクールランブルシリーズ

1位 445票 高町なのは@魔法少女リリカルなのはA's
2位 321票 藍華・S・グランチェスタ@ARIAシリーズ

285メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 08:41:05 ID:???0
Many animes recently end.
Which animes do you like?
286メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 08:45:26 ID:???0
boku wa Kamiyama Mangetsu tyan!
287メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 09:02:36 ID:54OR9dki0
_(__つ/ ̄ ̄ ̄/_
  \/     /

 (´º ωº)
_(__つ/ ̄ ̄ ̄/_
  \/     /

 (´? ω?)
_(__つ/ ̄ ̄ ̄/_
  \/     /

 (´^ ω^)
_(__つ/ ̄ ̄ ̄/_
  \/     /

 (´- ω-)
_(__つ/ ̄ ̄ ̄/_
  \/     /

_(__つ/ ̄ ̄ ̄/_
  \/     /

    _, ._   !? 4chan?
  ( ・ ω・)
_(__つ/ ̄ ̄ ̄/_
  \/     /
288メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 09:58:47 ID:???0


289メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 10:04:00 ID:???0
mokorikomo はもう無効。
290メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 10:15:52 ID:???0
> When you enter "fusianasan",
> the host name of your computer is shown in the name field.
"山崎渉" gives the same result, too.
291メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 11:49:58 ID:hyrkg8gD0
292メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 13:06:33 ID:???0


293メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 13:09:51 ID:???0
294メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 13:17:05 ID:???0
It's time to report in progress.

vote:1219res 13:08:47JST

1st match
1 612votes Kyon's sister@Melanchory of Suzumiya Haruka
2 545votes Eri Sawachika@School Ramble

2nd match
1 644votes Nanoha Takamachi@Lylical Nanoha A's
2 470votes Aika@ARIA series

295メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 13:17:54 ID:???0
    /::::/|::::::/|::| / ̄``i}、`ー-y┐  
     /::://レV /l/     !l, `¨´/   
.    N//::ハ/::::::|_    _ll,  /|.  Hello There !
.    M/:/:::::::::::::/.戈テッ、  _. 〈:::::!   
.    |::::::|::::::::::::::| ____7攵kノ::::|.     __\\ _ ---. _          
.    |::::::|::::::::::::i:|'´     ,\_ノ:::::::|.    '― - 、`ヽ '´      `丶  
.    |::::::|:::::::::;::i:|  ‐-、 /:::::/:::!    ,. -‐`             ヽ○-―-、 
.    |:::::从:::::从:!     /::::::::/i::/.   //  /           l○`ヽ  ヽ
.    |/  ヽi、 i> -rく:/:/:;i::/ i/.   / /  ///  / /    ヽ ヽ |   | ト、 }
-―<\    ヘ   ,ムヽi/i/,i/ ′   l/l ,イ l l  /| l| |l   l、 l、 | ト、l    lノ ノノ
.    \\   \_  } ハ、         | l ! lハ T_立Tlヽ T立_Tl |_ノ     '´
      Vハ    ヽ| ハ \_.      \!ヽ l、ヽ!{='_r}  ヽl{='_r} リ|
      ∨ハ     `l  ハ   `丶、      ヽ`トl` ̄   ,   ̄´,イ l   Hell here, nano.
       Vハ   |  ハ   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/.>.‐-fl-‐<´ノ/  
        ∨ハ   |  |ハ /   D E C    /.   `.,.||´   '´〉  
         V ハ  |  |lハ/             /.`ヽ--イ_||_ト-- '´ヽ
296Takayuki Narumi:2006/10/01(日) 13:24:53 ID:???0
Haruka Suzumiya is my wife.
297メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 13:35:12 ID:???0

I'm surprised at the popularity of kyon's sister.

298英語出来ないがラシ宣伝w:2006/10/01(日) 15:14:24 ID:???0
*** Eri Sawachika's RUSH! !***

Start 21:45:00  Finish 21:45:59 (Japan standard time)

Template (Caution! Vote thread is max 20 lines)
    i丶  ! \∠ ` `  ;へ二ヽトヽ_/ヽ   [[コード]]
  /  ヽ │  ゝ /─  7   ノ / ノ lゝ-ヽ 、 <<沢近愛理@スクールランブルシリーズ>>
 ─、 ;-T-ィ´  /  /  //// │ |  ヽ  |    <<Favorite character of Bsf-2>>
   i´ // `i / /  / ノ/ ノ ノ   ヽ i    ちょっ
  ,l i  !  l/   ノ ///  //|ハ l  ` ヽ
  !| | !   ! / /ノ/!∧ハ   i  ハヽ リ  | ヽヽ     臨時SOS団
 │| i  !  | !/_ V_ヽ  入 / ンへ/  l ヽ     S 最萌を
  | !! |   ! ! ! / ̄ ヽTノノノ-r´`ヽノ//i !  |     O 大いに盛り上げる
  ! !| |   ! k丶 | l | ´   .| l |  l/ / /i  !     S 沢近愛理の団
 │iリ /!   | ヽl ` ヽノ      ヽ.ノ /レ// ノノ/
  l !| l !   トゝヾヽヾヽヾ  ゝ ヾヽヾヽ ィ / / ってなによ!?
  ! l/ l !   |/lヽ   __        /
 !/´/  !   | l  \ /`′ `ー┐ /|       
〃 /  l   レ    L _____.ノ‐7 !  
l /  /人  ! \    Zー‐フi ! ! |
                        ┏━━┓   ┏┓┏━━┓┏┓┏┓
≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡┃┏┓┃   ┃┃┃┏┓┃┃┗┛┃≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡
299メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 15:30:31 ID:???0
Eri = Do Not Want
Tsun Tsun = Dame Dame
But she will probably win.
300メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 15:35:35 ID:???0
       / infestation\
      /  attention \\
    // ∩___∩  \\
   //    | ノ      ヽ.  \\
 //     /  ●   ● |.   \\
 \\    |    ( _●_)  .ミ  //
   \\  彡、   |∪|  、`\ /
    \ / __   ヽノ /´>  )
      (___)    / (._/
       \\.   //
301メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 15:38:14 ID:???0
Pedo-tan, how are you?
302メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 15:38:21 ID:???0
Tsundere is for life!
303メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 16:03:36 ID:ymjOdVjH0
Wow... Kyon's younger sister is slightly winning Eri! That's a bit of a shock...
304メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 16:04:58 ID:???0
tsundere girls are handicapped people.
305メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 16:07:05 ID:???0
   ,   _ ノ)                                
  γ∞γ~  \      __             ヽl   ,、 l/     
  |  / メノ从) )  ,'´   `ヽ  ノ\ /|    〃")' ~´ヘヘ)"ヽ lL_ 
  ヽ | | l  l |〃  {(〈从ノ))) ゝ#〃⌒⌒ヽ  !( ソノ八)ヽ) ソ(●  
  `从ハ~ ワノ)   Vl ゚ ヮ゚ノ|   く#{ミ/ノヾ、_彡    ヾl.^ヮ゚ノ!  ./ ̄ 
   /)\><|    ⊂)Hlつ   //|ノ| ゚ ∀゚ノ|   .⊂^)卯(^つ/   
  <し ′ 8/j     ∠VVゝ     ( つ旦O     ./ソ、j、iヾ/   
  (⌒ゝヘノ⌒)      し'ノ      と_)_)      .~(ノ!_j~´    
   2002      2003     2004      2005  
306メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 16:16:06 ID:???0
To everybody of Anime-suki members.

Can you see AA(Ascii art)?
For instance,>>4,>>16,>>45,>>47,>>48
307メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 16:25:45 ID:???0
I can't see the one of 2003.
308メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 16:31:01 ID:???0
309メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 16:31:10 ID:???0
Hey boy, say that after watching DNAngel!!
310メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 16:40:59 ID:???0
Hi! everybody.
Let's enjoy singing together.

sonnani sowasowa shinaide
yosomi wo surunowa yameteyo
311メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 16:43:48 ID:???0
Nadja kimi no hi-tomi-niwa
Nadja nani ga utsu-ru-
312メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 16:44:13 ID:???0
I am from JASRAC
313メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 16:44:54 ID:???0
Die Jasrac
314メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 16:46:16 ID:???0
Are you a German?

Uh... Guten Tag!!
315メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 16:47:17 ID:???0
It's not JASRAC but KASRAC imo :-P
316メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 16:57:22 ID:???0
If everyone can meet in smile, there would be no conflict.
How cheerful the world would be. The world is large but joined together as one piece.

I can't see the end of my travel. Only God knows maybe.
Waving my hand to ones I would be able to see again some time in the future...
Sometimes I get blue, but I don't look back till my dream comes true.
317メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 17:05:05 ID:???0
Girls in a magical world is (ranranra-n, ra-ra)
Very very little fairies (ranranra-n, ra-ra)

Ah tell me Mr teacher, I want to know more this and that!
Ah do it to me Mr teacher, all the fantastic secrets which is not to be told to others ~
318メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 17:11:19 ID:???0
Maybe everyday of the week is Sunday, an amusement park in my school,
let's throw unpleasant homework into the trash can!!
319メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 17:14:14 ID:???0
"KASRAC" is often called by the people who only want to do illegal copy,
rather than the people who wants to criticize their constitution lol.
320メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 17:17:14 ID:pxlIc8/F0
Heh! Don't be too sure about it. There may be vote flooding afterwards XD
321( ゚ ヮ゚):2006/10/01(日) 17:22:56 ID:???0
Hello friends!
I am from the Elitist Superstructure of DQN.
Do you like mittens?
322espeed24-10.brunet.bn:2006/10/01(日) 17:28:39 ID:???0
A lot of people voting for Kyon's sister. D: Where are all the Eri fans?
323メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 17:32:58 ID:???0
Nanoha must win this battle!
324メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 17:48:10 ID:???0

all for the white devil-seicho! 'Hell here'... Dine Bokushiri?

325メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 18:07:59 ID:???0
投票数:1749レス 18:02:12現在

1位 856票 キョンの妹@涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱
2位 798票 沢近愛理@スクールランブルシリーズ

1位 910票 高町なのは@魔法少女リリカルなのはA's
2位 669票 藍華・S・グランチェスタ@ARIAシリーズ

326メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 18:09:56 ID:???0
piza demo kuttero debu
327メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 18:18:00 ID:4IwUKJ0a0
This is an awesome thread.

328メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 18:19:29 ID:???0
gaijinn ha sineyo unnko
329メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 18:25:20 ID:???0
I wouldnt trust any numbers in any posts above since they dont exist because theres no counting allowed.
330メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 18:30:30 ID:???0
I wannna be a pop star.
331メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 18:33:24 ID:???0
332メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 18:38:00 ID:???0
A vulgar Jap disregards it.
333メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 18:38:53 ID:OTyFA1+x0
This thread is in a quantum superstate, it may collapse into either Win or Fail.
334メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 18:43:40 ID:???0
you the fat man should eat pizza
335メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 18:49:51 ID:???0
dont open the box whatever you do dont open the box
336メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 19:01:25 ID:???0
hay guyz someone on 4chan sez this is a great thread
so wutz goin on in this thread?
337メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 19:13:47 ID:IK0+Fwx30
i do not know whats going on in this thread, but aika must win.
338メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 19:21:52 ID:???0
wutz the saymoo tornement about? is it about cows? cuz i like cows
339メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 19:29:34 ID:???0
"When they cry" isn't actually all that bad a translation given how the story is.
Utawarerumono/Underwater Ray Romano as translated into "Shadow Warrior Chronicles" is way worse.
340メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 19:32:09 ID:beNlPcmX0
Whoever wins, I want to ejaculate on her armpit, lick it off and then make out with her.
341メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 19:44:05 ID:BmS3rOCf0
Im in your Japan, ejaculating into your girls.
342メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 19:47:31 ID:???0
How do you think this awful thread great?
Well,some of us found Anime Saimoe Tournament 2006 thread of AnimeSuki Forum was locked,
and says "let's make a thread here instead."
We watched that thread with curiousity, so don't want to lose peeping hole you're talking about
this tournament.
Although this board is the worst place related to the tournament,
(why votes summary revealed here in spite of prohibited in rules?
why someone repeats abusing?
this is a haunt of disgusting guys!)
write anything about the tournament, if you like.
343メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 19:57:46 ID:???0
ttp://07th-expansion.net/Soft/Higurasi.htm >339
"When they cry" is the official English title for "Higurashi no naku koro ni".
You can find its English title in the cover-illust for the gasme.
344メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 19:59:54 ID:???0
All your base are belong to us.
345メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 20:06:34 ID:???0
:.:.:.:.:.:.:.lヽ:,}`ヽ、:.:i,ヾ\:.:.:.l ト`丶:ヽ:.:.:l'、:丶
:.:.:.:.:.:.i:l V,==≧、、 、\l _∠^N:.ト:.l \!
:.:.:.:.::::}' / ,r"でi)ヾ='  ケr。ヽ !:.:l ゙i!
:::,':::::::l   {,     ノ   ヽ二ノ i,jリ
:::、:::::::l   ` ‐ "      丶、 V
rュ:::::::l              / ',
f-う、::::',              '^ ' 、 ', 
 「(ヽ:トi        , ――---r' l  This thread is not "awful".
', ヽ ヽゝ      /_,,.. -―、‐f  ,'  It is "quality".
::\`" 〉     (~´: : : , -┴' /
、::::::ゝ‐' ',      `'‐ '"´ ,,..::'  /
>ぅ-y'  '、            ,'
,r‐ァ'   丶、、          !
  {,      `` −- 、、_,ノ
  丶          人
346メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 20:09:19 ID:DCnG4Ivg0
lmao saymoo
347アッガイ:2006/10/01(日) 20:13:26 ID:???0

/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
| Please, let me compete in the next Saimoe tournament!
\____ ___________________
       /:《 :\
      (つ旦と )
┳━┳ (_(_丿
348メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 20:14:06 ID:???0
no saymoo. SAIMOE.

they are crazy. me too.
349メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 20:14:54 ID:DCnG4Ivg0
I'm sorry to say, but I have to lock this thread for now. Some of you have taken this too far and it's a bit out of hand.

The post quality in this thread is abysmal. Some posts are images only which is useless and unwanted.
350メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 20:25:29 ID:jRHlRUOv0

351メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 20:43:42 ID:???0
352メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 20:44:21 ID:???0
But that's fine.
353メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 20:46:51 ID:???0
354メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 20:49:07 ID:???0
english plz
355メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 20:49:36 ID:???0
engrish plz
356メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 20:51:30 ID:???0
357メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 20:52:01 ID:???0
Français, s'il vous plait.
358353:2006/10/01(日) 20:53:03 ID:???0
Sorry,I don't understand English.
359メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 20:53:07 ID:???0
Raoh said "There is no regretted one in my life."
360メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 20:56:51 ID:???0
The truth is (not necessarily) only one.
361メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 21:00:26 ID:7zWk9xS20
Hey leute, was geht in diesem Thread vor sich?
weissnich lol. NEIN DU! Oh schei-
362メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 21:04:47 ID:ebTwWrKr0
Posting in a legendary 2ch thread! I hope Kyon's little sister wins!
363メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 21:11:37 ID:???0
"DOHJIN pitcher" Sasaki was fired.
364メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 21:12:07 ID:r1jUBmgO0
Well, without knowing the current vote count, I voted for Kyon's sister.
Thought she'd have the most trouble winning anyway, since Eri is
a major SR character.
365メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 21:21:35 ID:2vc3X5p70
in b4 4chan
366anonymous:2006/10/01(日) 21:23:00 ID:ji7xJ90e0
367メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 21:24:23 ID:vONAj0QK0
There's a snake in my boot.
368anime_expert_(seen_396+_anime,_last:_Higurashi):2006/10/01(日) 21:26:31 ID:beNlPcmX0
I have probably seen more anime than 95% of anime.2ch.net's user base.
369メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 21:27:11 ID:???0
I'm interested in Deep-impact, Hurricane-run, Shirocco, at Arc.
370メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 21:49:04 ID:???0
Souseiseki is my wife.
371メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 21:50:01 ID:???0
Come Nanoha!! You've got to win!! >.< Fate is waiting for you! XD
372メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 21:58:21 ID:???0
I'll eat cardboard if Kyon's little sis end up beating Eri. j/k LOL
*I keep my finger cross just in case it comes true* lol
373メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 22:02:28 ID:???0
投票数:2357レス 22:00:13現在

1位 1114票 キョンの妹@涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱
2位 1081票 沢近愛理@スクールランブルシリーズ

1位 1179票 高町なのは@魔法少女リリカルなのはA's
2位 939票 藍華・S・グランチェスタ@ARIAシリーズ
374意外に女の子なのですよ:2006/10/01(日) 22:05:19 ID:???0

But yay, a Saimoe thread. I can't believe the results though... Imouto!?
I may not be a big SR fan yet, but I voted for Eri cause Ilike her most...
And as cute as Imouto is... ナンデ!?

At least it looks like my lovely Mion will not have difficult competition.
375メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 22:09:12 ID:hyrkg8gD0
376メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 22:09:17 ID:/6CH5q3q0
wtf how is eri getting beat? O.o
there better be some fake voting going on at the imotou camp
377メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 22:14:52 ID:Z5R/SgOO0
      , -―-、__
    ,イ /  , ヽ `ヽ、
   / {  {  lヽ }  i  !_
   /{ i N\リーソヽ lハi;;;ヽ
   |;ヽル-‐  ‐‐- ソ }l;;;;;|  羽入、最萌に出たらいいな
   {;;;;| {  _, "∠ノ |;;;/
   ヾハ ゝ、 _ , イルノi.イ     でも、アニメに出なかった
    ノ、_l/ノ ! />、│/ |
    / ,イ i// _イ / |   むうっ…
   J r / / /  / Y 八
378メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 22:15:14 ID:???0

Lie, lie. there's no way Aika could have got that much vote. XD
Nanoha: Divineeeeeee BUSTEEEEEEEERRRRRRRR!!!!!!
379意外に女の子なのですよ:2006/10/01(日) 22:16:23 ID:???0
380メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 22:35:38 ID:???0
Is the foreigner here?
381メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 22:42:37 ID:???0
Foreigner? I'm a non-Japanese :)
382メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 22:43:12 ID:???0
I am Japanese.
Yesterday's FATE VS RENA was how in view of foreign countries?
383メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 22:43:58 ID:???0
I guess Kyon's little sister gets many false votes and Sawachika wins.
384メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 22:48:27 ID:XrqIGcfz0
I am from America.

I think Kyon's Little Sister is loli-tastic!
385メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 22:51:08 ID:0Kbds7nU0
(personal view, very exciting but It was sad Rena lost.

Unlimited Rena Win... ;_;
386メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 22:52:34 ID:???0

Haha! Pretty hot match I must say :D But I didn't expected Souseiseki to lose.
387メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 22:52:38 ID:???0
Eri will lose.
In Japan, School Rumble is too old fashioned.
It is only popular in China or Taiwan.
388メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 22:57:47 ID:XrqIGcfz0
Is Suiseiseki still in the tournament?
389メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 22:59:17 ID:???0
Yeah. Her match is held tomorrow. Suiseiseki vs Suigintou!
390Itsuki:2006/10/01(日) 23:00:11 ID:QQI7lZAx0
I am gay for Kyon's Little Sister !!
391メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 23:01:00 ID:XrqIGcfz0

392メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 23:03:58 ID:???0
Are you real forein contry's citizens?
393メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 23:04:47 ID:???0
Before code check
All votes:2576res

1st match
1202 Kyon's little sister
1181 Sawachika Eri

2nd match
1309 Takamachi Nanoha
1013 Aika

Final Results

1st match
1110 Sawachika Eri
982 Kyon's little sister

2nd match
1055 Takamachi Nanoha
948 Aika
394383:2006/10/01(日) 23:05:09 ID:???0
I'm a prophet!
395メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 23:05:09 ID:XrqIGcfz0

I cannot speak for others. But I am really from America. Is there anything you want to know about
American Anime subculture?
396メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 23:06:13 ID:???0

総投票数:2495レス 最終有効投票:#187-309

1位 1221票 沢近愛理@スクールランブルシリーズ
2位 1086票 キョンの妹@涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱

1位 1154票 高町なのは@魔法少女リリカルなのはA's
2位 1035票 藍華・S・グランチェスタ@ARIAシリーズ
397メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 23:06:59 ID:???0
What a amazing game!
398メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 23:07:40 ID:???0
399メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 23:07:50 ID:???0
Eri won!!! \(^o^)/
400メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 23:08:05 ID:???0
sawachika school rumble movie
401メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 23:10:19 ID:swBpPZXN0
402メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 23:11:26 ID:???0
Haha! I guess I won't be having cardboards today. Thank goodness =P
403意外に女の子なのですよ:2006/10/01(日) 23:12:20 ID:???0
and all of a sudden Eri is in the lead

404メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 23:15:30 ID:???0
405メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 23:16:21 ID:???0

LOL. I'm having trouble trying to understand what you're saying ^^;;

Hello. I'm a Japanese
Wecome to the ? 2ch

^^;; can't read the rest
406メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 23:17:00 ID:Pa9SM6Tj0
Let's fighting love!
407メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 23:17:58 ID:???0
In USA anime web sites, Is there similar tournaments like the Saimoe?
408メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 23:27:41 ID:???0
409メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 23:28:17 ID:???0
401 says, Welcome to this crazy 2ch You're a tough boy
410メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 23:32:02 ID:???0
Not on 4chan as far as I know, but sometimes people will idolize characters from certains series (Rozen Maiden, ...), others fight back with their own characters and spamming tournaments ensue.
411メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 23:33:52 ID:???0
Warum ist dieser Faden auf Englisch geschrieben?

Benutzen wir Deutsch!
412メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 23:34:49 ID:???0
                           A, B ブロック決勝出場者決定!

                           Af A ブロック決勝 / Tue Oct 10

         園崎魅音@ひぐらしのなく頃に         vs      沢近愛理@スクールランブルシリーズ
             報われぬ人情家                           天下無敵のお嬢様
      Mion Sonozaki - Higurashi no Nakukoro ni      vs        Eri Sawachika - School Rumble
          The Demon of Hinamizawa                           Ojou Eri

                           Bf B ブロック決勝 / Wed Oct 11

   フェイト・テスタロッサ@魔法少女リリカルなのはA's   vs      高町なのは@魔法少女リリカルなのはA's
              閃光の魔導師                             大鑑巨砲主義
   Fate Testarossa - Maho Shojo Lyrical Nanoha A's   vs  Nanoha Takamachi - Maho Shojo Lyrical Nanoha A's
              Plasma Lancer                             White Devil
413メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 23:35:44 ID:???0
                   ○ 次の試合 - Next Match ○

                    Csf-1 C ブロック準決勝 (1)
                  校舎裏の決戦 / Fight to the Finish

      吉田一美@灼眼のシャナ      vs    源千華留@ストロベリー・パニック
           暗黒衝動                      影のエトワール
   Kazumi Yoshida - Shakugan no Shana  vs  Chikaru Minamoto - Strawberry Panic
      The Other Love Interest               The Shadow Strategist

                    Dsf-1 D ブロック準決勝 (1)
                  Alice Game / Clash of the titans

  翠星石@ローゼンメイデン トロイメント   vs  水銀燈@ローゼンメイデン トロイメント
        罵詈雑言マシンガン                   黒翼の天使
  Suiseiseki - Rozen Maiden -träumend-  vs  Suigintou - Rozen Maiden -träumend-
             Desu                          Junk
414メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 23:37:00 ID:???0
Oh! Thanks for the translation ^_^
415メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 23:37:45 ID:XrqIGcfz0

No, not on 4chan. But many people profess love for certain characters. Some popular characters are
Suiseiseki from Rozen Maiden (nicknamed "Desu")
Suigintou from Rozen Maiden (nicknamed "Junk")
Mayumi Thyme from Shuffle(she is loved because many 4channers have a fetish for
flat chested characters)
Any character from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Nagisa from Pretty Cure
And any cute lolita character
416メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 23:38:43 ID:???0
>>414 Oh! Thanks for the transliteration ^_^

fixed lolz
417fix a typo:2006/10/01(日) 23:41:31 ID:???0
                           A, B ブロック決勝出場者決定!

                           Af A ブロック決勝 / Tue Oct 10

         園崎魅音@ひぐらしのなく頃に         vs      沢近愛理@スクールランブルシリーズ
             報われぬ人情家                           天下無敵のお嬢様
      Mion Sonozaki - Higurashi no Nakukoro ni      vs        Eri Sawachika - School Rumble
          The Demon of Hinamizawa                           Ojou Eri

                           Bf B ブロック決勝 / Wed Oct 11

   フェイト・テスタロッサ@魔法少女リリカルなのはA's   vs      高町なのは@魔法少女リリカルなのはA's
              閃光の魔導師                             大艦巨砲主義
   Fate Testarossa - Maho Shojo Lyrical Nanoha A's   vs  Nanoha Takamachi - Maho Shojo Lyrical Nanoha A's
              Plasma Lancer                             White Devil
418メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 23:48:51 ID:???0
This is a pen


419メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 23:58:35 ID:GUNeP0aZ0
I've been tring ti find the latest link to vote for kyon's little sister. where is it?
420メロン名無しさん:2006/10/01(日) 23:59:15 ID:???0
Yoshida Kazumi - Shakugan no Shana VS Minamoto Chikaru - Strawberry Panic!
- Not really interested in this one

Suiseiseki - Rozen Maiden ~Traumend~ VS Suigintou - Rozen Maiden ~Traumend~
-Suigintou MUST win in this one. Go! Go! Gin (^o^)/


Where's the rest of the animesuki members?
421メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 00:00:09 ID:???0
Here is the awful Internet.
422メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 00:00:42 ID:???0
Does "spamming tournaments" mean "mutual mudslinging"?
423メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 00:00:47 ID:???0
424メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 00:01:33 ID:???0

Sorry but that matches was over. Kyon's sister lost
425メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 00:03:51 ID:Smyzn4lY0
Fate vs Nanoha...ah such a horrible turn of events! It's so sad that it's come down to this ; ; Nothing would have been sweeter than Fate and Nanoha taking 1st and 2nd.
426メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 00:07:37 ID:???0
   / ̄ ̄\           ___
 /   _ノ  \        /⌒  ⌒\
 |    ( ●)(●)  puni   (● )  (● ) \  
. |     (__人_(ニ~`ヽ、 /:::⌒(__人__)⌒::::: \   Laugh more.
  |     ` ⌒´(((_⊂>ヽ|     |r┬-|      |
.  |         }    \ \   `ー'´      /
.  ヽ        }      ゝ-|          ヽ
   ヽ     ノ        \        ヽ   \
   /    く  \        \
   |     \   \         \
    |    |ヽ、二⌒)、          \

   / ̄ ̄\
 /       \
 |    ⌒   ⌒
. |     (__人__) 
  |     ` ⌒´ノ  
.  |         }
.  ヽ        }
   ヽ     ノ        \
   /    く  \        \
   |     \   \         \
    |    |ヽ、二⌒)、          \

     /_ノ  ヽ_\
   /。(⌒) (⌒)。\
  /::::::⌒(__人__)⌒:::::\  Gya ha ha,,, It is too ugly.
  |     ヽr┬-/    |
  \      `ー'´     /
427メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 00:07:40 ID:???0
>Mayumi Thyme from Shuffle
428意外に女の子なのですよ:2006/10/02(月) 00:08:04 ID:???0
Uuuu. Difficult. I know I'll vote for Chikaru, but the other one is really hard.

I'll be voting for Suigintou though, since in the end I prefer her

429メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 00:08:22 ID:???0
Engrish plz
430メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 00:12:27 ID:VbQBbCVI0
Melon pan for the win!
img53.imageshack.us/img53/1192/b2000622df1.gif <-bouncy melon pan
img216.imageshack.us/my.php?image=a2009831wm8.gif <-more melon pan
Help out Yoshida if you have a spare vote...or ont^^;;
431rei:2006/10/02(月) 00:12:48 ID:???0
I'll be restraining myself from voting on that day. I can't choose between Nanoha & Fate.
I like both of them. Why do they have to face each other? T-T

Next matches:

Yoshida Kazumi - Shakugan no Shana

Minamoto Chikaru - Strawberry Panic!

-I'll be supporting Yoshida in this one

Suiseiseki - Rozen Maiden ~Traumend~
<<翠星石@ローゼンメイデン トロイメント>>

Suigintou - Rozen Maiden ~Traumend~
<<水銀燈@ローゼンメイデン トロイメント>>

- Suigintou for me :)

Current voting thread
--> http://etc4.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/vote/1159708352/

432メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 00:16:10 ID:???0
   , -.. - ..(⌒Y:: /:: :: :: ::ハ:: :: :: :: :: ::ヽ:: :: ::ヽ:: :: :: \
  ./:: :: :: ::Y´~ヾ:: /:: :: :: :/ ヽ:: :ヽ:: :: :: :ヽ:: :: ::', :: :: :: ::ヽ
 /:: :: :: :: ::/ヽ-.':: /:: :: :: :/   ヽ:: ',\:: :: :ヽ:: :: ::',:: :: :i:: :: ',
 i:: :: :: :: /  /:: ::/:: :: /::/    ヽ::', ヽ:: :: ヽ :: ::.i:: :: :i:: :: :i
 |:: :: :: /  .,':: : /:: :: /::/      ヽ;',  ヽ:: ::.',ヽ:: i、:: :::i :: :::!
 ヽ :: /   i:: ::/:: :: /::/         ヽ',  ヽ:: ',.ヽ:::!ヽ:: :!:: :::i
  ヽ/   /:: ,':: :::/l:/- .. ,,_      ヽ   ヽ::r''',::「 i:: :l:: :: l
      /ハ/::i:: イi l  _,r, =x      ‐xニ´、-、|i i:: l:: :: :!
        |:ハ::,-', / /:::::::::::!      /::::::::ヽ \ |::l:: :: :l
         i.ヽハ   ヾ ::::::ノ      ヾ :::::::ノ  ./リヽハ|
         ヘ ハ                   /  ノ
    __      .ヽri ⊂⊃      '     ⊂⊃, イ/   Onane is up to once during a day,,,OK?
    i ヽ      .ヽヘ、               イ/
    ヽ ヽ       ハヽ_、     r_-,     .イ
    ヽ ヽ,     .,イ:ヽヽ>r .. _ .. r<-7ヽ,、
     ノr'^ヽr ‐、_,-' ヽ: ヽ'' ~       ~ -y: :/ ヽ_
    i ー‐ 、冫-.i   ヽ: ヽ_        /: /    ヽ
    | -ーv'  .ト、    ヽ _: -. _    /: /     ノ,
    ゝ --'  ノ: ヽヽ、   ~ ヽ:ヽ /: ./  _ - ~/: :i
    |:ヽ    /:i: : .',  ` ー -''- `'-- '- - ' ~   /: : : i
    |: |    i:.ノ: : : ',               i ./: : : : :i
433メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 00:17:01 ID:???0
I am a suigintou no yosa ga totally wakaran
434メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 00:19:41 ID:???0
I have never heard such name.
She had lost.

435メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 00:21:47 ID:???0
He sais that he cannot understand the reason of popularity of Suiginto.
436メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 00:23:45 ID:???0
437メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 00:24:28 ID:???0
The battle of Fate and Nanoha makes their friendship much more strong.
438メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 00:24:47 ID:???0
She is beautiful!
439rei:2006/10/02(月) 00:25:38 ID:???0
Oh! Come on! Suigintou is also moe, right? I like her strength.

Suigintou, Kanaria & Shinku are my favourites :)
440メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 00:26:17 ID:???0
441メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 00:26:40 ID:???0
OK, OK, I realize how you love her.
442メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 00:31:22 ID:???0
Hinaichigo is very very charming!!
443メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 00:31:55 ID:???0
             -‐ '´ ̄ ̄`ヽ、
             / /" `ヽ ヽ  \
         //, '/     ヽハ  、 ヽ
         〃 {_{ノ    `ヽリ| l │ i|
         レ!小l●    ● 从 |、i|   Hold me.
          ヽ|l⊃ 、_,、_, ⊂⊃ |ノ│
        /⌒ヽ__|ヘ   ゝ._)   j /⌒i !
      \ /:::::| l>,、 __, イァ/  /│__
      //:::::/| | ヾ:::|三/::{ヘ、__∧ |  /\
     /  `ヽ< | |  ヾ∨:::/ヾ:::彡' | /   \
   /| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ |\     \
  /  |                   |  \   /
/    |    Please take        |   \/
      |    it home freely.       |   /
      |                   |  /
      |                   |/
      ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
444rei:2006/10/02(月) 00:33:44 ID:???0

Excellent pic of Suigintou ^_^d
445意外に女の子なのですよ:2006/10/02(月) 00:34:23 ID:???0
446メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 00:35:20 ID:Q5H967eZ0
I can't decide which is more moe between Suigintou and Suiseiseki. ;_;
447rei:2006/10/02(月) 00:38:14 ID:???0

*putting my hypnotic glasses*
448メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 00:46:30 ID:???0
Do you see suport contents?
This tournament's purpose is not just to compete vote counts.

Here are new AMVs.

for Chikaru
Title:Funny Girl (1min35sec WMV 14.8MB)

for Yoshida-san
Title:When mistes cries (1min34sec WMV 13.0MB)

Enter passwords(many of them are saimoe) and click download button.
449メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 00:47:06 ID:???0
450メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 00:53:05 ID:???0
It's White...it's Bouncy.....and Unyuuuuuuuuuuuuuu~ -> http://img480.imageshack.us/img480/5061/danboorup115785832965179ek4.png

Yoshida is also very cute after all -> http://img480.imageshack.us/img480/7950/danboorup114814637964395rd9.jpg
451メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 00:55:39 ID:???0
452メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 01:00:33 ID:???0
453メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 01:04:33 ID:???0
Hey, gays!
welcome to 2ch!
454メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 01:06:54 ID:rSipqBPw0

455メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 01:08:01 ID:N+7rnyt/0
Gays? Well thank you, homo.
456Xellos-_^:2006/10/02(月) 01:16:13 ID:CrVXE2Bo0
457メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 01:17:49 ID:???0
458メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 01:28:44 ID:???0
official uploader

Use official when you post in vote thread
Not a few voters never click such as "imagehack.us"
459メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 01:29:47 ID:vpwnTuFf0
Greetings from the Pok?mon world.
460メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 01:31:33 ID:???0
461メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 01:33:22 ID:???0
462メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 01:33:29 ID:???0
oh lord is this some 2ch
463メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 01:35:11 ID:vpwnTuFf0
Yes. Pokemon.
Lizardon is my favourite.
464Anime Expert:2006/10/02(月) 01:37:14 ID:vpwnTuFf0
Hello from Anime Expert.
465メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 01:41:08 ID:???0
Hello, I Like Nori!!
Came to 2ch for the first time.
466メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 01:44:45 ID:???0
=== Basics of 2ch ===

>>238 >>290

We wish you enjoy 2ch BBS!
467メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 01:50:09 ID:???0
Posting in a 2ch thread.
468メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 01:50:29 ID:???0
I'm from England.
You all members Japanese.
469名無し@4CHAN:2006/10/02(月) 01:51:03 ID:???0
┘     / \    ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄   \/     /VTl   └┐       Z    r、、 j /\      ∧__ ィ ´ I am the bone of my essay.       〈_
┐    く     \               /  ∨ 〉  ┌┘      イrヘ<,_ `゙フ´ /  /     〈                    く /
┘     \_   /                 ハ     V l  └┐       }以 ー  r/ /  l___      Procastination is my body, and caffeine is my blood.
|         \_/               ∧     V  ┌┘     rくト、ヽ‐/ /      〉       /       `ヽ
┐    i⌒し-、    ┌┐┌┐┌┐┌┐    !     i  └┐  _ r<\_〕lニニ〕スー- _   /    I have ignored over a thousand deadlines.
┘    |     \   │└┘└┘└┘│    !     |   ┌┘ f⌒ヽ N\_人`Y>ト、 lハ  \      /   \        VT       |
┐    |      VXiハ         /   /       l   └┐ |   ヽ、    〉 l  l  Y l    ヽ    l      \     Unknown to MLA format.
└┐  ∧      VZ/\      /    /     /  ┌┘ |    リ   / .人_ V }lイ /\  l     ハ      \     l      /
┌┘  L∧      >    ` ー--‐ ´    <      /  / └┐ l    イ  /ノィ⌒ヽトイ {/  `ーl   / ∧       ` 、Nor known to passing grades.
└┐   ∧   /  へ、       , へ \    / /  ┌┘ |    r<(  ( ッ、ノ } l|     VZ     \         /     / __
  └┐  i_/\/ /   ` ー--‐ ´    \ \ /   ┌┘   ト、  ∧` ーt-<⌒>-イ l|   Have withstood responcibility to fail many classes.
    └┐     /                >     ┌┘     lハヽ 〈 〕、_ノ>(__ノイー l|      >
      └┐   > 、.        ┌┐┌┐ /   ┌‐┘      〈  ゝl /      〕-―lュ ハ    /Yet,those classes will never teach anything.
        └┐ /   `ー┬┐┌┘└┘└┘  ┌┼┐        l    lイフフ>イ二ニ =「ト〈l   /   イ \           ヘ
  ┌┐┌┐├┐┌┐┌┘└┘         ┌<_人└‐┐.    | V.│  / !|八イ l| ヽト、/   / |  So as I hand in, unlimited essay works.        \
┌┘└┘└┘└┴┼┘、     _  ┌┐┌┘ _  ヽ └┬┐ !  V.! /    lイ〈ノ/ノ  l|   /   |   |             |     \         _
┘   __       ┌┘  > ´l_/└‐┼┼┘    `<|   └┤ lハ ヽ      トノ∠  l  l    \  .|   |             |     /        〈 \/
      | |. ̄\┌┘、 /└┐     ││        \   └ l V l      l〕\  ∧ ',     \,イ   l__        |   ィ           \
      | | ┌‐┘  X    └┐  _││_            \   l⌒ヽ人     lー----。l  ',      ` ‐- _  \   _ 斗 ´          〈\  /
      : :   ' ,   ,'  ' ,   _  ' ´    o           ',.   ト、_丿 「〕     lー―‐〆l   !           ̄ ̄ ̄             ∧   ' ,' '
  ,..,       , '    ' ,X     , -‐ || 、           ',.  `ヘヘヘj       l  //l  !                           ::  '  ''
  ; ;                , ´:     ||              l          l//  l.l  ',      o                      ;;
Grade: D+ Overall Grade: F
470メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 01:55:40 ID:???0
29 The name: contribution day of fair vote @ nameless Mr.: At 12:54:33 of 2006/08/24
(Thursday) ID:21J1wEap.

<< It votes only for >> her melancholy of Szmiya Halhi @ Szmiya Halhi.

Other animated cartoons are not known and : only by one also by the
vote even though know because it doesn't think.

I ..top class.. think that it is "Real" character in her.. two
dimension character because it says clearly.
(Though the setting is unreal. )
Because sympathy is had by ..reality.. , person who sees, I think
this work to have sold here her character and the motive of the
Maybe, a bud system animated cartoon that exceeds this doesn't arise.

As for me, the animated cartoon usually budded in Halhi though did
not see.
471メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 01:56:47 ID:???0
Vad ?r det som h?nder i denna tr?d?
472メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 01:57:37 ID:???0
translation of a copy & pasta, well done
473anime expert(seen 3, last: pokemans):2006/10/02(月) 02:02:21 ID:v37Ce41S0
aria must win. ._.
474メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 02:03:49 ID:???0
plot of yesterday's false votes

i guess nanoha & kyon's little sister false votes are voted by only one person.
how crazy he/she is!
475メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 02:04:56 ID:???0
sage for anime_expert
476anime expert(seen 3, last: pokemans):2006/10/02(月) 02:06:04 ID:???0
i lold
477メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 02:06:22 ID:Le93AFXb0
478メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 02:07:29 ID:wLFENQx30
479sage expert ◆YZ/o/9Wq4w :2006/10/02(月) 02:11:07 ID:???0
480メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 02:14:57 ID:???0
Lyrical magical kill them all.
481Japanese animefan:2006/10/02(月) 02:21:55 ID:???0
Welcome to 2ch!
482メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 02:24:08 ID:FWTAwQv/0
so wait, wtf is going on in this thread?
483メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 02:27:57 ID:???0
1) Where are you from?

2)What is your favorite Anime? And why do you like the Anime?

3)Who is your most Moe character?

484メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 02:29:42 ID:???0
485メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 02:30:21 ID:ZWt5vN2H0
Nothing much, just animu expart spreading like AIDS
486anime expert(seen 3, last: pokemans):2006/10/02(月) 02:31:15 ID:???0
3. athena. shes so totaly moe.
487メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 02:35:01 ID:FWTAwQv/0
even on the other side of the world Anime Expert still sucks.
488メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 02:37:22 ID:???0
455res, 02:33:24AM

224 Minamoto Chikaru@Strawberry Panic
154 Yoshida Kazumi@Shakugan no Shana

232 Suiseiseki@Rozenmaiden traumend
197 Suigintou@Rozenmaiden traumend
489メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 02:39:53 ID:???0
i guess you are the false voter, dont you?
490メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 02:44:35 ID:???0
This crasy tournament makes him/her so crazy.
The saimoe began from 2002, and years by year, Conflict between fans of candidates increasingly heat up.
491メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 02:51:21 ID:D09rSnVz0
sup japan i'm a wacky foreigner and i think ogiue is most moe. your thoughts?
492メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 02:55:02 ID:???0
ogiue? who?
493メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 02:55:35 ID:???0
Do not forget the response of >>203 :-)
494メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 03:03:13 ID:???0
Building this thread is meaningful enough to me to know
English speakers say "lold" when Japanese, "hageshiku-warota"
495メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 03:04:04 ID:???0
Age for Anime Eckspert.
496メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 03:10:50 ID:???0
Laughing at our weird English is also fun.

I couldn't help laughing at the literal translation of
"kousaku-jiyu totsugeki-kinshi (free to do dirty operations here, but rush into other threads is prohibited)"
into "Free construction and charge prohibitions"
497メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 03:13:32 ID:???0
Age for Anime Expert and Age of Empires
498メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 03:16:41 ID:???0
Are you interested in manga saimoe tournament? She enters it.

The entry closed yesterday.
But voting schedule has not been decided yet...
Since there are too many candidates (over 9000),
maybe you'd better not take part in the elimination round, though.

1st manga saimoe tournament

She was defeated by Asuka/Evangelion by a narrow margin (8 votes).
She might be popular with Japanese otaku.
499メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 03:19:05 ID:???0
500メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 03:21:46 ID:???0
Weeaboos don't understand moonspeak.
501メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 03:23:21 ID:???0
No no, you don't know the real raison detre of this thread.
502メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 03:23:37 ID:???0
503メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 03:26:54 ID:???0
                                          _// //`──-  _
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    .l:::::::::l:l::::::::l::ヘ                             ヘ イO二二 l l// ./  ::::: ::::/ l l  l l
    l::::::::ll::::::::::lヽヘ                         , イ::/ / l\\//ヽ、/  :::::: ..:::/ .//  l l
    l::::::l::::::::::::l. \                       , イ::::::∠_ノ  .l  // ヘ::::/  ..:::::::::::::/ .//  .//
     l:::::l:::::::::::::l                      , イ:::::::::::::::::::::::::::| ///  l::::/ ...:::::::::::::/  //  .//
504メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 03:27:36 ID:???0
505メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 03:32:21 ID:???0
             __         / , -‐'''''''''ー-、`ヽ,          __,,...、
       _,. -_‐=Z._-、,...`ヽ,/ ` - 、 //_,,...,      ヽ, l        i",i  >-‐'''''ヽ、
     ,∠-=ー'~,.‐- ' /  ~フ,ノ     `'"~   |___    ',.|       i'('-)v'"   ''''''''''''`''''ー、
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  ./,'  //,.'  {.| ゙t`.ヾ、;;;;メ'    /!,ノ,`))/_,. ,  .ィ ノ、U ノ| //
  |'  ///'" ,/ノ|. ,ト!. ``ヽ ゙ , ._ . .ゞ;_"メノ'___,../ ,/!<._ `ー' ノ'/ I like doing household affairs
  |  ,イ~ ,i'{ /-メ,|. ,!ベ_、..、  | フ ``ヾ"/~7ノ-'‐'"  ヽ>-‐^)/  for Tomonori (my darling♥)
  { ./i,{   .{/("~ゝl /-`-'-..ミ─ト-' __.....- 1 ,/  iヾ、  /" --‐'‐'‐`)
  ヽl| ヾ、_,  ` 〉/"  ー -`'、`'ニ"l,._ノ'ヽ | {、、`!ヽ、-iへ,     ク
   \ ,.-   ノ,'        ヾ、゙7く-、ノ'゙.|.|_)ノ))フ  `''''7   ノ、
      `ー-‐''/  ∧     `┴、ノ \ヾ、  /  `" '-t‐''''"
       _,.- '‐  ./ .l         ~`ー、ー<'''"     >'7'/,!
   ┌-='"   ┌"' |         ,‐<l/゙7 ;;゙ヽ,/ .ム'iノ
    |(~     / ̄~|       /  /  └ーヘ ! ~~"~
   l. `ー 、_ ,/'"    |    _,. .,ィ'=、_      />ノ
    l   /      .L -‐_"/''~ _7ニ-、.,. ィ</~/
506メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 03:39:18 ID:???0

   (|´> <`|)
    |lヽ⊂つノリ  IT IS WRONG !!
   / ̄l><l ̄\
  |::::::/~7。::lYl !::::|
507メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 03:42:39 ID:???0
         __ r‐、_
        _,ゝ⌒ ´ _)
        Y ,.-‐ 、)            _(ヽn
        ‘‐弋.  ヽ       ,.―-‐'Z_ーヘ `Yj ,、
          ヽ   `、  ,.ィ"¨7 {    \ 〉_,,._ .)′
             、   マ//  ,ムA,.へム }ヽ}   レ
           ヘ   V { i{ '⌒ _⌒1,小 |
          / .ヘ   ∨辷,_ i'´--ヘ  }⊥_ !
            /   ∧   ゙、  ヘ├‐-、/ ′r‐|  
         /イ /  ヽ   V_ } ヽ_ノ /、 } ,!    Yeah-hou!!!
        ´ レ′   、   V,ニ、 ,.- 7 ∨ /
                   ',    }ヽ. -マ¨7  ,′
                   i    ,ゝ<`‐' __∨
                     i  /  |  `´ (ヽ' )
                 V     l    ヽ/!
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    ___           ノ     l     l|
    \   ̄¨¨`ヽ、   j.     !     | |
     __ヽ    ヽ._ ヽ厂`ー-   !       ! !
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  `ー-.  l    ,.-‐'´        ノ        ヽ`}二¨¨`ー、_
     | l,.-‐'´       /         {ヘ.    _,.-'
    ,.-'´            /                \\  l 冫
508メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 03:52:49 ID:???0

What means "Cornish Acid" ?
509メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 03:54:37 ID:???0
510メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 03:57:34 ID:vxd3MOk+0
511メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 03:57:46 ID:???0

               ▲▼ ▼▲
              ▲▼   ▼▲
             ▲▼     ▼▲
            ▲▼       ▼▲
 ▼▲       ▲▼           ▼▲       ▲▼
  ▼▲     ▲▼             ▼▲     ▲▼
   ▼▲   ▲▼               ▼▲   ▲▼
    ▼▲ ▲▼     ^     ^      ▼▲ ▲▼  Hey people!
     ▼▲▼         O         ▼▲▼    This topic is now under Israeli occupation!
     ▲▼▲                   ▲▼▲
    ▲▼ ▼▲                 ▲▼ ▼▲
   ▲▼   ▼▲               ▲▼   ▼▲  
  ▲▼     ▼▲             ▲▼     ▼▲
 ▲▼       ▼▲           ▲▼       ▼▲   
            ▼▲       ▲▼
             ▼▲     ▲▼
              ▼▲   ▲▼
               ▼▲ ▲▼
512メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 03:57:50 ID:???0
Oh thanx.
513メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 03:59:59 ID:vxd3MOk+0
514メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 04:02:08 ID:???0
        l     |::   /|  /  ! /      ', | \    l l  l      l
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       i !    ! /  {::::::::::::::::}            {::::::::::::::::}  ヽ .|    .l l
       | !  : |i/  丶:::::::::::/          ヽ;:::::::::ノ    ',| :   ! !
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      ./,. -l::. l  l::l,                          /v! :::! !,_::.. l   -‐==,-.,
    , '/f.  l::. l  l:::'、                    ,..'  | :::l l  \l      `, ',
   / ,' !   l:::..! .l:::: 丶,                  ,. '   l :::l:. l   ヽ         ! l
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´ / |  丶._ l:::::l  l:::.      `" '' ー - ‐ '' "´       .::l :::|::::l_,,. - '´ l` ‐--‐'´ '
//  .:l     l:::::l  l::::._   ' ‐- 、     , -‐ '    _,,.::::l :::l'l:::l      lヽ' ‐-‐ '´
 f  .::::l.      l:::::l  l:::::.` ' ‐- .,,__ `    ´ _,,. -‐ ''' ´ .:::::l :::l ',{      l::. \
515I LOVE USA:2006/10/02(月) 04:12:51 ID:jI5ymxa60
516メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 04:13:52 ID:PV++AV5E0
Fan vad du e grym och rebell ut?ver det vanliga!
517メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 04:13:55 ID:???0
Kuririn is superior and you know that.
518I LOVE USA:2006/10/02(月) 04:20:26 ID:jI5ymxa60

─── /⌒ヽ, ─────────
 ̄ ̄  / ,ヘ  ヽ∧_∧  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄   , ” ' ‐ ,
 ̄ ̄ i .i \ ( ´Д`)ヽ,   ___,, __ _ ,, - _―" ’.  ' ・,  ’・ ,  /∧_∧
── ヽ勿  ヽ,__    j  i~""     _ ― _: i ∴”_ ∵,          ))
______   ヽ,, / / __,,, -- "" ─ "ー ・, ; ; - 、・   r=-,/⌒  ~ヽ~,
───────  ヽノ ノ,イ  ─── ― -            i y  ノ' ノi j |   >>517
───────  / /,.  ヽ,  ──                i,,___ノ   //
______   丿 ノ ヽ,__,ノ ___ _ _ _           ,'    ゝ
           j  i                        /   y ノ
_____    巛i~ ____ _             /    /~/
519メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 04:23:16 ID:???0
Weeaboo Svenne-ballar?
520メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 04:33:15 ID:PV++AV5E0
521メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 04:35:06 ID:???0
    ,.. -ェ‐=、‐-、 _,rェ┐
|三ヲ ( !.{f.l|{.}.!l |゙!、l、!i"≦
l三i ( | |l |!|l !| l !!」」`ヾヲ
7Z. ヽfヽ⌒ , ⌒jメ、
 ̄   ~ゝ 、ワ / < What anime character is popular in Sweden?
  ,.‐、-t}. `"ヒr-、,,_  
  /  \\ー-|  /゙!
522メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 04:43:00 ID:???0
Mumintroll and Haruhi
523メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 04:48:31 ID:PV++AV5E0
Haha, that's probably true.. all we get here is atleast 6 year old anime if we're lucky to have one of the few channels that actually sends any, thank god for bittorrent.
524メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 04:53:43 ID:???0
IIRC you got Card Captor Sakura, which made me, a Finn, jealous.
525メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 04:56:46 ID:PV++AV5E0
True, and subbed at that, too bad i didn't have channel at the time.
526メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 05:06:05 ID:vpwnTuFf0
Subbed on the childrens channel of all channels.
527メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 05:10:54 ID:???0
Swedish children can read subs?
528メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 05:12:31 ID:???0
If they're 7+ years old, yes.
529メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 05:16:11 ID:???0
While American children watched crappy dubs... lolz
530メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 05:23:07 ID:???0
in before German Naruto.
531メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 05:30:54 ID:???0
532メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 05:40:53 ID:NyG0tNvb0
Everybody loves Haruhi
533メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 05:52:48 ID:NyG0tNvb0
Who won, Suiseiseki or Suigintou?
534メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 05:55:24 ID:???0
That is today's match.
535メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 05:55:55 ID:PV++AV5E0
Oh god... /wrists
536メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 05:58:18 ID:NyG0tNvb0
I am so sad that Kyon's Little Sister lost.

537メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 06:00:30 ID:NyG0tNvb0
Why does 2channel sage their posts so much? We do not sage so much on 4chan.
538メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 06:03:32 ID:???0
Why does 4chan speak engrish on 2chan?
539メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 06:05:31 ID:???0

It's not the people from 4chan who are speaking Engrish.
540メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 06:08:28 ID:???0
Sage on Japanese boards doesn't have the "you suck" connotation that it does on 4chan. On 2ch its just a way to keep threads from constantly bumping their way to the top of the indexes.
541メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 06:13:57 ID:???0

I see, that makes sense.

Yay cultural understanding!
542メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 06:17:59 ID:???0
Use this template to vote:

         ∧_∧   ┌────────────
       ◯( ´∀` )◯ < 僕は、<<your favorite character>>ちゃん!
        \    /  └────────────
       _/ __ \_
      (_/   \_)
543メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 06:21:24 ID:???0
Japs seem to be sleeping :(
544メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 06:22:07 ID:???0

         ∧_∧   ┌────────────
       ◯( ´∀` )◯ < 僕は、Suiseisekiちゃん!
        \    /  └────────────
       _/ __ \_
      (_/   \_)
545メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 06:22:13 ID:???0
         ∧_∧   ┌────────────
       ◯( ´∀` )◯ < 僕は、Ikari Chinko ちゃん!
        \    /  └────────────
       _/ __ \_
      (_/   \_)
546SvergieExpert (Bott i Sverige i 22 år):2006/10/02(月) 06:23:30 ID:???0
Personally, I love me some Belldandy
547メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 06:24:24 ID:???0
I guess >>538 >>542 >>544 >>545 are Japs.
548メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 06:29:12 ID:???0
なに? 今日ここでジャップの集会があるの?
549メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 06:29:18 ID:???0

>>544 here, I am American.
550メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 06:30:36 ID:???0
Oh, sorry.
551メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 06:31:47 ID:???0
mostly weeaboos in this thread
552メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 06:33:49 ID:???0
         ∧_∧   ┌────────────
       ◯( ´∀` )◯ < 僕は、Kouyama Mitsuki ちゃん!
        \    /  └────────────
       _/ __ \_
      (_/   \_)
553メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 06:34:34 ID:???0

You should properly explain to our Japanese hosts what a weeaboo is.
554メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 06:36:15 ID:???0
Google it.
555メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 06:43:10 ID:???0
Weeaboo means wapanese which means wannabe-Japanese.
556メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 06:48:01 ID:???0
            >′´    \::::::::>、____
          /      l ヽ    ̄ //小 \Y/
            . ' /      | |ト  |  \'」ト \\__
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       ′ | i |ヽ   |// /,.斗:‐刋 | |    ̄  レ′
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 / /  \  `l__  |冫   r'::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::`::.:ー― -- 一=´::.::.
     / 〈   \ `丁:)    〉::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::\::.::.::.::.::.::.::.
Y_ /__>-、ー┤::.`L   〉::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::\::.::.::.::.::.:
 `ー'\       〉   |::.::.::.::ヾ i|::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::ヽ::.::.::.::.:
557メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 06:50:55 ID:???0

Get that fucking junk off of here!
558メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 06:55:00 ID:???0
       ,_ _ _   卯,iリノ)))〉 _ _ _ Λ Λ
     /   `."-|l〉l.゚ ー゚ノl/   /⌒ヽ )
    '"'⌒`~"'" ''|!/'i)怒iつ=[]===|   |==> <- >>557
            ''y /x lヽ     | | ∪
           l†/しソ†|     ∪∪
           lノ   レ
559メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 07:25:50 ID:???0
投票数:693レス 06:03:34現在

1位 327票 源千華留@ストロベリー・パニック
2位 243票 吉田一美@灼眼のシャナ

1位 351票 翠星石@ローゼンメイデン トロイメント
2位 301票 水銀燈@ローゼンメイデン トロイメント

560メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 07:39:29 ID:???0
go to hell
561メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 07:42:45 ID:???0

Is Suiseiseki winning?
562メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 07:46:18 ID:???0

1 Suiseiseki 351
2 Suigintou 301
563メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 07:48:40 ID:???0
according to that chart yes
翠星石 = suiseiseki
水銀燈 = suigintou
564メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 07:48:43 ID:???0

Go Desu!

       \  /:.:/:.:.:/:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.l:.:\ ヽ \
          ヽ/:.:.:/:.:.:/:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:/:./:/:.:.:.:.!ヽ ヽlヽ
            /:.:.:.:|:.:./:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:///:.:l:.:.:.:|:.:ヽ / l
.           |:.:.:.:..|ィ‐_-_、_. -///;ハ:.:|:.:.:.:!:.:.:.V   l
.           |l:.:.:.:.N r‐ァ-、` ̄  メ/‐-ヽ|、:.:|:.:.:.:|   _」
            ハ:.:.:.:l  弋:ソ  /´ ィ=‐、、\/:.:.:./-r ´
          /:.li \_\      ,   弋:ソ '´/:.:.:./:.:.:.l     ~desu!
      __ /:.:.li   il、   , -- ‐、   _/:.:./:.:.:.:.:.!
     /´‐-、ト,:./:li ※ il:.:\ {__   }  ア ̄/l:.:.:.:.:.:l:.l
.   /  ‐-〈//li  il:.:.:.:.:.> 二ニ´ィ:li ※〃:.l:.:.:.:.:.:.l:l
   l  `ニ7'´: :.li   il ̄ ̄ _\ノヽ._l:li   il-lユ‐_-、:.:!l
  r‐l   |フ!: : にli  il〃 ̄  ィトK\  li  ilこ|ー‐  |:.:.:.l
  |〉l  イ _): :.にli※/ \///)l:l l:l ヽli. ilこ!|二  /:.:.:.:.:!
/>にLイ<:.:にli /´     //(!|:| L!==li※!こl./  /!:.:.:.:.:.:.l
丁L__|ーLノ:.:.:.にX      // )!|:|   ハ ilこ! l  /ヽl:.:.:.:.:.:.:l
565メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 08:04:52 ID:???0
Remember Kyon's little sister's defeat!
Security is the greatest enemy.
566メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 08:36:04 ID:/t5urWTJ0
2ch is really fucking gay
567メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 08:41:33 ID:vxd3MOk+0
It took you until now to realize?

lol moonspeak
568メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 08:44:19 ID:???0

569メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 09:16:20 ID:qL+67GSB0

Imagine someone that worships the Japanese culture
when the only thing that they know about it
is that it produces some of their favorite
games, comics, and television shows. Moreover,
they mix Japanese into their speech when they only
know maybe 50 words at best, and they don't even know
how to pronounce most of those words properly.

That's a weeaboo.
570メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 09:25:20 ID:WEY0YNz10
Hello, yellow monkeys.
I am a pen.
571メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 09:28:45 ID:???0
Goodbye from Pokemon world.
572メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 09:28:54 ID:WEY0YNz10
japs need another atomic bomb
573メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 09:31:11 ID:???0

Excuse me wtf are u doing?
574メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 09:32:30 ID:???0
Don't feed the troll.
575メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 09:42:28 ID:WEY0YNz10
do you remember that we used to dance?
576意外に女の子なのですよ:2006/10/02(月) 09:46:57 ID:???0
577メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 09:47:46 ID:???0
Wow How nice international thread !

578メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 10:34:52 ID:???0
This thread, while made with honorable intentions, is very very awkward.
579メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 10:38:38 ID:???0
The chaos is the charm of 2ch.
580メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 10:44:27 ID:JgOTdb7K0
Yaaaaaaay for friendship!


You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life! Oh-oh-oh See that girl,
watch that scene, dig in the dancing queeeeeen!

Yay, I say! Yay!
581意外に女の子なのですよ:2006/10/02(月) 10:56:24 ID:???0
582メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 11:27:02 ID:???0

Why do you use US Yahoo for e-mail?
583メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 12:07:50 ID:ttx6miTH0
. . .... .. .
.8NNIMD.:. ... . ...MN..
.NNN..N8...N N .M$.?
.N8NNM 8..MN.. ..NNN.
.NNNN. .D+.:NNNNNNNN.N,. NN. ~$.
584メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 12:09:41 ID:gV+7RXWn0
I like penis です。
585意外に女の子なのですよ:2006/10/02(月) 12:10:57 ID:???0
Because I live in the US?

I'm not Japanese. I'm Swedish, though. As if that matters...

586メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 12:11:13 ID:RqxLu5aW0
I'm gay.
I'm hot guy.
You're "kichi"guy.
587メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 12:17:58 ID:SfKNn5++0
I'm gonna post this because it makes me feel fuzzy. Even if I don't know how to post an ascii pic or even if this is the post button. After the cold sad hate emerged for animesuki. :(
588メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 12:18:27 ID:???0

What is "kichi"?
589Grengo:2006/10/02(月) 12:19:02 ID:LGiY/AE20
Ahoy <(--<)
590メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 12:19:51 ID:???0
1) Japanese
2) The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

          .. -- ァ――-....
         /:::::/´ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄`\:::::::ヽ
        /::::::/ _.. -――-.、.._ ヽ:ヽ_:i__
     _[二/::/.イ {:::::::l::::::::::::::::ヽ:\l:::::ト==、/__
   rヘ ̄|::::l:‐ト、ヽ:::::ト、::`>ヤ千::|:::::|   ス/
   く^ー/!:::|:::| ,..≧ミ、:ヽ`勹ィ弐jx'|:::::|ヽノ  >
    トi::::!:::ト:|{ハト_:ハ `\´ トュ:》|リ!::::ハ:仆/
    |:イ:::::ト:{ハ` ヒ.:ソ ,    ゙ー' /_rウ⌒ミ}、
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     | ヽレ廾会ァ.. __ ー ′__イ:/}ノ    j} )
     ノ´ ⌒   }/ル┬匸/イ  ̄ `乂_ー __r'
    ( {{   孑' /´l_∠.._ヽ.r‐ ´   _)ノ
     ーt_ ー _.丈ィ{=弐==-/
       ヽ[   r廴----ィ′
         r‐7 // ̄「 |ヽ
         Y_/ /  | | |
          ノ   /  l.  {
         i ` 7   ヽ--ヘ
         |、_ {     \ァ}
          ー''      ー'′
   i     _.,,,,.,..      リ,;;;;;;:: ;;;;;:: ;;;;; ::;;;;;; \  |!   人 从
  i |   .;';;;;゙;;゙;ミミ )    (彡ノり/リノ" ミ;;;;;;,,,.. ゝ |!  ) ア (
 i| |i   i;;;;;;;;;;;;;rj      );;; ヾ、;;;;...__,,  );;;;;;;; ヾ   ) ッ (
 i| |.i    ':;;;;;;;;;;' j.     i:::) ` ;;ー--、` 〈;;;;;;;::;;; i  ) / (
 i| i i ;'.⌒''~゙,.. `⌒'ヽ.i i::/   ^:::::::.. i  ,ll/ニi ;; l  ) /(
 l| | i ;i::! ..;ノ ::;.... i )i l ヾヽ''    ゚   ))ノ;; / ) /(
  l | i. `i  ::: : .:::  :| 'ノ |  | iにニ`i,     (_/i;;; | ) !!(
   | i. |  ::. .::  ::l / || ! `ー‐'"    /  ゞ:l つ (⌒
   ,-‐‐!  ::;:   ::|i_.,-||、 ! " ̄  ,,,. /,;    ミi |l
.  i, `';:〉 ....;:::::.. ..:::゙   |.|i ヾ二--;‐' ,;; ,;   ミ ||i  i|
   \.i'´゙゙"' ;:: '''゙゙"'; ,,l | _|彡"  ,' ; /' ̄^ ̄''''\||
     ヾ_,;;;i!、._  _,;..-' .-'"  〈    ; /
591メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 12:23:55 ID:???0
592メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 12:27:09 ID:???0

         ∧_∧   ┌────────────
       ◯( ´∀` )◯ < I luv Asahina Mikuru-chan!
        \    /  └────────────
       _/ __ \_
      (_/   \_)
593メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 12:29:07 ID:???0

But are you Hardgay?
594メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 12:32:56 ID:???0
595メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 12:41:11 ID:ttx6miTH0
      _, -―-、_
    //    \`ヽ 
   /´ / /  l  ヽ丶 l_ 
   /{ i-‐'{   !`!‐--} ハi;;;ヽ あぅあぅ
   |;ヽ、N'\/ソl丿ソ }l;;;;;|  
   {;;;;| リ/// ////∠ノ.|;;;/  
   ヾハ ,ゝ、 tっ__ .イルノ!.イ 
    / /.::{}|´|{}´:.:.:.:ヽイ/ |  
   Jr/ .:.:{}|/|{}:.:.:.:.:.::.l`! 八 
596メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 14:30:28 ID:???0
A person who is insane is called "kichigai" in Japanese.
In 2ch, most of us use "kitty guy" or just "kitty" instead, as "kichigai" is not a proper word.
"kichi guy" is a kind of that I think.
597メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 15:44:14 ID:???0
                r_y'ニユ __                     / : :|    ./:
       ,. -- 、   f>:´_:_:_/´、 ―-、`丶、    /!      /: : : : :!  /: : :
.     /    \f/:/´      \::.. \  ヽ-、./ : :|    /: : : : : : :l/: : : : :
   /       f/:/ / /_/\ 、  ヽ::::.. l  .l/: : : : :!  ./: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
  /    /  .::::::ヽ!::l_ | .! ,|≧、ヽl\:lz⊂ニ/ : : : : : : !/: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
  !   i  :::::::::r=/_}}. |、|/k::::l   'k:::l/__ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
  |   |   :::::::::ゞイ|!|ヾゝ 弋zリ   , ヒソ⊂ニ-、| : : : : /l : : : : : : /!: : : : : : :/
  |   |   ::::::::::::::|j|j:: |     ,.-―ォ   |::::::::::::::|: : :/:lヽl : : : : /} |: : : : :/
  |    j  ::::::::::::::::||::: !、   {   リ  ,ハ:::::::::::::|/::|::::| l: : :/r‐' ヽ!: : /
  /   /   :::::|:::::::::||::: ヘ!` 、` ー' .イ: ',::::::::::::::,. --、| |/_T′   |/
/   /   ::::_|:_:_:_:|ヽ::::.. ヽー-、_T´  !:::. ヘ.⌒/   `TY´ ヽ    冫
.    /     /    ̄ハ::::!、 |、:_:_n:_}<ヽ::::.. ヽ      /|〈      ,. '´
   /  _/-―      〉l/ | |  ノHヽ、L_ヽ:|ヽ|        | j ,.  '´
.  /  f´           〉 _」ノ≦、  __≧=r‐-、 /     | }'´
 /   ノ⌒ヽ      l  f´      `ヾ !  ` ̄ ヽ. __ノヾ! Mikuru Beam!
./|  {`丶、__   \ |/_j::::....:::::::::::::::.......',:.   ......... ',::::::::::::::|::|
 l /`ヽ.__丶._    j'´::',::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::}:::l::::::::,|::|
ヽ!/    >、}--‐ 'ヽ.__ヽ、::::::::::::::::::,__、:::::::::::::::::::,.イ::/!:::::/j;/
. /   /   r‐- 、  ヽ::::::l` ー一'´|  l`ーr一'´ /' j/
〈    ヽ.    !:::::::::::\__|:::::!: : : : Oヽ,.イO::!‐┐
 ヽ.   ヽ  /::::::::::\::ノ::::::l : : : Oィ´ヽO/::::/
598メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 15:48:14 ID:???0

Go go magikaru Mikurun-run!
599メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 16:57:49 ID:???0
                \ │ /
                 / ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
               ─( ゚ ∀ ゚ )< FRIENDSHIP!
                 \_/   \_________
                / │ \
                    ∩ ∧ ∧  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\∩ ∧ ∧ \( ゚∀゚)<    FRIENDSHIP!
  FRIENDSHIP!   >( ゚∀゚ )/ |    / \__________
________/ |    〈 |   |
              / /\_」 / /\」
               ̄     / /
600メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 17:07:35 ID:???0
601English Kopipe Theatre:2006/10/02(月) 17:21:52 ID:???0

/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
| Hello, friendly hosts of 2channel.
| In the hope of perpetuating greater peace and understanding
| between the English-speaking world and Japan, this evening's
| program will be dedicated to English anime kopipe.
| Here is one of the most famous examples, one which every
| self-respecting 4-ch or 4chan user knows by heart.
| To fit with this thread's theme, it is dedicated to Suigintou,
| in the hopes that she will defeat Suiseiseki and halt the vile
| DESU scourge which predominates this piece.
| http://bin.4chan.org/a/src/1159770576456.jpg and
| http://bin.4chan.org/a/src/1159770576456.jpg showcase
| propaganda made by the pro-Suigintou, or at least anti-Suiseiseki.
\__ ________________________
      |/   ∫∫
   ∧,,∧    ∬
_と~,,,  ~,,,ノ_ ∀
    .ミ,,,/~),  | ┷┳━
 ̄ ̄ ̄ .し'J ̄ ̄| ┃
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ┻ 
602English Kopipe Theatre:2006/10/02(月) 17:23:17 ID:???0
Part 1:
"Does master want Suiseiseki to give him a footrub-desu?" she purred.
"No thank you," I said. "I'm rather tired. You should retire to your box."
"But master-sama, Suiseiseki doesn't like her box-desu! I want to sleep in master-sama's bed-desu!"
"Not tonight. You'll do as you're told."
"Why doesn't master-sama have real girls in his bed?"
"Is master-sama's penis too small for real girls?"
"Why aren't you saying desu?"
"Does he have to use dolls instead?"
"Master-sama showed Suiseiseki his penis once."
"It was too small even for dolls."
603English Kopipe Theatre:2006/10/02(月) 17:30:10 ID:???0
And now, the conclusion to our story:
With my right hand I snatched a pair of scissors from my desk and mashed them continually into her face.
Her little body was smashed into kindling but I did not stop.
Until her screams began to sound a bit like my voice, and I remembered that dolls did not scream, and they did not bleed.
Suddenly there was feeling in my left hand for the first time in weeks. I lifted it out of the doll's wreckage, covered in splinters and dripping from scissored wounds.
How long had my hand been inside there? How long had I been inside here, alone in my one-room apartment, talking to myself, going mad?
The bolt scraped rust from the latch as I stepped outside.
My eyes hurt, god the horizon ... it was a deal larger than 19 inches diagonally.
But after five steps my breath quickened and my chest tightened and I turned back. Enough for today. Tomorrow I would try for six. A distant memory told me that when I reached two hundred and eighty, I would make it to the bus stop.
And then I'd be free of this apartment, of this prison. And then there'd be nowhere in the world I couldn't go.
Least of all the refunds counter at Moemart in Akihabara. For fuck's sake. Suiseiseki finishes her sentences with desu.
Thank you for tuning in to "English Kopipe Theatre".
We hope you have enjoyed this evening's program and please, remember to vote for Suigintou.
Peace and love.
604メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 18:06:11 ID:???0
605:2006/10/02(月) 18:07:20 ID:???0

I hope most of Suiseiseki votes are fakes =P.
606メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 18:07:50 ID:???0
607:2006/10/02(月) 18:12:26 ID:???0
608メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 18:20:26 ID:???0
投票数:1529レス 18:17:56現在

1位 760票 源千華留@ストロベリー・パニック
2位 526票 吉田一美@灼眼のシャナ

1位 764票 翠星石@ローゼンメイデン トロイメント
2位 664票 水銀燈@ローゼンメイデン トロイメント
609メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 20:34:02 ID:???0
610メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 20:36:41 ID:???0
611メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 20:37:17 ID:???0
612メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 20:37:52 ID:???0
613メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 20:39:39 ID:???0
1) Finland
2) Yu Yu Hakusho (lol)
614メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 20:47:35 ID:???0
1) Taiwan
2) School Rumble nigakki
615メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 20:52:25 ID:???0
616メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 20:56:03 ID:???0
1) Japanese
2) Higurashi no naku koroni and Fate /stay night

Satoko love!
Iliya love!!

It votes for Suigintou today.
617メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 20:59:01 ID:???0
618メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 21:01:02 ID:???0
1) chinese
2) School Rumble
619メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 21:07:26 ID:???0
投票数:1899レス 21:02:12現在

1位 940票 源千華留@ストロベリー・パニック
2位 651票 吉田一美@灼眼のシャナ

1位 918票 翠星石@ローゼンメイデン トロイメント
2位 849票 水銀燈@ローゼンメイデン トロイメント

620メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 21:07:30 ID:???0
School Rumble is very good.
Chinese fun made School Rumble nigakki AMV.
621メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 21:14:05 ID:???0
1) france
2) Zero no tsukaima

622メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 21:23:08 ID:???0
1) US
2) Dragon Ball Z
623メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 21:24:34 ID:???0
I see what you did there.
624メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 21:30:17 ID:CilwiR5s0
2)School Rumble
625メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 21:31:06 ID:???0
1) Thailand
2) Cardcaptor SAKURA
626メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 21:34:32 ID:???0
1) Australia
2) Azumanga Daioh

627メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 21:43:02 ID:???0
Why you prefer Japanese Anime?
There are many animation films in other countries...
628メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 21:44:30 ID:???0
1) US
2) Kimi ga Nozomu Eien

Kimi ga Nozomu Eien is one of the very best romance.

629メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 21:47:03 ID:???0
630メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 21:47:15 ID:???0
world is over.
631メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 21:53:16 ID:???0
sekai wa owatta yo =)
632メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 22:03:53 ID:???0
"Higurashi no naku koroni"
Even if it is not Japanese, can you understand?

Are you interested?
633メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 22:06:57 ID:???0
"it" means the title? or the story?
634:2006/10/02(月) 22:13:08 ID:???0

I guess I like characters with big eyes + colorful hairs. Ni-ha-ha! (^0^)
635:2006/10/02(月) 22:45:31 ID:???0
1) =T Sorry
2) AIR, because it makes me cry. Misuzu~ T.T
3) I...I don't know @.@
636メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 23:09:28 ID:???0
1位 958票 源千華留@ストロベリー・パニック
2位 816票 吉田一美@灼眼のシャナ

1位 1046票 翠星石@ローゼンメイデン トロイメント
2位 944票 水銀燈@ローゼンメイデン トロイメント

結果詳細 >>281

637メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 23:09:28 ID:???0
638:2006/10/02(月) 23:10:58 ID:???0
Suigintouuuuuu!!!! NOOOOOOOOO!!!! T-T
639メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 23:16:45 ID:???0
⌒>\丶\ヽヽ ',!|/〃/ //,. ゙ : ' .: ゙ ,: ゙ ,/
 ⌒丶\丶ヽ`、', 《〈 〃ノ/. ' . '_;.,;._ ;.' , ゙ //
   __\ヽヾ:ヾ_ヾミ[]―‐[〕-''''"~´ 彡 . ゙ .゙〃
   ⌒\ ミ|{「己川ロ后叨:.: し___! 彡 ;' . ゙ /     D...
      ヾレュ三<´{(厶ニニ-‐、>ヽ ; : . ,゙i
  ⊂   ,{ {(j  } }==Y∠r:ュ.ヾ,  く;/^ヽ!
   c    { ト >-<ン ,'  ~厂 ̄´`ヽ  ,ィ个 }     Don't be upset!
   '   {〔!厂〈ー‐、 '":::...  u  }  )丿,ハ
       )|h `-'"       / (__/,/     Suigintou Party members are never upset!
.        !|  「r三三ヽ J   l  /⌒l !
        l |    } ,. ―-| u   ,/ 、_,ノj  ,r一''"~´)
         !.ハ  ノノ二ニ二!     ノ `7〈 /  ゝ''"´ __
.        | .ハ ヽ-r―‐-    ,f 、__// ヽ/-‐''(´  _,,ノ、
_,,.. -ー―ノ / ヽ  ゙ー‐  / ! `゙{'′ ノ  >‐'''(´_,,/
       ー-、 ヽ-r―‐< ,r'゙{:___ノ`ー(、__/ >''"´
   、_,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,}!,,___{  ;' /´ '゙ ̄´ ̄´  丶イ  __
  \     r―ー>''"/~"''ーく⌒ヽ._,,ノィ´   `)
    \    /  /7゙ <´      ノ  /〈   ><~´
      ヽ,/   { ヽr、\   ''"    ,. -''"―-ヽ `'ー- 、
640メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 23:19:05 ID:???0
641メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 23:20:44 ID:???0
642メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 23:28:51 ID:???0


643メロン名無しさん:2006/10/02(月) 23:59:26 ID:???0
644メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 00:02:37 ID:???0
645メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 00:05:09 ID:???0
646rei:2006/10/03(火) 00:28:48 ID:???0
I've got to support Shinku in next battle. She's the only one left on my favourite Rozen dolls list.>.<
In the other battle-field, 'Junior' must surpass 'The Brain'. >.<
647メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 00:45:26 ID:???0
Is there a plot or graph for 10/2 false votes, like >>474 for yesterday? Thanks.
648メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 00:56:43 ID:???0
649メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 01:00:41 ID:???0
Thanks again.
650メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 01:00:45 ID:???0
651メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 01:06:00 ID:???0
652メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 02:32:27 ID:???0
653メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 02:37:36 ID:???0
Suiseiseki wins desu-!
654メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 02:38:52 ID:???0

I like animation from other countries as well. But there are many unique aspects of anime that I also like.
655メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 03:03:26 ID:???0
1) Sweden
656メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 03:15:08 ID:52At38IL0
2)hokuto no ken
657メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 03:20:05 ID:MgqnhuPK0
School Ramble is popular also in Taiwan. However, is it true though is said
that the serial will end soon?It is very sad. The anime
is still done only until the second term. Please assist so that
school Rumble should not end by power in the fan of Japan of the
suzerain in school Rumble.

School Rumble 4ever

658メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 03:35:16 ID:???0
659メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 03:48:02 ID:???0
Foreigner, especially everybody in Asian nations
Sukuran is ー ..saying.. . in the excrement animated cartoon already.
turn over and wake up ..not passing.. ..Haya.. Me

660メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 03:52:53 ID:???0
661メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 03:54:10 ID:???0
662メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 04:13:31 ID:???0
School Rumble is the highest masterpiece of animation.
I like it though I live in Singapore.
I do not want to end Mr. Kobayashi's serial. I want to continue longer.
My favorite character is YakumoTsukamoto.
663メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 04:36:43 ID:???0
It is not popularly in the United States though the melancholy of Szmiya
Halhi seems to be popular in Japan.
Where of this animation is interesting?
A high-tension girl is only making noise.
664メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 04:46:42 ID:???0
I am the same opinion.
The Japanese who likes Haluhi cannot be understood.
There are no contents though drawing is wonderful.
Why is the Japanese directing this lowest story?
665メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 05:23:28 ID:???0
>>663, >>664
666メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 05:31:38 ID:???0
667メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 05:33:28 ID:???0

Haha, you sound a lot like those on 4chan who hate Haruhi. They admit the animation is nice but hate the story.

As for me, I am from America and I love Haruhi. I think it is a very funny take-off on anime comedy. Kyon's narration is very humorous.
668メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 05:34:52 ID:???0
Azumanga Daioh is fantastic animation.
669メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 05:41:37 ID:???0
They admit the animation is nice but hate the story.
670メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 05:43:25 ID:???0
671メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 05:44:43 ID:???0

Did you just accuse me of being Japanese? LOL
672メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 05:48:18 ID:???0
673メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 05:49:24 ID:???0
674メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 06:00:15 ID:???0

675メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 06:06:54 ID:???0
Szmiya Halhi? LOL

Correct spelling is Suzumiya Haruhi.
676メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 06:07:50 ID:???0
Plz write in English.
677メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 06:14:29 ID:???0
I feel the spell Szmiya Halhi is not correct but nice.
It can be literally pronounced like we (the Japanese) do.
678メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 06:17:48 ID:???0

The Japanese creators themselves spell it "Suzumiya Haruhi" though.

"Szmiya" is an impossible word in English anyways.
679メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 06:36:06 ID:???0
680メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 06:39:36 ID:???0
681メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 06:55:47 ID:???0
Get out, Japanese speakers.
682メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 07:01:34 ID:???0
683メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 07:29:55 ID:???0
all of a sudden,I want to hear great american joke.
684メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 07:33:47 ID:loLoiiZi0
I love south park!!!

誰か翻訳してください。(T T)
685メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 07:34:54 ID:???0
President George W. Bush
686メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 07:37:50 ID:???0
translation of >>684

I love South Park!!!
Hasn't it got sued?
687メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 07:39:54 ID:???0
688メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 07:45:42 ID:???0
would someone like to translate >>687 for the 外人 ?
689メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 07:54:58 ID:???0
Would someone like to test whether the popular jokes of Mori one-time Prime Minister appeal to foreigners.
690メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 08:03:01 ID:???0
PM Mori : Japan = VP Dan Quayle : USA

I remember the Hillary thing.

691メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 08:19:47 ID:???0
I googled it.
Oh, I remenber. lol!

He made many funny or terrible gaffes.
He is a legendary person, in a sence.
692メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 08:28:55 ID:???0
Thank you!!(・∀・)
693メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 10:50:38 ID:7NxfbJBa0
Anime-suki fuckin sucks
694メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 13:23:21 ID:???0

The only joke about him I know is that scene from Azumanga Daioh.
695メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 13:30:53 ID:???0
it is not joke, but boke.
696メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 15:55:40 ID:???0
Sun of a bitch!!!
Fack you!!!
697メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 16:45:17 ID:???0
English de OK.
698メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 16:47:26 ID:???0
We are Engrish user.
699メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 17:04:49 ID:???0
700メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 18:42:58 ID:???0
The melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi is animation not to be worth of seeing.
I worry about the decrease in the quality of the fan of Japan where such
animation is popular.
The world collapses when Haruhi Suzumiya becomes unpleasant.
I do not understand the fan that supports such a setting.
This animation is not popular at all in France either.
701メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 18:55:02 ID:???0
Musashi-Gun-Dou is the lowest animation.
The drawing level is very low, and the production level is also low.
The hero who puts out hips and shoots the gun is amusing.
What do you dazzle though it is not dazzling?
Such the lowest animation should not be broadcast.
702メロン名無しさん:2006/10/03(火) 21:00:31 ID:???0
703:2006/10/03(火) 22:51:07 ID:???0
Well, I do like 'The Mask'

I also like Mr. Bean the animation. It's just so silly. lol =P
i like some Disney animation too. =)
704:2006/10/03(火) 22:57:12 ID:???0
Hey, is it just me? Or is Alice getting more votes? o_O
I wonder why Japanese people like ARIA series so much. @_@
705メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 02:16:37 ID:???0
>>700 The world collapses when Haruhi Suzumiya becomes unpleasant.
I do not understand the fan that supports such a setting

It sounds like you have got moral issues with this Haruhi.
706メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 02:22:26 ID:???0
You don't understand it.
I do understand it.
That's all.
707メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 02:48:58 ID:???0
Haruhi trolls are the same all over the world.

Yet I still love her.
708メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 03:01:53 ID:???0
I have a question. Why are stories of incest so popular in manga and anime? Are Japanese sisters all bishoujo?
709メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 03:17:41 ID:???0
There is a episode of the old TV series "Twilight Zone" based on the science-fiction story "It's A Good Life" by Jerome Bixby.
The main character in "It's a Good Life" has powers similar to Suzumiya Haruhi.
The major difference is that the boy in "It's A Good Life" is aware of his powers, but Haruhi is not aware of her powers.

Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu is just a science-fiction show. I think it's a well-done and intriguing show, but you are free to disagree.
710メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 03:21:21 ID:???0

"You did a bad thing, looking at Mikuru like that, Kyon! You did a very bad thing!"

Also, does that mean the cornfield=closed space?
711メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 03:33:06 ID:???0
Persons who don't have sisters dream of ideal sisters.
712メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 03:36:32 ID:???0
713メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 04:23:26 ID:???0
"It's good that you're a cosrapist, Haruhi. It's a GOOD thing."

Probably more like cornfield = old Earth after it gets replaced by the new closed space reality.
714メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 04:40:22 ID:???0
That's it!
715メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 04:45:24 ID:???0
>They admit the animation is nice but hate the story.

They ┬ admit (that) the animation is nice
    └ hate the story
716メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 05:11:54 ID:???0
717メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 05:18:51 ID:???0
"They admit the animation is nice but hate the story" is OK.
You can exchange "admit" for "hate" and the sentence is still proper,
"They hate the animation but admit the story is nice."
718メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 05:28:01 ID:???0
A debate on 2channel about proper English grammar. Now I've seen everything.
719メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 05:31:41 ID:???0

720メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 05:36:11 ID:???0

They hate story though the goodness of animation is admitted.
721メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 05:37:37 ID:???0
I'm pretty sure that one of their ulterior motives behind opening up this
thread was to get some English tips from native speakers. Which is fine by
me since we get to talk about anime and Saimoe too.

And it's not a really a debate. Melon >>715 was just asking if the sentence
was OK. I don't really know what Melon >>716 said, and I'm Melon >>717.
722メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 05:38:34 ID:???0
The story is hated though they admit the goodness of animation.
723メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 05:40:06 ID:???0
It's helpful.
724メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 05:40:31 ID:???0
>>716 >>719


Thank you for your comment.
Now I see the point :-)
725メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 05:41:30 ID:???0
726メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 05:43:19 ID:???0
727メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 05:45:24 ID:???0
I expect comments of natives.
728メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 05:47:10 ID:???0
729メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 05:48:48 ID:???0
>their ulterior motives behind opening up this
>thread was to get some English tips from native speakers
That's probably right.
We can hardly get this kind of information at bookstores or libraries.
730メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 05:50:07 ID:???0
OK> They admit the animation is nice but hate the story.
OK> They hate the story but admit the animation is nice.
731メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 05:51:16 ID:???0
732メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 05:54:42 ID:???0
733メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 05:59:23 ID:???0
>>720 They hate story though the goodness of animation is admitted.

You should write "the story" and "the animation." It is important to use the definite articles when talking about something specific.

"They hate the story though the goodness of the animation is admitted."

>>722 The story is hated though they admit the goodness of animation.

"The story is hated" is awkward since it it written in the passive voice. It is almost always better to use the active voice in English. The subject should be the one that performs the action described by the verb.

Like this, "they hate the story."

The sentances >>720 and >>722 wrote are understandable. However, they are still awkward to read.

"They admit the animation is nice but hate the story" is much less awkward, and it is perfectly acceptable to write. If you wanted to be really precise you could write

"They admit that the animation is nice but they hate the story," but it is not necessary.

I'm sorry if I am not helpful, I cannot speak Japanese so what I say may not be clearly understandable.

734メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 05:59:32 ID:???0
The story is disliked though they admit the animation.
735メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 06:03:07 ID:???0
736メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 06:05:10 ID:???0
737メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 06:06:26 ID:???0
>I don't really know what Melon >>716 said
716 said that
"Admit" is usually used for permission.
They write funny English because they try to translate Japanese literally.
738メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 06:12:36 ID:???0
I see.
739メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 06:12:52 ID:???0
定冠詞(definite article)とか受動態(passive voice)とか。
740メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 06:15:50 ID:???0
I often see "passive voice" when writing research papers with MS Word :)
741メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 06:16:48 ID:???0
742メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 06:16:55 ID:???0


Your response made me laugh. I wrote so much and you responded with two succinct words. Was I helpful?
743メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 06:19:55 ID:???0
744メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 06:21:59 ID:???0
745メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 06:22:11 ID:???0

In that case, "admit" can mean the same thing as "permission," but it can also mean that you concede or agree with an argument someone else has made.

It is the second definition that was used, so when they say "they admit the animation is good," it means the same thing as "they agree with others that the animation is good."
746メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 06:22:44 ID:???0
747メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 06:26:03 ID:???0
748メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 06:27:34 ID:???0
P2Pやyou tubeで見てる奴がずいぶん偉そうだなw
749メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 06:33:01 ID:???0
Yes, you were.
I feel "It is almost better to use active voice in English." is a very important point.
We often get into using the passive voice, because we drop trivial subjects and don't use formal subject in Japanese,
So, we should be careful about it.
750メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 06:36:14 ID:???0
I appreciate your in-depth comment.
It's very helpfull and easy to understand for me.

>Was I helpful?
You certainly are.
I think >738 didn't think of a nice expression to thank you.
751メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 06:39:46 ID:???0
752メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 06:42:40 ID:???0
>Many viewers say Musashi Gundoh is possibly "the worst anime in the 21st century",
>something comparable with Gundress (1999), Valanoir (2002), or the 4th episode of Lost Universe (1998).
753メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 06:43:36 ID:???0
If we are discussing English questions, can I ask a question?

I have noticed it is common in anime and J-pop for people and characters to use English words randomly.
For instance, they often use words like "Thank you,""Bye bye," and "Mega"(they also usually pronounce these words incorrectly ^_^).

Do people in Japan use many English words in everyday conversation or is that only in anime?
754メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 06:57:59 ID:???0
The Japanese is using a lot of English words by the daily
However, many of those English words are already Japanese.
A lot of Japanese are using those English words as Japanese.
There is no consideration of using English.
The reason is that the pronunciation of those English words is
modified for the Japanese.
755メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 06:58:11 ID:???0
>Do people in Japan use many English words in everyday conversation or is that only in anime?
Yes, for rather casual occasions.

At more formal situations, we don't use"Thank you" but "Arigato gozaimasu",
not "Bye bye" but "Sayounara"
(Though, we use English words even at fomal situations when there are no good translations for them,
such as "monitor", "camera" or "lens", like using "karaoke" or "sushi" in English)
756メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 07:05:22 ID:???0

I see. Thank you.

I thought it was very humorous when they would speak English in Azumanga Daioh!

757メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 07:37:41 ID:???0
For example...
The following words are loan words.

レコーダー: recorder
パソコン: abbrev. of personal computer
TV: abbrev. of television
アニメ: abbrev. of animation
メーカー: maker
スポンサー: sponsor
HDDレコ: abbrev. of hard disk drive recorder
ビデオ: video
CM: abbrev. of commercial message
カット: cut
コンテンツパブリッシャー: contents publisher
メイン: main
ケース: case
クール: (The origin is unclear. Quarter (English), cours (French) and kur (German) are suggested.)
ヒット: hit
758メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 11:40:36 ID:???0

759メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 13:34:46 ID:???0
Serious Saimoe question here:

Does it matter where in the post the voting code and character name is
placed? Often I have wanted to put larger AA in my vote, and been
frustrated because it makes the post too long. However, I have seen
people placing their votes to the right of AA art and such;
for example:

 ヽ( ゚Д゚)     [r4Nd0M-cH4r4C73-r2]
   \  `⊃   <<ギコ猫@2ちゃんねる>>
    O-、 )〜

(not the best example because the AA here is so small and could easily
fit below the vote, which is how I've been doing it up to now; however
I couldn't find any larger pictures of Giko I really liked).

Thanks in advance.
760メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 13:56:16 ID:???0
You can place the voting code and character names anywhere,
of cource, to the right of AA, too.

If you don't like a wide post,
how about if you put them above and/or below the AA?
761メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 14:05:11 ID:???0
That's what I tried doing earlier, but the AAs I wanted to post were so
long that when I added the lines for vote and character I got error
messages. Since then, I've been posting only small AAs, like in >>759.

Thank you very much for the information.

762メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 14:08:51 ID:???0
One message can contain only 2048 bytes and 20 lines in the voting thread.
We should use relatively small AAs.
763メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 16:51:43 ID:???0
764メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 16:56:51 ID:???0
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唯一神 塚本天満様が素敵に過激にこのスレを占拠よ!!皆の者私に平伏せなさい! !
天満は神!!「お姉ちゃんパワー!!!」は無敵!! TENMA is god!! TENMA is god!!!
>>1 英語出来ないのに目立つんじゃないの!引っ込んでなさい(爆
>>2 金髪だからって大して可愛くないんだよねw
>>3 お前は影が薄いんだよ(プゲラ
>>4 スタイルだけで可愛さは私に敵わないってこった(ゲラ
>>5 八雲のストーカーは消えな(^^
>>7 自称英語通も消えな(藁
>>8 誰だっけ?
>>9 八雲泣かせたら許さないぞ(プ
>>10-1000 外人さんだね!

765メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 16:58:47 ID:???0

766メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 17:23:37 ID:???0
2)Akihabara Dennougumi
767メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 17:38:59 ID:???0
One question is added to >>173.

1) Country
2) What is the most favorite anime for you?
3) Do you need next thread?
768メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 17:42:33 ID:???0
769メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 18:24:04 ID:???0
1) Australia
2) Utawarerumono
3) Yes, please
770メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 18:34:47 ID:???0
          Z    r、、 j
          イrヘ<,_ `゙フ      / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
           }以 ー  r/     / There are other languages in this world, you know.
         rくト、ヽ‐/    <  Let's take a shortbreak from English and celebrate DEUTSCH
       r<\_〕lニニ〕スー- _ \___________________________
      f⌒ヽ N\_人`Y>ト、 lハ  
      |   ヽ、    〉 l  l  Y l  Ich bin der knochen meines schwertes.
      |    リ   / .人_ V }lイ   Stahl ist mein k?rper, und feuer ist mein blut.
      l    イ  /ノィ⌒ヽトイ {  Ich habe ?ber tausend klingen geschaffen.
      |    r<(  ( ッ、ノ } l|   Dem tod unbekannt.
      ト、  ∧` ーt-<⌒>-イ l     Noch dem leben bekannt.
      lハヽ 〈 〕、_ノ>(__ノイー l|  Habe dem schmerz widerstanden um viele waffen herzustellen.
      〈  ゝl /      〕-―lュ ハ   Dennoch halten jene h?nde nie alles.
      l    lイフフ>イ二ニ =「ト〈l  Damit bete ich, Unbegrenzte Blattarbeiten".
       | V.│  / !|八イ l| ヽ  
       !  V.! /    lイ〈ノ/ノ  l
       lハ ヽ      トノ∠  l  l
       l V l      l〕\  ∧ ',
       l⌒ヽ人     lー----。l  ',
       ト、_丿 「〕     lー―‐〆l   !
       `ヘヘヘj       l  //l  !
771メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 22:33:51 ID:???0
We need to write Latin-1 Supplement Characters in HTML escape code.

e.g.) ä : &auml; / ß : &szlig; / é : &eacute; / ç : &ccedil; / ø : &oslash;
772メロン名無しさん:2006/10/04(水) 23:53:55 ID:???0
Ich liebe Tamao-tschan.
773メロン名無しさん:2006/10/05(木) 02:19:27 ID:???0
Nagato will overwhelm Haruhi, I guess.
774Mr. Noname:2006/10/05(木) 02:24:36 ID:1BQ1jmAR0
775メロン名無しさん:2006/10/05(木) 02:35:38 ID:???0
That is for insane persons.
776メロン名無しさん:2006/10/05(木) 13:06:02 ID:???0
I for one welcome our new Haruhi overlords.
777メロン名無しさん:2006/10/05(木) 15:47:44 ID:???0
   /     /:/  /   │ |   \ヽ   ヽ 丶 \    
i  ,′    |/  /      !  j     ! !    !  ',  ヽ
i. |     |  /     ,′ ハ   | |ヽ/´ !   !  !ハ   Haruhi les aura!
ヽ |     l  l     / / │  i| l ハ j  |  | リ   
 N    ┼‐|ー─ -/t /- 、|   j| / { _jzム ∧ │
/ |     ', l    / 〃  _ lヽ / j/ ,イ仏}// } ∧
\_|     ヽ { /,ィ≠テ女、j/    V_;;| {  j / ハ
丁∧.       ∨ 〃{か;;;;小       ちj_ ! イl
│|仏     ハ ヾハ圦_:::jハ       `ァ  ',  ト、 l   http://www.sos-dan.org/img/src/1160029030826.jpg
│|/∧     ヽ  ヽ^)::ン‐          }i |ハ !    http://www.sos-dan.org/img/src/1160027086451.jpg
│|.厂 ヽ      \  `´        __ ノ   厶 リ  ', |     http://www.sos-dan.org/img/src/1160027355680.jpg
└‐ゝ. ーヽ    ヽ \        ` ̄     /  /  l |      http://www.sos-dan.org/img/src/1160027355680.jpg
 ヽ、 `'ー‐\    \ \             /  /    l.|       http://www.sos-dan.org/img/src/1160027259190.jpg
   \   `\   \ \         /  /     リ
ヘ    ` ー- 、 \   ' ー=>ーx‐‐ァ¬′ ,′
 \       ヽ `ミ=- ...__Xテ‐ゝ_{__八 {
   {\      `ヽ ヽ-‐‐'' ̄ ̄´___`>〈
\ ヽ `ヽ、_     }\ }     /    ̄ ヽ
  \ ヽ   `ヽ  ,ノ  リ   /        \
778メロン名無しさん:2006/10/05(木) 18:05:56 ID:BuPn9bwh0
779メロン名無しさん:2006/10/05(木) 22:02:19 ID:???0
Canary is an unnecessary child.
780メロン名無しさん:2006/10/05(木) 22:10:41 ID:???0
France is over.

【061003:海外】反日本アニメ議員 仏大統領に立候補
781メロン名無しさん:2006/10/05(木) 22:35:34 ID:???0
It is an overseas assistant.
Therefore ..understanding.., ..Japanese least...

<< Feeling of >> bold and strong woman of melancholy of Szmiya Halhi @
Szmiya Halhi.
...having rare.. budding,
Halhi is still good.

<< Eight god squally @ magic lyrical girl is squally Mr. A 's>>'s
versatile wizard.
It is bud. ..the Kansai valve.. gentle ..that..
782メロン名無しさん:2006/10/06(金) 01:06:14 ID:???0
Holocaust deniers? In my 2channel?
783メロン名無しさん:2006/10/06(金) 06:11:26 ID:lpg3wo570
this thread reminds me that i need to finally sit down and watch gundress.
784KJI ◆XDpPLAUYlQ :2006/10/06(金) 07:18:14 ID:FxKMyhFq0
785メロン名無しさん:2006/10/06(金) 15:05:01 ID:???0
The kanon is the highest animation at this season.
The level is different from Haruhi.
The story of the kanon is the highest though the story of Haruhi is
the lowest.

786メロン名無しさん:2006/10/06(金) 15:36:45 ID:???0
The Kyoto animation is a god.
The god is Kyoto animation.
The Kyoto animation made the kanon that was the god animation.
787メロン名無しさん:2006/10/06(金) 15:45:36 ID:???0
The Kanon is animation at the highest level in the history of
Japanese animation.
The most popular animation in Japan is Kanon now.
788メロン名無しさん:2006/10/06(金) 15:57:14 ID:???0
789メロン名無しさん:2006/10/06(金) 16:01:27 ID:???0
france has began tana
790メロン名無しさん:2006/10/06(金) 16:32:46 ID:???0
791メロン名無しさん:2006/10/06(金) 16:35:03 ID:???0
moonspeakers shall die
792メロン名無しさん:2006/10/06(金) 16:42:23 ID:???0
Please try the original game version released from KEY.

... or the former animation commonly called "agome (jaw anime)" by TOEI ANIMATION :-)
793メロン名無しさん:2006/10/06(金) 16:51:13 ID:???0
       _ , -、--,_----- 、
     //、\/ヘ\~ヽ、 ヽ、
     /, , ,   . 、 、 ヽヽ ヽ ヽ
    / // /┼ || | | |┼+ |  |  |
  /|  | | |_」_WWV」⊥_|| |  |  |
   ^'‐i-'ヽ|.1iji     l!_iji| |  |  |  It was long long ago...
     | | ||  ̄ '▽      | |  |  |
    || | | |        | | |    |
    || | | |        | | |    |
    || | | |        | | |    |
    || | | |        | | |    |
    || | | |         | | |    |
    || | | |        | | |    |
    || | | |        | | |    |
    || | | |       / | |    |
    | | | | |ヽ___|| | |1    |
    .レヽル レ-‐----/,/|/ | |  |
      |/   / | |ヾ / /  //ヽ   |
     ヽ´  / | |  / //  |   |
794メロン名無しさん:2006/10/06(金) 17:32:40 ID:???0
795メロン名無しさん:2006/10/06(金) 18:14:06 ID:???0
796メロン名無しさん:2006/10/06(金) 21:00:05 ID:???0
People idolize over Haruhi Suzymiya because she acts like a guy. You ever
wish you could have a girl as a friend, just to hang out with like one
of the guys? A girl that would have the same interests as you, the same
enthusiasm, the same keen observations and sense of adventure? How about
a girlfriend that you could just hang out with, have fun with, and not
have to listen to her whine and complain and leak. Haruhi Suzymiya is
that ideal "hang out with" girl. She has fans because she has all the
best traits of a guy friend you can hang out with, only she happens to
be a girl. Understand that when people idolize over Haruhi Suzymiya,
they idolize over the personality of a cool guy friend in a girl's
body- an ideal friend/partner who has the best of both worlds, and
would be nearly impossible to find.
797メロン名無しさん:2006/10/06(金) 21:32:53 ID:???0
Plz summarize it.
798メロン名無しさん:2006/10/07(土) 13:37:27 ID:???0
Summary of >>796 - Haruhi fans are closet cases
799メロン名無しさん:2006/10/08(日) 12:54:07 ID:???0
800メロン名無しさん:2006/10/08(日) 20:00:48 ID:???0
        / /
      ./ / i
      | ( ゚Д゚) <800 GET!
      |(ノi  |)  
      |  i  i
        U" U

      ,. -──- 、
       ,'::::;i:/レ'  ヽiヽ:::::::::::::::::!    ________
       l::::|'r,:=;   ,:=;、';i:::::::::::::!  /
       .,r'‐;|.l !::::i  i:::::i l |::::::::::::| <   lol wut
     ,'.三ミi 'ー'゙  'ー'゙ |:::::::::::::|   \
     | 'ri''ヾ:、  r‐┐  ,.|::::::::::::::|     ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
     l |i,__!:>'=''r‐''".i:::::r、:::::|
      ! l,|: |"  ゙、'、 ;:/::;/ ヽ:|
     l!  |大"    `''"/'"'   ヽ
     !  | ヽ|     、i  ,. イ'
      !   ' /!        l,/  |
801メロン名無しさん:2006/10/08(日) 20:03:21 ID:???0
I find it vaguely funny that everyone goes on and on about how much
Haruhi 'acts like a guy' when even the male protagonist of the series,
who most people agree is GAR-level cool cannot keep up with her.

Haruhi does not 'act like a guy' or 'like a girl'. Haruhi Suzumiya
'acts' like a complete lunatic, with zero to little regard for accepted
rules of behaviour.

I theorize that THAT is the reason she's idolized. Society tends to be
very restrictive, and we admire those that can step outside its rules
with no fear.
802メロン名無しさん:2006/10/09(月) 01:26:55 ID:???0
/b/ on 4chan is working for 14M GET.
803メロン名無しさん:2006/10/09(月) 06:58:13 ID:kW1tp9Tl0
Is this thread still alive?
804メロン名無しさん:2006/10/09(月) 07:00:20 ID:???0
805メロン名無しさん:2006/10/09(月) 07:33:58 ID:???0
"14mil GET-ter Desu"
806メロン名無しさん:2006/10/09(月) 12:31:18 ID:???0
North Korea executes the nuclear test.
807メロン名無しさん:2006/10/09(月) 13:17:24 ID:???0
N. Korea will be isolated, if China forsake N. Korea.
808メロン名無しさん:2006/10/09(月) 16:10:11 ID:???0
I don't think China will reject N Korea. They will say they are outraged,
but they will not vote against them for any UN resolution. I'm sure that
N Korea received some assurances from China before conducting the tests.

In other news, there's a rumor that Israel is about to announce the death
of former PM Ariel Sharon.
809メロン名無しさん:2006/10/10(火) 08:46:25 ID:???0

◆海外のアニメファンサブについて語るスレ 8



810メロン名無しさん:2006/10/10(火) 10:59:04 ID:???0
>>809 だけ翻訳してもあんま意味がないんじゃ。
There is little point in translating only >>809,
because people who need the translation can't read the thread.
811メロン名無しさん:2006/10/10(火) 23:29:07 ID:???0
812メロン名無しさん:2006/10/12(木) 23:18:42 ID:???0
813メロン名無しさん:2006/10/13(金) 23:09:46 ID:???0
814メロン名無しさん:2006/10/14(土) 00:09:15 ID:???0
>>811 >>812
Thank you very much.

Thanks but this link is not working.
815メロン名無しさん:2006/10/14(土) 00:18:42 ID:???0
816メロン名無しさん:2006/10/14(土) 01:33:08 ID:???0
Thanks again. The Alice fake voters were very busy.
817メロン名無しさん:2006/10/15(日) 12:33:57 ID:uDwL1s7o0

I'm voting for Shana. :)
818メロン名無しさん:2006/10/19(木) 11:42:32 ID:UxMA2YYP0
819メロン名無しさん:2006/10/19(木) 12:49:51 ID:???0
820メロン名無しさん:2006/10/19(木) 15:53:23 ID:n1Ij2fJO0
821メロン名無しさん:2006/10/19(木) 20:34:28 ID:???O
is there really a man from foreign?
822メロン名無しさん:2006/10/19(木) 23:29:44 ID:???0
823メロン名無しさん:2006/10/20(金) 02:12:53 ID:???0
824メロン名無しさん:2006/10/21(土) 23:22:24 ID:???0
825http://tadadenetoge.web.fc2.com/index.html:2006/10/22(日) 00:16:18 ID:mSEF0kbS0

826メロン名無しさん:2006/10/23(月) 23:10:10 ID:???0
827メロン名無しさん:2006/10/23(月) 23:22:27 ID:???0
828メロン名無しさん:2006/10/27(金) 01:12:15 ID:???0
Yuki @Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

Eri @School Rumble series

Eruruu @Utawarerumono

Rin @Fate/Stay Night
<<遠坂凛@Fate/stay night>>

Shana @Shakugan no Shana

Chikaru @Strawberry Panic

Nanoha @Nanoha A's

Suigintou @Rozen Maiden Traumend
<<水銀燈@ローゼンメイデン トロイメント>>

Rena @Higurashi no Naku Koro ni

Tamao @Strawberry Panic
829メロン名無しさん:2006/10/27(金) 01:13:24 ID:???0
What's your purpose?
830メロン名無しさん:2006/10/29(日) 00:55:39 ID:OrlnXEDw0
Good Lord I hate that bitch
831メロン名無しさん:2006/10/29(日) 01:02:54 ID:???0

DLKey/受信PASS/DLパスワード/パスワード は全て saimoe です。

一部のファイルが PSD ファイル(フォトショップファイル)になってたので、

Here are all the Japanese version posters (fixed version)
and some fake version posters.
All the DLKey/受信PASS/DLパスワード/パスワード are "saimoe".

I've fixed a few files which were PSD files (Photoshop files) to JPEG
in the Block Final and the Quarterfinal.

修正ファイル / fixed files
ttp://j72820.chez-alice.fr/up1/file/a2_013960.jpg   02_Block-Final/11b_Fake_Results.jpg
ttp://j72820.chez-alice.fr/up1/file/a2_013961.jpg   03_Quarterfinal/05b_Results.jpg
ttp://j72820.chez-alice.fr/up1/file/a2_013962.jpg   03_Quarterfinal/06c_Fake_Results.jpg

ブロック準決勝 / Block Semifinal (4.3 MB)   ttp://www.fileup.org/fup115915.zip.html
                             ttp://vipperup.orz.hm/uploader/src/viup21548.zip.html (ミラー / mirror)
ブロック準勝 / Block Final (6.0 MB)       ttp://up.viploader.net/src/viploader54441.zip.html
                             ttp://www.dotup.org/uploda/www.dotup.org7217.zip.html  (ミラー / mirror)
準々決勝 / Quarterfinal (2.3 MB).         ttp://uploader.tv/src/uploadertv2734.zip.html
                             ttp://nadu99.chez-alice.fr/up3/file/c2_000201.zip (ミラー、パスなし / mirror, passwordless)
準決勝 / Semifinal (1.2 MB)            ttp://kossie.run.buttobi.net/cgi-bin/up/src/kos0074.zip.html
                             ttp://nadu99.chez-alice.fr/up3/file/c2_000200.zip (ミラー、パスなし / mirror, passwordless)
決勝 / Grand Final (14.8 MB).            ttp://www.uploda.net/cgi/uploader1/index.php?dlpas_id=0000164399.zip
                             ttp://079.info/079_28246.zip.html        (ミラー 1 / mirror 1)
                             ttp://20a.mata-ri.tk/src/20M6212.zip.html  .(ミラー 2 / mirror 2)
832メロン名無しさん:2006/10/29(日) 01:17:23 ID:???0
She don't say Desu, but say Death.
833メロン名無しさん:2006/10/29(日) 03:35:51 ID:TN15b/No0
Did Desu win?
834メロン名無しさん:2006/10/29(日) 03:44:50 ID:???0
Yes, she died, ... no, she did.
835メロン名無しさん:2006/10/29(日) 10:13:34 ID:63ELxxHT0
In the Words of General Douglas MacArthur

"We will return"

-Fate Supporter
836メロン名無しさん:2006/10/29(日) 11:02:38 ID:tlj5Bwuv0
Since there'll be a Rozen OVA and Nanoha StrikerS to qualify for Saimoe 2007,
we can expect to see a similar matchup in the finals again.
837メロン名無しさん:2006/10/29(日) 16:08:53 ID:???0
AAs of Anti-Rozen set dolls down as cattles.
It's wierd because dolls don't have meat and blood.
You are clever.