good the Ghost In The Shell !!!!!

I tasted a wonderful desire by seeing Ghost In The Shell.
Because it was thought that the animated cartoon of Japan was wonderful, and had wanted to tell
the desire to a huge bulletin board of Japan, it contributed.
Ghost In The Shell is wonderful !!!!!!!!! very good !!! ;;;-p
2メロン名無しさん:2006/09/06(水) 19:10:01 ID:???O
I am a pen
3メロン名無しさん:2006/09/06(水) 20:23:05 ID:???0
unko moreru
4メロン名無しさん:2006/09/06(水) 21:55:13 ID:???0
5メロン名無しさん:2006/09/06(水) 22:19:28 ID:???O
KOTOtan moeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!
6メロン名無しさん:2006/09/07(木) 09:38:56 ID:???O
7メロン名無しさん:2006/09/07(木) 15:44:08 ID:kAvwMwkY0
>>1 should write for american!
8メロン名無しさん:2006/09/07(木) 15:46:51 ID:???0

sorry. this site is Japanese only.
9メロン名無しさん:2006/09/07(木) 19:58:27 ID:qphOsqusO
You came too late!
Everybody knows the japanimation is one
of the greatest.So that is thereason why weask you to go to Jerico and lick my ass.
10メロン名無しさん:2006/09/07(木) 20:02:29 ID:6H8uTsDCO
I love Andy.
11メロン名無しさん:2006/09/07(木) 20:20:28 ID:???0
Please watch PATLABAR THE MOVIE 1and2,same director.