There are those in Japan who have been building up some long-dormant animosity for other Asian cultures and have published such disdain for the likes of South Korea and its successful entertainment exports in Kenkanryu (Hating the Korean Wave). A manga that denigrates China was also published.
Now comes a book that attacks a growing segment of the Japanese population, otaku.
Otaku is the term for nerd or geek in Japanese. Otaku are rapidly increasing in numbers in Japan and are gaining economic clout.
The wave of small-mindedness and cultural hate continues in Japan.
With a name derived from the infamous Kenkanryu, Ohta Books has published Ken Otaku Ryu, (Hating the Otaku Wave).
Unlike Kenkanryu, Ken Otaku Ryu is not a manga. The 224-page book vilifies otaku and is a counter-piece to the recent positive press that otaku culture has received from Japanese and international media.
Among other things, the book focuses on and attacks moe and lolicon interests and states that otaku discriminate against women.