A : Is this a pen? B : No, it is an tea. A : Oh! Sorry. tea... it is an tea. B : Yes, it is a tea. A : By the way, is it a pen? B : No! It is a tea! A : Oh! Sorry! It is an tea! B : Yes, good. You are smart. Good, good. A : OK, it is an apple... but is it a pen? B : Hey you! It is an tea! A tea! A : Yes, yes... by the way, is it a pen? B : Nooo!!! It is an tea! tea!! tea!!! A : OK!! It is a pen!!! Pen!!! Pen!!! B : NOOOOOOOOO!! NO!!!! Fuck!!! tea! tea!! tea!!! It's a tea!!!!! A : Wha!? Kiss my ass!! It's fucking pen!! Pen!! A fuckin' pen!! Dammit!!! B : NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Fuck you! It is a ''tea''!! Fuck!!!!!! A : FUUUUUUCK!! Fuck you!! Fuckin' Jesus Christ!!!!!! IT'S A FUCKIN' DAMN PEN!!! B : NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Fuck you!! Fuck you!!! tea!! tea!!! tea!!!!