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IMF Fiscal Monitor Update: Nurturing Credibility While Managing Risks to Growth, July 2012
>Following a political agreement in Japan, the draft bill to double
the consumption tax rate in stages to 10 percent by 2015 passed
the lower house in late June and has been sent to the upper house.
This welcome development sends a positive signal of commitment to fiscal adjustment and reform.
>To support further fiscal consolidation and mitigate the negative economic impact
of the consumption tax increase , adjustment measures should be complemented
by efforts to raise growth through structural measures , supportive monetary policy ,
and fiscally -prudent , growth -friendly tax and expenditure reforms .
>To anchor market expectations, country authorities need
to specify adequately detailed medium-term plans aimed at lowering debt ratios and backed
by binding legislation or fiscal frameworks.
Among large advanced economies, both the United States and Japan still lack such plans.
>However , in case of a major shock to the recovery ,
fiscal policies may need to be recalibrated in countries with fiscal space ,
in the context of a reassessment of the overall macroeconomic policy mix .
To ensure a timely fiscal response , contingency plans should be ready
>Figure 5 illustrates that for most advanced economies ,
expenditure restraint is indeed part of their consolidation plans.
Where there is room for revenue increases , as in the United States and Japan ,
opportunities should be exploited to widen bases by eliminating exemptions
and unwarranted special treatment under the tax code rather than just raising rates .