SBCTについて その10

>>147 パラオ出身の米軍人はパラオ当局筋によると200名
Jasper Obakrairur三等軍曹(26歳)、2009年6月1日アフガニスタンのNerkh村で路肩爆弾により戦死

Palau divided over countrymen fighting for U.S.
Itsuo Inouye / Associated Press
U.S. honor guards carry the coffin of Sgt. Jasper Obakrairur during a funeral
at the Palau Capitol building.The small nation is one of a handful of Pacific islands
that have suffered a disproportionate number of casualties.
Many young people become U.S. soldiers in part to escape poverty.
By John M. Glionna
8:38 AM PDT, June 16, 2009
Reporting from Koror, Palau