


2名無し三等兵:2009/01/05(月) 15:58:14 ID:mrfvIl3w
Is this thread poceeding age?
3名無し三等兵:2009/01/05(月) 16:02:28 ID:yOtxQP/d
This is a pen
4名無し三等兵:2009/01/05(月) 16:02:45 ID:mrfvIl3w
Yes. this thread recommend age proceeding.
5名無し三等兵:2009/01/05(月) 16:12:30 ID:???
Hello Hello

I can't speak English

6霧番:2009/01/05(月) 16:15:10 ID:/1WT9MfE
5 Kato would be sex with Gina.
If sex with five to 07 Gina Kato year shy of heaven.
5 to sex with Gina Kato swimming in a bathing suit you.
5 to sex with Gina Kato's made it.
Gina and five Kato fuckable secretary in suit you.
5 Gina Kato and his fuckable if bloomer.
Gina Kato and five of his sex to school if swimwear.
5 can have sex with Gina Kato bunny if cosplayer.
5 Kato fuckable leotard and Gina would cut high.
5 can have sex with Gina Kato cosplayer if Sarah's clothes.
5 can have sex with Gina Kato cosplayer if the flight attendant.
5 Can the man with a nipple弄RI Kato Gina me that if Cosplay of Mai Shiranui.
5 Wanking and they have a deep kiss Gina Kato was a warrior as a sailor would cosplayer.
Gina姦five students are female teachers look Kato Aki blouse breast Chile Pickard, deputy TAITOMINI through you and me through the depth charge.

5 I have been married the mother of Gina Kato you all the time, would you like me to serve you in淫RA sex.
Can the mother of Gina in孕N like Kato in my genes!
5 JSF would invoke the law
If the next five空自the F/A-18F F-X
Outline of the defense if the former east
※ disabled and rejected, rejected, can not be canceled.
7名無し三等兵:2009/01/05(月) 16:17:33 ID:mrfvIl3w
>>5 is too sad to see.
Buuuut! Let's try again and again with slung english or you will stay don't speak english parmanent!
8名無し三等兵:2009/01/05(月) 16:19:45 ID:mrfvIl3w
Write in english by myself.
9名無し三等兵:2009/01/05(月) 16:20:33 ID:???
・・・・Don't mind!
10名無し三等兵:2009/01/05(月) 16:30:31 ID:yOtxQP/d
I like sex ! Ok?
11名無し三等兵:2009/01/05(月) 16:31:55 ID:mrfvIl3w
I expect to not to your dreams come true.
12名無し三等兵:2009/01/05(月) 16:34:05 ID:???
Me too!
but I have never been to sex.
13名無し三等兵:2009/01/05(月) 16:40:52 ID:???
Mitsubishi heavy induetry
Kawasaki heavy industry
Ishikawajimaharima heavy industry
14名無し三等兵:2009/01/05(月) 16:43:27 ID:Mp70shjH
I think that it is important to talk by Morse code for emergency.

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ー・ ・ ・・・− ・ ・−・
ー・・ ・ ・ −・
 − −−−
・・・・ ・− ・・・− ・
・・・ ・ ー・・−  
・−・・ ・・ −・− ・
・−−−− ・・−−−
15Three other soldiers名無SH:2009/01/05(月) 16:43:59 ID:???
Write to the Memorial
16名無し三等兵:2009/01/05(月) 16:51:51 ID:???
Not Three other soldiers名無SH but nemeless three other soldiers isn't it?
17名無し三等兵:2009/01/05(月) 16:58:43 ID:???
The nemeless third class soldiers
18private parts:2009/01/05(月) 17:13:46 ID:???
19名無し三等兵:2009/01/05(月) 17:16:21 ID:???
20名無し三等兵:2009/01/05(月) 17:17:27 ID:???
20 res anniversary!
21名無し三等兵:2009/01/05(月) 17:33:13 ID:???
Private Lian
22名無し三等兵:2009/01/05(月) 17:44:43 ID:???
What the hell is specific militarily theme in this “sure”?
What do you wanna chat about?
23名無し三等兵:2009/01/05(月) 17:49:00 ID:???
anything OK

When I looked the word "sure", I thought it was meaning "of course".
24名無し三等兵:2009/01/05(月) 18:03:27 ID:???
25名無し三等兵:2009/01/05(月) 18:05:00 ID:???
There is many pieces of fresh information about Israel-Palestine conflict.
So it's optimum topic for the moment, I think.
26名無し三等兵:2009/01/05(月) 18:07:44 ID:???
There is

There are

27名無し三等兵:2009/01/05(月) 18:40:05 ID:???
In Israel-Palestina conflict, Israel has begun to participate army troops to invade to Gaza.
What is Israel end up want to do?
28名無し三等兵:2009/01/05(月) 18:45:34 ID:???
×:What is Israel end up want to do?
○?:What does Israel Israel end up? Is there Exit strategy with Israel?
29名無し三等兵:2009/01/05(月) 18:48:48 ID:???
○?:What does Israel want end up? Is there Exit strategy with Israel?

30名無し三等兵:2009/01/05(月) 19:00:31 ID:???
Israel's exit strategy? I can't imagine how they think about it.
Is there no possibilty that they try to change Gaza into land of Israel?
31名無し三等兵:2009/01/05(月) 19:15:34 ID:???
It seem that they don't seek the desicive result by this invasion.
They just seek a short peace by destruction of Hamas military.
32名無し三等兵:2009/01/05(月) 20:25:44 ID:???
This conflict is also go to maze.
I think it's lucky to Israel force have no nuclear arms.
Melcapas are also active in Palestina self goverment area.
33名無し三等兵:2009/01/05(月) 20:44:16 ID:???

34名無し三等兵:2009/01/05(月) 21:00:10 ID:???
What does Israel leader think? 
Punishment war will bring about revenge. They do this cycle again and again.
Although obviously Hamas's leading members won't think anything longer too.
35名無し三等兵:2009/01/05(月) 21:02:27 ID:???
Israel-Palestine conflict?

I guess, Israel want Hamas to collapse. And Hamas want to show the world it will endure
hardships, and later declare victory.
36名無し三等兵:2009/01/06(火) 00:14:22 ID:???
This thinking is catastrophy flug.
37名無し三等兵:2009/01/06(火) 00:32:03 ID:weunoWkT
Is this thread only English?
Thinking of world militaries, we must admit the others language.
38名無し三等兵:2009/01/06(火) 00:36:45 ID:???
It's impossible is it?
39名無し三等兵:2009/01/06(火) 03:36:41 ID:???
hi all
40名無し三等兵:2009/01/06(火) 03:53:47 ID:7Pd0OiTo
Du bist ein Günstling vom Englischen Imperialismus!
Deutsch ist passend in diesem Armeeausschuss!!
41名無し三等兵:2009/01/06(火) 08:40:12 ID:???
Which language did you use?
42名無し三等兵:2009/01/06(火) 09:19:30 ID:???
In English please.
But I respect your German.
43名無し三等兵:2009/01/06(火) 09:37:21 ID:???
He use a German.

>>40 want to sya that >>1 is imperialism, because he use english.
German is matching to use this military community.

Sorry,my foreign language skill is not so good.
maybe Japanese to?
44名無し三等兵:2009/01/06(火) 15:38:00 ID:???
Oh! How good German you are!

I see. Thank you for nice assist. Nevertheless, both German and english complicate for me.
I wish Japanese was common language.
45名無し三等兵:2009/01/06(火) 16:45:44 ID:???
Please bring me brids Apam!
46名無し三等兵:2009/01/06(火) 20:04:25 ID:weunoWkT
47名無し三等兵:2009/01/06(火) 20:54:46 ID:???
48Baraku Obama:2009/01/06(火) 22:33:32 ID:eqYzOMbg
Yes We Can!
49名無し三等兵:2009/01/06(火) 22:50:52 ID:???
Let's chat with english.
50名無し三等兵:2009/01/06(火) 23:03:35 ID:???
Show it doing myself,
teach it and make one's men do.
But for praise,
One's men won't move.

A wise saying by admiral Isoroku Yamamoto.
51名無し三等兵:2009/01/06(火) 23:07:14 ID:???
Could you possibility check >>50's grammer?
52名無し三等兵:2009/01/06(火) 23:22:32 ID:???
Jawohl herr kommandant!
53名無し三等兵:2009/01/07(水) 02:12:47 ID:???
>>51 Sorry, I can't.

54名無し三等兵:2009/01/07(水) 02:54:56 ID:???
55名無し三等兵:2009/01/07(水) 23:26:19 ID:???
Tamam. Turkeyede konusma yapalim!
56名無し三等兵:2009/01/08(木) 21:10:47 ID:???
>>54 >>55
Please read this thread title and air.
57名無し三等兵:2009/01/08(木) 22:00:27 ID:???
???? ????
58名無し三等兵:2009/01/08(木) 22:43:09 ID:???
read air?
59名無し三等兵:2009/01/08(木) 22:47:36 ID:???
sry tk
60名無し三等兵:2009/01/08(木) 23:37:02 ID:???
sence a mood
61名無し三等兵:2009/01/09(金) 17:17:10 ID:???
Don't provoke.
It's foolish and not constructive.
Read >>1 again.
62名無し三等兵:2009/01/09(金) 21:59:39 ID:k83tJJkl
63名無し三等兵:2009/01/10(土) 00:56:57 ID:???

What do you think the best general in ARMY.
In addition to reason as possible.
64名無し三等兵:2009/01/13(火) 21:44:03 ID:n57agYz8
CODES FOR SPELLING:(used in vocal communications)

"A" as in Alfred    "B" as in Benjamin   "C" as in Charlie
"D" as in David    "E" as in England    "F" as in Frank
"G" as in George    "H" as in Harry    "I" as in Isac
"J" as in Jack     "K" as in King     "L" as in London
"M" as in Mary     "N" as in Nancy     "O" as in Oliver
"P" as in Peter     "Q" as in Queen     "R" as in Robert
"S" as in Samuel     "T" as in Tommy     "U" as in Uncle
"V" as in Victor     "W" as in Williams    "X" as in X-ray
"Y" as in Yellow     "Z" as in Zebra
65名無し三等兵:2009/01/14(水) 01:20:50 ID:5FWWjUYN
>>64 sir!, ゙R゙ is Roger, sir!
66名無し三等兵:2009/01/14(水) 03:49:36 ID:???

Alpha Brabo Charlie Delta Echo Foxtrot Golf Hotel India Juliet Kilo Mike November Oscar Papa Quebec Romeo Sierra Tango Uniform Victor Whiskey X-ray Yankee Zulu
67名無し三等兵:2009/01/14(水) 03:50:37 ID:???
Lima _| ̄|○
68名無し三等兵:2009/01/22(木) 02:48:24 ID:???
But,I wright nothing.
69名無し三等兵:2009/01/26(月) 13:20:43 ID:???
Oh!!There is nothing people talk in here.
70名無し三等兵:2009/01/26(月) 15:42:17 ID:???
Actually, I'm here.

What do you want to talk?
71名無し三等兵:2009/01/29(木) 18:32:55 ID:NhjTY5Ui
Japan should spend most of the defense spending on the air self defense force.
Because, the command of the air hardly lead the force to lose,
but I think the JASDF does not have enough equipment.
72名無し三等兵:2009/01/30(金) 21:13:46 ID:???
Well, I think that's a bit much, but I agree with you that we should allocate more money to the Air Force.
But actually I think what we need to do more is to build military mueseums in order to interest everbody in self defence...I..I'm really not saying because I want it!
73名無し三等兵:2009/01/30(金) 21:20:22 ID:???
74名無し三等兵:2009/02/01(日) 14:50:02 ID:???
Thank you for responding to my poor English.
I know the idea is old that the command of the air is most important.
But for defense using the conventional wepon, that is still right, I think.
I wish if JASDF could have domestic fighter plane specilized for the air defense of Japan.

The idea of military museams is nice!
In addition, I want more history classes and phisical training of military for school,
and military affairs as a foundation course for all universities...just for education.
75名無し三等兵:2009/02/01(日) 17:26:20 ID:???
76名無し三等兵:2009/02/01(日) 19:27:27 ID:???

Lets extend our vocabulary like this
77名無し三等兵:2009/02/04(水) 16:57:31 ID:???
78名無し三等兵:2009/02/04(水) 17:37:45 ID:???
79名無し三等兵:2009/02/04(水) 22:19:12 ID:???
Tango down.
80名無し三等兵:2009/02/05(木) 00:53:04 ID:???

dejima 板



81名無し三等兵:2009/02/05(木) 01:08:16 ID:???
>>80 I can't read Japanese. Please write in English, please.

I guess it say something about the bulletin boards, but I'm not so sure.

Is there anyone who comprehends Japanese? Please help us.
82名無し三等兵:2009/02/05(木) 06:11:15 ID:???
>>80 is simply saying "just ignore me".
83名無し三等兵:2009/02/05(木) 23:43:11 ID:???
>>80 must be lonly.
He want be only playing with us
84名無し三等兵:2009/02/06(金) 00:03:12 ID:???
World is too harsh for someone, who needs help. I know.

But the point is in most situations, only he himself can help him.

What is the best way to enpower himself, I just want to cheer him up.
85名無し三等兵:2009/02/06(金) 00:06:18 ID:???
86名無し三等兵:2009/02/06(金) 00:15:02 ID:???
What do you laugh at? It's sad to know some people show no sympathy at all.
87名無し三等兵:2009/02/06(金) 00:42:44 ID:???
>80 is God!
88名無し三等兵:2009/02/06(金) 12:19:11 ID:???
The god of battlefield is artillery. >>80 is not artillery. Though still, he could be God.
I guess there are lots of Gods in Yasukuni. It's full of Gods, who died in youth, sometimes
in old, somewhere far in the Pacific Oceans, somewhere in Burma, Chinese Continents,
SYberia and so on.

War is ugly. Life is beautiful. But war is still going on on the earth.
And sometimes, there is no choice but send young people to battlefield.

I'm wondering what the nation stands for. The thoughts of Killing others and being killed by
are really fearful and I just cry.

I don't know what to say, but I just wish those who is going are safe and return in tact and one piece.
89名無し三等兵:2009/02/19(木) 21:57:50 ID:???
F-2's technical presence was denied in US General accounting office.


I'm too sad to stand.
Leave F-2 alone.