http://www.lonesentry.com/articles/jp_type97_tank/index.html The caliber .50 machine gun fired on the Japanese tank
at three different ranges35 yards, 50 yards, and 100 yards.
In firing on the front of the tank at a range of 35 yards,
penetrations were registered on the ball-mounted machine gun
only; no penetrations were made on the vision aperture, turret,
or curved or sloping surfaces. At 50 yards, 35 percent penetrations
were made in the plate behind the suspension system (on the side of the tank),
the hall mount of the rear machine gun, and the under surface ofthe rear of the tank.
At 100 yards, no penetrations were made on any part of the tank.
100ヤード以上では全周対12.7mm防御(最も薄いLower hull side:車体側面下部で9mm厚)。
1936年〜45年当時のM2 Ballで19mm@500mと7.7mm級APを凌ぐ威力だった
http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/munitions/images/cal50evol.gif http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/munitions/50.htm チハが小銃弾で抜けるという逸話はデマだろうな