>>891 >どんな自動銃でも装填して50cmで落下試験すれば暴発する
from a drop height of 1m + 1cm (39.4 + 0.4 in.) onto the largest side of a slab ofsolid concrete
having minimum dimensions of 7.5 X 15 X 15 cm (3 X 6 X 6 in.).
(中略)The following six drops shall be performed:
(a) Normal firing position with barrel horizontal.
(b) Upside down with barrel horizontal.
(c) On grip with barrel vertical.
(d) On muzzle with barrel vertical.
(e) On either side with barrel horizontal.
(f) If there is an exposed hammer or striker, on the rearmost point of that device,
otherwise on the rearmost point of the weapon.