韓国軍総合スレ 190


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333 名前:<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん[sage] 投稿日:2006/12/14(木) 19:36:42 ID:7tQFzmXY
>>332 パパ・ブッシュの中国の大学での講演はロイターが以下のように報じていますが日本の歴史に触れたとは書いていません・・
Bush Sr. worried China faces trade backlash in U.S.
By Ben Blanchard | December 14, 2006 BEIJING (Reuters)


BEIJING (Reuters) - China needs to do more to address its trade deficit with the
United States or risk a backlash from protectionist elements in the newly Democrat
-controlled legislature, former President George Bush said on Thursday.

Bush, father of the current U.S. president and a self-described "old friend" of China,
scarcely mentioned human rights in his speech at a Chinese university, praising the
Beijing government and saying Sino-U.S. ties would be this century's most important relationship.

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643 名前:マンセー名無しさん[sage] 投稿日:2006/12/14(木) 20:11:00 ID:xRxIbA5Q

Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, who stepped down from the top post in September,
for his repeated visits to the shrine, an act that has caused problems with Japan's neighbors,
including China and the two Koreas.

Bush, father of current U.S. President George W. Bush, said the Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo,
which honors Japanese war criminals along with other war dead, continues to distort the history of the conflict.