274 名前: <丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´ )さん Mail: sage 投稿日: 2006/06/25(日) 14:02:08 ID: LTiSHt+S
ttp://www.nytimes.com/2006/06/25/weekinreview/25onishi.html U.S. Needs Japan's Diplomacy, but Tokyo Isn't Talking
By NORIMITSU ONISHI Published: June 25, 2006
By ノリミツ・オーニシ
But at a time when regional cooperation is needed as well, Japan is barely talking to
China and South Korea. In fact, on Thursday, South Korea's President Roh Moo Hyun said
that his country must strengthen its military deterrence, not against the North, but
against Japan, because of a worsening territorial dispute.
"The Yasukuni issue is undermining the efficacy of Japanese diplomacy in the region,"
said Kent Calder, director of the Reischauer Center for East Asian Studies at Johns Hopkins.
"And that is important for the United States, particularly in a period when we are so
involved in the Middle East and we don't have the resources and time that we should be
devoting to East Asia."
If Asia has been troubled by the rise of Japanese nationalism, it has also been perplexed
by America's silence. Yasukuni, after all, enshrines leaders who waged war against the
United States, too, and its museum propagates the rightist view that the United States
forced Japan into war.
"It is one thing not to encourage Japanese nationalism, but the United States has not been
discouraging it either," said Han Sung Joo, a former South Korean ambassador to the
United States. "Japan seems to have little regard for how South Korea sees things, and
the United States seems to have little regard for how Japan affects Korean sensitivities."
ない」と前駐米韓国大使のHan Sung Jooがいう。「日本は韓国のもののみかたに全く注意を払わ
Ambassador Schieffer said he found the view of history propagated by the Yasukuni war museum
"very disturbing."
"If you viewed those exhibits or read those explanations, I think any American would be
uncomfortable," Mr. Schieffer said, adding, however, that he believed Mr. Koizumi's
explanations about his visits.