My Litlle Pony 1 [転載禁止]©

Fuck Celestia
2Anonymous:2015/01/16(Fri) 01:56:57.99
Fuck MLP, get that shit out of here, nigger.
3Anonymous:2015/01/16(Fri) 04:45:50.66
/carcom8/ is two doors down the hall
4Anonymous:2015/01/16(Fri) 09:44:17.23
Flattershy taso~
5Anonymous:2015/01/16(Fri) 14:58:52.60 BE:247132331-DIA(150052)

Molestia is fuckin' bitch.
6Anonymous:2015/01/16(Fri) 15:14:33.22
This thread shouldn't be here

Comics & Cartoons
7Anonymous:2015/01/17(Sat) 01:08:57.40
Maybe the rules should mention that this board is specifically for Japanese anime and manga.

It is obvious from the western point of view, but maybe not from the Japanese one.
8Anonymous:2015/02/14(Sat) 20:35:12.75
9Anonymous:2015/02/22(Sun) 02:08:29.96
keep calm and be 20% cooler
10Anonymous:2015/02/23(Mon) 03:38:44.60
I have Pinkie Pie Dick
11Anonymous:2015/02/24(Tue) 19:52:18.94
rainbow dash kawaii
12Anonymous:2015/02/25(Wed) 00:15:27.58
I'd like to work at Sweet Apple Acres
13Anonymous:2015/02/25(Wed) 02:35:28.40
nihongo kakenai
douse nihonjinshika tsukatte naidesho koko
14Anonymous:2015/02/27(Fri) 18:10:42.95
hey AJ, will you marry me??
15Anonymous:2015/03/02(Mon) 00:07:31.88
16Anonymous:2015/03/03(Tue) 03:53:43.30
17Anonymous:2015/03/04(Wed) 09:19:16.96
Null One two carry Tall Moom

Yam etc nally Math Yoh! Book at two!!
18Anonymous:2015/03/04(Wed) 09:20:53.82
I Wan't a cook NA cut a Key?
My tintin is a really week bunny.