serial experiments lain lif.05

And you don't seem to understand  (わからないのね)
A shame you seemed an honest man  (残念だわあなたがとても誠実そうに見えるのは)
And all the fears you hold so peak  (胸に抱いてる恐れからだということを)
Will turn to whisper in your ear  (耳元でささやいてるわ)
And you know what they say might hurt you  (傷つくことを言われても)
And you know that it means so much  (それが、重要だとわかっていても)
And you don't even feel a thing  (あなたは何一つ感じない)

I am falling, I am fading, (落ちていく、消えていく)
I have lost it all (私は全てを失った)