【神のみぞ知るセカイ】あたふたエルシイ あわあわわいい 7

What I'm seeing......Is it real? What I'm feeling......Is it real? What I'm doing......Is it real?
There is no regrets, satisfy my curiosities There is a new world waiting, explore my possibilities There is no guarantee, just improve my abilities
〈Go ahead with your own lifeIsthereany hopein your sight?〉
There is a choice to make, setting the right priorities
〈You will alwaysbetheone, sofeel the power And you should know the sun comes up - For you〉
There is no regrets, satisfy my curiosities There is a new world waiting,
explore my possibilities There is no guarantee, just improve my abilities There is a choice to make, setting the right priorities
〈What is the best you can do? How can you do?〉 I was sitting and thinking the other day
〈What is the best you can do? How can you do?〉 If I fail,I won't throw my passion away
〈What is the best you can do? How can you do?〉 Just 'cause giving up is not the only way No matter how it's gonna be, I'll try it anyway
Love is such a sweet illusion(Let's come together) Can't seem to stop my imagination(Goes on forever)
What a ridiculoussituation(Another matter) But I can't deny, I'm faced with a tricky temptation
In the world that keeps on changing Don't know why my heart is aching Gotta handle it,
no more hesitation There can be no turning back
God only knows "My mind is as free as the wind But now what I should do is to fall in love"
God only knows "I don't need that kind of real things Feels like I'm lost in the labyrinth"
God only knows "There must be the meaning of life Somehow unexpected happenings thrill me"
God only knows "Just believein myself and my dream Anyone could be a hero and heroine"
God only knows "Though it's not so easy to get through Here I am, I'm surethatthingswill go my way"
God only knows "My mind is as free as the wind But now what I should do is to fall in love"
God only knows "I don't need that kind of real things Feels like I'm lost in the labyrinth"
God only knows "There must be the meaning of life Somehow unexpected happenings thrill me"
God only knows "Just believein myself and my dream Anyone could be a hero and heroine"
God only knows "Though it's not so easy to get through Here I am, I'm surethatthingswill go my way"


〈Sailing, you're sailing away And now it's blowing, breeze will takeyou away〉
I feel that my spirits rise I will survive and just stay alive Enjoy being alone,
the isolation is not always so bad Another day has gone by, every day goes by In the sky,
there'd be a bridge to a brighttomorrow
〈You will find your treasureand shareyourpleasure Let me tell you...〉
〈Just keep your vision, your dream, and your soul alive Be as you are, I will alwaysberight by yourside〉
Think about my love and my life In an uncertain world, face to face with myself
Continue to make progress, day by day and step by step I've got a good feeling
So I'm gonna keep on trying, life will go on......

496名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2012/08/04(土) 23:25:54.78 ID:yLrW8Y4d0

ボクが感じていること・・・現実(リアル)なのか? ボクがしていること・・・現実(リアル)なのか?

後悔なんて微塵もない、好奇心を満たすのさ 新しいセカイが待っている、自分の可能性を探るんだ
保証なんて何もない、ただ自分の能力だけを向上させ てゆく
<キミ独自の人生を行くんだ・・・キミの瞳に希望は 映っているのかい?>
<キミはいつだって唯一の存在、だからチカラを感じ て、そして忘れないで 日は昇る・・・キミのために>

後悔なんて微塵もない、好奇心を満たすのさ 新しいセカイが待っている、自分の可能性を探るんだ
保証なんて何もない、ただ自分の能力だけを向上させ てゆく 選び取れるさ、正しいルートを設定することを


<キミができる最高のことは何?どうやったら攻略で きる?>
<キミができる最高のことは何?どうやったら攻略で きる?> もし失敗しても、ボクは情熱を捨てたりなんてしない さ
<キミができる最高のことは何?どうやったら攻略で きる?> だって、諦めることがたった一つの攻略法ではないか らね
どんな状況になろうと関係ない、とにかく頑張ってみ るよ


恋はそう甘い幻想(一緒に行こう) ボクの想像は止められそうにない(永遠に続く)
全くあきれた状況だよ(これはまた別の問題) だけど拒めなくて、油断できない誘惑に直面している のさ

変わり続けるセカイの中で なぜ胸が痛くなるの?わからないよ
やるしかないさ、躊躇なんかいらない もう後戻りは出来ないんだ
497名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2012/08/04(土) 23:26:47.57 ID:yLrW8Y4d0
神のみぞ知る “ボクの心は風と同じように自由 でも今ボクがすべきなのは恋に落ちること” 神のみぞ知る “
そんな現実(リアル)なんて僕には必要ない まるで迷宮に迷い込んだ気分だよ
” 神のみぞ知る “そこに人生の意味があるに違いない どういうわけか、予期せぬ出来事がボクをワクワクさ せるんだ
” 神のみぞ知る “自分自身と自分の夢をただ信じよう 誰だってヒーローやヒロインになれるはずさ
” 神のみぞ知る “切り抜けるのはそう簡単じゃないけど ボクはここにいる、物事は思い通りに進んでゆくだろ う
”神のみぞ知る “ボクの心は風と同じように自由 でも今ボクがすべきなのは恋に落ちること
” 神のみぞ知る<キミ自身の幸せを見つけられるさ> “そんな現実(リアル)なんて僕には必要ない まるで迷宮に迷い込んだ気分だよ
” 神のみぞ知る<キミの無限の力を感じられるさ> “そこに人生の意味があるに違いない どういうわけか、予期せぬ出来事がボクをワクワクさ せるんだ
” 神のみぞ知る<機会(チャンス)を手に入れられるさ > “自分自身と自分の夢をただ信じよう 誰だってヒーローやヒロインになれるはずさ
” 神のみぞ知る<未来へと向かって叶えられるさ> “切り抜けるのはそう簡単じゃないけど ボクはここにいる、物事は思い通りに進んでゆくだろ う”


<航海、キミは航海の最中さ そして今、風が吹いている 風がキミを遠くへ運んで ゆくだろう>

気分が上がってくるのを感じるよ ボクは乗り切って、そして生きてゆくさ 独りでいることを楽しんでいるし、
孤独はそんなに悪 いものじゃない 別の日が過ぎて、毎日が過ぎてゆく 空には、輝く明日への架け橋があるだろう

<キミはキミの宝物を見つけ、そして喜びを分かち合 うだろう キミに伝えたいことがあるよ・・・>

<キミの想像力、夢、そして魂をそのまま生かし続け て キミはキミらしくいて、ボクはいつもキミのそばにい るから>

ボクの愛と人生について考えてみる 不確かなセカイの中で、自分自身へと向き合って 進歩し続けてゆくんだ、
日々、着実に・・・良いことが起こりそうな予感がするよ だから、頑張り続けるのさ、人生は続いてく・・・・・・
498名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2012/08/04(土) 23:29:12.80 ID:yLrW8Y4d0
What I'm seeing......Is it real? What I'm feeling......Is it real? What I'm doing......Is it real?
There is no regrets, satisfy my curiosities There is a new world waiting, explore my possibilities There is no guarantee, just improve my abilities
〈Go ahead with your own lifeIsthereany hopein your sight?〉
There is a choice to make, setting the right priorities
〈You will alwaysbetheone, sofeel the power And you should know the sun comes up - For you〉
There is no regrets, satisfy my curiosities There is a new world waiting,
explore my possibilities There is no guarantee, just improve my abilities There is a choice to make, setting the right priorities
〈What is the best you can do? How can you do?〉 I was sitting and thinking the other day
〈What is the best you can do? How can you do?〉 If I fail,I won't throw my passion away
〈What is the best you can do? How can you do?〉 Just 'cause giving up is not the only way No matter how it's gonna be, I'll try it anyway
499名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2012/08/04(土) 23:32:55.28 ID:yLrW8Y4d0

Love is such a sweet illusion(Let's come together) Can't seem to stop my imagination(Goes on forever)
What a ridiculoussituation(Another matter) But I can't deny, I'm faced with a tricky temptation
In the world that keeps on changing Don't know why my heart is aching Gotta handle it,
no more hesitation There can be no turning back
God only knows "My mind is as free as the wind But now what I should do is to fall in love"
God only knows "I don't need that kind of real things Feels like I'm lost in the labyrinth"
God only knows "There must be the meaning of life Somehow unexpected happenings thrill me"
God only knows "Just believein myself and my dream Anyone could be a hero and heroine"
God only knows "Though it's not so easy to get through Here I am, I'm surethatthingswill go my way"
God only knows "My mind is as free as the wind But now what I should do is to fall in love"
God only knows "I don't need that kind of real things Feels like I'm lost in the labyrinth"
God only knows "There must be the meaning of life Somehow unexpected happenings thrill me"
God only knows "Just believein myself and my dream Anyone could be a hero and heroine"
God only knows "Though it's not so easy to get through Here I am, I'm surethatthingswill go my way"
〈Sailing, you're sailing away And now it's blowing, breeze will takeyou away〉
I feel that my spirits rise I will survive and just stay alive Enjoy being alone,
the isolation is not always so bad Another day has gone by, every day goes by In the sky,
there'd be a bridge to a brighttomorrow
〈You will find your treasureand shareyourpleasure Let me tell you...〉
〈Just keep your vision, your dream, and your soul alive Be as you are, I will alwaysberight by yourside〉
Think about my love and my life In an uncertain world, face to face with myself
Continue to make progress, day by day and step by step I've got a good feeling
So I'm gonna keep on trying, life will go on......