舞-(乙)HiMEのなつき(ナツキ)好き集まれ Part13 >>949 おやおやマジですわw まぁ〜話しの筋が分かるので軽くスル〜をっと
だんごはひどいw でも、顔は丸くても表情次第で男前になるのもなつきの特徴 24話は格好良すぎて痺れたよ。OVAであの再現きぼん
( ̄ー ̄)(ー_ー)( ̄ー ̄)(ー_−)ういうい♪ 流石ですw まぁ〜普通に25話のしずるとの和解(?)もカナリ好きだなw
>>916 掘り出すが、こんなシズルにみんなホレるんだよな・・・・・。
美人は近寄りがたいっていうけど、ナツキは思いっきり抜けてるから、 みんな安心して近寄ってきて、世話を焼いてくれるんだよな ある意味悪女かw
まぁ〜あの悪女なら何されても拒否できない・・・否・・・・・しないんだよねw この板に来てる人には常識かな・・・・w
おっ・・・気に食わなければスマン とのことで、「w」を使わず話すかな・・・・・。
また荒れてたようだな。 それだけの情熱をネタ提供に使えば、多少行き過ぎでも文句は言われんぞ。
I can do anything
to save this life
Take me instead Ah, God give me death
The deepest trust, I won’t leave you
They call me crazy - but it won’t matter
And death won’t change me - not ever
Jesus Christ, I believe you
The deepest trust, I won’t leave you
But my child is fading, an innocent
I hear no answer, I’m calling
My voice is reaching the sky
I’d do anything to save this life
Take me instead
Take me instead Ah, God give me death
Made in heaven, I’m your creation
Are you worried, baby? Won’t you hear the word? I will guide you forward Come here
I want your blood, give it to me I taste your cells, instinctively
Come, drink my blood, lose all reason Out of control, instinctively
Light the fire of desire
He awaits sweet depravity, ha ha
Oh, my brother, I understand well
Put your trust in me, baby. I’m not telling lies Let me show you a secret. Come here
The smell of sweat, now the stage is set Unchain your closed minds Slaves of desire, throats are running dry Hear the beating of our hearts I want your blood, give it to me I taste your cells, instinctively Come, drink my blood, lose all reason Out of control, instinctively Light the fire of desire He awaits our disgrace Get heavy, make merry Not scary, sweet depravity, ha ha!
Ah, the sun is born of night, it sets again Though no one’s here to see - it’s endless Sad, but everybody knows A trip to heaven’s not really on the cards, no Yet my “moment” has come A crying shame, for now my life is over
So perfect, this moment So perfect, this moment I’m happy to die in this moment Ah, the sun is born of night, it sets again Though no one’s here to see, it’s endless
I’m happy to die in this moment
So perfect, this moment So perfect, this moment I’m happy to die in this moment I’ve been to Heaven Heaven on Earth Ah, the sun is born of night Ah, the sun is born of night It’s endless
I’ve been to Heaven Heaven on Earth
Jesus Christ, I believe you !!!!!
そう我は人間と 呼ばれる最悪の悪さ あらゆる生命の支配 天敵は同種族 争いに刻まれた歴史から 決して教訓は得られない 身体が飽き足りない
判決被告の罪は原罪より重い 恐れる事無かれ執行人が不在 その飽くなき破壊は常軌を逸っし 自虐を極めて尚 身体が飽き足りない
Jesus Christ give me death
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1001 :
1001 :
Over 1000 Thread このスレッドは1000を超えました。 もう書けないので、新しいスレッドを立ててくださいです。。。