Now it sucks, but we can make a famous one can't we? And ...>>15 don't speak that kinds of fucking language man, if you do again, every body in this group will kill u. And if you think my English isn't good enough, just tell me man, where is the wrong? Piss off >>15!
>>17 You should piss off man!!At 16,where is the wrong? Just tell me! If you couldn't find fucking mistakes, you would get out here OK?
19 :a man who are not whom ◆SUREALaEtM :04/01/18 12:02
>>1 I could not allow a man like you who builds a thread, although I am not residents, either. If you haunt other places variously, you always write in, and you do not return an answer to the all. After all, although you may be Mr. Smith who feels lonely, since you are troublesome to ami-ayu board, please stop such things from now on.
20 :a man who are not whom ◆SUREALaEtM :04/01/18 12:08
>>18 don't→doesn't where is the wrong→what is the wrong
About a stock phrase and usage. When it understands, this baby that also sucks a mother's breast!
HAHA!! I just said you are an idiot!! >>15 was your writing man. HAHA! >>15 was all Jap language. Can you distinguish between fucking Japanese and English?
>>26 In 2chs, if it is written as >>15, not idiom but human being will be pointed out. Even if it interprets by idiom generally, it will treat as 3 single unit.
まあ、where it is wrongと書いている時点でこいつが日本人丸出しで ネイティヴでないことは明らかなわけですが。
>>26 In 2chs, if it is written as >>15, not idiom but human being will be pointed out. Even if it interprets by idiom generally, it will treat as 3 single unit.
Don't speak yoursellf man! Finnaly did you become a real idiot??
>>29 I think 誰でもない人 ◆SUREALaEtM ran away from me. Such a fucking chicken he was. I disapponinted he was afraid and went back to his mam, and I laughed because he was very desperate.
>Amerian gang ・・・アメリアン? >your SURE is already died ・・・sure→thred? died→dead? >HaHa I know you were afraid me!! ・・・afraid of me? >4 year ・・・yeah?? >youare already die! ・・・you are dead? >Finnaly ・・・finally?
>>43 Your suck! Could you write English letters? I think the people who is writing Japanese suck because they can say to me your English is not good but they even could not write English.
>>51 Therefore, it is if there is no how to talk since English and Japanese which it was amusing and was translated are unreasonable. If it starts Could you- coming out -- "- carrying out -- it is ?" can I English be written?" is not possible unless the sun rises in west elapse, and that there are many such errors also comes out and points out trouble that it is stinking If it becomes, you must tell me Ayumi Hamasaki.
ありがたい訳 だから、英語もおかしいし、訳した日本語もムチャクチャだから話しようがないと。
Could you〜?で始まったら、「〜していただけませんか?」だろ??? 「おまえ英語が書けるか」なんて品のないは太陽が西から昇らないかぎり、有り得ない。