>>16 Jim-san. Not yet been discussion by residents of akb board.
Most of the residents don't know this discussion. Don't increase the board until the result of the discussions that have been held out at fair procedures.
>>16 Hello Mr.jim. This argument isn't performed by a proper way. If this is performed, The one which will obey rules from now on disappears. And big confusion would be caused.
>>28 Will be no confusion. People who want to emigrate, to emigrate. People who do not want to emigrate, will remain. Migration is not mandatory. Can be selected.
>>29 But there is an opinion out of which specific people are driven now. And those opinions aren't announced to all the members officially. All these are hidden, and are argued. It isn't fair at all.
Hello Mr.Jim! I am Zeiniku-master,and am administrater of Main thread of Nogizaka46. However,noone obey my suggestion to be beatiful and peacceful thread. Therefor,I wish you certification me as administrater of Main thread of Nogizaka46. Those threads are dirty and not comfortable now because many crazy guys like "私の名は希望 ◆4s9TKmwnAc " so another users wants him to go outside of therad. I work hard to make thread comfortable,but noone obeys me.Then I want to work to make comfortable thread as administrater of that.
>>31 is wrong so please read this message.I'm sorry.
Hello Mr.Jim! I am Zeiniku-master,and am administrater of Main thread of Nogizaka46. However,noone obey my suggestion to be beatiful and peacceful thread. Therefor,I wish you certification me as administrater of Main thread of Nogizaka46. Those threads are dirty and not comfortable now because many crazy guys like "私の名は希望 ◆4s9TKmwnAc " flame those so another users wants him to go outside of therad. I work hard to make thread comfortable,but noone obeys me.Then I want to work to make comfortable thread as administrater of that.
>>40 Many people don't know this argument. It isn't fair at all. Small number of man is just recommending selfishly. It should be announced to more people.
akb underground idol board In a day, it is in the state to die is 300 thread. http://stat.dev48.com/status.php/akb/20150206/ Thread is overcrowded. Many useful thread will die. It is very serious problem. Board is required.
Good evening Jim-san. My suggestion, how about you?
Is created the board to try. One week, is operated the board. After one week, if board was unnecessary, please delete the board. This all people are convinced.
>>40 Dear Mr. Jim. We, a part of freaks of Nogizaka46 in this board, have eagerly wanted to make a new bread board, only for our group. Because our group is essensially different from AKB48 and its sister groups, as their rival group. So, the topics which we discuss are basically different from the ones about AKB48. And we have wanted to make some threads for talking about verious kinds of topics which concerns Nogizaka46 only. However, there are too many threads on this board, and current board setting is too tight to keep some rather minor topics. So, we want a new board to discuss major and minor topics of Nogizaka46, if possible.
But, we also know that some fans of Nogizaka46 don't want a new board only for our group. Because it will be inconvenient for them. So, this proposal may be still under discussion.
I am a big fan of Idol groups. There are many idol groups, and if there is a need we will make more boards for the more popular ones. There is a good reason to make the uraidol board for the smaller idol groups. Some will become very popular. Also individual girls, would have a place to have a thread that does not disappear in 3 hours.
>>78 I'm sure with you are good dad! they are promising children as your kids. I understand you are very busy, but it is greatly appreciated if you could slove our problem.
>>65 Thank you for your understanding. We're now discussing whether we should request a new board or not in the thread below. Please wait till we come to the conclusion. Regards,
>>91 こいつが黄金焼き 地下を引っ掻き回してる自分勝手な奴 Mr.Jim This is Ougonyaki whom you deprived of his cap. He's been cousing troubes many times in this board. Don't hear him.
If someone wants to place a new agenda like a new board, it should be that he himself wants to move to a new board. However, most of discussions here are he wants to stay here ("akb board"), and wants to exclude others who have different opinions from his. It's not an effective suggestion, and anyone won't move to a new board.
>>116 It should be permitted that we debate some extent in this thread, but we should do those debates in ENGLISH so that jim-san can follow the opinions in the dicussion.
This is a poor translation, but I agree with you. Some difficult discussion should be held in other threads in japanese.
>>115 that's true. But we cannot distingwish whether he wants to move to a new board or just wants to kick out spesific people. should we just speculate it? that will be nonsence.
I guess that most of the resident in this board cannot use and understand English. That could be a problem.. But if they want Jim san to hear their opinion, they could ask us to translate from Japanese to English. Otherwise, any discussions will be rabbish!
>>119 it's simple. we will be able to separate almost 100 threads from this board. this decrease the number of threads which appearlently saturats. i think it nice opportunity, CAUSE ngt48 threads will start to be made, and more and more nogizaka46 threads will be increase as the growp has overwelming power.
>>122 as jim san pointed above, there are too many threads in this board. and some times, espesially big event of AKBgroups, many threads are effected and dissapears. this is far from ideal state. it's the simplest solution to make a new board and immigrate. but this is valid only when almost nogizaka fans are positive to this proposal.
If the board threads need to split to another new boards, it also requires we understand it's reasonable to submit new threads to the new board. One idea is any AKB48 Group member personal threads should stay here ("akb board"), and any other topics (news, discussion) should be submitted to the new board.
There are many threads, but there are no problems. It's from quite personal reason to make a board newly. Because this argument is hidden from many people, and is performed.
Good morning. Jim-san. 48 group members, there are 800 girls. 800 girls, there are fans in each. China, Indonesia, also has a group. akb board is over capacity. It must be segregated. If you create a board, it can be solved.
Hi Jim-san Peopl say the reason fan threads sometimes drops because of 700 threads is not enough. But I don't think so. The reason is more than half threads are just shit, and several guys are making more than 20 threads per day. Just making TATESUGI strictly will be OK.
>>137 I agree with you, there are too many shity threads such as "乃木坂生田" hentai series. I really hate it.
> Hi Jim-san > Peopl say the reason fan threads sometimes drops because of 700 threads is not enough. But I don't think so. The reason is more than half threads are just shit, and several guys are making more than 20 threads per day. > Just making TATESUGI strictly will be OK.
>>138 Thank you (I'm afraid people think you are me lol). Regarding 乃木坂生田 threads, those are typical disagreeable and deletor seems to working hard. But the troll can make those kind of thread as much as he has time, that is cat and mouse fight. Also there are several guys, such as 美桜きち and ごま聖人, making too much stupid thread again and again, but those guys are easy to be specified because using fixed handle names. Furthermore, there should be some other guys making too much garbage thread whom we can't specify.
Making TATESUGI setting to strictly is the only and easy solution, I believe. Supposing even we can have more boards or thread capacity, just needless number of threads will be increased unless regulating TATESUGI config.