154 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2013/02/04(月) 12:31:19.08 ID:qgRNBOAw0
Suth an interesting issue to me.
I knew this kind of activities on the issue of Kai Tak redevelopment.
The annual passengers in Kansai is 30 million, a half of Hong Kong, but Kansai has three airports.
Kansai Int’l airport is similar to HKIA, actually it is the model of HKIA, Munich, or Incheon.
The former Int’l airport is close to the city but the space is a third of HKIA.
Airports should be concentrated not to split the flights or transit passengers.
Only the biggest cities like London can maintain the multi airport system.
Just imagine Kai Tak airport was existing now, the access to this airport would be inconvenient and transit passengers would be gone.
Hong Kong made the right decision, Munich did too, and Berlin will close two airports and the new airport will be open this year.
http://www.hongkongairport.com/eng/future/index.html やはり、関西の複数空港分散は、世界の中では非常識であるようだ。
773 :伊丹厨:2013/02/05(火) 20:37:43.07
>>772 マルチ乙です。株価1円の関空厨さんww