私は凡庸な人間です。 Do not be so modest そう謙遜なされるな A rotten skeleton in a graveyard (袁術は)墓場の朽ちかけた骸骨のごときもの I shall put him out of the way shortly 近々征伐する所存だ The highest offices of state have been held in his family for four generations, and his clients are many in the empire. (袁紹の)一族は四代にわたり三公を出しており、支持する有力者も国中に多くございます。 A bully but coward 豪傑には違いないが臆病だ He is fond of grandiose scheme, but is devoid of decision. 大掛かりな計略を好むが何せ優柔不断だ。 He loses sight of everything else in view of a little present advantage 目先の利益にとらわれると他の事に目がいかなくなってしまう He is renowned as a man of perfection (劉表は)高潔の士として世間に定評があります He is a mere semblance, a man of vain reputation 単なるもどきの類に過ぎぬ、虚名の士だ He has profited by the reputation of his father Sun Jian (孫策)は孫堅という父の威光で成り上がったに過ぎぬ Now heroes are the ones who cherish lofty designs in their bosoms and have plans to achieve them. 当世の英雄というのは胸に大きな構想を描き、これを実現する策謀をを天下に示さんとしている人物でなければならぬ The only heroes in the world are you and I. この世で真の英雄は君と余だ What a shock! And it was quite close