■ 新しいサーバで read.cgi が正しく動かない問題。

64BG ★
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/css text/xml application/x-javascript
DeflateBufferSize 8096
DeflateMemLevel 6
DeflateWindowSize 15


実験台は、etc サーバ !!
65BG ★:03/03/29 17:29 ID:???
現在の etc サーバの .htaccess です。

Options ExecCGI Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes

AddDefaultCharset Off

AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/css text/xml application/x-javascript
DeflateBufferSize 8096
DeflateMemLevel 6
DeflateWindowSize 15
66心得をよく読みましょう:03/03/29 17:30 ID:doI9sZgS
Configuration Error
The server encountered an error while processing your request.
Please contact the administrator of the referring document and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.


The CGI environment at the time of this error was


Administrators should refer to
User CGI Script Demo
User CGI Script Verification
67BG ★:03/03/29 17:30 ID:???


も configration error になっちゃった。
68BG ★:03/03/29 17:31 ID:???