★     ヒロポン【PP】ヘロイン     ★



2:2005/06/30(木) 07:55:09 ID:/K1x83g4
3名無しさん:2005/06/30(木) 08:12:35 ID:MBnJpJ7M
4名無しさん:2005/06/30(木) 08:14:28 ID:MBnJpJ7M
5はあ〜い時報:2005/06/30(木) 11:02:33 ID:NPczJ5IM

6BangCock:2005/06/30(木) 11:42:05 ID:ktVwPEix

吸引後、吐きます。「あー、折角いっぱい食べたのに」と思っても 吐きます。
我慢しても 吐きます。

でもね、吐くのがまた 気 持 ち イ イ !
7ハバハバ:2005/07/01(金) 09:44:08 ID:KtYQDFSp


8隣の兄さん:2005/07/01(金) 10:40:44 ID:JqZeN63j


9質問君:2005/07/02(土) 18:51:57 ID:W7OEdMgN

10サドウホセ:2005/07/02(土) 20:30:47 ID:G0VbhsPO

1111GET:2005/07/02(土) 21:01:15 ID:Ru67Zsp+
12質問君:2005/07/03(日) 00:44:54 ID:qjYZ7Pmo



13隣の兄さん:2005/07/03(日) 17:46:35 ID:3mAfehIf



14.....:2005/07/08(金) 09:59:07 ID:4sbhm1f6
どうなっちゃうの 突然怒り出したり
15隣の兄さん:2005/07/08(金) 10:40:50 ID:PR6+J+6i

16.....:2005/07/08(金) 13:27:18 ID:4sbhm1f6
「殺してやるー やっつけてやる。
安いからね、PPに永くいると、ヤーバーで 日本に帰国できなくなっるのでは?
17.....:2005/07/08(金) 13:33:57 ID:4sbhm1f6
ヤーバーもっていたら つかまっちゃうよね。
18隣の兄さん:2005/07/08(金) 18:09:17 ID:PR6+J+6i
メチルアミノプロパンが元になってますな、 イスラム国やインドなどのように


19......:2005/07/08(金) 18:23:40 ID:4sbhm1f6
ポン中に完全になって しまうと、PP脱出は難しいと嘆いていた人がいますが
20取り締まりちゃん:2005/07/08(金) 19:17:22 ID:pIhu+bC8
日本はポン中を追い詰めます こわいぞ
93も最近知ってる人大杉 みつかるよ
ヘロは働けないから やめなさい
21......:2005/07/08(金) 21:45:37 ID:4sbhm1f6
PPで、ながーくいて、夜も昼も眼がうつろな人 あの人たち
22ちょっと・・・:2005/07/09(土) 00:31:21 ID:RqseiQ8Q
>>18 何年前の話してるんでつか? ヤーバーなんて今時やってる奴おらんぞ。
23隣の兄さん:2005/07/09(土) 01:12:09 ID:7OCjypL4

アランに行ってみな、DRUG TRAFFICKERのメインはヤーマーって分かるから。

24.....:2005/07/09(土) 17:45:44 ID:zMePLlZc
カンボジア側が甘くても、タイ、ベトナム側が 厳しいから
陸路このところ 行きたくなくて、すんなり空路
25違法人さん:2005/07/11(月) 14:45:11 ID:72zczpm0
それってやばい 仕事なんだろ。
26隣の兄さん:2005/07/11(月) 15:46:30 ID:sWR81roy



27Dr. Asid:2005/07/11(月) 17:11:38 ID:wcm0PptC

28 :2005/07/18(月) 00:38:18 ID:P0phozcU
29上げマン:2005/10/04(火) 18:39:49 ID:p+JfKF1W
30風船屋:2005/11/24(木) 22:09:30 ID:bsikmWGm
みんなあせっているね あらん通せんぼだぞ。
31独眼流:2006/01/10(火) 17:59:33 ID:dVo0PlpS
32お巡りさん:2006/04/05(水) 03:05:39 ID:2yQ/Y4uw
33 :2006/06/28(水) 09:53:26 ID:dzRtVLGX
34タクマに聞けゴラー!:2006/06/28(水) 20:30:41 ID:WoNdM4cO

ゴラー! スリン経由で行け 逮捕になれ。
35巨乳でパイズリしながらヘロインをキメて,息抜きにコカインを!:2006/08/29(火) 06:34:50 ID:dXrU1piC

(ノ゜д゜) 「あの・・・ヘロインありますか?」

(^ .^)y-~~~ 「なんやそれ?猫の目錠しかないで!」


(^ .^)y-~~~ 「そうや。日本人やったらそれでキメるのが一番や!悪いこと言わん。ヘロは止めとき。


(^ .^)y-~~~ 「あほやの〜。七面鳥になりたいんやな・・・・ヘロで射精はキメられんぞ」
36愛知トヨタ警察:2006/09/21(木) 13:05:18 ID:PyCXOmwk
37柿生区毛湖:2006/09/21(木) 13:35:11 ID:Vgzv5J6U

38BCG:2006/11/24(金) 17:03:08 ID:VhfcHqSh
罰 くってきまると
39じゃん:2006/11/25(土) 18:38:41 ID:+octK7SS
40たけ:2006/11/29(水) 18:44:47 ID:QoWYdTdN
41_:2007/01/24(水) 00:16:13 ID:4wTY+dfp
42そはとし:2007/01/25(木) 18:58:58 ID:cCqV875R
43_:2007/01/26(金) 23:55:06 ID:xvSzqaPO
フィリピンでエスって大丈夫なんか? ケミなら死刑になる国っしょ?
44d'3d'3:2007/01/27(土) 15:42:43 ID:UtY3CjYE
45風船って:2007/01/27(土) 16:02:59 ID:EQreKUQA
46誰か:2007/01/28(日) 20:56:27 ID:IOqP4WTg
47ひろぽ:2007/02/05(月) 15:10:50 ID:VJZAuFd4
48ひろぽ:2007/02/05(月) 15:12:18 ID:VJZAuFd4
49No4:2007/02/11(日) 00:35:07 ID:kbeaRk4o
G−25kだぞ、ほんまわ 3kなんやけどな メタドンの方が高いわ

偉いえらい 20年やって6年止めてる、ヘロインにはまると乞食になるつら 気おつけろ
新開地におるアジア人  H 45kで出しよるがネタが悪いと喜多
S はどこにでもあるから困らんやろ PP行く必要なし G 6kが
ここいらの相場  ネットや  西成は高すぎ バカになる覚悟で   トライせいよ

ハイボールを メインランするのは  血が覚えとる  うううっ
歯磨きももてんよーになんぞな 気をつけよ
50_:2007/02/11(日) 12:19:23 ID:N1QwaRlq
>G 6kが ここいらの相場

51_:2007/02/25(日) 20:01:41 ID:VFk+ISOR
52_:2007/03/12(月) 19:47:32 ID:4CJz6Ie3
53きゃぴ:2007/03/13(火) 20:39:56 ID:YsTdleYc
54bb:2007/04/25(水) 02:33:33 ID:/F6YF6Yf
55_:2007/04/30(月) 19:58:36 ID:9zr6XEBd
56ねえ:2007/04/30(月) 22:27:34 ID:PvgHUNEq
57bihonf:2007/05/12(土) 21:14:17 ID:vd65DiZ5
メ クリニック タダでいけるらしい、Sは、かなりええみたい。
584:2007/05/12(土) 21:19:58 ID:vd65DiZ5
50banan 買う単位が違うんよ。せやから 6kでいけるわけ。
今は 8kに値上がりしたけどな、
59連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します:2007/05/29(火) 00:33:48 ID:/j048Eam
連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

Haku  Haku  白政則     Haku  Haku  白政則     Haku  Haku  白政則

60連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します:2007/05/29(火) 03:30:21 ID:/j048Eam
連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

Haku  Haku  白政則     Haku  Haku  白政則     Haku  Haku  白政則

61aaa:2007/06/05(火) 10:04:30 ID:V7scx94P
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such !! a trouble.
I am treated in the ESP person.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such !! a trouble.
I am treated in the ESP person.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such !! a trouble.
I am treated in the ESP person.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
62aaa:2007/06/05(火) 11:41:45 ID:V7scx94P
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I am treated in the ESP person.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I am treated in the ESP person.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I am treated in the ESP person.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
63BangCock:2007/06/05(火) 12:00:23 ID:KibnlaOz
どうです、気持ち悪かったでしょう? でも
ヘロインで吐くのは とても気持ちいいんです。
もどすのが まるで射精しているみたいに気持ちいいんです。
(ヘロインでは 初心者は胃が受け付けないので
半日を たった2時間の感覚で過ごすのって 気持ちいいんですよ。
64aaa:2007/06/05(火) 13:38:44 ID:bApZu+Cz
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
65ニードルスナッフ:2007/06/05(火) 14:26:51 ID:4H2lsfuQ




66aaa:2007/06/05(火) 16:45:23 ID:bApZu+Cz
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
67aaa:2007/06/06(水) 10:49:29 ID:4fbtlqdn
It is the final warning trouble.
It is by no means such !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is by no means such !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is by no means such !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is by no means such !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
68カオサン安宿:2007/06/06(水) 10:57:58 ID:a6qpl+Mc
パンラムゲストハウスからパソコン持ってくる ロン毛(ドレッドヘアー)のお前 うぜーんだよ。
69aaa:2007/06/06(水) 13:46:33 ID:KAFYofqr
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
70The god besides Allah is none :2007/06/07(木) 10:25:05 ID:XO4Zk6Ct
The final warning. It is a trouble.
Not really!! Oh,no!! No way!! I don't believe it!! No! that can't be true!! It is a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
The final warning. It is a trouble.
Not really!! Oh,no!! No way!! I don't believe it!! No! that can't be true!! It is a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
The final warning. It is a trouble.
Not really!! Oh,no!! No way!! I don't believe it!! No! that can't be true!! It is a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
The final warning. It is a trouble.
Not really!! Oh,no!! No way!! I don't believe it!! No! that can't be true!! It is a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
71The god besides Allah is none :2007/06/07(木) 11:06:19 ID:XO4Zk6Ct
The final warning. It is a trouble.
Not really!! Oh,no!! No way!! I don't believe it!! No! that can't be true!! It is a trouble.
I am terribly embarrassed because it is thought that it is an ESP person.
All are space alien's acts.
The final warning. It is a trouble.
Not really!! Oh,no!! No way!! I don't believe it!! No! that can't be true!! It is a trouble.
I am terribly embarrassed because it is thought that it is an ESP person.
All are space alien's acts.
The final warning. It is a trouble.
Not really!! Oh,no!! No way!! I don't believe it!! No! that can't be true!! It is a trouble.
I am terribly embarrassed because it is thought that it is an ESP person.
All are space alien's acts.
The final warning. It is a trouble.
Not really!! Oh,no!! No way!! I don't believe it!! No! that can't be true!! It is a trouble.
I am terribly embarrassed because it is thought that it is an ESP person.
All are space alien's acts.
72The god besides Allah is none :2007/06/07(木) 12:26:25 ID:XO4Zk6Ct
The final warning. It is a trouble.
Not really!! Oh,no!! No way!! I don't believe it!! No! that can't be true!! It is a trouble.
I am terribly embarrassed because it is thought that it is an ESP person.
All are space alien's acts.
The final warning. It is a trouble.
Not really!! Oh,no!! No way!! I don't believe it!! No! that can't be true!! It is a trouble.
I am terribly embarrassed because it is thought that it is an ESP person.
All are space alien's acts.
The final warning. It is a trouble.
Not really!! Oh,no!! No way!! I don't believe it!! No! that can't be true!! It is a trouble.
I am terribly embarrassed because it is thought that it is an ESP person.
All are space alien's acts.
The final warning. It is a trouble.
Not really!! Oh,no!! No way!! I don't believe it!! No! that can't be true!! It is a trouble.
I am terribly embarrassed because it is thought that it is an ESP person.
All are space alien's acts.
73The god besides Allah is none :2007/06/07(木) 13:13:14 ID:XO4Zk6Ct
The final warning. It is a trouble.
Not really!! Oh,no!! No way!! I don't believe it!! No! That can't be true!! It is terribly troubled.
I am terribly embarrassed because it is thought that it is an ESP person.
All are space alien's acts.
The final warning. It is a trouble.
Not really!! Oh,no!! No way!! I don't believe it!! No! That can't be true!! It is terribly troubled.
I am terribly embarrassed because it is thought that it is an ESP person.
All are space alien's acts.
The final warning. It is a trouble.
Not really!! Oh,no!! No way!! I don't believe it!! No! That can't be true!! It is terribly troubled.
I am terribly embarrassed because it is thought that it is an ESP person.
All are space alien's acts.
The final warning. It is a trouble.
Not really!! Oh,no!! No way!! I don't believe it!! No! That can't be true!! It is terribly troubled.
I am terribly embarrassed because it is thought that it is an ESP person.
All are space alien's acts.
74aaa:2007/06/08(金) 12:05:04 ID:k+Xic4cd
The final warning. It's a trouble.     The final warning. It's a trouble.
The final warning. It's a trouble.     The final warning. It's a trouble.
The final warning. It's a trouble.     The final warning. It's a trouble.
The final warning. It's a trouble.     The final warning. It's a trouble.
It can't be!! It can't be true!! It can't be!! It's a trouble.
It can't be!! It can't be true!! It can't be!! It's a trouble.
miscalculation It's a trouble.     miscalculation It's a trouble.
miscalculation It's a trouble.     miscalculation It's a trouble.
All are space alien's acts.     All are space alien's acts.
All are space alien's acts.     All are space alien's acts.
All are space alien's acts.     All are space alien's acts.
All are space alien's acts.     All are space alien's acts.
I'm not ESP & psychic.     I'm not ESP & psychic.
I'm not ESP & psychic.     I'm not ESP & psychic.
I'm not ESP & psychic.     I'm not ESP & psychic.
I'm not ESP & psychic.     I'm not ESP & psychic.
75k:2007/06/08(金) 13:57:21 ID:k+Xic4cd
I'm not ESP & psychic.     I'm not ESP & psychic.
I'm not ESP & psychic.     I'm not ESP & psychic.
I'm not ESP & psychic.     I'm not ESP & psychic.
I'm not ESP & psychic.     I'm not ESP & psychic.
It can't be!! It can't be true!! It can't be!! It's a trouble.
It can't be!! It can't be true!! It can't be!! It's a trouble.
miscalculation It's a trouble.     miscalculation It's a trouble.
miscalculation It's a trouble.     miscalculation It's a trouble.
The final warning. It's a trouble.     The final warning. It's a trouble.
The final warning. It's a trouble.     The final warning. It's a trouble.
The final warning. It's a trouble.     The final warning. It's a trouble.
The final warning. It's a trouble.     The final warning. It's a trouble.
All are space alien's acts.     All are space alien's acts.
All are space alien's acts.     All are space alien's acts.
All are space alien's acts.     All are space alien's acts.
All are space alien's acts.     All are space alien's acts.
76nn:2007/06/26(火) 00:21:19 ID:brStmdB5
final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble   translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble   translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble   translate translate
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
77ミスター阿片:2007/06/26(火) 01:47:34 ID:brStmdB5
final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
miscalculation it's trouble   miscalculation it's trouble   translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble   miscalculation it's trouble   translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble   miscalculation it's trouble   translate translate
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
78私の父親は北朝鮮人です:2007/06/26(火) 23:43:18 ID:brStmdB5
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
79阿片、私の父親は北朝鮮人です:2007/06/27(水) 02:26:39 ID:l4PakQti
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
80阿片、私の父親は北朝鮮人です:2007/06/27(水) 23:38:38 ID:l4PakQti
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
81大土白土、私の父親は北朝鮮人です:2007/06/28(木) 02:04:14 ID:9aQf11mp
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
82私の父親は北朝鮮人です:2007/06/30(土) 01:45:57 ID:gqGFF6UQ
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
83私の父親は北朝鮮人です:2007/06/30(土) 04:02:11 ID:gqGFF6UQ
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
84大土白土太白、私の父親は北朝鮮人です:2007/07/02(月) 00:21:53 ID:n0ag6H9z
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
日本が長州藩でアメリカが薩摩藩    日本が長州藩でアメリカが薩摩藩
85大土白土太白、私の父親は北朝鮮人です:2007/07/02(月) 02:05:49 ID:n0ag6H9z
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
日本が長州藩でアメリカが薩摩藩    日本が長州藩でアメリカが薩摩藩
86私の父親は北朝鮮人です:2007/07/04(水) 01:19:01 ID:7QA1cD0h
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
懲役5年は永くてくるしいよ  懲役5年は永くてくるしいよ  経験者にきいてみな
87私の父親は北朝鮮人:2007/07/04(水) 03:03:34 ID:7QA1cD0h
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
懲役5年は永くてくるしいよ  懲役5年は永くてくるしいよ  経験者にきいてみな
88my father north korea:2007/07/05(木) 01:55:03 ID:PQbKYlSz
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
penal servitude 5 year is long painful   penal servitude 5 year is long painful
89my father north korea:2007/07/05(木) 04:42:33 ID:PQbKYlSz
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
penal servitude 5 year is long painful   penal servitude 5 year is long painful
90大土 白土:2007/08/05(日) 10:59:32 ID:+cbnOJ7r
Final warning trouble      Final warning trouble      Final warning trouble
Final warning trouble      Final warning trouble      Final warning trouble
Final warning trouble      Final warning trouble      Final warning trouble
Final warning trouble      Final warning trouble      Final warning trouble
not esp psychic     not esp psychic     not esp psychic     not esp psychic
miscalculation trouble    miscalculation trouble    translate    miscalculation translate
miscalculation trouble    miscalculation trouble    translate    miscalculation translate
all act alien     all act alien     all act alien     all act alien
not esp psychic     all act alien     not esp psychic     all act alien
father north     father north     father north     father north
all act alien     not esp psychic     not esp psychic     father north
father north    hard prison 5 is long painful    hard prison 5 is long painful
miscalculation trouble translate    miscalculation translate   hard prison 5 is long painful
not esp psychic   miscalculation trouble   all act alien   hard prison 5 is long painful
大土、白土   大土、白土   大土、白土
91大土 白土:2007/08/05(日) 11:14:01 ID:+cbnOJ7r
Final warning trouble      Final warning trouble      Final warning trouble
Final warning trouble      Final warning trouble      Final warning trouble
Final warning trouble      Final warning trouble      Final warning trouble
Final warning trouble      Final warning trouble      Final warning trouble
not esp psychic     not esp psychic     not esp psychic     not esp psychic
miscalculation trouble    miscalculation trouble    translate    miscalculation translate
miscalculation trouble    miscalculation trouble    translate    miscalculation translate
all act alien     all act alien     all act alien     all act alien
not esp psychic     all act alien     not esp psychic     all act alien
father north     father north     father north     father north
all act alien     not esp psychic     not esp psychic     father north
father north    hard prison 5 is long painful    hard prison 5 is long painful
miscalculation trouble translate    miscalculation translate   hard prison 5 is long painful
not esp psychic   miscalculation trouble   all act alien   hard prison 5 is long painful
92:2007/08/05(日) 22:49:16 ID:qVDfzmP9
93wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww:2007/10/10(水) 07:19:14 ID:jOqp1vIe
94:2007/11/17(土) 22:29:12 ID:GFke9Bo1

95:2007/12/12(水) 20:28:48 ID:N38aqrP9
96men:2007/12/15(土) 08:35:50 ID:xprSQMGT
97昔の若い衆:2008/01/15(火) 05:16:33 ID:FpnmHEwB

98サーマート:2008/01/15(火) 06:13:55 ID:QOMKIJ1q
99名無しさん:2008/07/02(水) 21:33:45 ID:BZs/pZ/d
100麻薬撲滅!:2008/07/14(月) 12:14:47 ID:Z+N6NonE
101活きてた:2008/07/14(月) 23:06:40 ID:MK/fKX3r

102天地、*Δ*:2009/03/25(水) 20:25:28 ID:Yqs8Ezvq


 連絡  下さい。

103 ◆2O11npXLIA :2009/04/02(木) 06:43:31 ID:8PMCXiiK
104ぽっぽ:2009/08/09(日) 07:36:09 ID:z8nWQHms